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Rok 2008

Šam­pi­oná­tu sa zúčast­ni­lo 370 kolek­cií. Mys­lím, že sa bolo na čo poze­rať. Nachá­dza­li sa tu krás­ne ter­čov­ce rôz­nych foriem. V rám­ci Zier­fis­che und Aqu­arium. Z veľ­tr­hu sme šli do akva­ris­ti­ky Hob­by ZOO Till­mann.

The­re were 370 col­lec­ti­ons par­ti­ci­pa­ting in the cham­pi­ons­hip. I think the­re was a lot to see. The­re were beau­ti­ful tar­get fish of vari­ous forms here. As part of the Orna­men­tal Fish and Aqu­ariums. From the fair, we went to the aqu­arium Hob­by ZOO Tillmann.

An der Meis­ters­chaft nahmen 370 Kol­lek­ti­onen teil. Ich den­ke, es gab viel zu sehen. Hier gab es schöne Ziel­fis­che vers­chie­de­ner For­men. Im Rah­men der Zier­fis­che und Aqu­arien. Vom Mar­kt gin­gen wir zum Aqu­arium Hob­by ZOO Tillmann.


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