2006-2010, 2009, 2010, Časová línia, Krajina, Príroda


Hits: 1977

Ľudia väč­ši­nou more obdi­vu­jú. Jeho nesmier­na veľ­kosť, zdan­li­vá neko­neč­nosť ponú­ka­jú pries­tor na roz­jí­ma­nie a obja­vo­va­nie. More hrá kľú­čo­vú úlo­hu nie­len v prí­rod­nom eko­sys­té­me, ale aj v kul­tú­re a his­tó­rii. More tvo­rí pri­bliž­ne 71 per­cent povr­chu Zeme a obsa­hu­je pri­bliž­ne 97 per­cent vody na našej pla­né­te. Jeho hĺb­ka sa pohy­bu­je od pomer­ne plyt­kých oblas­tí kon­ti­nen­tál­nych až po hlbo­ké prie­pas­ti v oce­ánoch. Kaž­dý meter mora hos­tí fas­ci­nu­jú­ci eko­sys­tém plný živo­ta, od mik­ro­sko­pic­ké­ho plank­tó­nu po majes­tát­ne veľryby.

More je zdro­jom inšpi­rá­cie, krá­sy a dôle­ži­tých prí­rod­ných zdro­jov. Jeho úlo­ha v živo­te ľud­stva je nepo­chyb­ná, a pre­to je dôle­ži­té si uve­do­miť jeho hod­no­tu a pra­co­vať na jeho ochra­ne. Svet, kto­rý nás fas­ci­nu­je svo­jou hĺb­kou, tajom­stvom a krá­sou, si zaslú­ži našu lás­ku a sta­rost­li­vosť. Ten­to uni­kát­ny eko­sys­tém posky­tu­je obži­vu pre mno­hé dru­hy rýb, kto­ré sú potra­vou pre mno­hé ďal­šie dru­hy. More zabez­pe­ču­je aj množ­stvo ďal­ších zdro­jov pre ľudí. More má dlhú his­tó­riu spo­je­nú s ľud­stvom. Výpra­vy cez more umož­ni­li obja­vo­vať nové sve­ty, obcho­do­vať a navzá­jom sa obo­ha­co­vať kul­túr­ny­mi vplyv­mi. Sta­ré civi­li­zá­cie, ako Feni­ča­nia či Gré­ci, využí­va­li more na výme­nu tova­rov a nápa­dov. More je čas­to spo­je­né aj s legen­da­mi a mýtom, ako je prí­beh o Atlan­tí­de ale­bo mor­ských mon­štrách. Jeho neko­neč­ná hĺb­ka a neob­ja­ve­né oblas­ti vzbu­dzu­jú fan­tá­ziu ľudí a slú­žia ako základ pre mno­hé prí­be­hy a ume­lec­ké diela.

Plá­že s bie­lym pies­kom, azú­ro­vé vody a neko­neč­né výhľa­dy na oce­án pri­lá­ka­li mili­ó­ny ľudí k ces­to­va­niu na pobre­žia. Rekre­ač­né akti­vi­ty pri mori sú roz­ma­ni­té, od plá­va­nia a potá­pa­nia po sur­fo­va­nie a rybo­lov. Let­né dovo­len­ky a náv­šte­vy prí­mor­ských leto­vísk sú syno­ny­mom oddy­chu a rela­xá­cie. Súčas­ný svet však čelí váž­nym výzvam spo­je­ným s ochra­nou a udr­ža­teľ­nos­ťou morí. Zne­čis­ťo­va­nie plas­ta­mi, nad­mer­ný lov rýb, kli­ma­tic­ké zme­ny a stra­ta bio­di­ver­zi­ty pred­sta­vu­jú hroz­by pre ten­to vzác­ny eko­sys­tém. Ochra­na a udr­ža­teľ­ný prí­stup k využí­va­niu mor­ských zdro­jov sú kľú­čo­vé pre zacho­va­nie krá­sy a bohat­stva mora pre budú­ce generácie.

Peop­le gene­ral­ly admi­re the sea. Its immen­se size and appa­rent infi­ni­ty pro­vi­de a spa­ce for con­tem­pla­ti­on and explo­ra­ti­on. The sea pla­ys a cru­cial role not only in the natu­ral eco­sys­tem but also in cul­tu­re and his­to­ry. Cove­ring app­ro­xi­ma­te­ly 71 per­cent of the Eart­h’s sur­fa­ce and con­tai­ning about 97 per­cent of the pla­ne­t’s water, the sea­’s depth ran­ges from rela­ti­ve­ly shal­low con­ti­nen­tal are­as to deep oce­a­nic tren­ches. Eve­ry meter of the sea hosts a fas­ci­na­ting eco­sys­tem tee­ming with life, from mic­ros­co­pic plank­ton to majes­tic whales.

The sea is a sour­ce of ins­pi­ra­ti­on, beau­ty, and essen­tial natu­ral resour­ces. Its role in human life is unde­niab­le, emp­ha­si­zing the impor­tan­ce of recog­ni­zing its value and wor­king towards its pro­tec­ti­on. The world that cap­ti­va­tes us with its depth, mys­te­ry, and beau­ty deser­ves our love and care. This uni­que eco­sys­tem pro­vi­des sus­te­nan­ce for nume­rous fish spe­cies, which, in turn, ser­ve as food for many others. The sea also offers a varie­ty of resour­ces for humans.

