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Zoofar­ma Mod­ro­vá /​ Nový Zéland je far­ma exten­zív­ne­ho cho­vu rôz­nych dru­hov exo­tic­kých zvie­rat z celé­ho sve­ta, vlast­ne zo všet­kých do úva­hy pri­chá­dza­jú­cich kon­ti­nen­tov. V lese je maor­ská osa­da. A v prvom rade si náv­štev­ní­ci môžu pozrieť zvie­ra­tá. Je to oje­di­ne­lá agro­tu­ris­tic­ká atrak­cia, kto­rá sto­jí za náv­šte­vu. Nachá­dza sa v Považ­skom Inov­ci, neďa­le­ko od obce Mod­ro­vá sme­rom na Sta­rú Leho­tu. Pri ces­te sa nachá­dza­jú znač­ky ako Nový Zéland, Pozor klo­ka­ny. Geo­gra­fic­ky jed­not­li­vé čas­ti far­my pred­sta­vu­jú Tas­ma­no­vo more, Aus­trá­liu, sever­ný a juž­ný ostrov Nové­ho Zélan­du, Cookov prie­liv. Navy­še zvie­ra­tá repre­zen­tu­jú všet­ky kon­ti­nen­ty sve­ta, v kto­rých sa cho­va­jú hos­po­dár­ske zvie­ra­tá: ovce Rom­ney zastu­pu­jú Nový Zéland, klo­ka­ny Aus­trá­liu, búr­ske capy Afri­ku, lamy Juž­nú Ame­ri­ku, bizó­ny Sever­nú Ame­ri­ku, škót­sky hor­ský doby­tok Euró­pu a ťavy Áziu (zoo​-far​ma​.sk). Maji­teľ far­my, Dr. Miloš Minár, mal v roku 2009 cez leto anga­žo­va­ných Maorov z Nové­ho Zélan­du, kto­rí cez víken­dy mali vystú­pe­nia. Okrem toho zabez­pe­čo­val pred časom pre náv­štev­ní­kov lie­ta­nie na heli­kop­té­re, samoz­rej­me s pilo­tom :-). Časom pri­bu­dol stá­nok, kde sa dá tro­chu občerstviť, napr. aj ovčím syrom. Pod­ľa zoofar​ma​.sk je počas víken­dov ponú­ka­né tra­dič­né maor­ské jed­lo han­gi, kto­ré pozos­tá­va z čer­ve­ných zemia­kov kuma­rou, jah­ňa­cie­ho, prí­pad­ne iné­ho mäsa a zele­ni­ny. Otvo­re­né je cez víken­dy a sviat­ky od 10-​ej do 18-​ej, vstup­né pre dospe­lé­ho je 3.5 €. Iné ter­mí­ny sa dajú dohod­núť (zoo​-far​ma​.sk). Roč­ne nav­ští­vi Zoofar­mu viac ako 40 000 náv­štev­ní­kov (údaj v z roku 2010). Maori pred odcho­dom na Slo­ven­sku mali pod­mien­ku, chce­li aby bol nablíz­ku kato­líc­ky kos­tol. Nábož­né spe­vy počer­ných zagu­ľa­te­ných pro­ti­nož­cov a tem­pe­ra­men­tnej­šie pre­cí­te­nie vie­ry plni­li kos­tol. Odra­zu cho­di­lo aj šty­ri­krát viac ľudí (Bla­žej, Štrauch).

Zoofar­ma Mod­ro­vá /​New Zea­land is a farm spe­cia­li­zing in exten­si­ve bre­e­ding of vari­ous exo­tic ani­mals from around the world, repre­sen­ting all con­ti­nents. In the forest, the­re is a Maori sett­le­ment, and visi­tors can explo­re the ani­mals pri­ma­ri­ly. It is a uni­que agro­tou­rism att­rac­ti­on well worth a visit. Loca­ted in Považ­ský Ino­vec, near the vil­la­ge of Mod­ro­vá towards Sta­rá Leho­tá. Along the road, you­’ll find signs like New Zea­land, Watch out for kan­ga­ro­os. Geog­rap­hi­cal­ly, dif­fe­rent parts of the farm repre­sent the Tas­man Sea, Aus­tra­lia, the North and South Islands of New Zea­land, Cook Strait. Addi­ti­onal­ly, the ani­mals repre­sent all con­ti­nents whe­re farm ani­mals are rai­sed: Rom­ney she­ep repre­sent New Zea­land, kan­ga­ro­os Aus­tra­lia, Boer goats Afri­ca, lla­mas South Ame­ri­ca, bison North Ame­ri­ca, Scot­tish High­land catt­le Euro­pe, and catt­le Asia (zoo​-far​ma​.sk). The farm owner, Dr. Miloš Minár, enga­ged Maori from New Zea­land during the sum­mer of 2009, who had per­for­man­ces on wee­kends. In addi­ti­on, he used to pro­vi­de heli­cop­ter flights for visi­tors, of cour­se, with a pilot :-). Over time, a stall was added whe­re visi­tors can ref­resh them­sel­ves, for exam­ple, with she­ep che­e­se. Accor­ding to zoofar​ma​.sk, tra­di­ti­onal Maori food han­gi is offe­red during wee­kends, con­sis­ting of red pota­to­es, kuma­ra, lamb, or other meat, and vege­tab­les. It is open on wee­kends and holi­da­ys from 10 am to 6 pm, and the entran­ce fee for adults is €3.5. Other dates can be arran­ged (zoo​-far​ma​.sk). Zoofar­ma is visi­ted by over 40,000 visi­tors annu­al­ly (data from 2010). Befo­re lea­ving for Slo­va­kia, the Maori had a con­di­ti­on; they wan­ted a Cat­ho­lic church near­by. Reli­gi­ous songs of dark-​skinned anti­po­de­ans and a more pas­si­ona­te expres­si­on of faith fil­led the church. Sud­den­ly, four times more peop­le atten­ded (Bla­žej, Štrauch).

