2006-2010, 2009, 2011, 2011-2015, 2015, Biotopy, Časová línia, Dolné Považie, Krajina, Mokrade, Príroda, Slovenská krajina


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Výsad­ba – Kubá­no­va važi­na – sa nachá­dza za Lode­ni­cou. Je to ostrov” živo­ta. V lete tam čas­to vyspe­vu­je trs­te­nia­rik, rybá­rik, občas sú tam chav­ko­še noč­né, váž­ky, koryt­nač­ky Emys orbi­cu­la­ris apod. Prí­pad­ne si tam labuť vodí svo­je mla­dé pome­dzi lek­ná. O túto plo­chu sa dlhé roky sta­ral pán Viliam Kubán, orni­to­lóg kto­rý však žiaľ už zomrel. Pod­ľa Fran­tiš­ka Baču, sa tú nachá­dza ako Typ­ha lati­fo­lia ako aj T. angus­ti­fo­lia, dokon­ca tu tie­to dva dru­hy vytvá­ra­jú vzác­ne krí­žen­ce. Ras­tie tu jel­ša lep­ka­vá – Alnus glu­ti­no­sa.

The plan­ting – Kubá­n’s marsh – is loca­ted behind Lode­ni­ca. It’s an island” of life. In the sum­mer, you often hear the sin­ging of the sed­ge warb­ler, the reed warb­ler; occa­si­onal­ly, you can spot the Euro­pe­an night­jar, dra­gon­flies, Euro­pe­an pond turt­les (Emys orbi­cu­la­ris), and others. Some­ti­mes, a swan guides its young ones among the water lilies. This area was cared for by Mr. Viliam Kubán, an ornit­ho­lo­gist who sad­ly pas­sed away. Accor­ding to Fran­ti­šek Bača, both Typ­ha lati­fo­lia and T. angus­ti­fo­lia are found here, and the­se two spe­cies even cre­a­te rare hyb­rids. The com­mon alder (Alnus glu­ti­no­sa) also gro­ws in this area.

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