2006, 2006-2010, 2007, Akvaristika, Časová línia, Výstavy

Výstavy v Hrabušiciach

Hits: 4885

Rok 2007

Aj v roku 2007 SZCH ZO v Spiš­skej Novej Vsi pri­pra­vi­la výsta­vu živo­ro­diek v dňoch 16. – 17.6.2007 v Hra­bu­ši­ciach. 1. kolo ME Xipho-​Molly mal na sta­ros­ti tra­dič­ne Ladi­slav Jaku­bec. Medzi­ná­rod­ní pozo­ro­va­te­lia boli: Micha­el Leh­mann a Marián Stie­ran­ka. Posu­dzo­va­li: Karel Krček, Matt­hias Trau­zet­tel, Janusz Ozi­omek, Ivan Vyslú­žil a Milan Vet­rák. Posu­dzo­va­lo sa 123 kolek­cií. V kate­gó­rii Poeci­lia lati­pin­na zví­ťa­zil Ivan Vyslú­žil pred Micha­e­lom Leh­man­nom na dru­hom aj tre­ťom mies­te. Poeci­lia sphe­nops vyhral zno­vu Ivan Vyslú­žil, pobral aj 2. mies­to. Na 3. mies­te sa umiest­nil Bogus­law Micin­ski. Poeci­lia veli­fe­ra vyhral Micha­el Lehm­nann, kto­rý obsa­dil aj dru­hé aj tre­tie mies­to. Xip­hop­ho­rus hel­le­ri: 1. Ladi­slav Maza­nec, 2. Zde­něk Machek, 3. Micha­el Leh­mann. Xip­hop­ho­rus macu­la­tus: 1. Matt­hias Trau­zet­tel, 2. Günt­her Sch­ramm, 3. Matt­hias Trau­zet­tel. Xip­hop­ho­rus varia­tus: 1. Ján Budai, 2. Pin­deš & Toku­šev, 3. Wal­ter Altenbeck.

Medzi­ná­rod­ná súťaž cho­va­te­ľov živo­ro­dých rýb Gup­py – páry dopad­la nasle­dov­ne: vedú­cim výsta­vy bol Laco Jaku­bec. Medzi­ná­rod­ní pozo­ro­va­te­lia: Ana­tol Žydac­ze­ws­ki a Miro­slav Konôp­ka. Posu­dzo­va­li: Roman Sla­boch, Alf­red Gór­ny, Mar­tin Fodor, Dušan Haba­da a Marián Stie­ran­ka. Kla­si­fi­ko­va­ných bolo 39 kolek­cií. Víťa­zom sa stal Ladi­slav Jaku­bec. Dru­hý sa umiest­nil Vác­lav Štafl, sen., tre­tí skon­čil Marián Stieranka.

Year 2007

In 2007, SZCH ZO in Spiš­ská Nová Ves orga­ni­zed a live­be­a­rer exhi­bi­ti­on in Hra­bu­ši­ce on June 16 – 17, 2007. The 1st round of the Euro­pe­an Cham­pi­ons­hip Xipho-​Molly was tra­di­ti­onal­ly over­se­en by Ladi­slav Jaku­bec. Inter­na­ti­onal obser­vers were Micha­el Leh­mann and Marián Stie­ran­ka. The jud­ges were Karel Krček, Matt­hias Trau­zet­tel, Janusz Ozi­omek, Ivan Vyslú­žil, and Milan Vet­rák. A total of 123 col­lec­ti­ons were judged.

In the Poeci­lia lati­pin­na cate­go­ry, Ivan Vyslú­žil took 1st pla­ce, with Micha­el Leh­mann secu­ring both 2nd and 3rd pla­ces. For Poeci­lia sphe­nops, Ivan Vyslú­žil again clai­med 1st pla­ce, with Bogus­law Micin­ski in 3rd. Micha­el Leh­mann won the Poeci­lia veli­fe­ra cate­go­ry and also secu­red 2nd and 3rd pla­ces. In Xip­hop­ho­rus hel­le­ri, the ran­kings were: 1. Ladi­slav Maza­nec, 2. Zde­něk Machek, 3. Micha­el Leh­mann. For Xip­hop­ho­rus macu­la­tus: 1. Matt­hias Trau­zet­tel, 2. Günt­her Sch­ramm, 3. Matt­hias Trau­zet­tel. In Xip­hop­ho­rus varia­tus: 1. Ján Budai, 2. Pin­deš & Toku­šev, 3. Wal­ter Altenbeck.

The inter­na­ti­onal com­pe­ti­ti­on for live­be­a­rer bre­e­ders in the Gup­py pairs cate­go­ry resul­ted in Ladi­slav Jaku­bec secu­ring the first pla­ce, with Vác­lav Štafl, sen., in second, and Marián Stie­ran­ka in third. The exhi­bi­ti­on direc­tor was Laco Jaku­bec, and inter­na­ti­onal obser­vers were Ana­tol Žydac­ze­ws­ki and Miro­slav Konôp­ka. The jud­ging panel con­sis­ted of Roman Sla­boch, Alf­red Gór­ny, Mar­tin Fodor, Dušan Haba­da, and Marián Stie­ran­ka. A total of 39 col­lec­ti­ons were classified.

Hra­bu­ši­ce – Medzi­ná­rod­ná výsta­va živo­ro­diek – rok 2006

V rám­ci svo­jich akti­vít sa mi naskyt­la mož­nosť osob­ne sa zúčast­niť na jedi­nej medzi­ná­rod­nej súťaž­nej výsta­ve akvá­ri­ových rýb kona­nej na Slo­ven­sku v roku 2006. Keď­že sám som bol adept posu­dzo­va­teľ, bolo pre mňa prí­jem­nou povin­nos­ťou vyskú­šať si na tej­to výsta­ve hod­no­te­nie súťa­žia­cich rýb. Pri­tom posu­dzo­va­nie som mohol robiť v kru­hu skú­se­ných posu­dzo­va­te­ľov, ľudí, kto­rých veľ­mi dob­re poznám.

Výsta­va sa pre mňa zača­la 3.8.2006, kedy som sa spo­lu so svo­ji­mi pria­teľ­mi vybral autom do Slo­ven­ské­ho raja. Totiž Hra­bu­ši­ce je obec, kto­rá je neďa­le­ko od Spiš­ské­ho Štvr­t­ka a do raja“ je to odtiaľ doslo­va na skok. Večer vo štvr­tok 3. augus­ta sme úspeš­ne doces­to­va­li a hneď ako sme priš­li, uja­li sa nás dob­rí ľudia. Býva­li sme 10 minút od výstav­né­ho pries­to­ru – Urbár­ske­ho domu v Hra­bu­ši­ciach. Postre­ta­li sme sa z rôz­nych kútov sve­ta, s Poľ­ska napr. Janusz Ozi­omek, z Ostra­vy Arnošt Per­ger, z Plz­ne Vla­di­mír Pro­ti­va, z Mar­ti­na Boris Bur­ger, z Ban­skej Bys­tri­ce Marián Stie­ran­ka, Miro Konôp­ka. Nave­če­ra­li sme sa, zanies­li sme ryby na súťaž do súťaž­ných akvá­rií, vedú­ci výsta­vy si ich pre­vzal. Po návra­te späť sme pode­ba­to­va­li. Ráno sme odiš­li ku rybám, odpo­su­dzo­va­li. Na foto­gra­fiách je vidieť, čo to pred­sta­vu­je. Pochvá­lim, že som na tej­to výsta­ve figu­ro­val ako medzi­ná­rod­ný pozo­ro­va­teľ, čo ma milo prek­va­pi­lo. Zopár ofi­ciál­nych úda­jov: vedú­cim celej výsta­vy bol Ladi­slav Jaku­bec, Kate­gó­riu Poeci­lia reti­cu­la­ta, páry posu­dzo­va­li Bogus­law Micin­ski, Richard Toku­šev, Mar­tin Fodor, Ivan Vyslú­žil a Boris Bur­ger. Vyhral Milan Vet­rák pred Janus­zom Ozi­ome­kom a Iva­nom Krous­kým. Kate­gó­riu Xipho-​Molly: posu­dzo­va­te­lia Arnošt Per­ger, Kazi­mierz Men­drek, Janusz Ozi­omek, Vla­di­mír Pro­ti­va, Milan Vet­rák. Víťa­zom štan­dar­dov Xip­hop­ho­rus hel­le­ri, X. macu­la­tus, X. varia­tus, Poeci­lia sphe­nops sa stal Bogus­law Micin­ski, Poeci­lia veli­fe­ra Les­zek Ska­lik a P. lati­pin­na Pin­deš + Toku­šev. Pod­rob­nos­ti si môže­te pre­čí­tať na strán­ke ban­sko­bys­tric­ké­ho klu­bu. Večer po dob­re vyko­na­nej prá­ci sme sa dob­re zabá­va­li, prav­da poniek­to­rí ešte stá­le poc­ti­vo pra­co­va­li, veď bolo tre­ba porá­tať body, vyhod­no­tiť, vyho­to­viť zápis, nachys­tať dip­lo­my, pohá­re apod. My z Bra­ti­sla­vy sme sa muse­li v sobo­tu ráno 5.8 porú­čať. Kaž­do­pád­ne a verím, že môžem pove­dať aj za Pavo­la Sed­lá­ka a Iva­na Vyslú­ži­la, s kto­rý­mi som ces­to­val, že v nás ostal veľ­mi dob­rý pocit.

