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Obec Čas­tá leží na roz­hra­ní Malých Kar­pát a Trnav­skej pahor­ka­ti­ny (cas​ta​.sk), v nad­mor­skej výš­ke 248 met­rov nad morom (cas​ta​.sk). Nad obcou je hrad Čer­ve­ný Kameň (cas​ta​.sk). Roz­lo­ha obce je 35.23 km2. Žije tu 2 235 oby­va­te­ľov (Wiki­pe­dia). Od roku 2004 tu Divad­lo na kole­ne orga­ni­zu­je kaž­do­roč­ne diva­del­ný fes­ti­val Fes­te­át­ro. 1. sep­tem­bra sa koná­va vytrva­lost­ný beh Mraz­nic­ké chod­níč­ky. 8. mája turis­tic­ký pochod Čas­tov­ská päť­de­siat­ka. Od roku 2004 sa pra­vi­del­ne orga­ni­zu­je Via­noč­ný volej­ba­lo­vý tur­naj (Wiki­pe­dia).

Prvá písom­ná zmien­ka je z roku 1240 (Wiki­pe­dia). Vznik­la ako pod­hra­die hra­du Čer­ve­ný Kameň (cas​ta​.sk). His­to­ric­ké náz­vy: Shas­tus, Sath­mans­dorf, Sath­ma­nia, Schat­mans­dorf, Czas­ta, Czes­te, Chuzt­hu, Veres­keo, Chez­tey, Chas­tuc, Chacht­ha, Chach­ta, Schat­mans­torf, Weres­kew oppi­dum, Woero­es­ke­we falwa, Sath­mand, Weres­ke­ofa­lwa, Schad­manss­dorff, Chaz­tew, Schad­ma­nia, Cha­ytcz­ke, Che­ys­he alias Sath­ma­nia, Chaz­tew, Czas­ta, Csesz­te, Schad­mans­dorff, Csches­te, Cschas­ta, Schath­mans­dorff, Cžas­ta, Cses­te (cas​ta​.sk). Maďar­ský názov je Csesz­te, nemec­ký Schatt­manns­dorf (Wiki­pe­dia). V roku 1560 zís­ka­la Čas­tá pri­vi­lé­gia mes­teč­ka. V polo­vi­ci 16. sto­ro­čia sa tu usa­di­lo nie­koľ­ko zemian­skych rodín a chor­vát­ski kolo­nis­ti. Oby­va­te­lia sa zaobe­ra­li poľ­no­hos­po­dár­stvom, vinoh­rad­níc­tvom, pôso­bi­li tu via­ce­ré cechy: deb­ná­rov, kraj­čí­rov, číž­má­rov, hrn­čia­rov, súken­ní­kov. V 16. sto­ro­čí tu bol vybu­do­va­ný pivo­var. Na kon­ci 17. sto­ro­čia tu bola papie­reň. Zo 17. sto­ro­čia sú zmien­ky o baniach na zla­to a strieb­ro, v 19. sto­ro­čí na síru a meď. V roku 1738 bola v Čas­tej moro­vá epi­dé­mia, na zaľud­ne­nie boli pozva­ní nemec­kí kolo­nis­ti (cas​ta​.sk).

Neďa­le­ko od Čas­tej pre­chá­dza aj Malo­kar­pat­ská vín­na ces­ta, kto­rá pozý­va milov­ní­kov vína k obja­vo­va­niu kva­lit­ných slo­ven­ských vín. Medzi naj­výz­nam­nej­šie pamiat­ky pat­rí kos­tol svä­té­ho Šte­fa­na, kto­rý je národ­nou kul­túr­nou pamiat­kou. Je to gotic­ký kos­tol so zacho­va­ný­mi rene­sanč­ný­mi a baro­ko­vý­mi prvkami.

The vil­la­ge of Čas­tá is loca­ted on the bor­der of the Small Car­pat­hians and the Trna­va Hills (cas​ta​.sk), at an ele­va­ti­on of 248 meters abo­ve sea level (cas​ta​.sk). Abo­ve the vil­la­ge stands Čer­ve­ný Kameň Cast­le (cas​ta​.sk). The area of the vil­la­ge is 35.23 km², and it is home to 2,235 resi­dents (Wiki­pe­dia). Sin­ce 2004, the The­a­ter on the Knee has been orga­ni­zing the annu­al the­a­ter fes­ti­val Fes­te­át­ro here. On Sep­tem­ber 1st, the endu­ran­ce race Mraz­nic­ké chod­níč­ky takes pla­ce. On May 8th, the tou­rist march Čas­tov­ská päť­de­siat­ka is orga­ni­zed. Sin­ce 2004, the Chris­tmas vol­le­y­ball tour­na­ment has been regu­lar­ly orga­ni­zed (Wiki­pe­dia).

The first writ­ten men­ti­on is from the year 1240 (Wiki­pe­dia). It ori­gi­na­ted as a sub-​castle sett­le­ment of Čer­ve­ný Kameň Cast­le (cas​ta​.sk). His­to­ri­cal names inc­lu­de Shas­tus, Sath­mans­dorf, Sath­ma­nia, Schat­mans­dorf, Czas­ta, Czes­te, Chuzt­hu, Veres­keo, Chez­tey, Chas­tuc, Chacht­ha, Chach­ta, Schat­mans­torf, Weres­kew oppi­dum, Woero­es­ke­we falwa, Sath­mand, Weres­ke­ofa­lwa, Schad­manss­dorff, Chaz­tew, Schad­ma­nia, Cha­ytcz­ke, Che­ys­he alias Sath­ma­nia, Chaz­tew, Czas­ta, Csesz­te, Schad­mans­dorff, Csches­te, Cschas­ta, Schath­mans­dorff, Cžas­ta, Cses­te (cas​ta​.sk). The Hun­ga­rian name is Csesz­te, and the Ger­man name is Schatt­manns­dorf (Wiki­pe­dia). In 1560, Čas­tá was gran­ted town pri­vi­le­ges. In the mid-​16th cen­tu­ry, seve­ral nob­le fami­lies and Cro­atian colo­nists sett­led here. The resi­dents were enga­ged in agri­cul­tu­re, viti­cul­tu­re, and vari­ous guilds ope­ra­ted here: coopers, tai­lors, cobb­lers, potters, and clot­hiers. A bre­we­ry was built in the 16th cen­tu­ry. At the end of the 17th cen­tu­ry, the­re was a paper mill. From the 17th cen­tu­ry, the­re are men­ti­ons of mines for gold and sil­ver, and in the 19th cen­tu­ry, for sul­fur and cop­per. In 1738, the­re was a pla­gue epi­de­mic in Čas­tá, and Ger­man colo­nists were invi­ted to repo­pu­la­te the area (cas​ta​.sk).

Near Čas­tá, the Small Car­pat­hians Wine Rou­te pas­ses by, invi­ting wine ent­hu­siasts to dis­co­ver high-​quality Slo­vak wines. Among the most sig­ni­fi­cant land­marks is the Church of Saint Step­hen, recog­ni­zed as a nati­onal cul­tu­ral monu­ment. It is a Got­hic church with pre­ser­ved Renais­san­ce and Baro­que elements.


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