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Uli­ce sú čas­to pre­hlia­da­né v ruchu mest­ské­ho živo­ta, avšak zohrá­va­jú kľú­čo­vú úlo­hu pri for­mo­va­ní cha­rak­te­ru a iden­ti­ty mes­ta. Sú viac než len doprav­né tep­ny. Nie­kto­ré slú­žia ako roman­tic­ké pro­me­ná­dy, kul­túr­ne kori­do­ry ale­bo jed­no­du­cho ako ces­ty pre ľudí a tova­ry. Pokro­ky v tech­no­ló­gii ovplyv­ňu­jú spô­sob, akým vní­ma­me a inte­ra­gu­je­me s uli­ca­mi. Smart mes­tá integ­ru­jú tech­no­ló­gie do dizaj­nu ulíc, zahŕňa­jú inte­li­gent­né doprav­né sys­té­my, ener­ge­tic­ky efek­tív­ne osvet­le­nie a inte­rak­tív­ne prvky.

Stre­ets are often over­lo­oked in the hust­le and bust­le of urban life, yet they play a cru­cial role in sha­ping the cha­rac­ter and iden­ti­ty of a city. They are more than just tho­rough­fa­res for tran­s­por­ta­ti­on. Some ser­ve as roman­tic pro­me­na­des, cul­tu­ral cor­ri­dors, or sim­ply as pat­hwa­ys for peop­le and goods. Tech­no­lo­gi­cal advan­ce­ments influ­en­ce how we per­ce­i­ve and inte­ract with stre­ets. Smart cities integ­ra­te tech­no­lo­gies into stre­et design, incor­po­ra­ting intel­li­gent tran­s­por­ta­ti­on sys­tems, energy-​efficient ligh­ting, and inte­rac­ti­ve elements.

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