Hra­bu­ši­ce – Inter­na­ti­onal Live­be­a­rer Exhi­bi­ti­on – Year 2006

As part of my acti­vi­ties, I had the oppor­tu­ni­ty to per­so­nal­ly par­ti­ci­pa­te in the only inter­na­ti­onal com­pe­ti­ti­ve aqu­arium fish exhi­bi­ti­on held in Slo­va­kia in 2006. Sin­ce I was an aspi­ring jud­ge myself, it was a ple­a­sant obli­ga­ti­on for me to try my hand at eva­lu­ating the com­pe­ti­ti­on fish at this exhi­bi­ti­on. I could do the jud­ging in the com­pa­ny of expe­rien­ced jud­ges, peop­le I knew very well.

The exhi­bi­ti­on star­ted for me on August 3, 2006, when I, along with my friends, dro­ve to Slo­ven­ský raj (Slo­vak Para­di­se). Hra­bu­ši­ce is a vil­la­ge near Spiš­ský Štvr­tok, and it’s lite­ral­ly a sto­ne­’s throw away from para­di­se.” We suc­cess­ful­ly arri­ved in the eve­ning on Thurs­day, August 3, and as soon as we arri­ved, we were taken care of by good peop­le. We sta­y­ed 10 minu­tes away from the exhi­bi­ti­on venue – Urbár­sky dom in Hra­bu­ši­ce. We met peop­le from vari­ous cor­ners of the world, inc­lu­ding Janusz Ozi­omek from Poland, Arnošt Per­ger from Ostra­va, Vla­di­mír Pro­ti­va from Plzeň, Boris Bur­ger from Mar­tin, Marián Stie­ran­ka from Ban­ská Bys­tri­ca, and Miro Konôp­ka. We had din­ner, brought our fish to the com­pe­ti­ti­on tanks; the exhi­bi­ti­on direc­tor took char­ge of them. After retur­ning, we had discussions.

In the mor­ning, we went to the fish, jud­ged them. The pho­tos show what it was like. I must prai­se that I was lis­ted as an inter­na­ti­onal obser­ver at this exhi­bi­ti­on, which ple­a­san­tly sur­pri­sed me. Some offi­cial details: Ladi­slav Jaku­bec was the exhi­bi­ti­on direc­tor, and for the Poeci­lia reti­cu­la­ta cate­go­ry, pairs were jud­ged by Bogus­law Micin­ski, Richard Toku­šev, Mar­tin Fodor, Ivan Vyslú­žil, and Boris Bur­ger. Milan Vet­rák won first pla­ce, fol­lo­wed by Janusz Ozi­omek and Ivan Krous­ký. For the Xipho-​Molly cate­go­ry, jud­ges were Arnošt Per­ger, Kazi­mierz Men­drek, Janusz Ozi­omek, Vla­di­mír Pro­ti­va, and Milan Vet­rák. Bogus­law Micin­ski won the Xip­hop­ho­rus hel­le­ri, X. macu­la­tus, X. varia­tus, Poeci­lia sphe­nops stan­dards; Poeci­lia veli­fe­ra was won by Les­zek Ska­lik, and P. lati­pin­na by Pin­deš + Toku­šev. You can read more details on the web­si­te of the Ban­ská Bys­tri­ca club. In the eve­ning, after a well-​done job, we had a good time. Some were still dili­gen­tly wor­king, as the­re was coun­ting to be done, eva­lu­ati­ons to be made, minu­tes to be pre­pa­red, dip­lo­mas, cups, and so on. We from Bra­ti­sla­va had to bid fare­well on Satur­day mor­ning, August 5. Any­way, and I belie­ve I can say for Pavol Sed­lák and Ivan Vyslú­žil, with whom I tra­ve­led, that we left with a very good feeling.

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2005, 2006-2010, 2008, Akvaristika, Časová línia, Do roku 2005, Výstavy

Výstavy v Banskej Bystrici – v bašte slovenskej akvaristiky

Hits: 10617

EXOTIC Show 2008

ME Gup­py páry, súťaž bojov­níc 2008

16. – 20.5.2008 sa v Ban­skej Bys­tri­ci, na Dol­nej uli­ci 25, kona­lo 2. kolo ME Guppy-​páry a medzi­ná­rod­ná súťaž bojov­níc Bet­ta splen­dens, Výsta­vy som sa aktív­ne sám zúčast­nil, pre­to­že som posu­dzo­val gup­ky spo­lu s Janus­zom Ozi­ome­kom (PTAT), Bogu­sla­vom Micin­skym (KPR), Vla­di­mí­rom Pro­ti­vom (IRIS) a Jaro­sla­vom Bale­jom (ČKG). Ja som zastu­po­val náš klub​.akva​.sk (KAS). Vedú­ci výsta­vy bol Marián Stie­ran­ka, medzi­ná­rod­ným pozo­ro­va­te­ľom bol Ivan Vyslú­žil. Kla­si­fi­ko­va­lo sa 148 kolek­cií zo šty­roch čes­kých klu­bov: AKV, ČKG, ČSCHIRIS, z jed­né­ho talian­ske­ho: AIG, z troch poľ­ských: KPR, MOLPTAT, dvoch slo­ven­ských: KASSZCH. 8 kolek­cií bolo od neor­ga­ni­zo­va­ných chovateľov.

Medzi­ná­rod­ná výsta­va bojov­níc

Vedú­cim výsta­vy bol Marián Stie­ran­ka. Posu­dzo­val Vla­di­mír Hul­man (CZ, ČSCH), Alf­red Gór­ny (PL/​PTAT) a Ján Budai (SK/​SZCH). Kla­si­fi­ko­va­lo sa 99 kolek­cií z jed­né­ho čes­ké­ho klu­bu: ČSCH, z jed­né­ho poľ­ské­ho: PTAT a dvoch slo­ven­ských: KASSZCH. Dve kolek­cie boli od neor­ga­ni­zo­va­né­ho cho­va­te­ľa. K súťa­ži bojov­níc mám jed­nu nega­tív­nu poznám­ku – pou­ži­té čier­ne poza­die v súťa­ži bojov­níc bolo nešťast­ným rie­še­ním – ryby boli slab­šie vidieť. Súčas­ťou celej akcie EXOTIK Show bol aj pre­daj rýb, vod­ných rast­lín, akva­ris­tic­ké­ho a iné­ho cho­va­teľ­ské­ho tova­ru, kve­tov. Výsta­vu dotvá­ra­li pek­ne osa­de­né okras­né akvá­ria a foto­gra­fie, kto­ré pochá­dza­li z našej súťa­že na Akva­ris­tic­kej jari 2008. Medzi okras­ný­mi nádr­ža­mi bolo jed­no mor­ské akvárium.

EXOTIC Show 2008

From May 16 to May 20, 2008, the 2nd round of the Gup­py Pairs Euro­pe­an Cham­pi­ons­hip and the inter­na­ti­onal com­pe­ti­ti­on of Bet­ta splen­dens took pla­ce in Ban­ská Bys­tri­ca, at Dol­ná Stre­et 25. I acti­ve­ly par­ti­ci­pa­ted in the exhi­bi­ti­on becau­se I jud­ged gup­pies along with Janusz Ozi­omek (PTAT), Bogus­law Micin­sky (KPR), Vla­di­mír Pro­ti­va (IRIS), and Jaro­slav Balej (ČKG). I repre­sen­ted our club, akva​.sk (KAS). The exhi­bi­ti­on was led by Marián Stie­ran­ka, with inter­na­ti­onal obser­ver Ivan Vyslú­žil. A total of 148 col­lec­ti­ons were clas­si­fied from four Czech clubs: AKV, ČKG, ČSCH, and IRIS, from one Ita­lian club: AIG, from three Polish clubs: KPR, MOL, and PTAT, from two Slo­vak clubs: KAS and SZCH. Addi­ti­onal­ly, eight col­lec­ti­ons were from unaf­fi­lia­ted breeders.

Inter­na­ti­onal Bet­ta Splen­dens Show

The exhi­bi­ti­on was led by Marián Stie­ran­ka. Jud­ging was done by Vla­di­mír Hul­man (CZ, ČSCH), Alf­red Gór­ny (PL/​PTAT), and Ján Budai (SK/​SZCH). A total of 99 col­lec­ti­ons were clas­si­fied from one Czech club: ČSCH, from one Polish club: PTAT, and from two Slo­vak clubs: KAS and SZCH. Two col­lec­ti­ons were from unaf­fi­lia­ted bre­e­ders. One nega­ti­ve note about the Bet­ta splen­dens com­pe­ti­ti­on was the unfor­tu­na­te use of black backg­round, making it dif­fi­cult to see the fish cle­ar­ly. The EXOTIC Show also inc­lu­ded the sale of fish, aqu­atic plants, aqu­aris­tic and other bre­e­ding supp­lies, flo­wers, and deco­ra­ti­ve aqu­ariums and pho­tog­raphs, inc­lu­ding entries from our com­pe­ti­ti­on during the Aqu­aris­tic Spring 2008. Among the deco­ra­ti­ve tanks, the­re was also one mari­ne aquarium.


