2006, 2006-2010, 2007, 2008, Africké cichlidy, Akvaristika, Časová línia, Cichlidy, Malawi cichlidy, Organizmy, Príroda, Ryby, Živočíchy

Maylandia estherae – marmelády z Afriky

Hits: 21657

May­lan­dia est­he­rae, zná­my aj ako Pse­udot­rop­he­us est­he­rae, je ende­mic­ký druh cich­li­dy pochá­dza­jú­ci z jaze­ra Mala­wi. Pat­rí medzi agre­sív­nej­šie dru­hy. Je dôle­ži­té mať vhod­né akvá­ri­um s dostat­kom úkry­tov a úze­mí pre hie­rar­chiu medzi ryba­mi. Regis­tru­jem tie­to for­my May­lan­dia est­he­rae: albi­no, ben­ga, bevous, bevou chi­te­ko bay, black dor­sal, blue, blue b, blue bar­red zeb­ra, blue ber­ry mar­ma­la­de cat, blue, blue gold, blue ob, blue reef, blue reef nami­si rock, blu­e­fa­ce, cobalt, cove moun­tain bb, cove moun­tain o, cove moun­tain ob, dum­py, dwarf, gold lion, gold usi­sya, gold, goldb­re­ast, goldb­re­ast mbam­ba hig­ga reef, goldb­re­ast mbam­ba, goldb­re­ast oran­ge top, goldb­re­ast oran­ge top bb, goldb­re­ast oran­ge top hon­gi, goldb­re­ast oran­ge top lun­du, goldb­re­ast oran­ge top o, goldb­re­ast oran­ge top ob, goldb­re­ast oran­ge top pombo, goldb­re­ast oran­ge top puulu, hai reef b, hai reef, hai reef o, hai reef ob, cha­ro, chi­lum­ba, chi­lum­ba chi­ten­di, chi­su­mu­lu, kan­jin­do, kan­jin­do ob, kiron­do, liko­ma, lions cove, lon­do, long pel­vic, long pel­vic hara, luhu­chi rocks, lun­do island, mag­pie, mai­so­ni reef, makan­ji­la, makan­ji­la bb, makan­ji­la ob, makan­ji­la o, man­da, man­da bb, mara, mara point, mar­ma­la­de cat pombo rocks, masin­je, mbam­ba bay kom­pakt bb, mbam­ba bay kom­pakt, mbam­ba bay kom­pakt ob, mben­ji, mben­ji b, mben­ji ob, mbo­we, mem­be deep, minos reef, mozam­bi­que, mpan­ga, ndum­bi reef, nkan­da, nkha­ta bay, o morph, ob pea­cocks, pat­ric­ki, pombo, pombo rocks, pon­ta mes­su­li, puulu, puulu bb, puulu ob, puulu o, red dor­sal, red dor­sal bb, red blue, red dor­sal o, ruar­we, sam­bia reef, slim, south, thum­bi west, undu point, west reef, yel­low bel­ly, yel­low tail, zim­bab­we island.

May­lan­dia est­he­rae mar­ma­la­de cat – May­lan­dia est­he­rae OB morph

Samič­ky sú poma­ran­čo­vo oran­žo­vé s čier­ny­mi fľak­mi. Je zau­jí­ma­vé, že čím sú star­šie, tým je ich sfar­be­nie kraj­šie. Sam­ci sú viac do žlto­ru­žo­va, a naj­mä domi­nant­né jedin­ce majú mod­rý odlesk. Nie­kto­rí sú bela­sí – pri­po­mí­na­jú May­lan­dia cal­lai­nos, ale­bo až tak­mer tma­vo­mod­rí. Iné sam­ce sú sfar­be­né do bor­do­voh­ne­ho. Takí­to nefľa­ka­tí sam­ci majú vidi­teľ­né zeb­ro­vi­té prieč­ne pru­ho­va­nie. Sam­ce doras­ta­jú do väč­šej dĺž­ky ako samice.

Raz som bol sved­kom zau­jí­ma­vej situ­ácie pri odcho­ve potom­stva – samič­ka drža­la mla­dé v pôrod­nič­ke. Pred­tým ako som ju tam pre­lo­vil, vši­mol som si na nej, že je neja­ko pri­veľ­mi letar­gic­ká, vyčer­pa­ná. Podo­tý­kam, že to bolo zhru­ba na pia­ty deň jej teho­ten­stva. Po troch týžd­ňoch samič­ka vypľu­la mla­dé, bolo ich iba osem. Nie­kto­ré už boli pek­ne vyvi­nu­té, ale iné mali ešte nestrá­ve­ný žĺt­ko­vý vak, čomu som sa čudo­val. Samič­ke som aj pred­tým týž­deň ponú­kal živé rupi­ce a mik­ry. Rupi­ce si cez deň nevší­ma­la, ale do rána zmiz­li. Samič­ka bola veľ­mi vyčer­pa­ná. Keď­že som chcel, aby sa o svo­je potom­stvo ešte sta­ra­la, skú­sil som pokus­ne ju patent­ka­mi nakŕ­miť. Našťas­tie to vyšlo ako som si pred­sta­vo­val. Samič­ka sa nakŕ­mi­la a večer ryb­ky všet­ky vyzbie­ra­la. Dve nechá­va­la napos­pas, neve­de­la sa poriad­ne dostať ku koko­su, pod kto­rým boli vtes­na­né, tak som jej tro­chu kokos posu­nul a vza­la aj tie. Situ­ácia sa opa­ko­va­la den­ne ešte asi šty­ri krát. Ráno samič­ka čaka­la” na potra­vu, nažra­la sa a potom, naj­mä na noc svo­je potom­stvo opäť pri­ja­la do papuľ­ky. Po tom­to čase, keď už som videl, že plô­dik má žĺt­ko­vý vak strá­ve­ný, som samič­ku odlo­vil. Budú to veľ­mi dob­ré ryb­ky, keď sa im dosta­lo takej­to aj medzi afric­ký­mi cich­li­da­mi oje­di­ne­lej opa­te­ry, plnej lás­ky. Ak budú schop­né v dospe­los­ti samič­ky robiť rov­na­ké veci, bude to veľ­ký úspech – majú na to predpoklad.

Syno­ny­mom ku pome­no­va­niu May­lan­dia je Met­riac­li­ma. Regis­tru­jem tie­to dru­hy May­lan­dia: auro­ra, bar­lo­wi, bene­tos, cal­lai­nos, crab­ro, cyne­us­mar­gi­na­tus, ele­gans, emmil­tos, est­he­rae, fain­zil­be­ri, gres­ha­kei, hajo­ma­y­lan­di, hete­ro­pic­ta, chry­so­mal­los, lanis­ti­co­la, living­sto­ni, lom­bar­doi, mben­ji, melab­ran­chi­on, pha­e­os, pur­sa, pyr­so­no­tus, thap­si­no­gen, xans­to­ma­chus, zebra.

