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Česká Kamenice – mesto kde chodil do škola Antonín Dvořák

Hits: 1174

Čes­ká Kame­ni­ce, nemec­ky Böh­misch Kam­nitz, je mes­to v sever­ných Čechách, cez kto­ré tečie rie­ka Kame­ni­ce. His­to­ric­ké jad­ro je mest­skou pamiat­ko­vou zónou. Na plo­che 38.76 km2 žije 5247 oby­va­te­ľov. Nad­mor­ská výš­ka mes­ta je 301 met­rov nad morom (Wiki­pe­dia CZ). Mes­to lemu­jú Lužic­ké hory, Čes­ké Švaj­čiar­ko a Čes­ké Stre­do­ho­rie (luzic​ke​-hory​.cz). Prvá písom­ná zmien­ka o mes­te je z roku 1352, avšak vo väč­ši­ne pub­li­ká­cií je uve­de­né, že bolo zalo­že­né už pred rokom 1283 (Wiki­pe­dia CZ). Pod­ľa luzic​ke​-hory​.cz mes­to vznik­lo mož­no už v 11. sto­ro­čí a obý­va­né bolo Lužíc­ký­mi Srb­mi. Oko­lo polo­vi­ce 13. sto­ro­čia sem priš­li nemec­kí osíd­len­ci. V roku 1394 tu stá­lo 67 domov (luzic​ke​-hory​.cz). Po dru­hej sve­to­vej voj­ne bola vysíd­le­ná väč­ši­na miest­nych oby­va­te­ľov. Od roku 2005 je mes­to tzv. His­to­ric­kým mes­tom. Zámok pochá­dza z prvej polo­vi­ci 16. sto­ro­čia. Miest­ne čas­ti: Čes­ká Kame­ni­ce, Dol­ní Kame­ni­ce, Fili­pov, Hor­ní Kame­ni­ce, Huní­kov, Kame­nic­ká Nová Vís­ka, Ker­har­ti­ce, Lís­ka, Pekel­ský Důl, Vís­ka pod Lesy (Wiki­pe­dia CZ). O jese­ne 1856 do leta 1857 nav­šte­vo­val tunaj­šiu meš­tian­sku ško­lu Anto­nín Dvo­řák (ces​ka​-kame​ni​ce​.cz). V mla­dos­ti tu v rokoch 17201728 žil Chris­toph Wil­li­bald Gluck, kto­ré­ho otec Ale­xan­der bol les­ní­kom na tunaj­šom pan­stve (luzic​ke​-hory​.cz). V his­to­ric­kom cen­tre mes­ta sa zacho­va­la archi­tek­tú­ra, kto­rá odrá­ža bohat­stvo minu­los­ti. Mes­tu domi­nu­je kos­tol svä­tej Kata­rí­ny. Lákad­lom je blíz­kosť národ­né­ho par­ku Čes­ké Švaj­čiar­sko. Neďa­le­ko sa nachá­dza Zápol­ský zámok s krás­ny­mi záh­ra­da­mi. Miest­ne reštau­rá­cie a kaviar­ne ponú­ka­jú tra­dič­né lužic­ké špe­cia­li­ty a domá­ce dezerty.

Čes­ká Kame­ni­ce, kno­wn as Böh­misch Kam­nitz in Ger­man, is a town in nort­hern Bohe­mia through which the Kame­ni­ce River flo­ws. The his­to­ric core is desig­na­ted as a muni­ci­pal heri­ta­ge zone. With an area of 38.76 km², it is home to 5,247 inha­bi­tants. The town’s ele­va­ti­on is 301 meters abo­ve sea level (Wiki­pe­dia CZ). The town is sur­roun­ded by the Lusa­tian Moun­tains, the Czech Swit­zer­land, and the Czech Cen­tral High­lands (luzic​ke​-hory​.cz). The first writ­ten men­ti­on of the town is from 1352, alt­hough in most pub­li­ca­ti­ons, it is sta­ted that it was foun­ded befo­re 1283 (Wiki­pe­dia CZ). Accor­ding to luzic​ke​-hory​.cz, the town may have ori­gi­na­ted as ear­ly as the 11th cen­tu­ry and was inha­bi­ted by Lusa­tian Sorbs. In the mid-​13th cen­tu­ry, Ger­man sett­lers arri­ved here. In 1394, the­re were 67 hou­ses here (luzic​ke​-hory​.cz). After World War II, the majo­ri­ty of the local resi­dents were disp­la­ced. Sin­ce 2005, the town has been desig­na­ted as a His­to­ric Town”. The cast­le dates back to the first half of the 16th cen­tu­ry. Local dis­tricts inc­lu­de: Čes­ká Kame­ni­ce, Dol­ní Kame­ni­ce, Fili­pov, Hor­ní Kame­ni­ce, Huní­kov, Kame­nic­ká Nová Vís­ka, Ker­har­ti­ce, Lís­ka, Pekel­ský Důl, and Vís­ka pod Lesy (Wiki­pe­dia CZ). In the autumn of 1856 to the sum­mer of 1857, Anto­nín Dvo­řák atten­ded the local town scho­ol here (ces​ka​-kame​ni​ce​.cz). In his youth, from 1720 to 1728, Chris­toph Wil­li­bald Gluck lived here, who­se fat­her Ale­xan­der was a fores­ter on the local esta­te (luzic​ke​-hory​.cz). The his­to­ric cen­ter of the town retains archi­tec­tu­re that ref­lects its rich past. The domi­nant fea­tu­re is the Church of St. Cat­he­ri­ne. The pro­xi­mi­ty to the Čes­ké Švaj­čiar­sko Nati­onal Park is an att­rac­ti­on. Near­by is the Zapol­sky Cast­le with beau­ti­ful gar­dens. Local res­tau­rants and cafes offer tra­di­ti­onal Lusa­tian spe­cial­ties and home­ma­de desserts.

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