Dlho­plut­vé gup­ky (pod­ľa chovateľov)
1. Bogus­law Micin­ski (PL/​KPR)2111155.67
2. Váv­lav Štafl (CZ/​AKV)218÷11150.33
3. Ing. Ivan Krous­ký (CZ/​AKV)2110÷4149.00
4. Filip Micin­ski (PL/​KPR)231148.67
5. – 7. Ale­xan­der Piorek (PL/​PTAT)231148.33
5. – 7. Jan Gawlo­wic (PL/​KPR)231148.33
5. – 7. Krzysz­tof Kuja­wa (PL/​MOL)2110÷2148.33
8. Bra­ni­slav Bar­čin (SK/​KAS)231148.00
9. Ján Budai (SK/​SZCH)219147.67
10. Vác­lav Kříž (CZ/​IRIS)218÷11147.33

Mečí­ka­té gup­ky (pod­ľa chovateľov)
1. Vác­lav Štafl(CZ/​AKV)5118150.67
2. Vla­di­mír Sládek(CZ/​IRIS)6311148.00
3. Richard Tokušev(SK/​SZCH)519145.00
4. Nor­bert Ivanič(SK/​SZCH)519145.00
5. Vác­lav Kříž(CZ/​IRIS)5111143,67
6. Peter Kaclík(SK/​KAS)519143.33
7. – 8. Ján Budai(SK/​SZCH)5117139.00
7. – 8. Pin­deš & Tokušev(SK/​SZCH)7118139.00
9. Jozef Felt(CZ/​IRIS)519138.33
10. Bra­ni­slav Barčin(SK/​KAS)7118136.67

Krát­kop­lut­vé gup­ky (pod­ľa chovateľov)
1. Janusz Oziomek(PT/​PTAT)11311148.00
2. JUDr. Vla­di­mír Protiva(CZ/​IRIS)9111147.00
3. Pin­deš & Tokušev(SK/​SZCH)11111145.00
4. Lukáš Jakubec(SK/​SZCH)11111144.00
5. Vla­di­mír Sládek(CZ/​IRIS)1131142.33
6. – 7. Šte­fan Tóth(SK/​SZCH)1131141.33
6. – 7. Bra­ni­slav Barčin(SK/​KAS)11111141.33
8. Die­go Montanari(I/​AIG)919141.00
9. Ivan Barla(SK/​SZCH)11111140.67
10. Ing. Marián Stieranka(SK/​SZCH)11111140.00

Bojov­ni­ce (pod­ľa chovateľov)
1. Alf­red Górny(PL/​PTAT)R‑M-​mramorová78.00
2. Jozef Lipinski(PT/​PTAT)F‑G-​červená76.00
3. Richard Tokušev(SK/​SZCH)F‑G-​modrá75.00
4. – 6. Mar­tin Fodor(SK/​SZCH)F‑G-​modrá74.00
4. – 6. Katar­zy­na Oziomek(PL/​PTAT)F‑G-​červená74.00
4. – 6. Maria Górny(PL/​PTAT)R‑M-​butterfly74.00
8. – 9. Peter Bulla(SK/​SZCH)F‑G-​červená73.00
8. – 9. Ján Budai(SK/​SZCH)F‑G-​červená73.00
10. – 14. Anna Oziomek(PL/​PTAT)R‑G-​modrá72.00
10. – 14. Ing. Róbert Mateides(SK/​SZCH)F‑G-​modrá72.00
10. – 14. Ján Slobodník(SK/​SZCH)F‑G-​červená72.00
10. – 14. Milan Vetrák(SK/​SZCH)F‑G-​modrá72.00
10. – 14. Pawel Oziomek(PL/​PTAT)R‑G-​červená72.00
10. – 14. Janusz Ozomek(PL/​PTAT)R‑G-​čierna72.00

ME Gup­py 2005

7. kolo ME cho­va­te­ľov gupiek zor­ga­ni­zo­val Klub živo­ro­dých rýb v Ban­skej Bys­tri­ci v dňoch 16. – 21.10.2005 na Dol­nej 25 v Ban­skej Bys­tri­ci. Súťa­že sa zúčast­nil aj Klaus Prohl, Milan Slá­dek, Fran­ti­šek Brunc­lík, Ivan Vyslú­žil, Milan Vet­rák, Bra­ni­slav Bar­čin, Kazi­mierz Men­drek ako posu­dzo­va­te­lia, vysta­vo­va­te­lia či pozorovatelia.

Richard Toku­šev ponú­kal akva­ris­tic­ké pro­duk­ty, medzi iným aj rast­li­ny cho­va­te­ľov. Výsled­ky sláv­nost­ne vyhlá­sil Marián Stie­ran­ka ako ria­di­teľ výsta­vy. Richard Toku­šev neobi­šiel napráz­dno – 2. mies­to v kate­gó­rií krát­kop­lut­vé. Max Kah­rer sám posu­dzo­val, vysta­vo­val aj vyhrá­val a pre­be­ral ceny neprí­tom­ných kole­gov. Tro­fe­jí sa naz­bie­ra­lo, nein­špi­ru­je vás to, páni akva­ris­ti? Ger­hard Ostr­zil, Vla­di­mír Jaku­bec, Bogu­slav Micin­ski boli tiež prí­tom­ní. Max Kah­rer sa nám napo­kon všet­kým pri­ho­vo­ril, a poďa­ko­val sa klu­bu v Ban­skej Bys­tri­ci, kto­rý výsta­vu zorganizoval.

ME Gup­py 2005

The 7th round of the Gup­py Bre­e­ders Euro­pe­an Cham­pi­ons­hip was orga­ni­zed by the Live­be­a­rer Fish Club in Ban­ská Bys­tri­ca from Octo­ber 16 to Octo­ber 21, 2005, at Dol­ná 25 in Ban­ská Bys­tri­ca. Par­ti­ci­pants and atten­de­es inc­lu­ded Klaus Prohl, Milan Slá­dek, Fran­ti­šek Brunc­lík, Ivan Vyslú­žil, Milan Vet­rák, Bra­ni­slav Bar­čin, and Kazi­mierz Men­drek, who ser­ved as jud­ges, exhi­bi­tors, or observers.

Richard Toku­šev offe­red aqu­arium pro­ducts, inc­lu­ding plants from bre­e­ders. The results were cere­mo­ni­ous­ly announ­ced by Marián Stie­ran­ka, the exhi­bi­ti­on direc­tor. Richard Toku­šev did­n’t lea­ve empty-​handed, secu­ring the 2nd pla­ce in the short-​finned cate­go­ry. Max Kah­rer jud­ged, exhi­bi­ted, won, and accep­ted awards on behalf of absent col­le­a­gu­es. Many trop­hies were col­lec­ted — does­n’t that ins­pi­re you, gen­tle­men aqu­arists? Ger­hard Ostr­zil, Vla­di­mír Jaku­bec, and Bogu­slav Micin­ski were also pre­sent. Max Kah­rer final­ly add­res­sed all of us, expres­sing gra­ti­tu­de to the club in Ban­ská Bys­tri­ca that orga­ni­zed the exhibition.


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2004, 2006, 2006-2010, Akvaristika, Časová línia, Do roku 2005, Výstavy

Akvaristické výstavy v Ostrave

Hits: 13270

Rok 2006

Výsta­va sa kona­la v dňoch 28.9. až 1.10.2006DK měs­ta Ostra­vy, Tří­da 28. říj­na 124. V rám­ci nej sa usku­toč­ni­lo záve­reč­né 7. kolo ME Gup­py, medzi­ná­rod­né a čes­ké maj­strov­ské súťa­že akva­ris­tov v kate­gó­riách Gup­py, Xipho-​Molly, Bet­ta splen­dens, expo­zí­cia terá­ri­ových živo­čí­chov, hmy­zu, hlo­dav­cov. Pre­bie­hal aj pre­daj rýb, vod­ných a bahen­ných rast­lín, krmív, tech­ni­ky, pomô­cok, prí­rod­nín, lite­ra­tú­ry. Ja som sa výsta­vy zúčast­nil 28.9.2006 s tým, že na nej sa malo usku­toč­niť stret­nu­tie, na kto­rom by sa doho­dol vznik medzi­ná­rod­nej orga­ni­zá­cie podob­nej ako je IKGH. IKGH je orga­ni­zá­cia, kto­rá koor­di­nu­je klu­by, výsta­vy zaobe­ra­jú­ce sa gup­ka­mi a nová orga­ni­zá­cia by zdru­žo­va­la pria­te­ľov“ Xipho-​Molly. Žiaľ k ničo­mu nedošlo.

Prá­ve v Ostra­ve sa mi pri­ho­di­la prí­jem­ná vec. Spo­lu s kama­rá­tom sme si poze­ra­li ryby a dis­ku­to­va­li o nich. Počul nás jeden náv­štev­ník, usmial sa a pove­dal: Vy tady něk­de máte své ryby?“ My sme mu pove­da­li: Áno, máme.“ Pote­šil sa a pote­ši­lo to aj mňa, že pre nie­ko­ho to môže byť cel­kom zau­jí­ma­vé vidieť pek­né ryby a aj ich cho­va­te­ľov. Výsta­va sa kaž­do­pád­ne vyda­ri­la, ja sám som sa opäť stre­tol s ľuď­mi podob­nej krv­nej sku­pi­ny a pre­ho­di­li sme zopár slov. Dlho som sa v Ostra­ve nezdr­žal, ale svoj 8 hodi­no­vý pobyt pova­žu­jem za prínos.