The sea has a long his­to­ry intert­wi­ned with huma­ni­ty. Sea voy­ages enab­led the explo­ra­ti­on of new worlds, faci­li­ta­ted tra­de, and enri­ched cul­tu­res with diver­se influ­en­ces. Ancient civi­li­za­ti­ons, such as the Pho­eni­cians and Gre­eks, uti­li­zed the sea for the exchan­ge of goods and ide­as. The sea is often asso­cia­ted with legends and myths, such as the sto­ry of Atlan­tis or sea mons­ters. Its end­less depth and undis­co­ve­red are­as fuel peop­le­’s ima­gi­na­ti­on and ser­ve as the foun­da­ti­on for many sto­ries and artis­tic works.

Bea­ches with whi­te sands, azu­re waters, and end­less oce­an vie­ws have att­rac­ted mil­li­ons of peop­le to tra­vel to coas­tal are­as. Rec­re­a­ti­onal acti­vi­ties by the sea are diver­se, ran­ging from swim­ming and diving to sur­fing and fis­hing. Sum­mer vaca­ti­ons and visits to sea­si­de resorts are syno­ny­mous with rela­xa­ti­on and rec­re­a­ti­on. Howe­ver, the con­tem­po­ra­ry world faces seri­ous chal­len­ges rela­ted to the pro­tec­ti­on and sus­tai­na­bi­li­ty of the seas. Pol­lu­ti­on with plas­tics, over­fis­hing, cli­ma­te chan­ge, and the loss of bio­di­ver­si­ty pose thre­ats to this pre­ci­ous eco­sys­tem. Pro­tec­ti­on and a sus­tai­nab­le app­ro­ach to the use of mari­ne resour­ces are cru­cial for pre­ser­ving the beau­ty and wealth of the sea for futu­re generations.

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2006, 2006-2010, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2011-2015, 2012, 2013, 2014, Časová línia, Dokumenty, Krajina, Noc, TOP, Typ krajiny, V čase

Noc – hra svetiel a tmy

Hits: 7169

Noc je obdo­bie plné kon­tras­tov medzi svet­lom a tmou, kto­ré vytvá­ra­jú pôso­bi­vú atmo­sfé­ru. Hra sve­tiel a tmy v noci môže vytvo­riť rôz­ne vizu­ál­ne zážit­ky a emó­cie. Mes­tá v noci čas­to oží­va­jú tisíc­ka­mi sve­tel­ných zdro­jov. Budo­vy, reklam­né bill­bo­ar­dy a pou­lič­né lam­py vytvá­ra­jú pes­tro­fa­reb­né sce­né­rie. Sve­tel­né pru­hy z áut a odles­ky vod­nej hla­di­ny môžu pri­dá­vať dojem pohy­bu a živo­ta. Na vidie­ku mimo mest­ské­ho sve­tel­né­ho zne­čis­te­nia môže­te zažiť tmav­šie noč­né oblo­hy a jas­né hviezd­ne nebo. Svet­lo mesia­ca a hviez­dy vytvá­ra­jú nád­her­ný kon­trast s tmou, čím vytvá­ra­jú roman­tic­kú a pokoj­nú atmo­sfé­ru. Svie­tia­ce lam­py na uli­ciach a chod­ní­koch vytvá­ra­jú nie­ke­dy zau­jí­ma­vé tie­ňo­vé vzo­ry. Tma­vé ale­je ale­bo ulič­ky môžu byť pôso­bi­vé, keď sú osvet­le­né iba spo­ra­dic­ký­mi svet­la­mi. Ak napad­ne sneh, sve­tel­né pome­ry sa cel­kom zme­nia. Tma vytvá­ra tajom­nú atmo­sfé­ru. Tma­vé lesy, neos­vet­le­né uli­ce ale­bo záhad­né noč­né kra­ji­ny môžu vyvo­lá­vať dojem tajom­stva a neob­ja­ve­ných miest. Umel­ci čas­to využí­va­jú noc ako plát­no pre svo­je sve­tel­né inšta­lá­cie. Tvo­ri­vé kom­bi­ná­cie fareb­ných sve­tiel a tmy môžu vytvo­riť jedi­neč­né ume­lec­ké die­la. Hra sve­tiel a tmy v noci pôso­bi­vým zážit­kom, kto­rý môže vyvo­lať rôz­ne emó­cie a inšpirácie.

Night is a peri­od full of con­trasts bet­we­en light and dark­ness, cre­a­ting an impres­si­ve atmo­sp­he­re. The play of lights and sha­do­ws at night can gene­ra­te vari­ous visu­al expe­rien­ces and emo­ti­ons. Cities at night often come ali­ve with thou­sands of light sour­ces. Buil­dings, adver­ti­sing bill­bo­ards, and stre­et lamps cre­a­te vib­rant and color­ful sce­nes. Light trails from cars and ref­lec­ti­ons on the water sur­fa­ce can give a sen­se of move­ment and vita­li­ty. In the coun­try­si­de, away from urban light pol­lu­ti­on, one can expe­rien­ce dar­ker night skies and bright star­ry hea­vens. Moon­light and stars cre­a­te a beau­ti­ful con­trast with the dark­ness, fos­te­ring a roman­tic and tra­nqu­il atmo­sp­he­re. Illu­mi­na­ted lamps on stre­ets and side­walks some­ti­mes cre­a­te intri­gu­ing sha­dow pat­terns. Dark alle­ys or lanes can be stri­king when lit only by spo­ra­dic lights. When snow falls, the ligh­ting con­di­ti­ons under­go a com­ple­te trans­for­ma­ti­on. Dark­ness cre­a­tes a mys­te­ri­ous atmo­sp­he­re. Dark forests, unlit stre­ets, or mys­te­ri­ous noc­tur­nal lands­ca­pes can evo­ke a sen­se of mys­te­ry and undis­co­ve­red pla­ces. Artists often uti­li­ze the night as a can­vas for the­ir light ins­tal­la­ti­ons. Cre­a­ti­ve com­bi­na­ti­ons of colo­red lights and dark­ness can result in uni­que works of art. The play of lights and sha­do­ws at night is an immer­si­ve expe­rien­ce that can evo­ke vari­ous emo­ti­ons and inspirations.

