2006-2010, 2009, Časová línia, Fotografické, Piešťanské reportáže, Reportáže, Slovenské


Hits: 3280

25.10.2009 po 18-​ej večer sa kona­la výsta­va foto­gra­fií spo­je­ná s vyhlá­se­ním výsled­kov. Jed­not­li­ví súťa­žia­ci” v nej odo­vzdá­va­li svo­je foto­gra­fie v papie­ro­vej for­me, z kto­rých poro­ta vybra­la foto­gra­fie na výsta­vu. Poro­ta bola v zlo­že­ní: Jozef Kep­pert, Šte­fan Čam­bal a Peter Ertl. Do Foto­kur­sa­lo­nu” sa pri­hlá­si­lo 26 auto­rov s 130-​imi foto­gra­fia­mi. Víťa­zom sa stal Fran­ti­šek Halás, ďal­šie ceny si odnies­li Karol Belas, Roman Tiben­ský, čest­né uzna­nia si odnies­li Márius Sor­del, Richard Hes­ko a Roman Buč­ko. Cenu pri­má­to­ra zís­kal Peter Kac­lík. Výsta­va tých­to foto­gra­fií trva­la viac ako mesiac.

Mimo­cho­dom celá nede­ľa 25.10 sa nies­la v sil­nom foto­gra­fic­kom duchu, pre­to­že od desia­tej ráno sme foti­li v súvis­los­ti s inou akci­ou, kto­rú pri­pra­vil Pieš­ťan­ský foto­k­lub. Foti­li sme nedeľ­ný život v Pieš­ťa­noch, z čoho sa vybe­rú fot­ky na nie­kto­rú z nasle­du­jú­cich výstav – viď 6. Foto­ses­si­on.

On the eve­ning of Octo­ber 25, 2009, after 6 PM, a pho­to exhi­bi­ti­on was held along with the announ­ce­ment of the results. Par­ti­ci­pants sub­mit­ted the­ir pho­tog­raphs in paper form, from which the jury selec­ted ima­ges for the exhi­bi­ti­on. The jury con­sis­ted of Jozef Kep­pert, Šte­fan Čam­bal, and Peter Ertl. Twenty-​six aut­hors with 130 pho­tog­raphs ente­red the Foto­kur­sa­lon.” The win­ner was Fran­ti­šek Halás, with addi­ti­onal awards going to Karol Belas, Roman Tiben­ský. Hono­rab­le men­ti­ons were awar­ded to Márius Sor­del, Richard Hes­ko, and Roman Buč­ko. Peter Kac­lík rece­i­ved the May­o­r’s Pri­ze. The exhi­bi­ti­on of the­se pho­tog­raphs las­ted for more than a month.

By the way, the enti­re Sun­day, Octo­ber 25, was fil­led with a strong pho­tog­rap­hic spi­rit becau­se, star­ting at 10 AM, we were taking pho­tos in con­nec­ti­on with anot­her event orga­ni­zed by the Pieš­ťa­ny Pho­toc­lub. We cap­tu­red the Sun­day life in Pieš­ťa­ny, and selec­ted pho­tos will be used for one of the upco­ming exhi­bi­ti­ons – see 6th Fotosession.


2006-2010, 2009, Časová línia, Európske, Krajina, Mestá, Mestá, Talianske mestá, Taliansko, Typ krajiny, Zahraničie

Jesolo – prímorská dovolenková oblasť severného Talianska

Hits: 3544

Jeso­lo je prí­mor­ským leto­vis­kom na pobre­ží Jad­ran­ské­ho mora v Sever­nom Talian­sku. Pláž v Jeso­le je 15 km dlhá. Sta­ré cen­trum Vec­chia, s úzky­mi ulič­ka­mi a trh­mi dýcha typic­kou auten­tic­kou talian­skou atmo­sfé­rou. Blíz­ko sa nachá­dzajp ostro­vy Bura­no s fareb­ný­mi doma­mi a his­to­ric­ký Tor­cel­lo, kde sa nachá­dza bazi­li­ka San­ta Maria Assun­ta, kos­tol San­ta Fos­ca. V Jeso­le je aktív­ny noč­ný život, klu­by a bary ponú­ka­jú zába­vu až do sko­rých ran­ných hodín. Počas let­ných mesia­cov mes­to hos­tí náv­štev­ní­kov z celé­ho sveta.