May­lan­dia est­he­rae O morph

Zná­my druh aj ako Pse­udot­rop­he­us zeb­ra red red. Syno­ny­mom je aj rodo­vý názov Met­riac­li­ma. Akva­ris­tic­kým slan­gom to sú red­ky. Ako vid­no niž­šie, nie­ke­dy mela­ní­no­vé far­bi­vo vyra­zí a potom je zra­zu tá pek­ná oran­žo­vá ryba posia­ta čier­ny­mi bod­ka­mi až fľak­mi. Je to nor­mál­ny jav, kto­rý pre­bie­ha aj v čase – v istej fáze živo­ty sú red­ky z malý­mi čier­ny­mi bod­ka­mi, ino­ke­dy z väč­ší­mi. Čas­to nema­jú žiad­ne čier­ne far­bi­vo na sebe. Samič­ka je oran­žo­vo žltá a sam­ček je ble­do­žl­tý, naj­mä v čase páre­nia s odles­kom do ble­do­mod­ra. Pohla­vie sa dá rozo­znať jed­no­du­cho, prav­da podob­ne ako u ostat­ných po dosia­hnu­tí dospe­los­ti, resp. po pre­far­be­ní. Red­ky sú veľ­mi čas­té afric­ké cich­li­dy v obcho­doch s rybič­ka­mi. Samec je typic­ky drzý, samič­ky si vedia závi­dieť, keď majú mla­dé, doslo­va nie­ke­dy žiarlia.

May­lan­dia est­he­rae, also kno­wn as Pse­udot­rop­he­us est­he­rae, is an ende­mic cich­lid spe­cies ori­gi­na­ting from Lake Mala­wi. It falls into the cate­go­ry of more agg­res­si­ve spe­cies. It is cru­cial to have a suitab­le aqu­arium with an ample num­ber of hiding pla­ces and ter­ri­to­ries to estab­lish a hie­rar­chy among the fish. I regis­ter the­se forms of May­lan­dia est­he­rae: albi­no, ben­ga, bevous, bevou chi­te­ko bay, black dor­sal, blue, blue b, blue bar­red zeb­ra, blue ber­ry mar­ma­la­de cat, blue, blue gold, blue ob, blue reef, blue reef nami­si rock, blu­e­fa­ce, cobalt, cove moun­tain bb, cove moun­tain o, cove moun­tain ob, dum­py, dwarf, gold lion, gold usi­sya, gold, goldb­re­ast, goldb­re­ast mbam­ba hig­ga reef, goldb­re­ast mbam­ba, goldb­re­ast oran­ge top, goldb­re­ast oran­ge top bb, goldb­re­ast oran­ge top hon­gi, goldb­re­ast oran­ge top lun­du, goldb­re­ast oran­ge top o, goldb­re­ast oran­ge top ob, goldb­re­ast oran­ge top pombo, goldb­re­ast oran­ge top puulu, hai reef b, hai reef, hai reef o, hai reef ob, cha­ro, chi­lum­ba, chi­lum­ba chi­ten­di, chi­su­mu­lu, kan­jin­do, kan­jin­do ob, kiron­do, liko­ma, lions cove, lon­do, long pel­vic, long pel­vic hara, luhu­chi rocks, lun­do island, mag­pie, mai­so­ni reef, makan­ji­la, makan­ji­la bb, makan­ji­la ob, makan­ji­la o, man­da, man­da bb, mara, mara point, mar­ma­la­de cat pombo rocks, masin­je, mbam­ba bay kom­pakt bb, mbam­ba bay kom­pakt, mbam­ba bay kom­pakt ob, mben­ji, mben­ji b, mben­ji ob, mbo­we, mem­be deep, minos reef, mozam­bi­que, mpan­ga, ndum­bi reef, nkan­da, nkha­ta bay, o morph, ob pea­cocks, pat­ric­ki, pombo, pombo rocks, pon­ta mes­su­li, puulu, puulu bb, puulu ob, puulu o, red dor­sal, red dor­sal bb, red blue, red dor­sal o, ruar­we, sam­bia reef, slim, south, thum­bi west, undu point, west reef, yel­low bel­ly, yel­low tail, zim­bab­we island.

May­lan­dia est­he­rae mar­ma­la­de cat – May­lan­dia est­he­rae OB morph

Fema­les are oran­ge with black spots. Inte­res­tin­gly, the­ir colo­ra­ti­on beco­mes more vib­rant as they age. Males tend to be more yellowish-​orange, with domi­nant indi­vi­du­als disp­la­y­ing a blue she­en. Some may be whi­tish, resem­bling May­lan­dia cal­lai­nos, or even almost dark blue. Other males are colo­red bur­gun­dy, and tho­se wit­hout spots exhi­bit visib­le zebra-​like stri­ping. Males grow lar­ger than females.

I once wit­nes­sed an inte­res­ting situ­ati­on during the offs­prin­g’s upb­rin­ging – a fema­le held the fry in a bre­e­ding box. Befo­re I moved her the­re, I noti­ced that she see­med unu­su­al­ly let­har­gic and exhaus­ted. Note that this was app­ro­xi­ma­te­ly on the fifth day of her preg­nan­cy. Three weeks later, the fema­le rele­a­sed the fry, and the­re were only eight of them. Some were well-​developed, whi­le others still had undi­ges­ted yolk sacs, which sur­pri­sed me. I had offe­red live bri­ne shrimp and mic­ro pel­lets to the fema­le a week befo­re. During the day, she igno­red the bri­ne shrimp, but they were gone by the mor­ning. The fema­le was very exhaus­ted. As I wan­ted her to con­ti­nue caring for her offs­pring, I attemp­ted to feed her with bri­ne shrimp through a bre­e­der box. For­tu­na­te­ly, it wor­ked as I had envi­si­oned. The fema­le ate and gat­he­red all the fish in the eve­ning. She repe­a­ted this beha­vi­or for about four days. In the mor­ning, the fema­le wai­ted” for food, ate, and then, espe­cial­ly at night, accep­ted her offs­pring into her buc­cal cavi­ty again. After this peri­od, when I saw that the fry had diges­ted yolk sacs, I caught the fema­le. They will be very good fish becau­se they rece­i­ved such excep­ti­onal care and love, a rari­ty among Afri­can cich­lids. If the fema­les are capab­le of per­for­ming simi­lar acts in adult­ho­od, it will be a gre­at success.

A syno­nym for the name May­lan­dia is Met­riac­li­ma. I regis­ter the­se May­lan­dia spe­cies: auro­ra, bar­lo­wi, bene­tos, cal­lai­nos, crab­ro, cyne­us­mar­gi­na­tus, ele­gans, emmil­tos, est­he­rae, fain­zil­be­ri, gres­ha­kei, hajo­ma­y­lan­di, hete­ro­pic­ta, chry­so­mal­los, lanis­ti­co­la, living­sto­ni, lom­bar­doi, mben­ji, melab­ran­chi­on, pha­e­os, pur­sa, pyr­so­no­tus, thap­si­no­gen, xans­to­ma­chus, zebra.