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2005, Časová línia, Do roku 2005, Krajina, Turecko, Zahraničie

Turecko – zaujímavá hornatá krajina

Hits: 4873

Turec­ko leží pod Čier­nym morom. Z dvoch strán ho obklo­pu­je Stre­do­zem­né more. Suse­dí so Sýri­ou, s Ira­kom, s Irá­nom, s Armén­skom, s Gru­zín­skom. Malá časť úze­mia leží v Euró­pe na Bal­kán­skom polo­os­tro­ve (Východ­ná Trá­cia /​Rumé­lia), väč­ši­na úze­mia leží v juho­zá­pad­nej Ázii – na polo­os­tro­ve Malá Ázia (Ana­tó­lia). Obe čas­ti odde­ľu­je úži­na Bospor, Mar­mar­ské more a Dar­da­ne­ly (Wiki​pe​dia​.sk). Turec­ko je hor­na­tá kra­ji­na, naj­viac jeho východ­ná časť.

Úze­mie Turec­ka (Ana­tó­lia) pat­rí k naj­star­ším trva­lo osíd­le­ným regi­ó­nom na sve­te – ešte v neoli­te (Wiki​pe​dia​.sk). Pri­bliž­ne medzi 18. – 13. sto­ro­čím pred Kris­tom bola na úze­mí dneš­né­ho Turec­ka sta­ro­ve­ká Che­tit­ská ríša. Neskôr tu exis­to­va­la Frý­gia. Od 7. sto­ro­čia pred Kris­tom Lýdia, Caria a Lýcia. Od 12. sto­ro­čia pred Kris­tom je západ­né pobre­žie kolo­ni­zo­va­né aiol­ský­mi, dór­sky­mi a ión­sky­mi Grék­mi. Neskôr aj kolo­ni­zo­va­li aj sever­né a juž­né pobre­žie. V 6. – 5 sto­ro­čí bola Ana­tó­lia doby­tá Per­žan­mi, neskôr Ale­xan­drom Mace­dón­skym, po kto­ré­ho smr­ti sa roz­pad­la na hele­nis­tic­ké štá­ty: Bitý­nia, Kapa­dó­cia, Per­ga­mon a Pon­tos (Wiki​pe​dia​.sk). V Turec­ku je veľ­ké množ­stvo antic­kých pamia­tok, naj­mä v Efe­ze, Ther­mes­so­se, Hie­ra­po­li­se a aj v Istan­bu­le (orbi​on​.cz). Kon­com 1. sto­ro­čia pred Kris­tom gré­kov vys­trie­da­la Rím­ska ríša. Po jej roz­pa­de v roku 395 Turec­ko pri­pad­lo Byzant­skej ríši. Od 11. sto­ro­čia dochá­dza­lo ku turec­ké­mu osíd­ľo­va­niu. V roku 1299 sa Osman I. stal prvým sul­tá­nom Osman­skej ríše. Vytrva­la do roku 1923, kedy Mus­ta­fa Kemal Ata­türk zalo­žil repub­li­ku. 2 mili­ó­ny gré­kov opus­ti­lo Turec­ko a do Turec­ka odiš­lo asi 500 000 mos­li­mov roz­prá­va­jú­cich gréc­ky, albán­sky a bul­har­sky z Gréc­ka (Wiki​pe​dia​.sk). V Turec­ku žije počet­ná kurd­ská men­ši­na. 

Turec­ko je pomer­ne veľ­ká kra­ji­na, jeho roz­lo­ha je 780 580 km2 (wikit​ra​vel​.org), kde žilo v roku 2003 viac ako 68 mili­ó­nov oby­va­te­ľov (Wiki​pe​dia​.cz). Turec­ká zahra­nič­ná poli­ti­ka je už v 20. sto­ro­čí nasme­ro­va­ná do Euró­py. Turec­ko pat­rí ku zakla­da­jú­cim čle­nom OECD, v roku 1952 vstu­pu­je do NATO. Od roku 1959, kedy si poda­lo žia­dosť o člen­stvo v EHS, sa inten­zív­ne sna­ží vstú­piť do európ­skych hos­po­dár­skych štruk­túr. Dnes do Európ­skej únie (Wiki​pe​dia​.sk). Zau­jí­ma­vé sú skal­né mes­ta v Kap­pa­dó­cii, národ­ný park Pamuk­ka­le (orbi​on​.cz). Vo východ­nom (naj­hor­na­tej­šom) Turec­ku pra­me­nia rie­ky Euf­rat, Tig­ris a Aras (Wiki​pe​dia​.cz). Naj­vyš­ším bodom je Ara­rat, kto­rý sa týči do výš­ky 5137 met­rov nad morom (Wiki​pe​dia​.cz). Je hra­nič­ným vrchom s Arménskom.