Jeso­lo sa nachá­dza na seve­re Talian­ska pri pobre­ží Jad­ra­nu. Veľ­mi blíz­ko Bená­tok. Sta­ro­ve­ké meno mes­ta Jeso­lo Equ­ilium pochá­dza z latin­ské­ho equ­us, ale­bo vene­ti­ca ekvo, čo zna­me­ná mes­to koní. Iné his­to­ric­ké náz­vy: Equ­ilo, Lesu­lo, Jexu­lo, Jexol­lo, Jeso­lum. V Talian­sku sa toto mes­to čas­to ozna­ču­je ako Ieso­lo (jeso​lo​.biz).

Jeso­lo is a sea­si­de resort on the Adria­tic coast in Nort­hern Ita­ly. The beach in Jeso­lo stret­ches for 15 km. The old town of Vec­chia, with its nar­row stre­ets and mar­kets, exu­des a typi­cal aut­hen­tic Ita­lian atmo­sp­he­re. Near­by, you can find the islands of Bura­no with color­ful hou­ses and the his­to­ric Tor­cel­lo, whe­re the Basi­li­ca of San­ta Maria Assun­ta and the church of San­ta Fos­ca are loca­ted. Jeso­lo has an acti­ve night­li­fe, with clubs and bars offe­ring enter­tain­ment until the ear­ly hours. During the sum­mer months, the city hosts visi­tors from around the world.

Jeso­lo is loca­ted in nort­hern Ita­ly on the coast of the Adria­tic Sea, very clo­se to Veni­ce. The ancient name of the town, Jeso­lo Equ­ilium, is deri­ved from the Latin equ­us, or Vene­tian ekvo, mea­ning the city of hor­ses. Other his­to­ri­cal names inc­lu­de Equ­ilo, Lesu­lo, Jexu­lo, Jexol­lo, and Jeso­lum. In Ita­ly, this town is often refer­red to as Ieso­lo (jeso​lo​.biz).

Jeso­lo è una loca­li­tà bal­ne­a­re sul­la cos­ta adria­ti­ca nel Nord Ita­lia. La spiag­gia di Jeso­lo si esten­de per 15 km. La vec­chia cit­tà di Vec­chia, con le sue stra­de stret­te e i mer­ca­ti, res­pi­ra un’at­mos­fe­ra auten­ti­ca tipi­ca­men­te ita­lia­na. Nel­le vici­nan­ze si tro­va­no le iso­le di Bura­no con case colo­ra­te e l’is­to­ri­co Tor­cel­lo, dove si tro­va la Basi­li­ca di San­ta Maria Assun­ta e la chie­sa di San­ta Fos­ca. Jeso­lo ha una vita not­tur­na atti­va, con club e bar che off­ro­no intrat­te­ni­men­to fino alle pri­me ore del mat­ti­no. Duran­te i mesi esti­vi, la cit­tà ospi­ta visi­ta­to­ri da tut­to il mondo.

Jeso­lo si tro­va nel nord Ita­lia sul­la cos­ta del­l’Ad­ria­ti­co, mol­to vici­no a Vene­zia. Il nome anti­co del­la cit­tà, Jeso­lo Equ­ilium, deri­va dal lati­no equ­us o dal vene­to ekvo, che sig­ni­fi­ca la cit­tà dei caval­li. Altri nomi sto­ri­ci inc­lu­do­no Equ­ilo, Lesu­lo, Jexu­lo, Jexol­lo e Jeso­lum. In Ita­lia, ques­ta cit­tà è spes­so chia­ma­ta Ieso­lo (jeso​lo​.biz).


2006-2010, 2009, Časová línia, Európske, Krajina, Mestá, Mestá, Oslavné, Reportáže, Športové, Talianske, Talianske mestá, Taliansko, Typ krajiny, Zahraničie, Zahraničné

Historická regata v Benátkach

Hits: 2716

His­to­ric­ká rega­ta v Benát­kach je atrak­tív­na kul­túr­na, kto­rá láka veľ­ké množ­stvo náv­štev­ní­kov. Akcia odka­zu­je na sláv­ne oka­mi­hy benát­skej his­tó­rie, naj­mä na sláv­ne stre­do­ve­ké víťazs­tvá. Cez rega­tu je vid­no veľa benát­skych gon­dol a iných his­to­ric­kých lodí, kto­ré sú zdo­be­né a obsa­de­né ves­lár­mi v dobo­vých kostýmoch.

