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Foto Slo­va­kia 2011 pre­beh­la 21. – 22.10.2011 v rov­na­kých pries­to­roch ako pred­tým. Veľ­mi som sa tešil na toto podu­ja­tie a úspeš­ne som ho absol­vo­val. Pre­zen­tá­cie sa mi páči­li, zda­lo sa mi, že ich obsa­de­nie bolo tro­chu viac regi­onál­ne. Aj tovar, kto­rý bol ponú­ka­ný sa mi zdal skrom­nej­ší. Kaž­do­pád­ne teším sa opäť na ďal­ší roč­ník. Opäť bol prí­tom­ný Mar­tin Vrab­ko, užil som si Ale­ša Fre­mu­ta, Stro­bist Karo­la Srn­ca a Pet­ra Pra­žen­ku, Nepál Zuza­ny Minarovičovej.

Foto Slo­va­kia 2011 took pla­ce on Octo­ber 21 – 22, 2011, in the same venue as befo­re. I was looking for­ward to this event and suc­cess­ful­ly atten­ded it. I liked the pre­sen­ta­ti­ons; it see­med to me that the­ir line­up was a bit more regi­onal. The pro­ducts offe­red also appe­a­red to be more modest. Nonet­he­less, I’m looking for­ward to the next edi­ti­on. Mar­tin Vrab­ko was pre­sent again, and I enjo­y­ed the con­tri­bu­ti­ons of Aleš Fre­mut, Stro­bist Karol Srnec, and Petr Pra­žen­ka, as well as the pre­sen­ta­ti­on on Nepal by Zuza­na Minarovičová.

Foto Slo­va­kia 2010 sa usku­toč­ni­la v Dome kul­tú­ry Ruži­nov v Bra­ti­sla­ve 22. – 23.10.2010. Prog­ram bol boha­tý, od stán­kov s foto­te­ma­ti­kou, cez pred­náš­kypre­zen­tá­cie. Ja sám som nav­ští­vil via­ce­ro. Pamä­tám si veľ­mi dob­re a rád si spo­me­niem na Mar­ti­na Vrab­ka, kto­rý nám hovo­ril o mož­nos­tiach svie­te­nia a foto­gra­fo­va­nia mode­liek. Pouč­ná bola pre mňa aj pred­náš­ka o autor­ských prá­vach v súvis­los­ti s foto­gra­fia­mi. Nie­kto­ré pred­náš­ky boli veno­va­né skôr pre reme­sel­nú zruč­nosť s foto­gra­fo­va­ním, iné boli skôr ces­to­va­teľ­ské, pozná­va­cie. V stre­de, hlav­nej haly bol pries­tor na foto­gra­fo­va­nie mode­liek, kto­ré sa meni­li. Účasť bola veľ­mi vyso­ká, pries­to­ry DK Ruži­nov boli mies­ta­mi pre také­to podu­ja­tie malé.

Foto Slo­va­kia 2010 took pla­ce at the Ruži­nov Hou­se of Cul­tu­re in Bra­ti­sla­va on Octo­ber 22 – 23, 2010. The prog­ram was diver­se, fea­tu­ring booths with photography-​related the­mes, as well as lec­tu­res and pre­sen­ta­ti­ons. I per­so­nal­ly atten­ded seve­ral of them. I vivid­ly remem­ber and fond­ly recall Mar­tin Vrab­ko, who spo­ke to us about ligh­ting possi­bi­li­ties and pho­tog­rap­hing models. A lec­tu­re on copy­right in rela­ti­on to pho­tog­raphs was also infor­ma­ti­ve for me. Some pre­sen­ta­ti­ons focu­sed more on the craft of pho­tog­rap­hy, whi­le others were more travel-​oriented and explo­ra­to­ry. In the cen­ter of the main hall, the­re was a spa­ce for pho­tog­rap­hing models, who chan­ged peri­odi­cal­ly. The atten­dan­ce was very high, and at times, the spa­ces at the Ruži­nov Hou­se of Cul­tu­re see­med small for such an event.


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