Zoofar­ma Mod­ro­vá /​Te Whe­nua Kara­re­he o Mod­ro­vá /​Aote­a­roa he whe­nua wha­ka­ru­ru­hau mo ngā momo kara­re­he wha­ka­ra­ru­ru­hau i te ao wha­nui, i run­ga i te wha­ka­a­ro ki ngā whe­nua katoa. Kei roto i te nga­he­re he kāin­ga Māo­ri. Ā, ka wha­ka­ki­te­hia e te manu­hi­ri nga kara­re­he i te mōhi­ohio tuata­hi. He wha­ka­ra­ru­ru­hau whai mana tēnei, he wha­ka­whi­whi whai­hua ki te hae­re. Kei te wha­ka­ra­ru­ru­hau i Považ­ský Ino­vec, kei te tata atu i te taone o Mod­ro­vá ki te ara ki Sta­rú Leho­tu. I te ara, ka kitea he tohu pēnei i a Aote­a­roa, Kati ki a koe, ka kitea he otin­ga. Kei te wha­ka­a­tu ake ngā wāhi o roto o te wha­ka­ra­ru­ru­hau i te Moana o Te Tas­man, Ahi­te­re­i­ria, te Mou­te­re Matua me te Mou­te­re Ton­ga o Aote­a­roa, te Nuku o Cook. Aha­koa ēta­hi atu, ko nga kara­re­he ka wha­ka­ra­ru­ru­hau i nga motu katoa o te ao, e wha­ka­ra­ru­ru­hia ana nga kara­re­he wha­ka­ra­ru­ru­hau: he hipi Rom­ney mo Aote­a­roa, he kākāri­ki mo Ahi­te­re­i­ria, he kape Pora­ka mo Ahi­ri­ka, he rāma mo Ame­ri­ka Ton­ga, he pipi ma Amerika-​ki-​te-​raki, he kara­re­he ma i Āwhe­ri­ka, he Kau­ka­ra­ra­ra­hu no Eora­pa, me ngā kau­ka­ra­ra­hu no Āhia (zoo​-far​ma​.sk). Ko Dr. Miloš Minár te kai­wha­ka­ha­e­re o te wha­ka­ra­ru­ru­hau, i muri i te rau­ma­ti o te tau 2009, ka wha­ka­ma­na­hia a Māo­ri mai i Aote­a­roa, e wha­ka­ma­hia ana i nga rau­ma­ti ki te wha­ka­pu­ta i nga wha­ka­a­tu­ran­ga i nga wha­ka­tūma­ta­ka­ta­ka. Aha­koa tenei, kua wha­ka­ra­ru­hia tenei wha­ka­ti­pu­ran­ga i te wa o mua, ka wha­ka­whi­ti­whi­ti i te kain­ga, a, ko te ka wha­ka­pau kaha, ko te kitea i nga wha­ka­we­hi kaha, kua whi­whi i te waka wha­ka­ra­ru­ru­hau. I run­ga i te wha­ka­a­ro a zoofar​ma​.sk, ka wha­ka­ra­to­hia i te wai­ka­pu i nga rau­ma­ti te kai tino Māo­ri, e wha­ka­pau kaha ana i te kuma­ra whe­ro, te kūma­ra, te kau o Aote­a­roa, te kape Pora­ka, te tīrae rā me te hua wha­ka­tūwhe­ra. He wha­ka­tu­whe­ra i nga rā o te rau­ma­ti me nga rā wha­ka­tūwhe­ra i te wa o te rā, ka utua te utu ki te tan­ga­ta nui, he 3.5 €. Ka wha­ka­ma­hia nga rā e wha­ka­ra­ru­hia ana (zoo​-far​ma​.sk). Kei te wha­ka­ra­ru­ru­hau a Zoofar­mu ki te iwi kaore i te rima tekau mano nga manu­hi­ri ia tau (momo mōhi­ohio i te tau 2010). I mua i te hae­ren­ga ki Aote­a­roa, ko te whi­whi a nga Maori he inoi, he hia­hia ki te whi­whi wha­re kara­kia Kato­ri­ka ki te tata atu. Ko nga waia­ta wha­ka­pau i te wehi a nga ran­ga­ti­ra, me te wha­ka­pau kaha ake i te wha­ka­po­no i wha­ka­kī i te wha­re kara­kia. I te tuata­hi, ka whai wahi ano nga tan­ga­ta (Bla­žej, Štrauch).




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