His­to­ric­ká rega­ta sa koná pra­vi­del­ne v Benát­kach prvú sep­tem­bro­vú nede­ľu. Podu­ja­tie má nesku­toč­nú tra­dí­ciu, kto­rá je vní­ma­teľ­ná až pre­ky­pu­jú­ca. Koná sa od roku 1315. Pre­bie­ha naj­mä pozdĺž Canal Gran­de. His­to­ric­ká rega­ta mala svo­ju sláv­nost­nú his­to­ric­kú a špor­to­vej­šiu časť. Cel­ko­vý cha­rak­ter akcie by som vyhod­no­til ako kultúrno-​spoločenský s pomer­ne sil­ným pat­ri­otiz­mom pre domá­cich. Bolo evi­dent­né, že naj­mä pre zrel­ších oby­va­te­ľov mes­ta bola táto akcia pohla­de­ním duše. Pla­vid­lá boli rôz­ne pek­ne vyzdo­be­né v cere­mo­niál­nej čas­ti a pek­ne oble­če­ná bola aj posád­ka v nich. V špor­to­vej čas­ti sa súťa­ži­lo v rôz­nych kate­gó­riách, ja som sle­do­val len začia­tok. Súťa­ži­li ženy, muži, deti, samoz­rej­me tiež pek­ne zladení.

The His­to­ri­cal Regat­ta in Veni­ce is an att­rac­ti­ve cul­tu­ral event that att­racts a lar­ge num­ber of visi­tors. The event recalls famous moments in Vene­tian his­to­ry, espe­cial­ly the glo­ri­ous medie­val vic­to­ries. During the regat­ta, you can see many Vene­tian gon­do­las and other his­to­ri­cal boats, beau­ti­ful­ly ador­ned and man­ned by rowers in peri­od costumes.

The His­to­ri­cal Regat­ta takes pla­ce regu­lar­ly in Veni­ce on the first Sun­day of Sep­tem­ber. The event has an inc­re­dib­le tra­di­ti­on that is pal­pab­le and overf­lo­wing. It has been held sin­ce 1315, pri­ma­ri­ly along the Grand Canal. The His­to­ri­cal Regat­ta has both its fes­ti­ve his­to­ri­cal and more sports-​oriented parts. I would eva­lu­ate the ove­rall cha­rac­ter of the event as cultural-​social with a rela­ti­ve­ly strong sen­se of pat­ri­otism for the locals. It was evi­dent that this event was a soul-​soothing expe­rien­ce, espe­cial­ly for the more matu­re inha­bi­tants of the city. The boats were beau­ti­ful­ly deco­ra­ted in the cere­mo­nial part, and the cre­ws were also nice­ly dres­sed. In the sports sec­ti­on, the­re were com­pe­ti­ti­ons in vari­ous cate­go­ries, and I only wat­ched the begin­ning. Women, men, and chil­dren com­pe­ted, all ele­gan­tly coor­di­na­ted, of course.

La Rega­ta Sto­ri­ca a Vene­zia è un att­ra­en­te even­to cul­tu­ra­le che atti­ra un gran nume­ro di visi­ta­to­ri. L’e­ven­to ricor­da famo­si momen­ti del­la sto­ria vene­zia­na, in par­ti­co­la­re le glo­ri­ose vit­to­rie medie­va­li. Duran­te la rega­ta, è possi­bi­le ammi­ra­re mol­te gon­do­le vene­zia­ne e altre imbar­ca­zi­oni sto­ri­che, splen­di­da­men­te deco­ra­te e con­dot­te da rema­to­ri in cos­tu­mi d’epoca.

La Rega­ta Sto­ri­ca si svol­ge rego­lar­men­te a Vene­zia la pri­ma dome­ni­ca di set­tem­bre. L’e­ven­to ha una tra­di­zi­one inc­re­di­bi­le, per­ce­pi­bi­le fino a esse­re tra­vol­gen­te. Si tie­ne dal 1315, prin­ci­pal­men­te lun­go il Canal Gran­de. La Rega­ta Sto­ri­ca ha la sua par­te fes­to­sa e sto­ri­ca e una par­te più orien­ta­ta allo sport. Valu­te­rei il carat­te­re com­ples­si­vo del­l’e­ven­to come culturale-​sociale con un pat­ri­ot­tis­mo abbas­tan­za for­te per i loca­li. Era evi­den­te che ques­ta mani­fes­ta­zi­one fos­se un’es­pe­rien­za che toc­ca­va l’a­ni­ma, sop­rat­tut­to per gli abi­tan­ti più matu­ri del­la cit­tà. Le imbar­ca­zi­oni era­no splen­di­da­men­te deco­ra­te nel­la par­te ceri­mo­nia­le e l’e­qu­ipag­gio era altret­tan­to ben ves­ti­to. Nel­la par­te spor­ti­va, c’e­ra­no gare in varie cate­go­rie, ma ho guar­da­to solo l’i­ni­zio. Don­ne, uomi­ni e bam­bi­ni han­no gareg­gia­to, tut­ti ele­gan­te­men­te coor­di­na­ti, naturalmente.