Vedú­cim výsta­vy v rám­ci ME Gup­py bol Milan Hru­bý, medzi­ná­rod­ným posu­dzo­va­te­ľom Krysz­tof Syno­ws­ki. Posu­dzo­va­teľ­mi boli Ger­not Kaden, Jaro­mír Kubi­na, Bogus­law Micin­ski, Ger­hard Ostr­zil a Milan Stieranka.

The exhi­bi­ti­on took pla­ce from Sep­tem­ber 28th to Octo­ber 1st, 2006, at the Cul­tu­ral Cen­ter in Ostra­va, Tří­da 28. říj­na 124. As part of it, the final 7th round of the Euro­pe­an Cham­pi­ons­hip in Gup­py took pla­ce, along with inter­na­ti­onal and Czech cham­pi­ons­hip com­pe­ti­ti­ons for aqu­arists in the cate­go­ries of Gup­py, Xipho-​Molly, Bet­ta splen­dens, as well as an exhi­bi­ti­on of ter­ra­rium ani­mals, insects, rodents. The event also fea­tu­red the sale of fish, aqu­atic and marsh plants, feeds, equ­ip­ment, tools, natu­ral mate­rials, and lite­ra­tu­re. I atten­ded the exhi­bi­ti­on on Sep­tem­ber 28, 2006, with the expec­ta­ti­on that a mee­ting would be held to dis­cuss the cre­a­ti­on of an inter­na­ti­onal orga­ni­za­ti­on simi­lar to IKGH. IKGH is an orga­ni­za­ti­on that coor­di­na­tes clubs and exhi­bi­ti­ons dea­ling with gup­pies, and the new orga­ni­za­ti­on would bring toget­her friends” of Xipho-​Molly. Unfor­tu­na­te­ly, not­hing came of it.

Somet­hing ple­a­sant hap­pe­ned to me in Ostra­va. Toget­her with a friend, we were looking at fish and dis­cus­sing them. A visi­tor over­he­ard us, smi­led, and said, Do you have your fish some­whe­re around here?” We told him, Yes, we do.” He was deligh­ted, and it also ple­a­sed me that it could be inte­res­ting for some­one to see beau­ti­ful fish and the­ir kee­pers. The exhi­bi­ti­on was a suc­cess, and I met peop­le of a simi­lar inte­rest group again, exchan­ging a few words. I did­n’t stay in Ostra­va for long, but I con­si­der my 8‑hour stay to be beneficial.

The head of the exhi­bi­ti­on wit­hin the Euro­pe­an Gup­py Cham­pi­ons­hip was Milan Hru­bý, and the inter­na­ti­onal jud­ge was Krysz­tof Syno­ws­ki. The jud­ges inc­lu­ded Ger­not Kaden, Jaro­mír Kubi­na, Bogus­law Micin­ski, Ger­hard Ostr­zil, and Milan Stieranka.

Die Auss­tel­lung fand vom 28. Sep­tem­ber bis 1. Okto­ber 2006 im Kul­tur­zen­trum von Ostra­va, Tří­da 28. říj­na 124, statt. Im Rah­men der Auss­tel­lung fand das absch­lie­ßen­de 7. Ren­nen der Euro­pa­me­is­ters­chaft in Gup­py statt, zusam­men mit inter­na­ti­ona­len und tsche­chis­chen Meis­ters­chaft­swett­be­wer­ben für Aqu­aria­ner in den Kate­go­rien Gup­py, Xipho-​Molly, Bet­ta splen­dens sowie einer Auss­tel­lung von Ter­ra­rien­tie­ren, Insek­ten und Nage­tie­ren. Die Verans­tal­tung umfass­te auch den Ver­kauf von Fis­chen, Was­serpf­lan­zen, Fut­ter­mit­teln, Aus­rüs­tung, Werk­ze­ugen, Natur­ma­te­ria­lien und Lite­ra­tur. Ich besuch­te die Auss­tel­lung am 28. Sep­tem­ber 2006 in der Erwar­tung, dass ein Tref­fen statt­fin­den wür­de, um die Grün­dung einer inter­na­ti­ona­len Orga­ni­sa­ti­on ähn­lich der IKGH zu bes­pre­chen. Die IKGH ist eine Orga­ni­sa­ti­on, die Clubs und Auss­tel­lun­gen koor­di­niert, die sich mit Gup­pys befas­sen, und die neue Orga­ni­sa­ti­on wür­de Fre­un­de” von Xipho-​Molly zusam­menb­rin­gen. Lei­der kam nichts dabei heraus.

Mir pas­sier­te etwas Ange­neh­mes in Ostra­va. Zusam­men mit einem Fre­und bet­rach­te­ten wir Fis­che und dis­ku­tier­ten darüber. Ein Besu­cher hör­te uns zu, lächel­te und sag­te: Haben Sie hier irgen­dwo Ihre Fis­che?” Wir sag­ten ihm: Ja, haben wir.” Er fre­ute sich, und es fre­ute auch mich, dass es für jeman­den inte­res­sant sein könn­te, schöne Fis­che und ihre Hal­ter zu sehen. Die Auss­tel­lung war ein Erfolg, und ich traf wie­der Men­schen mit ähn­li­chem Inte­res­se, tausch­te eini­ge Wor­te aus. Ich blieb nicht lan­ge in Ostra­va, aber ich hal­te mei­nen 8‑stündigen Aufent­halt für nützlich.

Der Lei­ter der Auss­tel­lung im Rah­men der Euro­pa­me­is­ters­chaft in Gup­py war Milan Hru­bý, der inter­na­ti­ona­le Rich­ter war Krysz­tof Syno­ws­ki. Die Rich­ter waren Ger­not Kaden, Jaro­mír Kubi­na, Bogus­law Micin­ski, Ger­hard Ostr­zil und Milan Stieranka.

Víťa­zi jed­not­li­vých kategórií

Trian­gelZei­pelt – Freimuth84.00
Vlaj­kaHer­bert Brosenbauer68.00
Dvo­j­itý mečíkMicha­el Milde82.33
Hor­ný mečíkMicha­el Milde79.33
Dol­ný mečíkGer­hard Ostrzil81.67
LýraErwin Ren­ner79.00
RýľGer­not Kaden78.00
Pla­mie­nokMicha­el Lehmann84.33
KruhGer­hard Ostrzil80.33


V roku 2006 sa kona­la výsta­va pri Kraj­skom úřa­de, v rov­na­kom pries­to­re ako TROPIC

Rok 2002Milan Pokor­ný – IV. Aqu­arium Show Ostrava

In 2006, an exhi­bi­ti­on took pla­ce at the Regi­onal Offi­ce, in the same spa­ce as TROPIC.

Im Jahr 2006 fand eine Auss­tel­lung im Regi­ona­lamt statt, im gle­i­chen Raum wie TROPIC.

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2005, 2006, 2006-2010, Akvaristika, Časová línia, Do roku 2005, Výstavy

Akvafestival v Prahe

Hits: 9379

Na kon­ci októb­ra 2006 sa konal v Pra­he 2. roč­ník Aqua Fes­ti­va­lu. Prog­ram sľu­bo­val nasle­dov­né – Čes­ký šam­pi­onát cho­va­te­lů ska­lár, Mezi­ná­rod­ní výsta­va téma­tic­kých akvá­rií, pred­náš­ko­vá odpo­led­ne, před­sta­ve­ní čin­nos­ti čes­kých a slo­ven­ských spol­ků, pro­dej akva­ris­tic­kých potřeb a lite­ra­tu­ry… Ten­to­krát bol jeho súčas­ťou šam­pi­onát ska­lá­rov. Pod­ľa toho, čo som sa dopo­čul, tak pre­dov­šet­kým čes­kí akva­ris­ti vytvo­ri­li prav­de­po­dob­ne štan­dard, kto­rý je akcep­to­va­ný medzi­ná­rod­nou spo­loč­nos­ťou. Ja som sa vybral do Pra­hy spo­lu so Sil­ves­te­rom Valen­ti­nom 21.10.2006. Pek­ne sme sa odviez­li auto­bu­som Stu­dent Agen­cy, kto­rým sme mimo­cho­dom aj odces­to­va­li, ráno sme boli už v Kon­gre­so­vom cen­tre neďa­le­ko Vyšeh­ra­du. Chce­li sme sa najprv nara­ňaj­ko­vať, ale ako­si nás to stá­le ťaha­lo robiť nie­čo iné. To iné sa odo­hrá­va­lo prá­ve na výsta­ve. Orga­ni­zá­to­ri zrej­me nespl­ni­li cel­kom oča­ká­va­nia, malo byť vysta­ve­ných ďale­ko viac tema­tic­kých akvá­rií, ja sa pri­znám, šiel som tam naj­mä na skaláre.

