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25.3.2011 sa konal v súvislosti s ČSOB Marathonom beh čašníkov. V Bratislave, pred Euroveou. Bolo to výrazne viac o zábave ako o športe a bolo to na môj vkus trochu bez šťavy. Predovšetkým účastníkov bolo málo a ich prístup bol zväčša čisto amatérsky. Výzvy moderátora podujatia do okolitých reštaurácií na účasť a verbovanie medzi divákmi tesne pred štartom podujatia boli pre mňa silná káva. Prístup “oficiálnych” fotografov, ktorí sa cpali, aby nafotili asi nejaké unikátne fotografie sú tiež mimo môjho vkusu, navyše ich bolo ako hadov. Navyše viacnásobné pokrikovanie Slava Jurka ako moderátora na súťažiaceho, že mu padajú gate mi prišlo úbohé. Ktovie, pre niekoho je to asi veľká prča.
Pre účastníkov bola pripravená prekážková trať, s tým, že sa súťažilo v pároch. Pripravil sa miešaný nápoj a s ním bolo treba prejsť prekážky a potom nájsť niekoho ďalšieho, aby pripravený nápoj vypil. Vypitie bol trochu chuťový problém, pretože veľká snaha a tlak zapríčinil, že nápoje boli trochu príkre :-). Každopádne niečo som nafotil a som s tým celkom spokojný.
On the 25th of March 2011, a waiter race took place in connection with the ČSOB Marathon. It happened in Bratislava, in front of Eurovea. It was much more about entertainment than sports, and, for my taste, it lacked a bit of excitement. Above all, there were few participants, and their approach was mostly purely amateurish. The challenges from the event’s host to nearby restaurants for participation and recruiting among the audience just before the start of the event were a bit too much for me. The approach of the “official” photographers, who were pushing to take some unique photos, was also not to my liking, especially since there were so many of them. Furthermore, the repeated shouting of Slava Jurka, the host, at the contestants about their falling pants seemed poor to me. Perhaps, for some, it’s a big laugh.
A challenging obstacle course was prepared for the participants, with the competition taking place in pairs. A mixed drink was prepared, and the task was to navigate the obstacles with the drink and then find someone else to drink the prepared beverage. Drinking posed a bit of a taste problem because the great effort and pressure made the drinks a bit intense :-). Nevertheless, I took some photos, and I’m quite satisfied with them.