2006-2010, 2009, Časová línia, Írsko, Krajina, Zahraničie

Írsko – ostrovná krajina

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Na plo­che 70 280 km2 žije viac ako 4.5 mili­ó­na oby­va­te­ľov. Tvo­rí cca 56 povr­chu ostro­va Írsko (Wiki​pe​dia​.sk). Tvo­ria ho šty­ri his­to­ric­ké pro­vin­cie: Mum­ha, Laig­hin, Con­nach­ta a Uls­ter (atlas​.sk), dnes Con­naught, Leins­ter, Muns­ter a Uls­ter (Wiki​pe​dia​.sk). Hlav­ným mes­tom je Dub­lin. Pod­ne­bie tej­to nížin­nej kra­ji­ny je pomer­ne vyrov­na­né vzhľa­dom na vplyv Golfs­ké­ho prú­du. Geomor­fo­lo­gic­ky je kra­ji­na pozna­če­ná cel­ko­vým zaľad­ne­ním v minu­los­ti. Západ­né pobre­žie je skal­na­té a veľ­mi čle­ni­té. Pod­ľa poves­ti je v Írsku viac ako 40 odtie­ňov zele­nej (atlas​.sk). Na väč­ši­ne úze­mia sú lúky a vre­so­viš­tia. Prek­va­pi­vo tú ras­tú vav­rí­nymyr­ty, kto­ré sú typic­ké pre Stre­do­mo­rie. Pred prí­cho­dom ľudí tu žili aj bob­ry, divé mač­ky, med­ve­de a vlci. Dnes pre­dov­šet­kým drob­ní hlo­dav­ci, vtá­ky a ovce. Vôbec tu neži­jú hady (Wiki​pe​dia​.sk).

V 3. sto­ro­čí pred n. l. sa tu usa­di­li Kel­ti, v 5. sto­ro­čí pri­ja­li kres­ťan­stvo. V 9. a v 10. sto­ro­čí tu žili Vikin­go­via. Kon­com 12. sto­ro­čia zača­li obsa­dzo­vať úze­mie Angli­ča­nia, čo sa im cel­kom poda­ri­lo až v polo­vi­ci 17. sto­ro­čia. Írska nezá­vis­losť bola obno­ve­ná v roku 1922. V polo­vi­ci 19. sto­ro­čia tu vyčí­ňal zemia­ko­vý hla­do­mor – zomre­lo viac ako 1 mili­ón ľudí (Wiki​pe​dia​.sk).

Väč­ši­nu oby­va­te­ľov tvo­ria Íri. V posled­nom obdo­bí zaží­va kra­ji­na sil­nú imig­rant­skú vlnu hlav­ne z Poľ­ska, Lit­vy, Lotyš­ska a Estón­ska. Žije tu počet­ná ame­ric­ká komu­ni­ta. Odha­dom tu žije 10 % oby­va­te­ľov cudzích kra­jín. Veľ­ké mes­tá: Dub­lin, Cork, Galway, Lime­rick, Wate­ford. Je zau­jí­ma­vé, že naopak v USA žije viac Írov ako v Írsku. Nábo­žen­sky majú dosť veľ­kú pre­va­hu rím­ski kato­lí­ci – 86.8 %. Z Írska pochá­dzal Johant­han Swift – autor prí­be­hov o Guli­ve­ro­vi (Wiki​pe​dia​.sk). Oby­va­teľ­stvo je zná­me lás­kou k hud­be a roz­prá­va­niu. Hovo­rí sa o ňom ako o kra­ji­ne svät­cov a učen­cov, je rodis­kom mno­hých spi­so­va­te­ľov ako Wil­liam But­ler Yeats, James Joy­ce, Samu­el Bec­kett, Oscar Wil­de, Geor­ge Ber­nard Shaw, roc­ko­vých sku­pín a spe­vá­kov: U2, The Corrs, Siné­ad O‘Connor (euro​pa​.eu).

Cove­ring an area of 70,280 squ­are kilo­me­ters, Ire­land is home to over 4.5 mil­li­on peop­le, cons­ti­tu­ting app­ro­xi­ma­te­ly 56 of the island of Ire­land (Wiki​pe​dia​.sk). It com­pri­ses four his­to­ri­cal pro­vin­ces: Muns­ter, Leins­ter, Con­nacht, and Uls­ter (atlas​.sk), kno­wn today as Con­naught, Leins­ter, Muns­ter, and Uls­ter (Wiki​pe​dia​.sk). The capi­tal city is Dub­lin. The cli­ma­te in this lowland coun­try is rela­ti­ve­ly mild due to the influ­en­ce of the Gulf Stre­am. Geomorp­ho­lo­gi­cal­ly, the lands­ca­pe bears the marks of past gla­cia­ti­on. The wes­tern coast is roc­ky and high­ly inden­ted. Accor­ding to legend, the­re are more than 40 sha­des of gre­en in Ire­land (atlas​.sk). Mea­do­ws and heat­hlands cover most of the ter­ri­to­ry. Sur­pri­sin­gly, lau­rels and myrt­les, typi­cal of the Medi­ter­ra­ne­an, also thri­ve here. Befo­re human sett­le­ment, bea­vers, wild­cats, bears, and wol­ves lived in Ire­land. Today, it is home to small rodents, birds, and she­ep, and notab­ly, the­re are no sna­kes (Wiki​pe​dia​.sk).

In the 3rd cen­tu­ry BCE, Celts sett­led here, adop­ting Chris­tia­ni­ty in the 5th cen­tu­ry. Vikings lived in the regi­on during the 9th and 10th cen­tu­ries. By the late 12th cen­tu­ry, the English began to occu­py the ter­ri­to­ry, suc­ce­e­ding in doing so by the mid-​17th cen­tu­ry. Ire­lan­d’s inde­pen­den­ce was res­to­red in 1922. In the mid-​19th cen­tu­ry, the Gre­at Fami­ne occur­red, resul­ting in the death of over 1 mil­li­on peop­le (Wiki​pe​dia​.sk).

The majo­ri­ty of the popu­la­ti­on con­sists of the Irish. In recent times, the coun­try has expe­rien­ced a sig­ni­fi­cant wave of immig­ra­ti­on, main­ly from Poland, Lit­hu­ania, Lat­via, and Esto­nia. The­re is also a sub­stan­tial Ame­ri­can com­mu­ni­ty. An esti­ma­ted 10% of the popu­la­ti­on con­sists of fore­ign nati­onals. Major cities inc­lu­de Dub­lin, Cork, Galway, Lime­rick, and Water­ford. Inte­res­tin­gly, the­re are more Irish peop­le living in the Uni­ted Sta­tes than in Ire­land. Reli­gi­ous­ly, Roman Cat­ho­lics hold a sig­ni­fi­cant majo­ri­ty at 86.8%. Jonat­han Swift, the aut­hor of Gul­li­ve­r’s Tra­vels, hai­led from Ire­land. The popu­la­ti­on is kno­wn for its love of music and sto­ry­tel­ling, ear­ning Ire­land the repu­ta­ti­on of the Land of Saints and Scho­lars” and being the birthp­la­ce of nume­rous wri­ters such as Wil­liam But­ler Yeats, James Joy­ce, Samu­el Bec­kett, Oscar Wil­de, Geor­ge Ber­nard Shaw, and music acts like U2, The Corrs, and Siné­ad O’Con­nor (euro​pa​.eu).


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