May­lan­dia est­he­rae O morph

Also kno­wn as Pse­udot­rop­he­us zeb­ra red red, it is a red zeb­ra cich­lid. Syno­nyms inc­lu­de the gene­ric name Met­riac­li­ma. In aqu­arium slang, they are refer­red to as red zeb­ras.” As seen below, some­ti­mes mela­nin pig­ment erupts, and sud­den­ly, the beau­ti­ful oran­ge fish is cove­red in black dots or spots. It is a nor­mal phe­no­me­non that occurs over time – at a cer­tain sta­ge in life, red zeb­ras have small black dots, and at other times, lar­ger ones. Often, they have no black pig­ment on them. The fema­le is orange-​yellow, and the male is pale yel­low, espe­cial­ly during mating sea­son, with a she­en of pale blue. Gen­der can be easi­ly dis­tin­gu­is­hed, simi­lar to other Afri­can cich­lids, once they reach matu­ri­ty or under­go colo­ra­ti­on chan­ges. Red zeb­ras are very com­mon Afri­can cich­lids in pet sto­res. The male is typi­cal­ly asser­ti­ve, and fema­les can show jea­lou­sy, espe­cial­ly when they have fry.

May­lan­dia est­he­rae, auch als Pse­udot­rop­he­us est­he­rae bekannt, ist eine ende­mis­che Bunt­bars­chart, die aus dem Mala­wi­see stammt. Sie gehört zu den agg­res­si­ve­ren Arten. Es ist wich­tig, ein gee­ig­ne­tes Aqu­arium mit aus­re­i­chend Vers­tec­ken und Ter­ri­to­rien für die Hie­rar­chie unter den Fis­chen zu haben. Ich regis­trie­re die­se For­men von May­lan­dia est­he­rae: Albi­no, Ben­ga, Bevous, Bevou Chi­te­ko Bay, Black Dor­sal, Blue, Blue B, Blue Bar­red Zeb­ra, Blue Ber­ry Mar­ma­la­de Cat, Blue, Blue Gold, Blue Ob, Blue Reef, Blue Reef Nami­si Rock, Blu­e­fa­ce, Cobalt, Cove Moun­tain BB, Cove Moun­tain O, Cove Moun­tain Ob, Dum­py, Dwarf, Gold Lion, Gold Usi­sya, Gold, Goldb­re­ast, Goldb­re­ast Mbam­ba Hig­ga Reef, Goldb­re­ast Mbam­ba, Goldb­re­ast Oran­ge Top, Goldb­re­ast Oran­ge Top BB, Goldb­re­ast Oran­ge Top Hon­gi, Goldb­re­ast Oran­ge Top Lun­du, Goldb­re­ast Oran­ge Top O, Goldb­re­ast Oran­ge Top Ob, Goldb­re­ast Oran­ge Top Pombo, Goldb­re­ast Oran­ge Top Puulu, Hai Reef B, Hai Reef, Hai Reef O, Hai Reef Ob, Cha­ro, Chi­lum­ba, Chi­lum­ba Chi­ten­di, Chi­su­mu­lu, Kan­jin­do, Kan­jin­do Ob, Kiron­do, Liko­ma, Lions Cove, Lon­do, Long Pel­vic, Long Pel­vic Hara, Luhu­chi Rocks, Lun­do Island, Mag­pie, Mai­so­ni Reef, Makan­ji­la, Makan­ji­la BB, Makan­ji­la Ob, Makan­ji­la O, Man­da, Man­da BB, Mara, Mara Point, Mar­ma­la­de Cat Pombo Rocks, Masin­je, Mbam­ba Bay Kom­pakt BB, Mbam­ba Bay Kom­pakt, Mbam­ba Bay Kom­pakt Ob, Mben­ji, Mben­ji B, Mben­ji Ob, Mbo­we, Mem­be Deep, Minos Reef, Mozam­bi­que, Mpan­ga, Ndum­bi Reef, Nkan­da, Nkha­ta Bay, O Morph, Ob Pea­cocks, Pat­ric­ki, Pombo, Pombo Rocks, Pon­ta Mes­su­li, Puulu, Puulu BB, Puulu Ob, Puulu O, Red Dor­sal, Red Dor­sal BB, Red Blue, Red Dor­sal O, Ruar­we, Sam­bia Reef, Slim, South, Thum­bi West, Undu Point, West Reef, Yel­low Bel­ly, Yel­low Tail, Zim­bab­we Island.

May­lan­dia est­he­rae Mar­ma­la­de Cat – May­lan­dia est­he­rae OB Morph

Die Weib­chen sind oran­ge mit sch­war­zen Flec­ken. Inte­res­san­ter­we­i­se wird ihre Fär­bung mit zuneh­men­dem Alter schöner. Die Männ­chen neigen dazu, mehr gelblich-​orange zu sein, wobei domi­nan­te Indi­vi­du­en einen blau­en Schim­mer aufwe­i­sen. Eini­ge kön­nen wei­ßlich sein und an May­lan­dia cal­lai­nos erin­nern oder sogar fast dun­kelb­lau ers­che­i­nen. Ande­re Männ­chen sind bur­gun­der­far­ben, und sol­che ohne Flec­ken zei­gen eine sicht­ba­re zeb­ra­för­mi­ge Stre­i­fung. Männ­chen wer­den größer als Weibchen.

Ein­mal habe ich eine inte­res­san­te Situ­ati­on bei der Auf­zucht von Nach­wuchs beobach­tet – ein Weib­chen hielt die Jung­fis­che in einem Auf­zucht­kas­ten. Bevor ich sie dort­hin umsie­del­te, bemer­kte ich, dass sie irgen­dwie let­har­gisch und ers­chöpft wir­kte. Beach­ten Sie, dass dies unge­fähr am fünf­ten Tag ihrer Trag­ze­it war. Drei Wochen spä­ter setz­te das Weib­chen die Jung­fis­che frei, und es waren nur acht von ihnen. Eini­ge waren gut ent­wic­kelt, wäh­rend ande­re noch unver­dau­te Dot­ter­be­utel hat­ten, was mich über­rasch­te. Ich hat­te dem Weib­chen eine Woche zuvor leben­de Arte­mia und Mik­ro­pel­lets ange­bo­ten. Tag­süber igno­rier­te sie die Arte­mia, aber bis zum Mor­gen waren sie versch­wun­den. Das Weib­chen war sehr ers­chöpft. Da ich woll­te, dass sie sich wei­ter um ihren Nach­wuchs küm­mert, ver­such­te ich, sie durch den Auf­zucht­kas­ten mit Arte­mia zu füt­tern. Glück­li­cher­we­i­se funk­ti­onier­te es so, wie ich es mir vor­ges­tellt hat­te. Das Weib­chen fraß und sam­mel­te abends alle Fis­che ein. Sie wie­der­hol­te die­ses Ver­hal­ten etwa vier Tage lang. Mor­gens war­te­te” das Weib­chen auf Fut­ter, fraß und nahm dann beson­ders nachts ihren Nach­wuchs wie­der in ihre Maul­höh­le auf. Nach die­ser Zeit, als ich sah, dass die Jung­fis­che den Dot­ter­be­utel ver­daut hat­ten, fing ich das Weib­chen ein. Es wer­den sehr gute Fis­che sein, weil sie solch außer­ge­wöhn­li­che Pfle­ge und Lie­be erfah­ren haben, eine Sel­ten­he­it unter afri­ka­nis­chen Bunt­bars­chen. Wenn die Weib­chen in der Erwach­se­nen­ze­it in der Lage sind, ähn­li­che Hand­lun­gen aus­zu­füh­ren, wird dies ein gro­ßer Erfolg sein.

