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V Ban­skej Bys­tri­ci na adre­se Majer­ská ces­ta 98 síd­li­la Akva­ris­ti­ka fir­my Akva­pro­dukt. Je to akva­ris­ti­ka, kto­rá bola na Dol­nej. Je zalo­že­ná od roku 2002 a je zame­ra­ná iba na Akva­ris­ti­ku. Objem nádr­ží pred­sta­vu­je cca 5 000 lit­rov, v kto­rých sa nachá­dza sa mini­mál­ne 70 dru­hov tro­pic­kých a jazier­ko­vých rýb. Akva­ris­ti­ka má aj svoj inter­ne­to­vý pre­daj. Akva­ris­ti­ka takis­to zria­ďu­je akvá­riá, vždy je k dis­po­zí­cii dob­rá ponu­ka živo­ro­diek, afric­kých cich­líd jazier Mala­wi a Tan­ga­ni­ka. Samoz­rej­mos­ťou sú akvá­ri­ové aj jazier­ko­vé rast­li­ny, kre­ve­ty, krmi­vá, tech­ni­ka, lie­či­vá, krmi­vá. Richard sám je posu­dzo­va­teľ rýb. Akva­ris­ti­ka na Dol­nej posky­tu­je širo­kú pale­tu tova­ru a ja vám ju odpo­rú­čam navštíviť.

Či obchod aj v roku 2024 fun­gu­je, neviem.

In Ban­ská Bys­tri­ca, at Majer­ská ces­ta 98, the­re used to be an aqu­arium sto­re cal­led Akva­ris­ti­ka ope­ra­ted by the com­pa­ny Akva­pro­dukt. It was an aqu­arium sto­re that was loca­ted in Dol­ná. Estab­lis­hed in 2002, it focu­sed exc­lu­si­ve­ly on aqu­ariums. The total volu­me of the tanks was app­ro­xi­ma­te­ly 5,000 liters, hou­sing a mini­mum of 70 spe­cies of tro­pi­cal and pond fish. The aqu­arium sto­re also had an onli­ne shop. They set up aqu­ariums and alwa­ys had a good selec­ti­on of live­be­a­rers, Afri­can cich­lids from the Mala­wi and Tan­ga­ny­i­ka lakes. They offe­red a varie­ty of aqu­arium and pond plants, shrimp, feeds, equ­ip­ment, medi­ca­ti­ons, and fish food. Richard him­self is a fish jud­ge. The aqu­arium sto­re in Dol­ná pro­vi­ded a bro­ad ran­ge of pro­ducts, and I recom­mend pay­ing it a visit.

Whet­her the sto­re still ope­ra­tes in 2024, I do not know.


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