2006, 2006-2010, 2009, 2011-2015, 2012, 2013, Časová línia, Neživé, TOP, Umenie


Hits: 6998

Sochy sú ume­lec­ké die­la, kto­ré môžu byť vyte­sa­né z rôz­nych mate­riá­lov. Naše emó­cie evo­ku­jú monu­men­tál­ne pamät­ní­ky aj abs­trakt­né sochy. Sochy obo­ha­cu­jú čas­to mest­ské prie­s­trans­tvá. Čas­to sa dá pove­dať, že tvo­ria čias­toč­ne ume­lec­ké galé­rie. Navy­še integ­ru­jú pri člo­ve­ka, sú moti­vá­ci­ou stre­tá­va­nia sa. Sochár­stvo má hlbo­ké his­to­ric­ké kore­ne, sia­ha do anti­ky. Gré­ci a Rima­nia tvo­ri­li doko­na­lé sochy s ľud­ským výra­zom. V obdo­bí rene­san­cie sochár­stvo pook­ria­lo, maj­stri ako Miche­lan­ge­lo, Ber­ni­ni tvo­ri­li vrchol­né die­la his­tó­rie ľud­stva. Moder­ná doba spô­so­bi­la v sochár­stve radi­kál­ne zme­ny. Obja­vil sa svet abs­trakt­ných tva­rov, sochá­ri obja­vi­li nové spô­so­by, nové vyjad­re­nia svo­jich myš­lie­nok a emó­cií. Využí­va sa mra­mor, bronz, ale aj nekon­venč­né mate­riá­ly ako je recyk­lo­va­ný kov, dre­vo, sklo. Sochy repre­zen­tu­jú emó­cie, kul­tú­ru, myšlienky.

Sta­tu­es are artis­tic cre­a­ti­ons that can be car­ved from vari­ous mate­rials. They evo­ke our emo­ti­ons through monu­men­tal memo­rials as well as abs­tract sculp­tu­res. Sta­tu­es often enrich urban spa­ces, cre­a­ting what can be desc­ri­bed as par­tial art gal­le­ries. More­over, they integ­ra­te with peop­le, ser­ving as a moti­va­ti­on for gat­he­rings. Sculp­tu­re has deep his­to­ri­cal roots that tra­ce back to anti­qu­ity. The Gre­eks and Romans craf­ted fla­wless sta­tu­es with human expres­si­ons. During the Renais­san­ce, sculp­tu­re expe­rien­ced a renais­san­ce itself, with mas­ters like Miche­lan­ge­lo and Ber­ni­ni cre­a­ting pin­nac­le works in the his­to­ry of humanity.

The modern era has brought radi­cal chan­ges to sculp­tu­re. A world of abs­tract forms has emer­ged, with sculp­tors dis­co­ve­ring new ways and expres­si­ons for the­ir thoughts and emo­ti­ons. Mate­rials such as marb­le and bron­ze are still uti­li­zed, but uncon­ven­ti­onal mate­rials like recyc­led metal, wood, and glass are also embra­ced. Sta­tu­es repre­sent emo­ti­ons, cul­tu­re, and ide­as. They are more than just sta­tic forms; they are con­du­its of artis­tic expres­si­on that brid­ge the his­to­ri­cal and con­tem­po­ra­ry, cre­a­ting a time­less lan­gu­age that spe­aks to the human experience.

