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Šol­dov je zanik­nu­tá stre­do­ve­ká osa­da z 13. sto­ro­čia v kata­strál­nom úze­mí obce Štr­ba (Wiki­pe­dia). V nad­mor­skej výš­ke 910 met­rov nad morom, vo východ­nom cípe Lip­tov­skej kot­li­ny, asi 2 km seve­ro­zá­pad­ne od obce, 500 met­rov sever­ne od sta­rej hrad­skej ces­ty Štr­baVažec. 200 met­rov odtiaľ na sever je diaľ­ni­ca. Are­ál je obko­le­se­ný opev­ňo­va­cí­mi dvo­j­itý­mi val­mi a prie­ko­pa­mi (Infor­mač­ná tabuľa).

Z obdo­bia rokov oko­lo roku 960 sa zacho­va­li sprá­vy o misij­nej sta­ni­ci v obci Šol­dov. Zni­če­ná bola mon­gol­mi v roku 1241. Našli sa tu kos­try ľudí vyso­kých oko­lo 200 cm, čo bolo v tom čase veľ­mi zried­ka­vé (Wiki­pe­dia). Tra­dí­cia hovo­rí, že Šol­do­va­nia boli stat­ní, veľ­kí a vyso­kí ľudia, tak­mer obri (sme​.sk). V lite­ra­tú­re sa uvá­dza kon­com 19. sto­ro­čia ako zanik­nu­té opát­stvo Cholt­ské. V tom­to obdo­bí prav­de­po­dob­ne exis­to­va­li ešte zvyš­ky nadzá­kla­do­vých murív cir­kev­nej stav­by. Skú­mal sa kos­tol s pra­vouh­lým pre­by­té­ri­om, vežou a cin­to­rí­nom. Nie­kto­rí his­to­ri­ci tu situ­ova­li zatiaľ nedo­lo­že­né bene­dik­tín­ske opát­stvo. Arche­olo­gic­ký výskum tu obja­vil množsv­to zau­jí­ma­vých nále­zov, napr. kamen­ný román­sky kríž, vyso­ký 87 cm, dato­va­ný do doby roku 1000. Geora­dar v roku 2013 iden­ti­fi­ko­val okrem iné­ho roz­siah­lu dedi­nu (Infor­mač­ná tabuľa).

Šol­dov is a defunct medie­val sett­le­ment from the 13th cen­tu­ry in the cadas­tral area of the vil­la­ge of Štr­ba (Wiki­pe­dia). Loca­ted at an alti­tu­de of 910 meters abo­ve sea level, in the eas­tern cor­ner of the Lip­tov Basin, about 2 km nort­hwest of the vil­la­ge, 500 meters north of the old town road Štr­ba – Važec. From the­re, the hig­hway is 200 meters to the north. The area is sur­roun­ded by doub­le defen­si­ve ram­parts and dit­ches (Infor­ma­ti­on Board).

From the peri­od around 960, reports about a mis­si­ona­ry sta­ti­on in the vil­la­ge of Šol­dov have been pre­ser­ved. It was des­tro­y­ed by the Mon­gols in 1241. Human ske­le­tons mea­su­ring around 200 cm tall were found here, which was very rare at that time (Wiki­pe­dia). Tra­di­ti­on has it that the peop­le of Šol­dov were stur­dy, lar­ge, and tall, almost giants (sme​.sk). In lite­ra­tu­re, it is men­ti­oned at the end of the 19th cen­tu­ry as the extinct abbey of Cholt, during which peri­od rem­nants of the supers­truc­tu­re walls of the church buil­ding like­ly still exis­ted. The church with a rec­tan­gu­lar pre­sby­te­ry, a tower, and a ceme­te­ry was exa­mi­ned. Some his­to­rians pla­ced an undo­cu­men­ted Bene­dic­ti­ne abbey here. Archa­e­olo­gi­cal rese­arch has dis­co­ve­red a varie­ty of inte­res­ting finds here, such as a sto­ne Roma­ne­sque cross, 87 cm tall, dating back to around the year 1000. Ground-​penetrating radar in 2013 iden­ti­fied, among other things, an exten­si­ve vil­la­ge (Infor­ma­ti­on Board).


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