Hits: 1910

Kon­ská sa nachá­dza tak­mer upro­stred Rajec­kej kot­li­ny, v doli­ne Porub­ské­ho poto­ka (obec​kon​ska​.sk), v nad­mor­skej výš­ke 455 met­rov nad morom. Na plo­che 5.31 km2 tu žije 1 542 oby­va­te­ľov (Wiki­pe­dia). Naj­star­šia písom­ná zmien­ka o obci je z roku 1228 (obec​kon​ska​.sk). Pome­no­va­nie obce pochá­dza od pôvod­né­ho zamest­na­nia svo­jich oby­va­te­ľov (obec​kon​ska​.sk). Po vzni­ku sa vyzna­čo­va­la bohat­stvom pasien­kov, špe­cia­li­zo­va­la sa na chov koní. Koniar­ska tra­dí­cia tu pre­tr­vá­va­la stá­ro­čia. Ešte v 19. sto­ro­čí tu bol žreb­čín Lie­tav­ské­ho hra­du (obec​kon​ska​.sk). Obec bola vo svo­jej his­tó­rii dosíd­ľo­va­ná for­mou šoltýsko-​roľníckej kolo­ni­zá­cie. Kolo­ni­zo­va­li Nemci zo Sliez­ska, osad­ník­mi však boli Slo­vá­ci (obec​kon​ska​.sk). V roku 1598 tu bolo 27 domov, v roku 182840 domoch žilo 725 oby­va­te­ľov. Oby­va­te­lia sa okrem koniar­stvu veno­va­li poľ­no­hos­po­dár­stvu, cho­vu oviec, rybo­lo­vu, vče­lár­stvu, plá­te­níc­tvu. Bola tu výrob­ňa cemen­tár­skych pro­duk­tov a tehel­ňa (obec​kon​ska​.sk).

Kon­ská is situ­ated near­ly in the cen­ter of the Rajec Basin, in the val­ley of the Porub­ský Cre­ek (obec​kon​ska​.sk), at an ele­va­ti­on of 455 meters abo­ve sea level. With an area of 5.31 km², the vil­la­ge is home to 1,542 resi­dents (Wiki­pe­dia). The oldest writ­ten men­ti­on of the vil­la­ge dates back to 1228 (obec​kon​ska​.sk). The name of the vil­la­ge deri­ves from the ori­gi­nal occu­pa­ti­on of its inha­bi­tants (obec​kon​ska​.sk).

Fol­lo­wing its estab­lish­ment, Kon­ská dis­tin­gu­is­hed itself with the wealth of its pas­tu­res and spe­cia­li­zed in hor­se bre­e­ding. The equ­es­trian tra­di­ti­on endu­red for cen­tu­ries, with a hor­se stud at Lie­ta­va Cast­le in the 19th cen­tu­ry (obec​kon​ska​.sk). Throug­hout its his­to­ry, the vil­la­ge expe­rien­ced resett­le­ment through a form of sol­tys (local admi­ni­stra­tor) and far­mer colo­ni­za­ti­on. Ger­mans from Sile­sia were invol­ved in the colo­ni­za­ti­on, but the sett­lers were Slo­vaks (obec​kon​ska​.sk). In 1598, the­re were 27 hou­ses in the vil­la­ge, and by 1828, 725 inha­bi­tants lived in 40 hou­ses. Besi­des hor­se bre­e­ding, resi­dents were enga­ged in agri­cul­tu­re, she­ep far­ming, fis­hing, bee­ke­e­ping, and wea­ving. The­re was also a pro­duc­ti­on faci­li­ty for cement pro­ducts and a bric­ky­ard (obec​kon​ska​.sk).


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