Hlav­ným mes­tom Turec­ka je Anka­ra. Iný­mi zná­my­mi mes­ta­mi je Anta­lya, naj­väč­šie mes­to Istan­bul, napr. Izmir, Trab­zon (wikit​ra​vel​.org), Bur­sa, Ada­na, Gazian­tep (Wiki​pe​dia​.cz). Istan­bul je mes­to roz­de­le­né na európ­sku a ázij­skú časť. Spo­je­nie tých­to dvoch kon­ti­nen­tov zabez­pe­ču­je Bospor­ský most (wikit​ra​vel​.org). Turec­ko je pod­ľa HDP na 15. mies­te na sve­te (Wiki​pe​dia​.cz). Naj­po­pu­lár­nej­ším špor­tom je fut­bal. Klu­by ako Besik­tas Istan­bul, Fener­bah­ce Istan­bul, Gala­ta­sa­ray Istan­bul, (Wiki​pe​dia​.cz) Trab­zon­spor fut­ba­lo­vý fanú­šik pozná, neraz sa výraz­nej­šie pre­sa­di­li v tra­dič­ných európ­skych pohá­roch. Národ­ný tím v roku 2002 dosia­hol na Maj­strov­stvách sve­ta 3. miesto.

Tur­key is loca­ted bene­ath the Black Sea and is sur­roun­ded by the Medi­ter­ra­ne­an Sea on two sides. It sha­res bor­ders with Syria, Iraq, Iran, Arme­nia, and Geor­gia. A small part of its ter­ri­to­ry lies in Euro­pe on the Bal­kan Penin­su­la (Eas­tern Thra­ce /​Rume­lia), whi­le the majo­ri­ty is situ­ated in sout­hwes­tern Asia on the Ana­to­lian Penin­su­la. The Bospo­rus Strait, the Sea of Mar­ma­ra, and the Dar­da­nel­les sepa­ra­te the­se two parts (Wiki​pe​dia​.sk). Tur­key is a moun­tai­nous coun­try, with its eas­tern part being the most mountainous.

The ter­ri­to­ry of Tur­key (Ana­to­lia) is one of the oldest con­ti­nu­ous­ly inha­bi­ted regi­ons glo­bal­ly, dating back to the Neolit­hic peri­od (Wiki​pe​dia​.sk). App­ro­xi­ma­te­ly bet­we­en the 18th and 13th cen­tu­ries BCE, the ancient Hit­ti­te Empi­re exis­ted in the present-​day ter­ri­to­ry of Tur­key. Later, Phry­gia was estab­lis­hed here. From the 7th cen­tu­ry BCE, Lydia, Caria, and Lycia were pre­sent. From the 12th cen­tu­ry BCE, the wes­tern coast was colo­ni­zed by Aeolian, Dorian, and Ionian Gre­eks. Later, they also colo­ni­zed the nort­hern and sout­hern coasts. In the 6th to 5th cen­tu­ries BCE, Ana­to­lia was conqu­e­red by the Per­sians, later by Ale­xan­der the Gre­at, after who­se death, it disin­teg­ra­ted into Hel­le­nis­tic sta­tes: Bit­hy­nia, Cap­pa­do­cia, Per­ga­mon, and Pon­tus (Wiki​pe​dia​.sk). Tur­key boasts nume­rous ancient monu­ments, espe­cial­ly in Ephe­sus, Ter­mes­sos, Hie­ra­po­lis, and Istan­bul (orbi​on​.cz). By the end of the 1st cen­tu­ry BCE, the Gre­eks were suc­ce­e­ded by the Roman Empi­re. After its col­lap­se in 395, Tur­key beca­me part of the Byzan­ti­ne Empi­re. From the 11th cen­tu­ry, Tur­kish sett­le­ment occur­red. In 1299, Osman I beca­me the first sul­tan of the Otto­man Empi­re, which las­ted until 1923 when Mus­ta­fa Kemal Ata­türk estab­lis­hed the repub­lic. Two mil­li­on Gre­eks left Tur­key, and about 500,000 Mus­lims spe­a­king Gre­ek, Alba­nian, and Bul­ga­rian moved to Tur­key from Gre­e­ce (Wiki​pe​dia​.sk). A sig­ni­fi­cant Kur­dish mino­ri­ty resi­des in Turkey.

Tur­key is a rela­ti­ve­ly lar­ge coun­try with an area of 780,580 km² (wikit​ra​vel​.org), and it had over 68 mil­li­on inha­bi­tants in 2003 (Wiki​pe​dia​.cz). Tur­ke­y­’s fore­ign poli­cy has been direc­ted towards Euro­pe sin­ce the 20th cen­tu­ry. Tur­key is a foun­ding mem­ber of the OECD and joined NATO in 1952. Sin­ce 1959, when it app­lied for EEC mem­bers­hip, it has been acti­ve­ly see­king to join Euro­pe­an eco­no­mic struc­tu­res. Today, it aspi­res to join the Euro­pe­an Uni­on (Wiki​pe​dia​.sk). Rock cities in Cap­pa­do­cia and Pamuk­ka­le Nati­onal Park are among the inte­res­ting sites (orbi​on​.cz). The Euph­ra­tes, Tig­ris, and Aras rivers ori­gi­na­te in eas­tern (most moun­tai­nous) Tur­key (Wiki​pe​dia​.cz). The hig­hest point is Mount Ara­rat, rea­ching 5,137 meters abo­ve sea level (Wiki​pe​dia​.cz). It is a bor­der peak with Armenia.

