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Pla­zy sú chlad­no­krv­né živo­čí­chy, pat­ria­ce bez sta­vov­ce. Ich latin­ské pome­no­va­nie je Repti­lia. Sú mor­fo­lo­gic­ky veľ­mi roz­diel­ne, rov­na­ko aj v sprá­va­ní a eko­ló­gii. Ich teles­ná tep­lo­ta závi­sí od von­kaj­šie­ho pro­stre­dia, pre­to sa vysta­vu­jú sln­ku. Väč­ši­na pla­zov má kožu pokry­tú šupi­na­mi, posky­tu­jú telu ochra­nu a pomá­ha­jú udr­žia­vať vlh­kosť. Pla­zy dýcha­jú pľú­ca­mi, nie­kto­ré dýcha­jú aj kožou – hady. Vysky­tu­jú sa v rôz­nych pro­stre­diach, v lesoch, na lúkach, v púš­ti, vo vode atď. Väč­ši­na kla­die vaj­cia, ale exis­tu­jú aj živo­ro­dé dru­hy. Nie­kto­ré sú mäsož­rav­ce, iné byli­nož­rav­ce, resp. všež­rav­ce. Nie­kto­ré žijú soli­tér­ne, iné tvo­ria sociál­ne sku­pi­ny. Majú dob­re vyvi­nu­té zmys­ly, zrak, sluch, čuch. Napr. hady majú špe­ciál­ne orgá­ny, kto­ré cítia tep­lo. Medzi pla­zy pat­ria hady, jaš­te­ry, koryt­nač­ky, krokodíly.

Repti­les are cold-​blooded ver­teb­ra­tes belo­n­ging to the class Repti­lia. They exhi­bit sig­ni­fi­cant morp­ho­lo­gi­cal diver­si­ty, as well as varia­ti­ons in beha­vi­or and eco­lo­gy. The­ir body tem­pe­ra­tu­re is depen­dent on the exter­nal envi­ron­ment, lea­ding them to bask in the sun for tem­pe­ra­tu­re regu­la­ti­on. Most repti­les have skin cove­red in sca­les, pro­vi­ding pro­tec­ti­on and aiding in mois­tu­re reten­ti­on. Repti­les pri­ma­ri­ly bre­at­he through lungs, whi­le some, such as sna­kes, also res­pi­re through the­ir skin.

They inha­bit vari­ous envi­ron­ments, inc­lu­ding forests, mea­do­ws, deserts, and aqu­atic habi­tats. Repti­les disp­lay diver­se repro­duc­ti­ve stra­te­gies, with many lay­ing eggs, whi­le others give birth to live young. The­ir diets vary, with some being car­ni­vo­rous, others her­bi­vo­rous, and some omni­vo­rous. Social beha­vi­or ran­ges from soli­ta­ry to for­ming social groups. Repti­les possess well-​developed sen­ses such as sight, hea­ring, and smell. Sna­kes, for ins­tan­ce, have spe­cia­li­zed organs for detec­ting heat. Exam­ples of repti­les inc­lu­de sna­kes, lizards, turt­les, and crocodiles.

Zoznam dru­hov (11)

  • Angu­is fra­gi­lis – sle­púch lámavý
  • Eub­lep­ha­ris macu­la­rius – gekon­čík nočný
  • Ger­ro­sau­rus nigrolineatus
  • Chal­ci­des ocellatus
  • Lacer­ta viridis
  • Lam­pro­pel­tis trian­gu­lum canbelli
  • Lam­pro­pel­tis trian­gu­lum sinaloe
  • Pyt­hon molu­rus bivittatus
  • Tes­tu­do hermanni
  • Tra­che­mys scrip­ta ele­gans – koryt­nač­ka písmenková
  • Tri­onyx sinensis

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