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Zoznam dru­hov (1)

  • Helix poma­tia

Sli­má­ky majú pomer­ne výraz­ný vplyv na eko­sys­tém. Pat­ria medzi mäk­ký­še – Gas­tro­po­da a sú roz­ší­re­né po celom sve­te. Obý­va­jú rôz­ne pro­stre­dia od záh­rad po lesy a vod­né eko­sys­té­my. Sli­má­ky majú jed­no­du­ché telo, kto­ré tvo­rí sval­na­tá noha a schrán­ka – uli­ta. V prí­pa­de sliz­nia­kov uli­ta chý­ba. Nie­kto­ré sú her­maf­ro­di­ty, čiže dis­po­nu­jú obo­ma pohlav­ný­mi orgán­mi. Iné majú odde­le­né pohlav­né role. Sú byli­nož­ra­vé, živia sa aj roz­kla­da­jú­ci­mi rast­li­na­mi. V úst­nom otvo­re majú radu­lu – drs­ný jazyk. Nie­kto­ré dru­hy sú využí­va­né v medi­cí­ne, ich sliz má lie­čeb­né účinky.

Snails have a rela­ti­ve­ly sig­ni­fi­cant impact on the eco­sys­tem. They belo­ng to the mol­lusk class Gas­tro­po­da and are dis­tri­bu­ted worl­dwi­de. They inha­bit vari­ous envi­ron­ments, from gar­dens to forests and aqu­atic eco­sys­tems. Snails have a sim­ple body con­sis­ting of a mus­cu­lar foot and a shell. In the case of slugs, the shell is absent. Some are her­maph­ro­di­tes, posses­sing both male and fema­le repro­duc­ti­ve organs, whi­le others have sepa­ra­te gen­der roles. They are her­bi­vo­res, fee­ding on plants and also decom­po­sing plant mat­ter. They have a radu­la, a rough ton­gue, in the­ir oral cavi­ty. Some spe­cies are uti­li­zed in medi­ci­ne, as the­ir sli­me has hea­ling properties.

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