Ein Syno­nym für den Namen May­lan­dia ist Met­riac­li­ma. Ich regis­trie­re die­se Maylandia-​Arten: Auro­ra, Bar­lo­wi, Bene­tos, Cal­lai­nos, Crab­ro, Cyne­us­mar­gi­na­tus, Ele­gans, Emmil­tos, Est­he­rae, Fain­zil­be­ri, Gres­ha­kei, Hajo­ma­y­lan­di, Hete­ro­pic­ta, Chry­so­mal­los, Lanis­ti­co­la, Living­sto­ni, Lom­bar­doi, Mben­ji, Melab­ran­chi­on, Pha­e­os, Pur­sa, Pyr­so­no­tus, Thap­si­no­gen, Xans­to­ma­chus, Zebra.

May­lan­dia est­he­rae O Morph

Auch als Pse­udot­rop­he­us zeb­ra red red bekannt, han­delt es sich um einen roten Zebra-​Buntbarsch. Syno­ny­me sind der Gat­tungs­na­me Met­riac­li­ma. Im Aqu­ariumss­lang wer­den sie als Rote Zeb­ras” bez­e­ich­net. Wie unten zu sehen ist, tritt manch­mal Mela­nin­pig­ment aus, und plötz­lich ist der schöne oran­ge­far­be­ne Fisch mit sch­war­zen Punk­ten oder Flec­ken bedec­kt. Es han­delt sich um ein nor­ma­les Phä­no­men, das im Lau­fe der Zeit auft­ritt – in einer bes­timm­ten Lebensp­ha­se haben rote Zeb­ras kle­i­ne sch­war­ze Punk­te, und zu ande­ren Zei­ten größe­re. Oft haben sie kein sch­war­zes Pig­ment auf sich. Das Weib­chen ist orange-​gelb, und das Männ­chen ist blass­gelb, beson­ders wäh­rend der Paa­rungs­ze­it mit einem Schim­mer von blassb­lau. Das Gesch­lecht kann leicht unters­chie­den wer­den, ähn­lich wie bei ande­ren afri­ka­nis­chen Bunt­bars­chen, sobald sie die Gesch­lechts­re­i­fe erre­i­chen oder eine Ver­fär­bung durch­lau­fen. Rote Zeb­ras sind sehr verb­re­i­te­te afri­ka­nis­che Bunt­bars­che in Zooges­chäf­ten. Das Männ­chen ist typis­cher­we­i­se durch­set­zungs­fä­hig, und die Weib­chen kön­nen Eifer­sucht zei­gen, beson­ders wenn sie Nach­wuchs haben.

May­lan­dia est­he­rae, ina­y­o­ju­li­ka­na pia kama Pse­udot­rop­he­us est­he­rae, ni aina ya kam­ba­le ina­y­eto­ka­na na Ziwa Mala­wi. Ina­se­me­ka­na kuwa moja­wa­po ya aina zenye msu­ku­mo mkub­wa. Ni muhi­mu kuwa na bwa­wa la maji lenye mafi­cho ya kutos­ha na mae­neo ya kuji­ten­ga kwa aji­li ya hie­rar­chies kati ya sama­ki. Nina­an­di­kis­ha aina hizi za May­lan­dia est­he­rae: Albi­no, Ben­ga, Bevous, Bevou Chi­te­ko Bay, Black Dor­sal, Blue, Blue B, Blue Bar­red Zeb­ra, Blue Ber­ry Mar­ma­la­de Cat, Blue, Blue Gold, Blue Ob, Blue Reef, Blue Reef Nami­si Rock, Blu­e­fa­ce, Cobalt, Cove Moun­tain BB, Cove Moun­tain O, Cove Moun­tain Ob, Dum­py, Dwarf, Gold Lion, Gold Usi­sya, Gold, Goldb­re­ast, Goldb­re­ast Mbam­ba Hig­ga Reef, Goldb­re­ast Mbam­ba, Goldb­re­ast Oran­ge Top, Goldb­re­ast Oran­ge Top BB, Goldb­re­ast Oran­ge Top Hon­gi, Goldb­re­ast Oran­ge Top Lun­du, Goldb­re­ast Oran­ge Top O, Goldb­re­ast Oran­ge Top Ob, Goldb­re­ast Oran­ge Top Pombo, Goldb­re­ast Oran­ge Top Puulu, Hai Reef B, Hai Reef, Hai Reef O, Hai Reef Ob, Cha­ro, Chi­lum­ba, Chi­lum­ba Chi­ten­di, Chi­su­mu­lu, Kan­jin­do, Kan­jin­do Ob, Kiron­do, Liko­ma, Lions Cove, Lon­do, Long Pel­vic, Long Pel­vic Hara, Luhu­chi Rocks, Lun­do Island, Mag­pie, Mai­so­ni Reef, Makan­ji­la, Makan­ji­la BB, Makan­ji­la Ob, Makan­ji­la O, Man­da, Man­da BB, Mara, Mara Point, Mar­ma­la­de Cat Pombo Rocks, Masin­je, Mbam­ba Bay Kom­pakt BB, Mbam­ba Bay Kom­pakt, Mbam­ba Bay Kom­pakt Ob, Mben­ji, Mben­ji B, Mben­ji Ob, Mbo­we, Mem­be Deep, Minos Reef, Mozam­bi­que, Mpan­ga, Ndum­bi Reef, Nkan­da, Nkha­ta Bay, O Morph, Ob Pea­cocks, Pat­ric­ki, Pombo, Pombo Rocks, Pon­ta Mes­su­li, Puulu, Puulu BB, Puulu Ob, Puulu O, Red Dor­sal, Red Dor­sal BB, Red Blue, Red Dor­sal O, Ruar­we, Sam­bia Reef, Slim, South, Thum­bi West, Undu Point, West Reef, Yel­low Bel­ly, Yel­low Tail, Zim­bab­we Island.

May­lan­dia est­he­rae Mar­ma­la­de Cat – May­lan­dia est­he­rae OB Morph

Waki­ke ni wa ran­gi ya machun­gwa yenye mado­adoa meusi. Ni ya kuvu­tia kwam­ba ran­gi yao ina­ku­wa nzu­ri zai­di wana­vy­o­ze­e­ka. Wanau­me huwa na ran­gi zai­di ya manjano-​nyeusi, na hasa wale wenye usha­wis­hi mkub­wa huwa na ran­gi ya buluu. Baad­hi yao wana­we­za kuwa weupe – waki­kum­bus­ha May­lan­dia cal­lai­nos, au hata kuba­di­li­ka kuwa buluu kali. Wanau­me wen­gi­ne huwa wa ran­gi ya hud­hu­run­gi. Wale wasio na doa wana­we­za kuwa na milia ina­y­o­one­ka­na kama michi­ri­zi ya faru. Wanau­me wana­kua kwa ure­fu zai­di kuli­ko wanawake.

