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25.3.2011 sa konal v súvis­los­ti s ČSOB Marat­ho­nom beh čaš­ní­kov. V Bra­ti­sla­ve, pred Euro­ve­ou. Bolo to výraz­ne viac o zába­ve ako o špor­te a bolo to na môj vkus tro­chu bez šťa­vy. Pre­dov­šet­kým účast­ní­kov bolo málo a ich prí­stup bol zväč­ša čis­to ama­tér­sky. Výzvy mode­rá­to­ra podu­ja­tia do oko­li­tých reštau­rá­cií na účasťver­bo­va­nie medzi divák­mi tes­ne pred štar­tom podu­ja­tia boli pre mňa sil­ná káva. Prí­stup ofi­ciál­nych” foto­gra­fov, kto­rí sa cpa­li, aby nafo­ti­li asi neja­ké uni­kát­ne foto­gra­fie sú tiež mimo môj­ho vku­su, navy­še ich bolo ako hadov. Navy­še viac­ná­sob­né pokri­ko­va­nie Sla­va Jur­ka ako mode­rá­to­ra na súťa­žia­ce­ho, že mu pada­jú gate mi priš­lo úbo­hé. Kto­vie, pre nie­ko­ho je to asi veľ­ká prča.

Pre účast­ní­kov bola pri­pra­ve­ná pre­káž­ko­vá trať, s tým, že sa súťa­ži­lo v pároch. Pri­pra­vil sa mie­ša­ný nápoj a s ním bolo tre­ba prejsť pre­káž­ky a potom nájsť nie­ko­ho ďal­šie­ho, aby pri­pra­ve­ný nápoj vypil. Vypi­tie bol tro­chu chu­ťo­vý prob­lém, pre­to­že veľ­ká sna­ha a tlak zaprí­či­nil, že nápo­je boli tro­chu prí­kre :-). Kaž­do­pád­ne nie­čo som nafo­til a som s tým cel­kom spokojný.

On the 25th of March 2011, a wai­ter race took pla­ce in con­nec­ti­on with the ČSOB Marat­hon. It hap­pe­ned in Bra­ti­sla­va, in front of Euro­vea. It was much more about enter­tain­ment than sports, and, for my tas­te, it lac­ked a bit of exci­te­ment. Abo­ve all, the­re were few par­ti­ci­pants, and the­ir app­ro­ach was most­ly pure­ly ama­te­urish. The chal­len­ges from the even­t’s host to near­by res­tau­rants for par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on and rec­ru­iting among the audien­ce just befo­re the start of the event were a bit too much for me. The app­ro­ach of the offi­cial” pho­tog­rap­hers, who were pus­hing to take some uni­que pho­tos, was also not to my liking, espe­cial­ly sin­ce the­re were so many of them. Furt­her­mo­re, the repe­a­ted shou­ting of Sla­va Jur­ka, the host, at the con­tes­tants about the­ir fal­ling pants see­med poor to me. Per­haps, for some, it’s a big laugh.

A chal­len­ging obstac­le cour­se was pre­pa­red for the par­ti­ci­pants, with the com­pe­ti­ti­on taking pla­ce in pairs. A mixed drink was pre­pa­red, and the task was to navi­ga­te the obstac­les with the drink and then find some­one else to drink the pre­pa­red beve­ra­ge. Drin­king posed a bit of a tas­te prob­lem becau­se the gre­at effort and pre­ssu­re made the drinks a bit inten­se :-). Nevert­he­less, I took some pho­tos, and I’m quite satis­fied with them.

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