Atmo­sfé­ra, kto­rá vlád­la na fes­ti­va­le mne vyho­vo­va­la. Mož­no pre­to, že veľa ľudí poznám, kaž­do­pád­ne cítil som sa výbor­ne. Prí­tom­ní boli samoz­rej­me pre­daj­co­via a poniek­to­rí veru boli pre mňa aj zried­ka­ví. Pre­ho­di­li sme vždy pár slov. ak sme sa na to cíti­li. V prie­be­hu času dora­zi­la z Bra­ti­sla­vy ďal­šia sku­pi­na, došo­fé­ro­va­ná Milom Peš­kom. Zhlia­dol som aj rela­tív­ne počet­nú sku­pi­nu oko­lo Pala Sed­lá­ka. Orga­ni­zá­to­ri, kon­krét­ne Vlad­ko Bydžov­ský spo­mí­nal, že ho mrzí, že domá­ci pra­žá­ci, kto­rých malo byť vša­de počuť, veľ­mi nepriš­li, ale zato slo­vá­kov tam bolo dosť. Iste nie­len ja som si vši­mol, že aj nemec­ky hovo­ria­cich tam bolo dosť. Je to ško­da. V prog­ra­me dňa, kedy sme tam my boli, t.j. v sobo­tu, bolo vyhlá­se­nie výsled­kov a pred­náš­ky. My sme absol­vo­va­li pred­náš­ku pána Jür­ge­na Sch­mid­ta na tému Laby­rint­ky juho­vý­chod­nej Ázie. Roz­prá­val o mno­hých dru­hoch rodu Bet­ta. Vzhľa­dom na dosť níz­ku účasť na celom podu­ja­tí v tom čase ma cel­kom milo prek­va­pi­lo, koľ­ko ľudí bolo zve­da­vých na pred­náš­ku. Ďal­šiu pred­náš­ku vie­dol Vlad­ko Bydžov­ský. Pre­zen­to­val na nej svo­je náv­šte­vy po rôz­nych cho­va­te­ľoch. Orien­to­va­ná bola samoz­rej­me naj­mä ma dru­hy rodu Pte­rop­hyl­lum. Vide­li sme zábe­ry z kuchy­ne úspeš­ných cho­va­te­ľov a poču­li sme mno­ho uži­toč­ných cho­va­teľ­ských slov. Po vyhlá­se­ní výsled­kov nasle­do­va­la pred­náš­ka Hors­ta Lin­ke­ho, pre kto­ré­ho sú zjav­ne ska­lá­re domi­nant­né. Pán Lin­ke bol per­fekt­ne vyba­ve­ný tech­ni­kou na pre­zen­tá­ciu, čo ostat­ne mi malo byť jas­né už po Bydžov­ské­ho pred­náš­ke, kde sme vide­li aj akva­ris­tic­ké vyba­ve­nie Hos­ta Lin­ke­ho. Vskut­ku pre­cíz­na prá­ca. Pan Lin­ke je urči­te zruč­ný nie­len v akva­ris­ti­ke. Oce­nil som, že pred­náš­ka bola kom­plex­ná a pri­tom nie zdĺha­vá (podo­tý­kam, že bola pre­kla­da­ná do češ­ti­ny). Videl som v nej pou­ži­té dokon­ca novi­no­vé výstriž­ky o ska­lá­roch z obdo­bia snáď 19. sto­ro­čia. Nepa­mä­tám si pres­ne fak­ty, ale zau­ja­lo ma to veľ­mi. Páči­lo sa mi aj to, že pán Lin­ke cho­vá svo­jich ska­lá­rov v akvá­riách, kde je dno, rast­li­ny. Bohu­žiaľ čas bežal a my sme muse­li ísť na auto­bus, tak­že sme odbeh­li z pred­náš­ky. Hádam nie­ke­dy nabu­dú­ce. Ska­lá­re boli v 53 nádr­žiach. Zare­gis­tro­val som iba šty­ri tema­tic­ké akvária :-((((.

At the end of Octo­ber 2006, the 2nd Aqua Fes­ti­val took pla­ce in Pra­gue. The prog­ram pro­mi­sed the fol­lo­wing – Czech Cham­pi­ons­hip of Angel­fish Bre­e­ders, Inter­na­ti­onal Exhi­bi­ti­on of The­ma­tic Aqu­ariums, lec­tu­re after­no­ons, pre­sen­ta­ti­on of acti­vi­ties of Czech and Slo­vak asso­cia­ti­ons, sale of aqu­arium supp­lies and lite­ra­tu­re… This time, it inc­lu­ded an angel­fish cham­pi­ons­hip. Accor­ding to what I heard, Czech aqu­arists, in par­ti­cu­lar, pro­bab­ly set a stan­dard that is accep­ted by the inter­na­ti­onal com­mu­ni­ty. I went to Pra­gue with Sil­ves­ter Valen­tin on Octo­ber 21, 2006. We had a ple­a­sant jour­ney by the Stu­dent Agen­cy bus, which we also used for our return. In the mor­ning, we were alre­a­dy at the Con­gress Cen­ter near Vyšeh­rad. We wan­ted to have bre­ak­fast first, but some­how we were alwa­ys dra­wn to do somet­hing else. That somet­hing else was hap­pe­ning at the exhi­bi­ti­on. The orga­ni­zers appa­ren­tly did­n’t quite meet expec­ta­ti­ons; the­re were sup­po­sed to be many more the­ma­tic aqu­ariums, but I con­fess I main­ly went the­re for angelfish.

I liked the atmo­sp­he­re at the fes­ti­val. Per­haps becau­se I know many peop­le, any­way, I felt gre­at. Of cour­se, the­re were ven­dors, and some of them were inde­ed rare for me. We exchan­ged a few words whe­ne­ver we felt like it. Over time, anot­her group arri­ved from Bra­ti­sla­va, dri­ven by Milo Peš­ko. I also saw a rela­ti­ve­ly lar­ge group around Pal Sed­lák. The orga­ni­zers, spe­ci­fi­cal­ly Vlad­ko Bydžov­ský, men­ti­oned that he regret­ted that the local Pra­gue resi­dents, who were sup­po­sed to be heard eve­ry­whe­re, did not come very much, but the­re were quite a few Slo­vaks ins­te­ad. I cer­tain­ly noti­ced, and I’m not alo­ne, that the­re were also quite a few Ger­man spe­a­kers. It’s a pity. On the day we were the­re, Satur­day, the prog­ram inc­lu­ded announ­cing the results and lec­tu­res. We atten­ded a lec­tu­re by Mr. Jür­gen Sch­midt on the sub­ject of Laby­rinth Fish of Sout­he­ast Asia. He tal­ked about many spe­cies of the Bet­ta genus. Given the rela­ti­ve­ly low atten­dan­ce at the enti­re event at that time, I was quite ple­a­san­tly sur­pri­sed by how many peop­le were curi­ous about the lec­tu­re. Vlad­ko Bydžov­ský led anot­her lec­tu­re, pre­sen­ting his visits to vari­ous bre­e­ders, main­ly focu­sed on spe­cies of the Pte­rop­hyl­lum genus. We saw shots from the kit­chens of suc­cess­ful bre­e­ders and heard many use­ful bre­e­ding words. After the announ­ce­ment of the results, Horst Lin­ke gave a lec­tu­re, for whom angel­fish are evi­den­tly domi­nant. Mr. Lin­ke was per­fect­ly equ­ip­ped with pre­sen­ta­ti­on tech­no­lo­gy, which should have been cle­ar to me alre­a­dy after Bydžov­ský­’s lec­tu­re, whe­re we saw Lin­ke­’s aqu­arium equ­ip­ment. Tru­ly pre­ci­se work. Mr. Lin­ke is cer­tain­ly skil­led not only in aqu­aris­tics. I app­re­cia­ted that the lec­tu­re was com­pre­hen­si­ve and not over­ly lengt­hy (note that it was trans­la­ted into Czech). I saw news­pa­per clip­pings about angel­fish from per­haps the 19th cen­tu­ry used in it. I don’t remem­ber the facts exact­ly, but it fas­ci­na­ted me a lot. I also liked that Mr. Lin­ke keeps his angel­fish in tanks with sub­stra­te and plants. Unfor­tu­na­te­ly, time was run­ning out, and we had to catch the bus, so we had to lea­ve the lec­tu­re. Hope­ful­ly, some­ti­me in the futu­re. The­re were angel­fish in 53 tanks. I only noti­ced four the­ma­tic aquariums :-((((.

Výsled­ky súťaže

1.divo­ký odchytFor­kel SimonSRN
2.divo­ký odchytFor­kel SimonSRN
3.altumFor­kel SimonSRN
4.altumSamec Milo­slavČR
5.altumDoče­kal ZdeněkČR
6.otvo­re­ná triedaWil­helm FrankSRN
7.otvo­re­ná triedaMatuľ­ka JanČR
8.divo­ký odchytSta­něk FrantišekČR
9.otvo­re­ná triedaDoče­kal ZdeněkČR
10.otvo­re­ná triedaJelí­nek PetrČR

Akva­fes­ti­val 2005

Na kon­ci októb­ra 2005 sa konal v Pra­he 1. roč­ník Aqua Fes­ti­va­lu. Pries­to­ry boli obrov­ské – expo­zí­cie boli stra­te­né. Prí­liš honos­né pries­to­ry, ale kto­vie, mož­no raz bude plno aj na takej­to plo­che. Súčas­ťou bol Čes­ký šam­pi­onát cho­va­te­lů ter­čov­ců2. roč­ník. Ter­čov­ce boli roz­de­le­né do kate­gó­rií, zastú­pe­né boli for­my od výmys­lu sve­ta, zele­né, mod­ré, Haec­kel, čere­ve­né, spot­ted, ploš­ný tyr­kys, bie­le for­my, dia­mant, kobalt, levia hla­va, oran­ge, ško­da že poza­die na akvá­riách bolo otras­né. Boli to maj­strov­stvá ČR, ale boli boli tu zastú­pe­né aj ryby zo Slo­ven­ska, Nemec­ka, atď..

