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10.10.2009 sa usku­toč­ni­la v Dome kul­tú­ry v Dúb­rav­ke, v Bra­ti­sla­ve v pora­dí dru­há bra­ti­slav­ská tera­ris­tic­ká bur­za (BTB) Tro­pi­ca­na Pre­ss­burg. Naj­viac boli ponú­ka­né pla­zy, pre­dov­šet­kým jaš­te­ry. Veľa bolo aj sli­má­kov, hadov. Čias­toč­ne bola zastú­pe­ná aj akva­ris­ti­ka. Zvlášt­ne pre mňa boli kalo­ne, čo sú neto­pie­re. Pod­ľa foto­gra­fií si môže­te spra­viť obraz o tom, ako to tam vypa­da­lo. Ja odha­du­jem, že pre­daj­co­via boli zhru­ba na 50 met­roch, keby boli v jed­nom rade. Atmo­sfé­ra bola výbor­ná, tera­ris­ti sú tak­mer bez výnim­ky tole­rant­ní, pokoj­ní ľudia, kto neve­rí, nech prí­de napr. na ďal­šiu Tro­pi­ca­nu, kto­rá bude na jar 2010.

On Octo­ber 10, 2009, the second ter­ra­rium fair in Bra­ti­sla­va, Tro­pi­ca­na Pre­ss­burg (BTB), took pla­ce at the Cul­tu­re Hou­se in Dúb­rav­ka. The event fea­tu­red a sig­ni­fi­cant offe­ring of repti­les, espe­cial­ly lizards. The­re were also many snails and sna­kes avai­lab­le. Addi­ti­onal­ly, the­re was a par­tial repre­sen­ta­ti­on of aquarium-​related items. Par­ti­cu­lar­ly intri­gu­ing for me were kalo­ne,” which are bats. From the pho­tos, you can get an idea of how it looked the­re. I esti­ma­te that the sel­lers were spre­ad over app­ro­xi­ma­te­ly 50 meters if they were in a sin­gle row. The atmo­sp­he­re was excel­lent; ter­ra­rium ent­hu­siasts are, wit­hout excep­ti­on, tole­rant and pea­ce­ful peop­le. Any­o­ne who doubts this should come to the next Tro­pi­ca­na, sche­du­led for spring 2010.

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