The capi­tal of Tur­key is Anka­ra. Other well-​known cities inc­lu­de Anta­lya, the lar­gest city Istan­bul, Izmir, Trab­zon (wikit​ra​vel​.org), Bur­sa, Ada­na, Gazian­tep (Wiki​pe​dia​.cz). Istan­bul is a city divi­ded into Euro­pe­an and Asian parts, con­nec­ted by the Bosp­ho­rus Brid­ge (wikit​ra​vel​.org). Accor­ding to GDP, Tur­key ranks 15th in the world (Wiki​pe​dia​.cz). The most popu­lar sport is foot­ball, with clubs like Besik­tas Istan­bul, Fener­bah­ce Istan­bul, Gala­ta­sa­ray Istan­bul, (Wiki​pe​dia​.cz), and Trab­zon­spor, a foot­ball club kno­wn to fans, often making a sig­ni­fi­cant impact in tra­di­ti­onal Euro­pe­an com­pe­ti­ti­ons. The nati­onal team achie­ved 3rd pla­ce in the 2002 FIFA World Cup.

Tür­ki­ye, Kara­de­ni­z’in altın­da yer almak­ta­dır. İki tara­fın­dan Akde­niz çev­re­le­mek­te­dir. Suri­ye, Irak, İran, Erme­nis­tan ve Gür­cis­tan ile komşu­dur. Top­ra­ğının küçük bir kıs­mı Bal­kan Yarıma­da­sı’n­da Avru­pa­’da bulu­nur­ken, çoğun­lu­ğu Ana­do­lu Yarıma­da­sı’n­da Güne­y­ba­tı Asy­a’da yer almak­ta­dır. Bu iki böl­ge­yi Boğa­zi­çi Boğa­zı, Mar­ma­ra Deni­zi ve Çanak­ka­le Boğa­zı ayır­mak­ta­dır (Wiki​pe​dia​.sk). Tür­ki­ye dağlık bir ülke­dir, özel­lik­le doğu kıs­mı en dağlık olanıdır.

Tür­ki­y­e’nin top­rak­la­rı (Ana­do­lu), düny­anın en eski sürek­li yer­le­şim böl­ge­le­rin­den biri­ne ait­tir ve bu yer­le­şim neoli­tik döne­me kadar uzan­mak­ta­dır (Wiki​pe​dia​.sk). Yak­la­şık M.Ö. 18. – 13. yüzy­ıl ara­sın­da bugün­kü Tür­ki­ye top­rak­la­rın­da antik Hitit İmp­ar­at­orl­uğu bulun­mak­ta­y­dı. Daha son­ra Fri­gya bura­da var olmu­ştur. M.Ö. 7. yüzy­ıl­dan iti­ba­ren Lidya, Karia­lı ve Likya var olmu­ştur. M.Ö. 12. yüzy­ıl­dan iti­ba­ren batı kıy­ısı, Ege, Dor ve İyon Grek­le­ri tara­fın­dan kolo­ni­ze edil­mi­ştir. Daha son­ra kuzey ve güney kıy­ısını da kolo­ni­le­mi­şler­dir. M.Ö. 6. – 5. yüzy­ıl ara­sın­da Ana­do­lu, Pers­ler tara­fın­dan fet­he­dil­miş, ardın­dan Büy­ük İsk­end­er tara­fın­dan fet­he­dil­miş ve onun ölümün­den son­ra Hele­nis­tik dev­let­le­re (Biti­nya, Kapa­do­kya, Per­ga­mon ve Pon­tus) ayrıl­mıştır (Wiki​pe​dia​.sk). Tür­ki­y­e’de Efe­ze, Ter­mes­sos, Hie­ra­po­lis ve İst­anb­ul­’da olmak üze­re birçok antik kalın­tı bulun­mak­ta­dır (orbi​on​.cz). Milat­tan önce 1. yüzy­ılın sonu­na doğru Yunan­lar, Roma İmp­ar­at­orl­uğu tara­fın­dan deği­şti­ril­di. 395’teki çöküşün­den son­ra Tür­ki­ye, Bizans İmp­ar­at­orl­uğ­u’­nun bir parça­sı hali­ne gel­di. 11. yüzy­ıl­dan iti­ba­ren Türk yer­le­şi­mi gerçek­le­şti. 1299’da Osman­lı İmp­ar­at­orl­uğ­u’­nun ilk padi­şa­hı Osman Gazi oldu. 1923’te Mus­ta­fa Kemal Ata­türk Tür­ki­ye Cum­hu­ri­y­eti­’ni kur­du. 2 mily­on Yunan Tür­ki­y­e’yi terk etti ve Yunan­ca, Arnav utça ve Bul­gar­ca konu­şan yak­la­şık 500.000 Müs­lüman Yuna­nis­ta­n’a göç etti (Wiki​pe​dia​.sk). Tür­ki­y­e’de önem­li bir Kürt azın­lığı yaşamaktadır.