Aqua Fes­ti­val 2005

At the end of Octo­ber 2005, the first Aqua Fes­ti­val took pla­ce in Pra­gue. The spa­ces were huge – the exhi­bits were almost lost. The pre­mi­ses were too gran­di­ose, but who kno­ws, may­be one day the­re will be plen­ty even on such a lar­ge area. It inc­lu­ded the Czech Cham­pi­ons­hip of Dis­cus Bre­e­ders – the 2nd edi­ti­on. Dis­cus were divi­ded into cate­go­ries, repre­sen­ted were forms from all over the world, gre­en, blue, Haec­kel, red, spot­ted, solid turqu­oise, whi­te forms, dia­mond, cobalt, lion­he­ad, oran­ge. It’s a sha­me that the backg­round on the aqu­ariums was ter­rib­le. The­se were the Czech Repub­lic Cham­pi­ons­hips, but fish from Slo­va­kia, Ger­ma­ny, etc., were also represented.


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Akvaristická literatúra

Hits: 11740

Slo­ven­ská literatúra

  • Čer­ný J., Toper­cer E., 1991: Cho­vá­me akvá­ri­ové ryby, Prí­ro­da, 3. vyd., 170 pp.
  • Dokou­pil Nor­bert, 1999: Moder­né mečú­ne, SAP, ISBN 8088908256, 67 pp.
  • Dokou­pil Nor­bert, 1980: Prvé akvá­ri­um, 53 pp.
  • James Bar­ry, 2003: Akvá­ri­ové rast­li­ny, 120 pp.
  • Pay­san Klaus, 1995: Akva­rij­ní ryby, Granit
  • Van­ko Kamil, 1998: Cho­vá­me závoj­nat­ky, Kon­tak Plus, ISBN 8088855225, 55 pp.
  • May­land Hen­ry J., 1999: Slad­ko­vod­né akvá­ri­um, Art Area, 145 pp.

Čes­ká literatúra

  • Čítek J., Svo­bo­do­vá Z., Tesa­řík J., 1998: Nemo­ci slad­ko­vod­ních a akva­rij­ních ryb, Střed­ní rybá­řs­ká ško­la Vod­ňa­ny, Praha
  • Dařbu­ján Hynek, 1998: Mor­ská akva­ris­ti­ka, Stu­dio Pre­ss, s.r.o., Čáslav, 122 pp.
  • Dokou­pil Nor­bert, 1981: Živo­rod­ky. Tech­ni­ka cho­vu, bio­lo­gie dru­hů, stan­dar­dy, SZN, Praha.
  • Dra­ho­tuš­ský Zde­něk, Novák Jin­dřich, 2000, Jota, s.r.o., Brno, ISBN 8072171240, 304 pp.
  • Frank Sta­ni­slav, Rataj Karel, Zukal Rudolf, 1982: 333 x jak a proč, Své­po­moc, Praha.
  • Frank Sta­ni­slav, 1984: Akva­ris­ti­ka, Prá­ce, Edí­cia Del­fín, Pra­ha, 364 pp.
  • Frank Sta­ni­slav, 1977: Jak žijí ryby, Artia, Praha.
  • Frank Sta­ni­slav, 2000: Slad­ko­vod­ná akva­ris­ti­ka, Ces­ty, Pra­ha, ISBN 8071812188, 247 pp.
  • Frank Sta­ni­slav, 1989: Veľ­ký oba­zo­vý atlas rýb, Mla­dé letá, Bra­ti­sla­va, 2. vyd..
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Cudzo­ja­zyč­ná literatúra

  • Krau­se Hanns‑J., Hand­buch Aqu­arien­was­ser, BeDe Ver­lag, 3 – 927 997005, 128 pp.


  • San­der Mar­tin, Aqu­arien­tech­nik im Süßund See­was­ser, Ulmer, 3800173417, 256 pp.

Prí­rod­né akvária

  • Fohr­man Kjel, 2001: Back to Natu­re Aqu­arium guide. Back to Natu­re. 196 pp.


  • Esch­me­y­er W.N., 1990: Cata­log of the gene­ra of Recent fis­hes. Cali­for­nia Aca­de­my of Scien­ces, San Fran­cis­co, vi + 697 pp.


  • Cook C.D.K., 1990: Aqu­atic Plant Book. SPB Aca­de­mic Pub­lis­hing. The Hagu­em 228 pp.
  • James Bar­ry, 2003: Akvá­ri­ové rast­li­ny, 120 pp.
  • Kas­sel­mann Chris­tel, 1999: Aqu­arien pflan­zen, Eugen Ulmer, 504 pp.
  • Kas­sel­mann Chris­tel, 2001: Echi­no­do­rus, Däh­ne Verlag.
  • Rataj Karel, 1980: Akva­ris­ti­ka začí­na u rost­lin, Svépomoc.
  • Rataj Karel, otec & syn, 1998: Akvá­ri­um a rost­li­ny, 150 pp.
  • Sche­ur­man­no­vá Ines, 1999: Akva­rij­ní rost­li­ny, Vašut, ISBN 807236085X, 96 pp.


  • Fry­er G., 1996: Ende­mism, spe­cia­ti­on and adap­ti­ve radia­ti­on in gre­at lakes. Envi­ron­men­tal Bio­lo­gy of Fis­hes 45: 109 – 131.


  • Dokou­pil Nor­bert, 1999: Moder­né mečú­ne, SAP, ISBN 8088908256, 67 pp.
  • Dokou­pil Nor­bert, 1981: Živo­rod­ky. Tech­ni­ka cho­vu, bio­lo­gie dru­hů, stan­dar­dy, SZN, Praha.
  • End­ler J.A., Hou­de A.E., 1995: Geog­rap­hi­cal varia­ti­on in fema­le pre­fe­ren­ces for male traits in Poeci­lia reti­cu­la­ta. Evo­lu­ti­on 49: 456 – 468
  • Hie­ro­ni­mus Har­ro, 1999: Živo­rod­ky, Pra­ha, Vašut, ISBN 8072360892, 72 pp.


  • Van­ko Kamil, 1998: Cho­vá­me závoj­nat­ky, Kon­tak Plus, ISBN 8088855225, 55 pp.


  • Vítek Jiří, Kad­lec Jaro­slav, 1988: Halan­čí­ci. Bio­lo­gie, chov, přeh­led dru­hů, KCCH, Praha.