2006, 2006-2010, 2009, 2011-2015, 2012, Bratislavské, Časová línia, Oslavné, Reportáže, Slovenské

Festival historického šermu, hudby, tanca a remesiel na Devíne

Hits: 4096

Fes­ti­val his­to­ric­ké­ho šer­mu, hud­by, tan­ca a reme­siel na Deví­ne je pôso­bi­vou uda­los­ťou, kto­rá oži­vu­je his­tó­riu. Zahr­nu­tie tra­dič­ných reme­siel pri­dá­va ďal­ší roz­mer k zážit­ku aj hra­du Devín, umož­ňu­júc náv­štev­ní­kom sle­do­vať a oce­niť zruč­nos­ti a tech­ni­ky reme­sel­ní­kov z minu­lých čias. Fes­ti­val slú­ži ako dyna­mic­ká plat­for­ma pre účast­ní­kov i divá­kov na inte­rak­ciu s rôz­ny­mi aspekt­mi his­tó­rie, posil­ňu­júc hlbo­ké poro­zu­me­nie kul­túr­ne­mu dedič­stvu zacho­va­né­mu pro­stred­níc­tvom tých­to púta­vých foriem pre všet­ky generácie.

Rok 2009

Veľ­mi sa mi páči­li naj­mä diva­del­né ukáž­ky, kto­ré si jed­not­li­vé rytier­ske sku­pi­ny pri­pra­vi­li. Zo začiat­ku bol stre­do­ve­ký jar­mok, dnes by sme pove­da­li ukáž­ka ľudo­vých reme­siel, ale skôr his­to­ric­kých. Vza­du sa nachá­dza­la stredoveko-​praveká dedi­na, čo bolo veľ­mi zau­jí­ma­vé, pre­to­že nie­kto­rí účin­ku­jú­ci na fes­ti­va­le to bra­li naozaj veľ­mi váž­ne – viď foto­gra­fie. Vari­li stre­do­ve­ko, oble­če­ní boli stre­do­ve­ko, snáď nie­kto­rí aj star­šie … Vyš­šie na nádvo­rí bolo pódium, kde vystu­po­va­li rôz­ni zabá­va­či a pre­bie­ha­li tam napr. ukáž­ky streľ­by apod. Na svo­je si moh­li prí­sť dospe­lí aj deti. Kedy? 22. – 23.8.2009. Oce­nil som aj ceno­vo veľ­mi dob­rú ponu­ku Slo­vak Pub‑u. Okrem iné­ho si mys­lím, že ponu­ka bola aku­rát­na a obslu­ha bola taká, ako si pred­sta­vu­jem – sym­pa­tic­ká a ochot­ná a bez rečí. Dokon­ca nema­li prob­lé­my ani z mincami.

The Fes­ti­val of His­to­ri­cal Fen­cing, Music, Dan­ce, and Crafts at Devín is an impres­si­ve event that bre­at­hes life into his­to­ry. The inc­lu­si­on of tra­di­ti­onal crafts adds anot­her dimen­si­on to the expe­rien­ce, enri­ching the atmo­sp­he­re of Devín Cast­le and allo­wing visi­tors to obser­ve and app­re­cia­te the skills and tech­ni­qu­es of crafts­men from bygo­ne eras. The fes­ti­val ser­ves as a dyna­mic plat­form for par­ti­ci­pants and spec­ta­tors to inte­ract with vari­ous aspects of his­to­ry, fos­te­ring a deep unders­tan­ding of cul­tu­ral heri­ta­ge pre­ser­ved through the­se cap­ti­va­ting forms for all generations.

Year 2009

I real­ly liked espe­cial­ly the the­at­ri­cal per­for­man­ces that indi­vi­du­al knight­ly groups pre­pa­red. At the begin­ning, the­re was a medie­val fair, today we would call it a demon­stra­ti­on of folk crafts, but more his­to­ri­cal. In the back, the­re was a medieval-​prehistoric vil­la­ge, which was very inte­res­ting becau­se some par­ti­ci­pants in the fes­ti­val took it very seri­ous­ly – see pho­tos. They cooked medieval-​style, dres­sed in medie­val atti­re, some per­haps even older… Hig­her up in the cour­ty­ard, the­re was a sta­ge whe­re vari­ous enter­tai­ners per­for­med, and the­re were, for exam­ple, arche­ry demon­stra­ti­ons, and so on. Both adults and chil­dren could enjoy them­sel­ves. When? August 22 – 23, 2009. I also app­re­cia­ted the very good and rea­so­nab­ly pri­ced offer from the Slo­vak Pub. Among other things, I think the menu was accu­ra­te, and the ser­vi­ce was just as I ima­gi­ne – friend­ly and wil­ling, wit­hout unne­ces­sa­ry words. They did­n’t even have prob­lems with coins.