Tür­ki­ye, oldu­kça geniş bir ülke­dir ve ala­nı 780.580 km2’dir (wikit​ra​vel​.org) ve 2003 yılın­da 68 mily­on­dan faz­la nüfu­sa sahip­ti (Wiki​pe​dia​.cz). Tür­ki­y­e’nin dış poli­ti­ka­sı 20. yüzy­ıl­dan bu yana Avru­pa­’ya yöne­lik­tir. Tür­ki­ye, OEC­D’nin kuru­cu üyele­rin­den biri­dir ve 1952’de NATO­’ya katıl­dı. 1959’dan bu yana EEC üyeli­ği için başvu­ru­da bulun­du­ğun­dan beri, Avru­pa eko­no­mik yapıla­rına katıl­mak için aktif çaba sarf etmek­te­dir. Bugün Avru­pa Bir­li­ği­’ne üye olma­yı ama­çla­mak­ta­dır (Wiki​pe​dia​.sk). Kapa­do­ky­a’da­ki kaya şehir­le­ri ve Pamuk­ka­le Mil­li Par­kı gibi ilgi­nç yer­ler ara­sın­da yer alır (orbi​on​.cz). Tür­ki­y­e’nin doğu­sun­dan (en dağlık) Fırat, Dic­le ve Aras nehir­le­ri kay­nak­lan­mak­ta­dır (Wiki​pe​dia​.cz). En yük­sek nok­ta­sı, Erme­nis­tan ile sınır olu­ştu­ran Ağrı Dağı’dır ve deniz sevi­y­esin­den 5.137 met­re yük­sek­lik­te­dir (Wiki​pe​dia​.cz).

Tür­ki­y­e’nin başken­ti Anka­ra­’dır. Diğer bili­nen şehir­ler ara­sın­da Anta­lya, en büy­ük şehir İst­anb­ul, İzm­ir, Trab­zon (wikit​ra​vel​.org), Bur­sa, Ada­na, Gazian­tep (Wiki​pe​dia​.cz) bulun­mak­ta­dır. İst­anb­ul, Avru­pa ve Asya olmak üze­re iki bölüme ayrıl­mış bir şehir­dir ve bu iki kıta­yı bir­le­şti­ren Boğa­zi­çi Köp­rüsü bulun­mak­ta­dır (wikit​ra​vel​.org). GDP’ye göre Tür­ki­ye dünya gene­lin­de 15. sıra­da­dır (Wiki​pe​dia​.cz). En popüler spor fut­bol­dur ve Beşik­taş İst­anb­ul, Fener­ba­hçe İst­anb­ul, Gala­ta­sa­ray İst­anb­ul gibi kulüp­ler (Wiki​pe​dia​.cz), Trab­zon­spor fut­bol takımı gibi takım­lar, genel­lik­le gele­nek­sel Avru­pa yarışma­la­rın­da etki­li olmak­ta­dır. Mil­li takım 2002 FIFA Dünya Kupa­sı’n­da 3. sıra­ya ulaştı.


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1991, Časová línia, Do roku 2005, Francúzsko, Krajina, Zahraničie

Francúzsko – krajina šesťuholníková

Hits: 11608

Fran­cúz­sko leží v západ­nej Euró­pe. Zo zápa­du ho obmý­va Atlan­tic­ký oce­án a z juho­vý­cho­du Stre­do­zem­né more. Od Špa­niel­ska ho delia Pyre­ne­je. Od roku 1768 Kor­zi­ka pat­rí ku Fran­cúz­sku. Väč­ši­na kra­ji­ny má rovi­na­tý ráz (des​ti​na​cie​.sk). Meno Fran­ce pochá­dza z latin­ské­ho Fran­cia, čo zna­me­ná kra­ji­na Fran­kov” (Jean Car­pen­tier et al.). Je mož­né, že slo­vo Frank je odvo­de­né od pro­to­ger­mán­ske­ho slo­va fran­kon”, čo zna­me­ná oštep, kopi­ja, kto­rá sa vrha­la ako seke­ra – Fran­cis­ca (Taras­suk et al.), dru­há hypo­té­za hovo­rí o tom, že v pra­ve­kej nemčí­ne frank” zna­me­ná voľ­ný (Wiki­pe­dia ENG). Vzhľa­dom k svoj­mu tva­ru je občas opi­so­va­ná ako I‘HexagonNaj­star­šie znám­ky ľud­ské­ho živo­ta sú z doby pred 1.8 mili­ón­mi rokov. Z doby spred 18 000 rokov pred n. l. pochá­dza jed­na z mno­hých zdo­be­ných mla­do­pa­le­oli­tic­kých jas­kýň Las­caux (Jean Car­pen­tier et al.).

Vo Fran­cúz­sku žije asi 66 mili­ó­nov oby­va­te­ľov. Je tre­ťou naj­väč­šou kra­ji­nou Euró­py (Wiki­pe­dia ENG). Suse­dí s Atlan­tic­kým oce­ánom na zápa­de, Sever­ným morom na seve­re a so Stre­do­zem­ným morom na juhu. Medzi Fran­cúz­skom a Veľ­kou Bri­tá­ni­ou je zná­my kanál La Man­che. Pobrež­ná línia má 5500 km. Národ­nou hym­nou je Mar­se­il­lai­se (fran​cuz​sko​.sk), kto­rá je zná­ma aj u nás. Hlav­ným mot­tom Fran­cúz­skej repub­li­ky je slo­bo­da, rov­nosť, brat­stvo (fran​cuz​sko​.sk).

