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Pec­ka je morav­ské meno. Ako sa napo­kon aj tra­du­je po gene­rá­ciách, ale neviem nič bliž­šie. Naj­star­ší zná­my Pec­ka je Ondrej Pec­ka. Jeho syn Ján cho­dil na robo­ty do Rakús­ka a zrej­me pre­bý­val čas­tej­šie v Uhor­skej Vsi kde aj zomrel, keď sa sta­vil, že dvih­ne 100 lit­ro­vý sud piva (mimo­cho­dom asi 170 kg). Jeho syn Mar­tin Pec­ka mal nie­koľ­ko zra­ne­ní z 1. sve­to­vej voj­ny, napr. mal aj guľ­ku pod lopat­kou. Kuri­óz­nym spô­so­bom sa jej zba­vil. Dopo­mo­hol mu k tomu kôň. Šli spo­lu s Dr. Ber­lan­ským na voze, kôň mykol opra­ta­mi, kto­ré držal Mar­tin Pec­ka a to spô­so­bi­lo, že guľ­ka spod lopat­ky sa dosta­la na povrch pod kožu. Krát­ko nato mu ju spo­mí­na­ný Dr. Ber­lan­ský vybral. Mar­tin Pec­ka si vzal najprv Máriu Púchov­skú, avšak kým sa vrá­til z voj­ny, zomre­la na tuber­ku­ló­zu – sucho­ty. Násled­ne si vzal jej o 5 rokov mlad­šiu tetu – Máriu Šug­ro­vú, kto­rej mat­ka bola Anna Púchov­ská, otec bol Matej Šug­ra. V Pieš­ťa­noch žil aj Fran­ti­šek Pec­ka – obchod­ník. Avšak neviem o spo­ji­tos­ti s našou rodi­nou. Mal dcé­ru a syna. Vlast­nil obchod s mie­ša­ným tova­rom v dneš­ných sta­rých Pieš­ťa­noch, opro­ti far­ské­mu kos­to­lu. Dnes už na tom mies­te sto­jí iná stav­ba. Neskôr mal obchod opro­ti dneš­né­mu Domos­su na Bra­ti­slav­skej uli­ci. Ten­to obchod od neho kúpil v Pieš­ťa­noch veľ­mi dob­re zná­my Krš­jak.

The name Pec­ka” is of Mora­vian ori­gin, and its lega­cy has been pas­sed down through gene­ra­ti­ons. The ear­liest kno­wn Pec­ka is Ondrej Pec­ka. His son Ján wor­ked as a labo­rer in Aus­tria and like­ly resi­ded more fre­qu­en­tly in Uhor­ská Ves, whe­re he even­tu­al­ly pas­sed away. An inte­res­ting anec­do­te recounts Ján’s attempt to lift a 100-​liter beer bar­rel (app­ro­xi­ma­te­ly 170 kg), lea­ding to his demi­se. Ján’s son, Mar­tin Pec­ka, sus­tai­ned seve­ral inju­ries during World War I, inc­lu­ding a bul­let lod­ged under his shoul­der bla­de. In a pecu­liar turn of events, a hor­se assis­ted in remo­ving the bul­let. Whi­le riding on a car­ria­ge with Dr. Ber­lan­ský, the hor­se­’s move­ments cau­sed the sadd­le straps, held by Mar­tin Pec­ka, to dis­lod­ge the bul­let from under his shoul­der bla­de. Short­ly the­re­af­ter, Dr. Ber­lan­ský extrac­ted the bul­let. Mar­tin Pec­ka first mar­ried Mária Púchov­ská, but she suc­cum­bed to tuber­cu­lo­sis (con­sump­ti­on) befo­re his return from the war. Sub­se­qu­en­tly, he mar­ried her five years youn­ger aunt, Mária Šug­ro­vá, who­se mot­her was Anna Púchov­ská, and fat­her was Matej Šug­ra. Fran­ti­šek Pec­ka, a mer­chant in Pieš­ťa­ny, also car­ried the Pec­ka name. Howe­ver, any con­nec­ti­on to your fami­ly is not cur­ren­tly kno­wn. He had a daugh­ter and a son, and he owned a gene­ral sto­re in the old part of Pieš­ťa­ny, across from the parish church. Today, a dif­fe­rent buil­ding stands in that loca­ti­on. Later, Fran­ti­šek Pec­ka had a sto­re across from the present-​day Domoss on Bra­ti­slav­ská Stre­et, which was even­tu­al­ly pur­cha­sed by the well-​known Krš­jak in Piešťany.

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