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V Lama­či sa nachá­dza Kapl­n­ka svä­tej Rozá­lie zo 17. sto­ro­čia. Posta­vi­li ju v rokoch 16801682 z vďač­nos­ti, že sa skon­čil mor z rokov 16781679 (Wiki­pe­dia). Mno­hí meš­ťa­nia vte­dy utiek­li do Rakús­ka a na Mora­vu. Iní sa usa­dzo­va­li v pro­vi­zór­nych domoch v blíz­kych lesoch a vinoh­ra­doch, nie­kto­rí býva­li dokon­ca na lodiach spus­te­ných na Dunaj. Počas tej­to epi­dé­mie v zomre­lo v samot­nej Bra­ti­sla­ve viac ako 12 000 ľudí. Obchod­ný život tak­mer zani­kol, ľudia trpe­li hla­dom, lebo pre nepretr­ži­té daž­de nedoz­re­la úro­da (lamac​.sk). Kapl­n­ka je zasvä­te­ná svä­tej Rozá­lii, pat­rón­ke – ochran­ky­ni pro­ti moru. Za celý ten čas boli nut­né len drob­né opra­vy a výme­nu krí­ža, do kto­ré­ho začiat­kom 20. sto­ro­čia udrel blesk. 4. sep­tem­ber je dňom sviat­ku svä­tej Rozá­lie, vte­dy sa tu koná­va­li celé sto­ro­čia púte až do 2. sve­to­vej voj­ny, v prie­be­hu kto­rej tej­to zvyk zani­kol. V súčas­nos­ti sa v ten­to deň kona­jú hody a slú­ži sláv­nost­ná omša (Wiki­pe­dia). Objekt je vyhlá­se­ný za národ­nú kul­túr­nu pamiat­ku bol objekt 23. októb­ra 1963 (pamiat​ky​.sk).

In Lamač, the­re is the Cha­pel of Saint Rosa­lia from the 17th cen­tu­ry. It was built bet­we­en 1680 and 1682 out of gra­ti­tu­de for the end of the pla­gue from 1678 to 1679 (Wiki­pe­dia). Many citi­zens fled to Aus­tria and Mora­via during that time. Others sett­led in makes­hift hou­ses in near­by forests and vine­y­ards, and some even lived on boats laun­ched on the Danu­be. More than 12,000 peop­le died in Bra­ti­sla­va alo­ne during this epi­de­mic. Tra­de almost disap­pe­a­red, and peop­le suf­fe­red from hun­ger due to the unri­pe har­vest cau­sed by con­ti­nu­ous rains (lamac​.sk). The cha­pel is dedi­ca­ted to Saint Rosa­lia, the pat­ro­ness against the pla­gue. Throug­hout the years, only minor repairs and the repla­ce­ment of the cross, struck by light­ning in the ear­ly 20th cen­tu­ry, were neces­sa­ry. Sep­tem­ber 4th is the feast day of Saint Rosa­lia, and pilg­ri­ma­ges were held here for cen­tu­ries until World War II, during which this tra­di­ti­on cea­sed. Cur­ren­tly, fes­ti­vi­ties and a solemn mass take pla­ce on this day (Wiki­pe­dia). The object was dec­la­red a nati­onal cul­tu­ral monu­ment on Octo­ber 23, 1963 (pamiat​ky​.sk).

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