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Dva topo­le čier­ne (Popu­lus nig­ra) sto­ja na ľavom bre­hu Váhu. Sú to naj­star­šie stro­my v Pieš­ťa­noch. Ich odha­do­va­ný vek je 100 rokov. Obvod ich kme­ňov je 557610 cm. Ich koru­ny dosa­hu­jú 2529 met­rov. Vyhlá­se­né za chrá­ne­né boli v roku 2006. Sú dvoj­do­mé, jemu doras­ta­jú sam­čie, jej sami­čie kve­ty. Chrá­ne­né sú u via­ce­rých dôvo­dov, vedec­ké­ho, eko­lo­gic­ké­ho a kra­ji­not­vor­né­ho (pies​tan​sky​den​nik​.sk).

Two black pop­lars (Popu­lus nig­ra) stand on the left bank of the Váh River. They are the oldest tre­es in Pieš­ťa­ny. The­ir esti­ma­ted age is 100 years. The cir­cum­fe­ren­ce of the­ir trunks is 557 and 610 cm. The­ir cro­wns reach 25 and 29 meters. They were dec­la­red pro­tec­ted in 2006. They are dioeci­ous, with male flo­wers gro­wing on him and fema­le flo­wers on her. They are pro­tec­ted for vari­ous rea­sons, inc­lu­ding scien­ti­fic, eco­lo­gi­cal, and lands­ca­pe pre­ser­va­ti­on (pies​tan​sky​den​nik​.sk).


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