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Po dlh­šom čase sa v Nit­re obno­vi­la tra­dí­cia cho­va­teľ­ských výstav aj pre tera­ris­ti­ku a akva­ris­ti­ku. Zrej­me kon­com novem­bra sa budú v pries­to­re Agro­kom­ple­xu koná­vať pod náz­vom Svet zvie­rat”.

After a long time, the tra­di­ti­on of bre­e­ding exhi­bi­ti­ons for ter­ra­rium and aqu­arium ent­hu­siasts has been revi­ved in Nit­ra. It seems that at the end of Novem­ber, an event cal­led World of Ani­mals” will take pla­ce at the Agro­kom­plex venue.

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