Mara moja nilis­hu­hu­dia hali ya kuvu­tia waka­ti wa kulea vifa­ran­ga – mwa­nam­ke ali­ku­wa akis­hi­ki­lia vifa­ran­ga kati­ka kisa­ha­ni cha kulea. Kab­la ya kuwa­ha­mis­ha hapo, nili­ona kuwa ali­ku­wa kwa njia fula­ni mle­ge­vu, ame­cho­ka. Ni muhi­mu kufa­ha­mu kuwa hii ili­ku­wa tak­ri­ban siku ya tano ya ujau­zi­to wake. Baa­da ya wiki tatu, mwa­nam­ke ali­wa­a­chia vifa­ran­ga, na wali­ku­wa wan­ne tu. Baad­hi wali­ku­wa tay­ari wame­en­de­lea vizu­ri, laki­ni wen­gi­ne bado wali­ku­wa na mfu­ko wa cha­ku­la wa kuny­o­nya usi­oha­ri­bi­wa, jam­bo lili­lo­nis­han­ga­za. Tan­gu wiki moja ili­y­o­pi­ta, mwa­nam­ke ali­ku­wa aki­wa­pa vifa­ran­ga arte­mia hai na mawim­bi mado­go. Waka­ti wa mcha­na, haku­wa­ja­li arte­mia, laki­ni kufi­kia asu­bu­hi zili­ku­wa zimes­ha­on­do­ka. Mwa­nam­ke ali­ku­wa ame­cho­ka sana. Kwa kuwa nili­ta­ka aen­de­lee kuwa­ja­li wato­to wake, nili­ja­ri­bu kum­lis­ha kwa kutu­mia cha­ku­la kikub­wa. Baha­ti nzu­ri, ili­fa­nya kazi kama nili­vy­o­ta­ra­jia. Mwa­nam­ke ali­ku­la na jioni ali­wa­ku­sa­nya sama­ki wote. Alien­de­lea kufa­nya hivyo kila siku kwa kari­bu siku nne. Asu­bu­hi, mwa­nam­ke ali­ku­wa anan­go­jea” cha­ku­la, ali­ku­la, na kis­ha, hasa usi­ku, ali­wa­chu­kua wato­to wake tena kwe­nye mdo­mo wake. Baa­da ya kipin­di hiki, nili­po­ona kwam­ba vifa­ran­ga wali­ku­wa wame­vun­ja mfu­ko wa cha­ku­la, nilim­ka­ma­ta mwa­nam­ke. Wata­ku­wa sama­ki wazu­ri sana, kwa saba­bu wame­pa­ta hudu­ma hii adi­mu na upen­do, amba­yo ni nad­ra kati ya kam­ba­le wa Kiaf­ri­ka. Iki­wa wana­wa­ke wata­we­za kufa­nya viten­do kama hivyo wana­po­ku­wa wazi­ma, ita­ku­wa mafa­ni­kio makubwa.

Neno mba­da­la la May­lan­dia ni Met­riac­li­ma. Nina­an­di­kis­ha aina hizi za May­lan­dia: Auro­ra, Bar­lo­wi, Bene­tos, Cal­lai­nos, Crab­ro, Cyne­us­mar­gi­na­tus, Ele­gans, Emmil­tos, Est­he­rae, Fain­zil­be­ri, Gres­ha­kei, Hajo­ma­y­lan­di, Hete­ro­pic­ta, Chry­so­mal­los, Lanis­ti­co­la, Living­sto­ni, Lom­bar­doi, Mben­ji, Melab­ran­chi­on, Pha­e­os, Pur­sa, Pyr­so­no­tus, Thap­si­no­gen, Xans­to­ma­chus, Zebra.

May­lan­dia est­he­rae O Morph

Ina­y­o­ju­li­ka­na pia kama Pse­udot­rop­he­us zeb­ra red red. Syno­nyms pia ni jina la jena­si Met­riac­li­ma. Kwa lug­ha ya aqu­arist, hizi ni red­ky. Kama ina­vy­o­one­ka­na hapa chi­ni, mara nyin­gi­ne ran­gi ya mela­ni­ni huon­do­ka, na kis­ha ghaf­la sama­ki huyu mwe­nye ran­gi nzu­ri ya machun­gwa hupamb­wa na macha­fu­ko nyeusi au hata madoa. Ni hali ya kawai­da amba­yo huto­kea pia kwa waka­ti – waka­ti fula­ni wa mais­ha yao, red­ky huwa na macha­fu mado­go nyeusi, waka­ti mwin­gi­ne na macha­fu makub­wa zai­di. Mara nyin­gi hawa­na ran­gi nyeusi kabi­sa. Mwa­nau­me ni wa kawai­da kwa kujia­mi­ni, na wana­wa­ke wana­we­za kuwa na wivu, haswa wana­po­ku­wa na watoto.


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Park Foto Piešťany

Hits: 7366

Park Foto 2013ten­to rok nám nava­ri­li guľáš pria­mo v par­ku hostia

Park Pho­to 2013 – this year, guests cooked gou­lash for us right in the park.

Park Foto 2011

Park Foto 2009 – najp­rí­jem­nej­šie stret­nu­tie ama­tér­skych foto­gra­fov na Slovensku

V tre­tiu sep­tem­bro­vú sobo­tu sa konal už 4. roč­ník výsta­vy foto­gra­fií v ple­né­ri, kto­rú orga­ni­zu­je Pieš­ťan­ský foto­k­lub v mest­skom par­ku. Park Foto bolo minu­lý rok oce­ne­né pri­má­to­rom mes­ta Pieš­ťa­ny – Kul­túr­ny počin roku 2008, ako význam­ná a už tra­dič­ná akcia, kto­rá úspeš­ne zvi­di­teľ­ňu­je Pieš­ťa­ny. Vysta­vo­va­lo 68 auto­rov, na kto­rých bolo zve­da­vých pri­bliž­ne 1500 náv­štev­ní­kov, kto­rí hod­no­ti­li foto­gra­fie pri­pnu­tím štip­ca. V kate­gó­rii do 18 rokov zví­ťa­zi­li dve mla­dé dámy: Anna Kop­po­no­vá a Simo­na Han­ko­vá z Pieš­ťan. Medzi dospe­lý­mi bolo také­to pora­die: 1. Roman Tiben­ský z Pieš­ťan, 2. Daniel Bašo z Galan­ty, 3. Milan Maro­nek z Trna­vy. Ten­to rok Pieš­ťan­ský foto­k­lub zavie­dol okrem tra­dič­né­ho hod­no­te­nia jed­not­li­vých foto­gra­fií štip­ca­mi aj hod­no­te­nie poro­tou, kto­rú tvo­ri­li čle­no­via Aso­ciá­cie pro­fe­si­onál­nych foto­gra­fov SR. Peter Bagi oce­nil Annu Kop­po­no­vú z Pieš­ťan, Ivan Čani­ga Mag­du Vrá­be­lo­vu z Galan­ty, Mar­tin Vrab­ko Máriu­sa Sor­de­la z Nových Zám­kov a Anna Stru­há­ro­vá Roma­na Buč­ka z Pieš­ťan. Všet­ci tra­ja spo­loč­ne oce­ni­li za foto­gra­fiu Kolo­toč” Noru Luka­čo­vi­čo­vú z Pieš­ťan. Park Foto sa doč­kal úspeš­né­ho pokra­čo­va­nia, všet­ko sa dia­lo v prí­jem­nej atmo­sfé­re, pria­lo ten­to­krát aj poča­sie. Vyhod­no­te­nie pre­beh­lo v pek­nom a dôs­toj­nom pro­stre­dí neďa­le­ké­ho Kur­sa­lo­nu, po kto­rom nasle­do­va­lo pose­de­nie. To, že do chrum­ka­va upe­če­né pra­siat­ko na záver puto­va­lo do úst vysta­vo­va­te­ľov, bolo vyni­ka­jú­cou bod­kou za skve­lou sobotou. 