Naj­star­ším mes­tom je Mar­se­il­le. Jeho his­tó­ria sa zača­la písať 600 rokov pred naším leto­poč­tom, kedy bola zalo­že­ná kelt­ský­mi Gal­mi koló­nia Mas­sa­lia (Cam­brid­ge ancient his­to­ry). Oko­lo roku 125 pred n.l. bola doby­tá juž­ná Galia Riman­mi, kto­rý nazý­va­li ten­to regi­ón Roman Pro­vin­ce, z čoho vzni­kol názov Pro­ven­ce (Life Maga­zi­ne, 13.07.1953, p. 76, Goog­le Books). Hra­ni­ce súčas­né­ho Fran­cúz­ska zhru­ba zod­po­ve­da­jú sta­ro­ve­kej kelt­skej Galii. Galia bola pod­ro­be­ná Riman­mi1. sto­ro­čí pred n.l. V 4. sto­ro­čí sem zača­li pre­ni­kať ger­mán­ski Fran­ko­via. V roku 843 sa Fran­ská ríša roz­pad­la na Výcho­dof­ran­skú (dneš­né Nemec­ko), Zápa­dof­ran­skú ríšu (dneš­né Fran­cúz­sko) a Lot­rin­sko. Zná­ma je Fran­cúz­ska revo­lú­cia z roku 1789, zo začiat­ku 19. sto­ro­čia pôso­be­nie Napo­le­ona Bona­par­te­ho. V roku 1958 stál na čele Fran­cúz­ska Char­les de Gaul­le (Wiki­pe­dia). Nie­kto­rí panov­ní­ci: knie­ža Salic­kých Fran­kov Mero­vech v 5. sto­ro­čí, Chlo­do­vik, Dago­bert I. v 7. sto­ro­čí, Pipin Krát­ky v 8. sto­ro­čí kráľ Fran­cúz­ska, Karol I. Veľ­ký, Karol­man II. v 9. sto­ro­čí, Ľudo­vít XIV. – Kráľ Sln­ko (wiki​pe​dia​.sk).

Hlav­ným mes­tom je Paríž. Naj­viac uzná­va­ným národ­ným sviat­kom je Doby­tie Bas­ti­ly, kto­ré sa slá­vi 14. júla. Medzi naj­zná­mej­ších Fran­cú­zov pat­rí Johan­ka z Arku, vedec Lou­is Pas­te­ur, spi­so­va­teľ Emi­le Zola, sta­vi­teľ Gusta­ve Eif­fel, šan­so­nier­ka Edit Piaf, malia­ri Clau­de Monet, Augus­te Reno­ir, her­ci Alain Delon, Jean Reno. Kaž­do­roč­ne v júli sa kona­jú naj­sláv­nej­šie cyk­lis­tic­ké pre­te­ky Tour de Fran­ce. Fran­cúz­sko oplý­va význam­ný­mi prí­stav­mi v Le Hav­re, Nan­tes, Bor­de­aux, Cher­bourg, Brest, Calais, La Rochel­le, Tou­lon, Nice, Can­nes a naj­väč­ší fran­cúz­sky prí­stav v Mar­se­il­le (netway​.cz). Veľ­ké fran­cúz­ske auto­mo­bil­ky: Renault, Peuge­ot, Cit­ro­ën (wiki​pe​dia​.sk).

V kra­ji­ne je štvr­tý naj­väč­ší počet kul­túr­nych pamia­tok sve­to­vé­ho dedič­stva UNESCO, takmer 40. Zná­mi sú malia­ri Édou­ard Manet, Edgar Degas, Clau­de Monet, Augus­te Reno­ir, Paul Cézan­ne, Paul Gau­gu­in, Hen­ri Matis­se. Pôso­bi­li tu Pab­lo Picas­so, Vin­cent van Gogh, Marc Cha­gall, Ame­deo Modig­lia­ni, Was­si­ly Kan­din­sky. Fran­cúz­sko je zakla­da­jú­cim čle­nom Orga­ni­zá­cie spo­je­ných náro­dov – OSN, kde je jeden z pia­tich stá­lych čle­nov Bez­peč­nost­nej rady (Wiki­pe­dia ENG). Nachá­dza­jú sa tu tie­to hory: Alpy, Pyre­ne­je, Fran­cúz­ske stre­do­ho­rie, Švaj­čiar­ska Jura, Vogé­zy, Armo­ric­ký masív, Arde­ny (Wiki­pe­dia).

