2011, 2011-2015, 2012, Bratislavské, Časová línia, Ľudia, Reportáže, Slovenské, Šport, Športové

ČSOB Marathon – inline korčuliari

Hits: 1933

V roku 2011 sa ČSOB Marat­hon konal 25.- 27.3.2011. Súčas­ťou prog­ra­mu bol aj beh kor­ču­lia­rov. Nie­sol názov Erdin­ger Inli­ne Race. Po prvý krát som videl podob­né pre­te­ky, bolo to cel­kom zau­jí­ma­vé pre mňa. Inlaj­nis­ti štar­to­va­li pred bež­ca­mi snáď pol­ho­di­nu. Naj­lep­ší bež­ci dobie­ha­li kor­ču­lia­rov na tra­ti, čo samoz­rej­me nevadí.

In 2011, the ČSOB Marat­hon took pla­ce from March 25 to March 27, 2011. As part of the prog­ram, the­re was also a race for inli­ne ska­ters cal­led the Erdin­ger Inli­ne Race. It was the first time I had seen such a race, and it was quite intri­gu­ing for me. The inli­ne ska­ters star­ted about half an hour befo­re the run­ners. The top run­ners caught up with the inli­ne ska­ters on the cour­se, which, of cour­se, was not a problem.


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