V roku 2009 som sa na Park Foto pri­pra­vil ove­ľa lep­šie ako rok pred­tým. Bolo to aj tým, že som vedel, čo ma čaká. Priš­lo nás auto­rov dva krát toľ­ko, čo je pozi­tí­vum. Park Foto bolo pre mňa kraj­šie aj pre­to, že už som tu mal zná­mych iných auto­rov. Več­ná ško­da, že v tom istom ter­mí­ne pre­bie­hal v Bra­ti­sla­ve Foto­ma­ra­tón. Pri­pra­vil som si dve série foto­gra­fií. Zís­kal som dojem, že kra­jin­ky sa veľ­mi páči­li vlast­ne všet­kým. Séria rýb bola pre mno­hých nepri­ja­teľ­ná, iným sa páči­la. Zrej­me zavá­ži­lo, že na mno­hých pôso­bi­li asi stu­de­no, pred­po­kla­dám že aj pred­sta­va čoho­si z vody mno­hých odra­di­la. Bol to môj pokus, kto­rý nebu­dem zrej­me opa­ko­vať. Zo svo­ji­mi foto­gra­fia­mi som však bol spo­koj­ný. Z vysta­ve­ných foto­gra­fií sa mi veľ­mi páčil Bec­kov od Richar­da Hes­ka a vôbec naj­viac a suve­rén­ne, foto­gra­fie Ras­ťa Čam­ba­la. Je to tro­chu zvlášt­ne, pre­to­že do 19.9.2009 sa mi tvor­ba Ras­ťa Čam­ba­la skôr nepá­či­la. Našiel som si v nej len zopár foto­gra­fií, kto­ré sa mi páči­li. Tre­ba samoz­rej­me pri­znať, že som videl dovte­dy mož­no 2030 snímkov.

Jeden veľ­mi nega­tív­ny pod­net ale mám. Kopec ľudí pre­chá­dza­lo oko­lo foto­gra­fií leda­bo­lo. Verím tomu, že veľa z nich bolo takých, kto­rí si pros­te na to nevyh­ra­di­li čas. Čo mi však udie­ra­lo do očí bolo, že málo ľudí si číta­lo náz­vy foto­gra­fií, a už vôbec nebo­li na tie­to náz­vy adek­vát­ne reak­cie. Mrzí ma veľ­mi, že už sko­ro ani deti sa neve­dia poriad­ne pre­ja­viť. Zare­gis­tro­val som asi šty­ri adek­vát­ne reak­cie na pre­čí­ta­ný názov sním­ku. Samoz­rej­me nestál som celý čas pri svo­jich fot­kách. Medzi nimi bola aj nega­tív­na reak­cia. Teší ma urči­te viac nega­tív­na reak­cia ako žiad­na reak­cia. Nará­žam pre­dov­šet­kým na náz­vy rýb, pre­to­že je to pred­sa iná abs­trak­cia ako pri kra­jin­kách – veď posúď­te sami pod­ľa fotiek dole. Veľa som o tom pre­mýš­ľal. Vši­mol som si, že náv­štev­ní­ci, kto­rí pri­chá­dza­li z kve­ti­no­vé­ho sprie­vo­du – inej akcie, sa pre­ja­vo­va­li ove­ľa viac. Asi ich rozp­rú­dil tanec, mož­no spev, ale­go­ric­ké vozy, kve­ti­ny, mažoretky.

Park Pho­to 2009 – the most enjo­y­ab­le mee­ting of ama­te­ur pho­tog­rap­hers in Slovakia.

On the third Satur­day of Sep­tem­ber, the 4th edi­ti­on of the open-​air pho­to exhi­bi­ti­on took pla­ce, orga­ni­zed by the Pieš­ťa­ny Pho­to Club in the muni­ci­pal park. Park Pho­to was awar­ded the Cul­tu­ral Act of the Year 2008 by the may­or of Pieš­ťa­ny, recog­ni­zing it as a sig­ni­fi­cant and tra­di­ti­onal event that suc­cess­ful­ly high­lights the city. The exhi­bi­ti­on fea­tu­red 68 aut­hors, att­rac­ting app­ro­xi­ma­te­ly 1500 visi­tors who eva­lu­ated the pho­tos by atta­ching clot­hes­pins. In the under 18 cate­go­ry, two young ladies, Anna Kop­po­no­vá and Simo­na Han­ko­vá from Pieš­ťa­ny, emer­ged vic­to­ri­ous. Among adults, the ran­kings were as fol­lo­ws: 1. Roman Tiben­ský from Pieš­ťa­ny, 2. Daniel Bašo from Galan­ta, 3. Milan Maro­nek from Trna­va. This year, the Pieš­ťa­ny Pho­to Club intro­du­ced, in addi­ti­on to the tra­di­ti­onal eva­lu­ati­on using clot­hes­pins, jury eva­lu­ati­on com­po­sed of mem­bers of the Asso­cia­ti­on of Pro­fes­si­onal Pho­tog­rap­hers of the Slo­vak Repub­lic. Peter Bagi awar­ded Anna Kop­po­no­vá from Pieš­ťa­ny, Ivan Čani­ga awar­ded Mag­da Vrá­be­lo­vá from Galan­ta, Mar­tin Vrab­ko awar­ded Márius Sor­del from Nové Zám­ky, and Anna Stru­há­ro­vá awar­ded Roman Buček from Pieš­ťa­ny. All three toget­her awar­ded Nora Luka­čo­vi­čo­vá from Pieš­ťa­ny for the pho­tog­raph Merry-​Go-​Round.” Park Pho­to saw a suc­cess­ful con­ti­nu­ati­on, eve­ryt­hing hap­pe­ned in a ple­a­sant atmo­sp­he­re, and the weat­her was favo­rab­le. The eva­lu­ati­on took pla­ce in the beau­ti­ful and dig­ni­fied set­ting of the near­by Kur­sa­lon, fol­lo­wed by socia­li­zing. The fact that a crispy-​roasted pig­let was enjo­y­ed by the exhi­bi­tors at the end was an excel­lent conc­lu­si­on to a gre­at Saturday.

In 2009, I pre­pa­red for Park Pho­to much bet­ter than the pre­vi­ous year. It was also becau­se I knew what to expect. Twi­ce as many aut­hors came as posi­ti­ve. Park Pho­to was more beau­ti­ful for me also becau­se I alre­a­dy knew other aut­hors here. It’s a pity that the Pho­to Marat­hon took pla­ce in Bra­ti­sla­va at the same time. I pre­pa­red two series of pho­tos. I got the impres­si­on that lands­ca­pes were liked by almost eve­ry­o­ne. The series of fish was unac­cep­tab­le for many but liked by others. Pro­bab­ly the fact that many found them some­what cold, I assu­me that the idea of somet­hing from the water dis­cou­ra­ged many. It was my attempt, which I pro­bab­ly won’t repe­at. Howe­ver, I was satis­fied with my pho­tos. Among the exhi­bi­ted pho­tos, I real­ly liked Bec­kov by Richard Hes­ko, and by far the most, the pho­tos by Ras­ťo Čam­bal. It’s a bit stran­ge becau­se until Sep­tem­ber 19, 2009, I did­n’t real­ly like Ras­ťo Čam­ba­l’s work. I found only a few pho­tos that I liked. Of cour­se, it must be admit­ted that I had pro­bab­ly seen only 20 – 30 pic­tu­res until then.