  • Bar­low Geor­ge W., 2002: The Cich­lid Fis­hes: Natu­re­’s Grand Expe­ri­ment in Evo­lu­ti­on, Per­se­us Pub­lis­hing, ISBN 0738205281.
  • Erlands­son A., Rib­bink A.J., 1997: Pat­terns of sexu­al size dimorp­hism in Afri­can cich­lid fis­hes. South Afri­can Jour­nal of Scien­ce 93: 498 – 508.
  • Farias I. P., Ortí G., Sam­paio I., Schne­i­der H., Mey­er A., 1999: Mito­chon­drial DNA phy­lo­ge­ny of the fami­ly Cich­li­dae: Monop­hy­ly and fast mole­cu­lar evo­lu­ti­on of the Neot­ro­pi­cal assem­bla­ge. Jour­nal of Mole­cu­lar Evo­lu­ti­on 48: 703 – 711. Link
  • Farias I.P., Ortí G., Mey­er A, 2000: Total evi­den­ce: Mole­cu­les, morp­ho­lo­gy, and the phy­lo­ge­ne­tics of cich­lid fis­hes. Jour­nal of Expe­ri­men­tal Zoolo­gy 288 (1): 76 – 92. Link
  • Fry­er G. 1977: Evo­lu­ti­on of spe­cies flocks of cich­lid fis­hes in Afri­can lakes. Zeitsch­rift für zoolo­gis­che Sys­te­ma­tik und Evo­lu­ti­ons­fors­chung 15: 141 – 165.
  • Keen­le­y­si­de M.H.A. (ed.), 1991: Cich­lid fis­hes. Beha­vi­our, eco­lo­gy and evo­lu­ti­on. (Fish & Fis­he­ries Series Volu­me 2.) Chap­man & Hall, Lon­don; xxii + 378 pages. ISBN 0412322005.
  • Kocher T.D., Con­roy J.A., McKa­ye K.R., Stauf­fer J.R., 1993. Simi­lar morp­ho­lo­gies of cich­lid fis­hes in Lakes Tan­ga­ny­i­ka and Mala­wi are due to con­ver­gen­ce. Mole­cu­lar Phy­lo­ge­ne­tics and Evo­lu­ti­on 2 (2): 158 – 165. Link
  • Konings Ad ed., con­tr., 1991: The Cich­lids Year­bo­ok, Vol. 1., Cich­lid Pre­ss. 96 pp.
  • Konings Ad ed., con­tr., 1992: The Cich­lids Year­bo­ok, Vol. 2., Cich­lid Pre­ss. 96 pp.
  • Konings Ad ed., con­tr., 1993: Enjo­y­ing Cich­lids. Cich­lid Pre­ss. 240 pp.
  • Konings Ad ed., con­tr., 1993: The Cich­lids Year­bo­ok, Vol. 3., Cich­lid Pre­ss. 96 pp.
  • Konings Ad ed., con­tr., 1994: The Cich­lids Year­bo­ok, Vol. 4., Cich­lid Pre­ss. 96 pp.
  • Konings Ad ed., con­tr., 1995: The Cich­lids Year­bo­ok, Vol. 5., Cich­lid Pre­ss. 96 pp.
  • Konings Ad ed., con­tr., 1996: The Cich­lids Year­bo­ok, Vol. 6., Cich­lid Pre­ss. 96 pp.
  • Konings Ad, 2002: Enjo­y­ing Cich­lids. Second edition.
  • Liem K.F., 1973: Evo­lu­ti­ona­ry stra­te­gies and morp­ho­lo­gi­cal inno­va­ti­ons: Cich­lid pha­ryn­ge­al jaws. Syst. Zool. 22: 425 – 441
  • Loisel­le Paul, 1994: :The Cich­lid Aqu­arium, Tet­ra Pre­ss, ISBN 1564651460, 447 pp
  • Loisel­le Paul, 1993: Fish­ke­e­pers Guide to Afri­can Cich­lid, Tet­ra, ISBN 1564651444
  • Mey­er A., 1993: Phy­lo­ge­ne­tic rela­ti­ons­hips and evo­lu­ti­ona­ry pro­ces­ses in East Afri­can cich­lid fis­hes. Trends in Eco­lo­gy and Evo­lu­ti­on 8: 279 – 284.
  • Rib­bink A.J., 1991: Dis­tri­bu­ti­on and eco­lo­gy of the cich­lids of the Afri­can Gre­at Lakes. Pp. 36 – 59 in Keen­le­y­si­de, M.H.A. (ed.), Cich­lid fis­hes. Beha­vi­our, eco­lo­gy and evo­lu­ti­on. Chap­man & Hall, London.
  • See­hau­sen O., May­hew P.J., van Alp­hen J.J.M., 1999: Evo­lu­ti­on of colour pat­terns in East Afri­can cich­lid fish. Jour­nal of Evo­lu­ti­ona­ry Bio­lo­gy 12 (3): 514 – 534.
  • Stiass­ny M.L.J., 1981: The phy­le­tic sta­tus of the fami­ly Cich­li­dae (Pis­ces, Per­ci­for­mes): A com­pa­ra­ti­ve ana­to­mi­cal inves­ti­ga­ti­on. Nether­lands Jour­nal of Zoolo­gy 31 (2): 275 – 314.
  • Stiass­ny M.L.J., 1991: Phy­lo­ge­ne­tic intra­re­la­ti­ons­hips of the fami­ly Cich­li­dae: An over­view. Pp. 1 – 35 in Keen­le­y­si­de, M.H.A. (ed.), Cich­lid fis­hes. Beha­vi­our, eco­lo­gy and evo­lu­ti­on. Chap­man & Hall, London.
  • Sturm­bau­er C., Mey­er A., 1992: Gene­tic diver­gen­ce, spe­cia­ti­on and morp­ho­lo­gi­cal sta­sis in a line­a­ge of Afri­can cich­lid fis­hes. Natu­re 358 (6387): 578 – 581.
  • Sült­mann H., May­er W.E., 1997: Recons­truc­ti­on of cich­lid phy­lo­ge­ny using nuc­le­ar DNA mar­kers. Pp. 39 – 51 in: Mole­cu­lar Sys­te­ma­tics of Fis­hes. T. Kocher and C. Ste­pien (ed.). Aca­de­mic Pre­ss, San Diego.
  • Tre­wa­vas E. 1949: The ori­gin and evo­lu­ti­on of the cich­lid fis­ches of the Gre­at Afri­can lakes, with spe­cial refe­ren­ce to Lake Nyasa. Comp­tes Ren­dus 13th Con­grès Inter­na­ti­onal de Zoolo­gie 1948: 365 – 368.


  • Au Dick, 1998: Back to Natu­re guide Dis­cus. Back to Natu­re. 128 pp.


  • Boru­cho­vitz David, 2000: Afri­can Cich­lids of Lake Tan­ga­ny­i­ka, TFH Pub­li­ca­ti­ons, ISBN 0793830265.
  • Konings Ad, 1988: Tan­ga­ny­i­ka Cich­lids, Ver­du­ijn Cich­lids. 272 pp.
  • Konings Ad, 1992: Tan­ga­ny­i­ka Sec­rets, Cich­lid Pre­ss. 208 pp.
  • Konings Ad, 1996: Back to Natu­re guide Tan­ga­ny­i­ka Cich­lids. Back to Natu­re. 128 pp.
  • Konings Ad, 1998: Tan­ga­ny­i­ka Cich­lids in the­ir natu­ral habi­tat. Cich­lid Pre­ss, 272 pp.
  • Regan, C.T., 1920: The clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on of the fis­hes of the fami­ly Cich­li­dae. The Tan­ga­ny­i­ka gene­ra. Annals and Maga­zi­ne of Natu­ral His­to­ry (9) 5: 33 – 53.
  • Smith Mark, 1998: Lake Tan­ga­ny­i­kan Cich­lids: Eve­ryt­hing About Pur­cha­sing, Care, Nut­ri­ti­on, Beha­vi­our, & Aqu­arium Main­te­nan­ce, Bar­rons Edu­ca­ti­onal Series, ISBN 0764106155
  • Sturm­bau­er C., Ver­he­y­en E., Ruber L., Mey­er A., 1997. Phy­lo­ge­ne­tic pat­terns in popu­la­ti­ons of cich­lid fis­hes from roc­ky habi­tats in Lake Tan­ga­ny­i­ka. Pp. 97 – 111 in: Mole­cu­lar Sys­te­ma­tics of Fis­hes. T. Kocher and C. Ste­pien (ed.). Aca­de­mic Pre­ss, San Diego.
  • Zur­lo Georg, Brand­stet­ter, 2000: The Tan­ga­ny­i­ka Cich­lid Aqu­arium, Bar­rons Edu­ca­ti­onal Series, ISBN 0764116436


