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Na akva­ris­tic­kej auto­bu­so­vej výpra­ve, kto­rú spá­cha­li ban­sko­bys­tri­ča­nia sme sa ces­tou z Kra­ko­va, Žer­ma­nic­kej prieh­ra­dy Třá­no­vic zasta­vi­li v jed­nom akva­ris­tic­kom obcho­de v Třin­ci. Bol to pek­ný obchod.

On the aqu­arium bus trip orga­ni­zed by the resi­dents of Ban­ská Bys­tri­ca, we made a stop at an aqu­arium shop in Tři­nec on our way from Kra­kow, through the Žer­ma­ni­ce Reser­vo­ir, and Třá­no­vi­ce. It was a love­ly store.

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