Howe­ver, I have one very nega­ti­ve aspect. A lot of peop­le wal­ked past the pho­tos care­less­ly. I belie­ve that many of them sim­ply did­n’t take the time for it. What struck me, howe­ver, was that few peop­le read the names of the pho­tos, and the reac­ti­ons to the­se names were not ade­qu­ate at all. I’m very sor­ry that almost even chil­dren can’t express them­sel­ves pro­per­ly. I regis­te­red about four ade­qu­ate reac­ti­ons to the read name of the shot. Of cour­se, I was­n’t stan­ding by my pho­tos all the time. Among them was also a nega­ti­ve reac­ti­on. I am defi­ni­te­ly more ple­a­sed with a nega­ti­ve reac­ti­on than no reac­ti­on at all. I am refer­ring pri­ma­ri­ly to the names of the fish becau­se it is a dif­fe­rent abs­trac­ti­on than with lands­ca­pes – jud­ge for your­self accor­ding to the pho­tos below. I thought a lot about it. I noti­ced that visi­tors who came from the flo­wer para­de – anot­her event, expres­sed them­sel­ves much more. Per­haps they were stir­red up by dan­ce, per­haps sin­ging, alle­go­ri­cal flo­ats, flo­wers, majorettes.

Rok 2008

20.9.2008 sa v prí­jem­nom pro­stre­dí pod pagaš­tan­mi mest­ské­ho par­ku usku­toč­ni­la už po tre­tí rok výsta­va Park Foto. Orga­ni­zá­tor podu­ja­tia ho nazval Park Foto Pieš­ťa­ny 2008, fes­ti­val kre­a­tív­nej foto­gra­fie – výsta­va foto­gra­fií v ple­né­ri. Poča­sie prav­de­po­dob­ne objed­nal” a veľ­mi dob­re zapla­til nie­kto tajom­ný, ale urči­te moc­ný, pre­to­že prša­lo asi vša­de na celom Slo­ven­sku, ale v par­ku v Pieš­ťa­noch nie. V ten­to chlad­ný sobot­ný deň pad­li na mňa len tri kvap­ky. Objek­tív­ne tre­ba uznať, že mies­ta­mi troš­ku mrho­li­lo, ale keď­že sme nad sebou mali veľ­ké pagaš­ta­ny kon­ské a iné stro­my tak­mer v zápo­ji, tak naše fot­ky aj my sme zosta­li suchí. Orga­ni­zá­tor mys­lel aj na naše niž­šie pudy, pri­pra­vil čaj aj rum. Mie­ša­nie bolo dovo­le­né v akom­koľ­vek pome­re :-). Rum bol len jeden, aj to len lit­ro­vý ;-). Ak náho­dou závi­dí­te, tak nie je veľ­mi čo, pre­to­že tep­lo­ta vzdu­chu, vlh­kosť a rých­losť vet­ra priam núti­li tro­chu roz­ší­riť cie­vy. 20.9 bol aj dátu­mom sláv­nost­né­ho ukon­če­nia kúpeľ­nej sezó­ny. Cez mes­to šiel sprie­vod, kve­ti­no­vé kor­zo, načan­ča­né boli ale­go­ric­ké vozy. Zhru­ba oko­lo 15:30 oko­lo nás pre­šli uzi­me­né mažo­ret­ky v krát­ky suk­nič­kách, kto­ré mali skôr ute­kať, ako len poma­ly chodiť :-(.

Na výsta­ve foto­gra­fií sa zúčast­ni­lo 38 tvor­cov. Napriek neprí­jem­né­mu poča­siu si foto­gra­fie pre­zre­lo mož­no 700 – 900 ľudí. Pre mňa samot­né­ho malo veľ­ký význam, že som sa pre­zen­to­val doma (mimo­cho­dom po prvý krát) pred ľuď­mi, ako aj pred foto­graf­mi. Na ľudí moje fot­ky spra­vi­li pod­ľa slov, kto­ré som mal mož­nosť počuť, dojem. Vzhľa­dom na to, že na via­ce­rých sním­kach som mal Pieš­ťa­ny, tak veľa ľudí skú­ma­lo, čo je to na foto­gra­fiách. Nie­kto­ré zábe­ry som fotil na mies­tach, na kto­ré sa bež­ne člo­vek bez sna­hy nedos­ta­ne, tak­že pôso­bi­li tro­chu exo­tic­ky. Bolo pre mňa zvlášt­ne zis­tiť, že ľuďom čas­to chý­ba geomet­ric­ká a pries­to­ro­vá pred­sta­vi­vosť. Iný je pohľad na úze­mie z lie­tad­la, na mape a iný je pohľad člo­ve­ka a troš­ku iný je pohľad foto­gra­fa. Asi to bude znieť tro­chu čud­ne, ale náv­štev­ní­kov prek­va­po­va­lo to, čo pozna­jú. Uhol pohľa­du bol pre nich nepoz­na­ný, prav­da­že nie pre všetkých.

Teši­lo ma aj iné hod­no­te­nie, kto­ré sa pár­krát opa­ko­va­lo a síce že moje foto­gra­fie boli ako živé”. Pre spres­ne­nie – foto­gra­fie, kto­ré som mal na tej­to výsta­ve nepo­va­žu­jem za úžas­né a motí­vy na nich už vôbec nepo­va­žu­jem za neja­ké ume­lec­ky veľ­mi hod­not­né ale­bo ori­gi­nál­ne. Jed­nu jedi­nú fot­ku z nich pova­žu­jem za fot­ko­va­tej­šiu 🙂 a tej som napo­kon dal aj svo­je štip­ce. Hod­no­te­nie pre­bie­ha­lo pomo­cou štip­cov – ora­ze­ných kol­kov na bie­li­zeň. Najprv hod­no­ti­li náv­štev­ní­ci podu­ja­tia, potom hod­no­ti­li samot­ní vysta­vu­jú­ci pomo­cou kol­kov, kto­ré sami inka­so­va­li. Nebu­dem ďako­vať za pre­ja­ve­nú pria­zeň, veď nej­de o čosi za odme­nu, ani o prá­cu naviac, ale poviem, že ma tá pria­zeň teší a budem sa aj naďa­lej sna­žiť fotiť lep­šie a lep­šie. Ďaku­jem ale orga­ni­zá­to­rom za mož­nosť sa pre­zen­to­vať a strá­viť prí­jem­ne a uži­toč­ne čas.