  • Bor­ne­mann Rai­ner, Hämel Wolf­gang, Ahrens Rena­te E., Rei­se Know How: Sim­bab­we, Bot­swa­na, Mala­wi, Mosam­bik & Sam­bia, Rei­se Know How Ver­lag, ISBN 3896620266, 531 pp.
  • Boru­cho­witz David E., 1997: The guide to ownong mala­wi cich­lids, TFH Pub­li­ca­ti­ons, ISBN 0793803594.
  • Boru­cho­witz David E., 2003: Mala­wi Cich­lids Kee­ping & Bre­e­ding Them in Cap­ti­vi­ty, TFH Pub­li­ca­ti­ons, ISBN 0793803594
  • Deutsch J. C., 1997: Colour diver­si­fi­ca­ti­on in Mala­wi cich­lids: evi­den­ce for adap­ta­ti­on, rein­for­ce­ment, or sexu­al selec­ti­on? Bio­lo­gi­cal Jour­nal of the Lin­ne­an Socie­ty 62: 1 – 14.
  • Ecc­les D.H., Tre­wa­vas E., 1989: Mala­wian cich­lid fis­hes. The clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on of some Hap­loc­hro­mi­ne gene­ra. Lake Fish Movies, Her­ten, Ger­ma­ny, 335 pp.
  • Fry­er G., 1959: Some aspects of evo­lu­ti­on in Lake Nyasa. Evo­lu­ti­on 13 (4): 440 – 451.
  • Fry­er G., 1959: The trop­hic inter­re­la­ti­ons­hips and eco­lo­gy of some lit­to­ral com­mu­ni­ties of Lake Nyasa with espe­cial refe­ren­ce to the fis­hes, and a dis­cus­si­on of the evo­lu­ti­on of a group of rock-​frequenting Cich­li­dae. Pro­ce­e­dings of the Zoolo­gi­cal Socie­ty of Lon­don 132: 153 – 281.
  • Hupe Ilo­na, Rei­sen in Sam­bia und Mala­wi, Ilo­na Hupe Ver­lag, ISBN 3932084217, 368 pp.
  • Iles T.D., 1960: A group of zoop­lank­ton fee­ders of the genus Hap­loc­hro­mis (Cich­li­dae) in Lake Nyasa. Annals and Maga­zi­ne of Natu­ral His­to­ry (13) 2, 1959: 257 – 280. [This paper was pub­lis­hed in the May 1959 issue, but sepa­ra­tes of it inc­lu­de the prin­ted nota­ti­on Pub­lis­hed 15/​3/​1960.”]
  • Jubb R.A, 1967: Fres­hwa­ter fis­hes of sout­hern Afri­ca. A.A. Bal­ke­ma, Cape Town; viii + 248 pp.
  • Konings Ad, 1989: Mala­wi Cich­lids in the­ir natu­ral habi­tat. Ver­du­ijn Cich­lids. ISBN 3928457292, 304 pp. Link
  • Konings Ad, 1990: Ad Konings’ book of Cich­lids and all the other fis­hes of Lake Mala­wi. Tro­pi­cal Fish Hob­by­ist. 496 pp. 0866225277.
  • Konings Ad, 1990: Desc­rip­ti­on of six new Mala­wi cich­lids. TFH maga­zi­ne, vol. 38 (11), pp 110 – 129. (Copa­dic­hro­mis azu­re­us, C. mben­jii, C. ver­du­ij­ni, Otop­ha­rynx wal­te­ri, Iodot­rop­he­us stu­artg­ran­ti, and Pse­udot­rop­he­us saulosi).
  • Konings Ad, 1993: A revi­si­on of the genus Scia­e­noc­hro­mis Ecc­les & Tre­wa­vas, 1989 (Pis­ces, Cich­li­dae). The Cich­lids Year­bo­ok, vol. 3, pp 28 – 36. (Scia­e­noc­hro­mis fry­eri, S. psam­mop­hi­lus, S. benthicola).
  • Konings Ad, 1994: Pse­udot­rop­he­us dema­so­ni sp. nov.: a sexu­al­ly mono­morp­hic cich­lid from the Tan­za­nian coast of Lake Mala­wi. The Cich­lids Year­bo­ok, vol. 4, pp 24 – 27. (Pse­udot­rop­he­us demasoni).
  • Konings Ad, 1995. A review of the sand-​dwelling spe­cies of the genus Aulo­no­ca­ra, with the desc­rip­ti­on of three new spe­cies. The Cich­lids Year­bo­ok, vol. 5, pp 26 – 36. (Aulo­no­ca­ra ger­tru­dae, A. bre­vi­ni­dus, and A. aquilonium).
  • Konings Ad, 1995: Mala­wi Cich­lids in the­ir natu­ral habi­tat, 2nd Edi­ti­on. Cich­lid Pre­ss. 352 pp.
  • Konings Ad, 1996: Atlas der Malawisee-​Cichliden. Vol. 1 and Vol 2., BeDe Ver­lag. 304 and 288 pp.
  • Konings Ad, 1997: Back to Natu­re guide Mala­wi Cich­lids. Back to Natu­re. 128 pp.
  • Konings Ad, 2000. Desc­rip­ti­on of Three New Copa­dic­hro­mis Spe­cies (Lab­ro­idei; Cich­li­dae) from Lake Mala­wi, Afri­ca. TFH maga­zi­ne, vol. 47 (9) May: pp 62 – 85 (Copa­dic­hro­mis ile­si, C. geert­si, and C. trewavasae).
  • Konings Ad, 2001: Mala­wi Cich­lid in the­ir natu­ral habi­tat. 3rd Edi­ti­on. 352 pp. Cich­lid Press
  • Konings Ad, 2002: The Cich­lids of Lake Mala­wi. Prog­ram for sear­ching fish names and loca­li­ty names; >5000 photos.
  • Konings Ad, ed. 1989: Mala­wian Cich­lid Fis­hes. The clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on of some hap­loc­hro­mi­ne gene­ra by David H. Ecc­les and Ethe­lwynn Tre­wa­vas. Lake Fish Movies.
  • Korn­field I., Smith P.F., 2000: Afri­can cich­lid fis­hes: Model sys­tems for evo­lu­ti­ona­ry bio­lo­gy. Annu­al Review of Eco­lo­gy and Sys­te­ma­tics 31: 163 – 196.
  • Korn­field I.L., 1974: Evo­lu­ti­ona­ry gene­tics of ende­mic cich­lid fis­hes (Pis­ces: Cich­li­dae) in Lake Mala­wi, Afri­ca. Unpub­lis­hed Ph.D. dis­ser­ta­ti­on, Sta­te Uni­ver­si­ty of New York, Sto­ny Bro­ok, xv+139 pp.
  • McEl­roy D.M., Korn­field I., 1990: Sexu­al selec­ti­on, repro­duc­ti­ve beha­vi­or, and spe­cia­ti­on in the mbu­na spe­cies flock of Lake Mala­wi (Pis­ces: Cich­li­dae). Envi­ron­men­tal Bio­lo­gy of Fis­hes 28: 273 – 284.
  • McEl­roy D.M., Korn­field I., Eve­rett J., 1991: Colo­ra­ti­on in Afri­can cich­lids: Diver­si­ty and cons­traints in Lake Mala­wi ende­mics. Nether­lands Jour­nal of Zoolo­gy 41 (4): 250 – 268.
  • McKa­ye K.R., 1991: Sexu­al selec­ti­on and the evo­lu­ti­on of the cich­lid fis­hes of Lake Mala­wi, Afri­ca. Pp. 241 – 257 in Keen­le­y­si­de, M.H.A. (ed.), Cich­lid fis­hes. Beha­vi­our, eco­lo­gy and evo­lu­ti­on. Chap­man & Hall, London.
  • McKa­ye K.R., Kocher T., Reint­hal P., Har­ri­son R., Korn­field I., 1984: Gene­tic evi­den­ce for allo­pat­ric and sym­pat­ric dif­fe­ren­tia­ti­on among morphs of a Lake Mala­wi cich­lid fish. Evo­lu­ti­on 38: 215 – 219.
  • Oli­ver M.K., McKa­ye K.R., 1982: Flo­ating islands: A means of fish dis­per­sal in Lake Mala­wi, Afri­ca. Cope­ia 1982 (4): 748 – 754.
  • Owen R.B., Cross­ley R., John­son T.C., Twedd­le D., Korn­field I. et al., 1990: Major low lake levels of Lake Mala­wi and the­ir impli­ca­ti­ons for spe­cia­ti­on rates in cich­lid fis­hes. Pro­ce­e­dings of the Roy­al Socie­ty, Lon­don 240: 519 – 553.
  • Rans­ford O., 1966: Living­sto­ne­’s lake. The dra­ma of Nyasa. John Mur­ray, Lon­don, x + 313 pp.
  • Regan C.T., 1922: The cich­lid fis­hes of Lake Nyas­sa. Pro­ce­e­dings of the Zoolo­gi­cal Socie­ty of Lon­don 1921: 675 – 727 & Pla­tes I‑VI.
  • Reint­hal P.N., 1987: Morp­ho­lo­gy, eco­lo­gy, and beha­vi­or of a group of the rock-​dwelling cich­lid fis­hes (Pis­ces: Per­ci­for­mes) from Lake Mala­wi, Afri­ca. Unpub­lis­hed Ph.D. dis­ser­ta­ti­on, Duke Uni­ver­si­ty, Dur­ham, North Carolina.
  • Rib­bink A.J., Marsh A.C., Marsh B., Sharp B.J., 1980: Paren­tal beha­vi­our and mixed bro­ods among cich­lid fish of Lake Mala­wi. South Afri­can Jour­nal of Zoolo­gy 15: 1 – 6.
  • Sch­raml Erwin, 1998: Aqu­alog Spe­cial. Koral­len­fis­che des Süßwas­sers Mala­wi, Aqu­alog, ISBN 3931702480, 48 pp.
  • Sch­raml Erwin, 1998: Aqu­alog. Afri­can Cich­lids I. Mala­wi. Mbu­na. Ver­lag A.C.S. GmbH. ISBN 3931702790
  • Smith Mark Phil­lip, 2000: Lake Mala­wi cich­lids. Eve­ryt­hing About His­to­ry, Set­ting Up an Aqu­arium, Health Con­cerns, Spa­wning, Bar­rons Edu­ca­ti­onal Series, ISBN 0764115251
  • Sno­eks Jos ed. in pre­ss: The cich­lid diver­si­ty of Lake Malawi/​Nyasa/​Niassa:
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  • Stiass­ny M.L.J., 1981. Phy­lo­ge­ne­tic ver­sus con­ver­gent rela­ti­ons­hip bet­we­en pis­ci­vo­rous cich­lid fis­hes from Lakes Mala­wi and Tan­ga­ny­i­ka. Bul­le­tin of the Bri­tish Muse­um (Natu­ral His­to­ry), Zoolo­gy 40 (3): 67 – 101.
  • Swe­e­ney Mary E., 1997: Mala­wi cich­lids: Mbu­na, T.F.H. Pub­li­ca­ti­ons, ISBN 079380115X, 64 pp-
  • Tepo­ot Pabol. Tepo­ot Ian, 1995: The pic­to­rial guide, New Life Pub­li­ca­ti­ons, ISBN 0964505800.
  • Thom­pson A.B., Alli­son E.H., Nga­tun­ga B.P., 1996: Dis­tri­bu­ti­on and bre­e­ding bio­lo­gy of offs­ho­re cich­lids in Lake Malawi/​Niassa. Envi­ron­men­tal Bio­lo­gy of Fis­hes 47 (3): 235-?.
  • Tur­ner G., 1996: Offs­ho­re cich­lids of Lake Mala­wi. Cich­lid Pre­ss, Lau­e­nau, Ger­ma­ny; 240 pp. ISBN 3928457330.
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  • Kauf­man L.S., Chap­man L.J., Chap­man, C.A., 1997: Evo­lu­ti­on in fast for­ward: hap­loc­hro­mi­ne fis­hes of the Lake Vic­to­ria regi­on. Ende­a­vour 21: 23 – 30
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Juž­ná Amerika

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Stred­ná Amerika

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