Obec Častá leží na rozhraní Malých Karpát a Trnavskej pahorkatiny (casta.sk), v nadmorskej výške 248 metrov nad morom (casta.sk). Nad obcou je hrad Červený Kameň (casta.sk). Rozloha obce je 35.23 km2. Žije tu 2 235 obyvateľov (Wikipedia). Od roku 2004 tu Divadlo na kolene organizuje každoročne divadelný festival Festeátro. 1. septembra sa konáva vytrvalostný beh Mraznické chodníčky. 8. mája turistický pochod Častovská päťdesiatka. Od roku 2004 sa pravidelne organizuje Vianočný volejbalový turnaj (Wikipedia).
Prvá písomná zmienka je z roku 1240 (Wikipedia). Vznikla ako podhradie hradu Červený Kameň (casta.sk). Historické názvy: Shastus, Sathmansdorf, Sathmania, Schatmansdorf, Czasta, Czeste, Chuzthu, Vereskeo, Cheztey, Chastuc, Chachtha, Chachta, Schatmanstorf, Wereskew oppidum, Woeroeskewe falwa, Sathmand, Wereskeofalwa, Schadmanssdorff, Chaztew, Schadmania, Chaytczke, Cheyshe alias Sathmania, Chaztew, Czasta, Cseszte, Schadmansdorff, Cscheste, Cschasta, Schathmansdorff, Cžasta, Cseste (casta.sk). Maďarský názov je Cseszte, nemecký Schattmannsdorf (Wikipedia). V roku 1560 získala Častá privilégia mestečka. V polovici 16. storočia sa tu usadilo niekoľko zemianskych rodín a chorvátski kolonisti. Obyvatelia sa zaoberali poľnohospodárstvom, vinohradníctvom, pôsobili tu viaceré cechy: debnárov, krajčírov, čížmárov, hrnčiarov, súkenníkov. V 16. storočí tu bol vybudovaný pivovar. Na konci 17. storočia tu bola papiereň. Zo 17. storočia sú zmienky o baniach na zlato a striebro, v 19. storočí na síru a meď. V roku 1738 bola v Častej morová epidémia, na zaľudnenie boli pozvaní nemeckí kolonisti (casta.sk).
The village of Častá is located on the border of the Small Carpathians and the Trnava Hills (casta.sk), at an elevation of 248 meters above sea level (casta.sk). Above the village stands Červený Kameň Castle (casta.sk). The area of the village is 35.23 km², and it is home to 2,235 residents (Wikipedia). Since 2004, the Theater on the Knee has been organizing the annual theater festival Festeátro here. On September 1st, the endurance race Mraznické chodníčky takes place. On May 8th, the tourist march Častovská päťdesiatka is organized. Since 2004, the Christmas volleyball tournament has been regularly organized (Wikipedia).
The first written mention is from the year 1240 (Wikipedia). It originated as a sub-castle settlement of Červený Kameň Castle (casta.sk). Historical names include Shastus, Sathmansdorf, Sathmania, Schatmansdorf, Czasta, Czeste, Chuzthu, Vereskeo, Cheztey, Chastuc, Chachtha, Chachta, Schatmanstorf, Wereskew oppidum, Woeroeskewe falwa, Sathmand, Wereskeofalwa, Schadmanssdorff, Chaztew, Schadmania, Chaytczke, Cheyshe alias Sathmania, Chaztew, Czasta, Cseszte, Schadmansdorff, Cscheste, Cschasta, Schathmansdorff, Cžasta, Cseste (casta.sk). The Hungarian name is Cseszte, and the German name is Schattmannsdorf (Wikipedia). In 1560, Častá was granted town privileges. In the mid-16th century, several noble families and Croatian colonists settled here. The residents were engaged in agriculture, viticulture, and various guilds operated here: coopers, tailors, cobblers, potters, and clothiers. A brewery was built in the 16th century. At the end of the 17th century, there was a paper mill. From the 17th century, there are mentions of mines for gold and silver, and in the 19th century, for sulfur and copper. In 1738, there was a plague epidemic in Častá, and German colonists were invited to repopulate the area (casta.sk).
Near Častá, the Small Carpathians Wine Route passes by, inviting wine enthusiasts to discover high-quality Slovak wines. Among the most significant landmarks is the Church of Saint Stephen, recognized as a national cultural monument. It is a Gothic church with preserved Renaissance and Baroque elements.
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