Po skon­če­ní výsta­vy nám Dušan Beláň (dufi) pred­sta­vil pho​to​box​.sk a foto­gra­fie zo súťa­že, kto­rú spá­chal na začiat­ku júla prá­ve pho​to​box​.sk. Foto­gra­fie boli až do 19.9 na Pri­bi­no­vej 115 vďa­ka vte­daj­šie­mu EVEREST FOTO, neskôr boli v Pieš­ťa­nochKur­sa­lo­ne. Potom nasle­do­va­lo vyhlá­se­nie víťa­zov v prí­jem­nom pro­stre­dí plnom fotiek. Po vyhod­no­te­ní som sa ja viac spoz­nal s vysta­vu­jú­ci­mi, naj­mä s člen­mi foto­k­lu­bu z Pieš­ťan. Pri­pi­li sme si na Duša­no­ve zdra­vie (vraj sme nemu­se­li – zrej­me je ako repa 😉 ) a potom sme sa pus­ti­li do peče­né­ho pra­siat­ka. Roz­prá­va­lo sa ešte dlho, ja sám som pobu­dol asi do 20:30, čiže snáď dve hodi­ny. Pre­bra­li sme mier­ne aj orga­ni­zá­tor­ské a ľud­ské prob­lé­my a keď­že sa sám podie­ľam na akva­ris­tic­kom hnu­tí” v podob­nej polo­he, tak sme skon­šta­to­va­li, že je to rov­na­ké a sran­da to urči­te nie je.

Počas toho, ako som celý deň bol vo výstav­nom pries­to­re, tak som postre­tal kopu zná­mych a reč bola samoz­rej­me aj o foto­gra­fiách. Pre­dov­šet­kým na kon­ci mi pomá­hal kama­rát Leo, kto­rý sa neskôr oci­tol aj na vyhod­no­te­ní. Videl atmo­sfé­ru, kto­rá tam vlád­la a sám sa vyjad­ril prek­va­pe­ne. Neča­kal, že ten­to sych­ra­vý deň napo­kon vypá­li tak pekne.

Year 2008

On Sep­tem­ber 20, 2008, in the ple­a­sant sur­roun­dings under the chest­nuts of the muni­ci­pal park, the third edi­ti­on of the Park Pho­to exhi­bi­ti­on took pla­ce. The event orga­ni­zer named it Park Pho­to Pieš­ťa­ny 2008, a fes­ti­val of cre­a­ti­ve pho­tog­rap­hy – an open-​air pho­to exhi­bi­ti­on. Some­one mys­te­ri­ous, but cer­tain­ly power­ful, pro­bab­ly orde­red” the weat­her, and some­one paid for it very well becau­se it was rai­ning almost eve­ry­whe­re in Slo­va­kia, but not in the park in Pieš­ťa­ny. On this chil­ly Satur­day, only three drops fell on me. Objec­ti­ve­ly, it must be ack­no­wled­ged that it drizz­led a bit in some pla­ces, but sin­ce we had lar­ge hor­se chest­nut and other tre­es almost as an umbrel­la abo­ve us, our pho­tos and we remai­ned dry. The orga­ni­zer also thought of our lower ins­tincts, pre­pa­red tea and rum. Mixing was allo­wed in any ratio :-). The­re was only one liter of rum, though ;-). If you hap­pen to envy, the­re­’s not much to envy becau­se the air tem­pe­ra­tu­re, humi­di­ty, and wind spe­ed almost for­ced us to expand our veins a bit. Sep­tem­ber 20 also mar­ked the cere­mo­nial end of the bat­hing sea­son. A pro­ces­si­on, a flo­ral para­de, alle­go­ri­cal flo­ats, pas­sed through the city. Around 3:30 pm, fro­zen majo­ret­tes in short skirts pas­sed by us, who see­med to be run­ning rat­her than walking :-(.

38 cre­a­tors par­ti­ci­pa­ted in the pho­to exhi­bi­ti­on. Des­pi­te the unp­le­a­sant weat­her, may­be 700 – 900 peop­le vie­wed the pho­tos. It was sig­ni­fi­cant for me per­so­nal­ly that I pre­sen­ted myself at home (by the way, for the first time) in front of peop­le as well as pho­tog­rap­hers. Accor­ding to the words I heard, my pho­tos made an impres­si­on on peop­le. Sin­ce I had Pieš­ťa­ny in seve­ral shots, many peop­le exa­mi­ned what was in the pho­tos. I took some shots in pla­ces that a per­son would­n’t nor­mal­ly reach wit­hout effort, so they looked a bit exo­tic. It was stran­ge for me to find out that peop­le often lack geomet­ric and spa­tial ima­gi­na­ti­on. The view of the area from an airp­la­ne, on a map, is dif­fe­rent from a per­so­n’s view, and a pho­tog­rap­he­r’s view is a bit dif­fe­rent. It might sound a bit stran­ge, but visi­tors were sur­pri­sed by what they knew. The angle of view was unkno­wn to them, of cour­se, not to everyone.

I was also ple­a­sed with anot­her assess­ment that repe­a­ted a few times, name­ly that my pho­tos were like ali­ve.” To cla­ri­fy, I do not con­si­der the pho­tos I had at this exhi­bi­ti­on as ama­zing, and the motifs on them are not con­si­de­red artis­ti­cal­ly very valu­ab­le or ori­gi­nal at all. I con­si­der one sin­gle pho­to from them as more pho­tog­rap­hab­le 🙂 and I final­ly gave my clot­hes­pins to it. The eva­lu­ati­on took pla­ce using clot­hes­pins – pegs atta­ched to clot­hes­li­nes. First, visi­tors to the event eva­lu­ated, then the exhi­bi­tors them­sel­ves eva­lu­ated using clot­hes­pins they col­lec­ted. I won’t thank for the favor sho­wn becau­se it’s not about somet­hing for a reward or extra work, but I’ll say that I’m hap­py about the favor, and I’ll con­ti­nue to try to take bet­ter and bet­ter pho­tos. But I thank the orga­ni­zers for the oppor­tu­ni­ty to pre­sent myself and spend time ple­a­san­tly and usefully.

After the exhi­bi­ti­on, Dušan Beláň (dufi) intro­du­ced us to pho​to​box​.sk and the pho­tos from the com­pe­ti­ti­on he had com­mit­ted in ear­ly July on pho​to​box​.sk itself. The pho­tos were on Pri­bi­no­va 115 thanks to the then EVEREST FOTO until Sep­tem­ber 19, later in Pieš­ťa­ny at Kur­sa­lon. Then the announ­ce­ment of the win­ners fol­lo­wed in a ple­a­sant envi­ron­ment full of pho­tos. After the eva­lu­ati­on, I got to know the exhi­bi­tors more, espe­cial­ly the mem­bers of the pho­to club from Pieš­ťa­ny. We toas­ted to Duša­n’s health (appa­ren­tly, we did­n’t have to – pre­su­mab­ly, he’s as fit as a fidd­le 😉 ), and then we tack­led the roas­ted pig­let. We tal­ked for a long time, I myself sta­y­ed until about 8:30 pm, so per­haps two hours. We also dis­cus­sed orga­ni­za­ti­onal and human prob­lems mild­ly, and sin­ce I myself am invol­ved in the aqu­arium move­ment” in a simi­lar posi­ti­on, we noted that it’s the same, and it’s cer­tain­ly not fun.

During the who­le day, as I was in the exhi­bi­ti­on spa­ce, I met a lot of acqu­ain­tan­ces, and the con­ver­sa­ti­on was, of cour­se, about pho­tog­raphs. Espe­cial­ly at the end, my friend Leo hel­ped me, who later found him­self at the eva­lu­ati­on as well. He saw the atmo­sp­he­re that pre­vai­led the­re and expres­sed him­self sur­pri­sed. He did­n’t expect that this chil­ly day would turn out so nice­ly in the end.


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