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Na Slo­ven­sku žije nie­koľ­ko dru­hov sýko­riek, pat­ria do čeľa­de Pari­dae. Tie­to malé a živé vtá­ky sú obľú­be­né pre svo­je pes­tro­fa­reb­né ope­re­nie a aktív­ne sprá­va­nie. Sú pomer­ne pris­pô­so­bi­vé. Sú aktív­ne a ener­gic­ké vtá­ky, kto­ré sa živia hmy­zom, seme­na­mi a inou potra­vou, kto­rú náj­du v oko­lí. Parus major, hla­va a hrd­lo sú čier­ne, boky hla­vy sú bie­lo­žl­té, chr­bát je zele­no­mod­rý, bru­cho je žlté. Je naj­väč­šou sýkor­kou na Slo­ven­sku. Hniez­di v duti­nách stro­mov. Cyanis­tes cae­ru­leus má mod­ré vrch­né čas­ti tela, žlté bru­cho a boky. Čas­to sa vysky­tu­je v záh­ra­dách, hniez­di v duti­nách stro­mov. Peri­pa­rus ater má čier­nu čiap­ku a líca, bie­ly krk a hrd­lo a hne­dý chr­bát. Žije v lesoch, zvlášť v hor­ských oblas­tiach. Hniez­di v duti­nách stro­mov. Lop­hop­ha­nes cris­ta­tus má hla­vu zdo­be­nú parož­ka­mi, vrch­ná časť tela je sivá, spod­ná časť je žltá. Pre­fe­ru­je ihlič­na­té lesy, hniez­di v duti­nách stro­mov. Poeci­le palus­tris má sivú hla­vu a krk, hne­dý chr­bát, bie­le bru­cho. Obý­va mok­ra­de a bre­hy poto­kov, hniez­di v duti­nách stromov.

In Slo­va­kia, the­re are seve­ral types of tits, belo­n­ging to the Pari­dae fami­ly. The­se litt­le, live­ly birds are popu­lar for the­ir color­ful feat­hers and acti­ve beha­vi­or. The­y­’re quite adap­tab­le and feed on insects, seeds, and wha­te­ver else they find around. Parus major has a black head and thro­at, yellowish-​white sides of the head, a greenish-​blue back, and a yel­low bel­ly. It’s the lar­gest tit in Slo­va­kia and nests in tree cavi­ties. Cyanis­tes cae­ru­le­us, with its blue upper body, yel­low bel­ly, and sides, is often spot­ted in gar­dens and nests in tree cavi­ties. Peri­pa­rus ater rocks a black cap and che­eks, a whi­te neck and thro­at, and a bro­wn back. It lives in forests, espe­cial­ly in moun­tai­nous are­as, and nests in tree cavi­ties. Lop­hop­ha­nes cris­ta­tus, spor­ting a head ador­ned with horns,” has a gray upper body and a yel­low lower body. It pre­fers coni­fe­rous forests and nests in tree cavi­ties. Poeci­le palus­tris, with its gray head and neck, bro­wn back, and whi­te bel­ly, hangs out in wet­lands and stre­am banks, nesting in tree cavities.

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