Naj­vyš­šia hora Mont Blanc v západ­nej Euró­pe (4810 m n.m.) je prá­ve vo fran­cúz­skych Alpách (ljly​sek​.cz). Okrem Álp sa do výš­ky čne­jú Pyre­ne­je, poho­ria Jura, Arde­ny, Fran­cúz­ske Stre­do­ho­rie a Vogé­zy. Naj­výz­nam­nej­šie rie­ky sú Loire, Garon­ne, Sei­na a Rýn. Ras­tie tu až 136 dru­hov stro­mov (fran​cuz​sko​.sk). Fran­cúz­sko je zná­me svo­jou kuchy­ňou a vínom. Žabie ste­hien­ka, sli­má­ky, muš­le, syry pat­ria k tej­to hrdej kra­ji­ne. Fran­cúz­sko bolo jed­nou z prvých kra­jín, kto­ré vytvo­ri­li minis­ter­stvo život­né­ho pro­stre­dia (Pro­tec­ti­on of the Envi­ron­ment). Je naj­čas­tej­šou turis­tic­kou des­ti­ná­ci­ou. Zná­mi spi­so­va­te­lia: Denis Dide­rot, Char­les Bau­de­lai­re, Paul Ver­lai­ne, Vic­tor Hugo, Ale­xan­dre Dumas, Jules Ver­ne, Émi­le Zola, Hono­ré de Bal­zac, Guy de Mau­pas­sant, Albert Camus, Jean-​Paul Sar­tre, Anti­one de Saint Exu­pé­ry, Sten­dahl. Filo­zo­fo­via: Rene Des­car­tes, Jean-​Jacques Rous­se­au, Vol­tai­re, Augus­te Com­te. Veľ­mi zná­my je mik­ro­bi­ológ Lou­is Pas­te­ur, mate­ma­tik a fyzik Hen­ri Poin­ca­ré, fyzi­ci Hen­ri Becqu­e­rel, Pier­re Curie, Marie Curie, Paul Lan­ge­vin, viro­lóg Luc Mon­tag­nier. Hudob­ní skla­da­te­lia: Hec­tor Ber­li­oz, Geor­ges Bizet, Char­les Gou­nod, Jacqu­es Offen­bach, Jule­sa Mas­se­ne­ta, Camil­le Saint-​Saëns, Mau­ri­ce Ravel, Clau­de Debus­sy (Wiki­pe­dia EN). Medzi ďal­šie zná­me osob­nos­ti pat­rí bez­bo­chy­by Pier­re de Cou­ber­tin, Jacques-​Yves Cous­te­au, Bri­git­te Bar­dot (wiki​pe​dia​.org). Medzi súčas­nej­ších pred­sta­vi­te­ľov” hud­by pat­rí: Edit Piaf, Char­les Azna­vour, Ser­ge Gains­bourg, Mire­il­le Mat­hieu, Jean-​Michel Jar­re, David Guet­ta. Bra­tia Augus­te a Lou­is Lumi­é­rov­ci vytvo­ri­li kino v roku 1895. Can­nes hos­tí kaž­do­roč­ne zná­my fil­mo­vý fes­ti­val. Fran­cúz­sko ako celok až do nedáv­nej doby bolo kul­túr­nym cen­trom celé­ho sve­ta (Wiki­pe­dia EN).

Regi­ó­ny a ich hlav­né mes­tá: Alsas­ko – Štrass­burg, Akvi­tán­sko – Bor­de­aux, Auverg­ne – Clermont-​Ferrand, Bre­tón­sko – Ren­nes, Bur­gund­sko – Dijon, Cen­tre – Orlé­ans, Champagne-​Ardenne – Chalon-​en-​Champagne, Kor­zi­ka – Ajac­cio, France-​Comté – Besan­con, Ile-​de-​France – Paris, Languedoc-​Roussillon – Mont­pel­lier, Limu­zín­sko – Limo­ges, Lot­rin­sko – Metz, Dol­ná Nor­man­dia – Caen, Midi-​Pyrénées – Tou­lou­se, Nord-​Pas-​de-​Calais – Lil­le, Pays de la Loire – Nan­te­es, Pikar­dia – Amiens, Poitou-​Charentes – Poitiers, Provence-​Aples-​Côte d‘Azur – Mar­se­il­le, Rhône-​Alpes – Lyon, Hor­ná Nor­man­dia – Rou­en (Wiki­pe­dia EN). Fran­cúz­ska kuchy­ňa je širo­ko zná­ma na celom sve­te. Vyrá­ba sa tu viac ako 400 dru­hov syra, množ­stvo vín. Naprí­klad šam­pan­ské, Bor­de­aux, Bour­gog­ne, Beau­jo­lais. Zná­mi špor­tov­ci: Michel Pla­ti­ni, Just Fon­tai­ne, Thier­ry Hen­ry (Wiki­pe­dia EN).

Nie­kto­ré zau­jí­ma­vé mies­ta: Paríž – Eif­fe­lov­ka, Louv­re, Champ-​Elysées, Cen­tre Pompi­dou, Ver­sail­les; zámok Cham­bord, Che­non­ce­aux, Vil­lan­dry, Remeš (Reims), Car­cas­so­ne, záto­ka Mont St. Michel, Auverg­ne (des​ti​na​cie​.sk), mes­to zalo­že­né riman­mi Aix en Pro­ven­ce, Avig­non, Car­nac, Fon­tai­neb­lau, alp­ské cen­trum Gre­nob­le, marián­ske pút­nic­ké mies­to Lour­des, Mar­se­il­le, Mona­co, Nice, Orlé­ans, Reims, Saint Tro­pez. Fran­cú­zi sú veľ­mi zdvo­ri­lí, cenia si nevtie­ra­vú, ned­ba­lú ele­gan­ciu. Typic­ká je spon­tán­na mimi­ka a ges­ti­ku­lá­cia, emo­ci­onál­ne pre­ja­vy a komu­ni­ka­tív­nosť (cedok​.cz).

Fran­ce is loca­ted in Wes­tern Euro­pe. It is bor­de­red by the Atlan­tic Oce­an to the west and the Medi­ter­ra­ne­an Sea to the sout­he­ast. The Pyre­ne­es sepa­ra­te it from Spain. Sin­ce 1768, Cor­si­ca has been part of Fran­ce. The majo­ri­ty of the coun­try has a flat cha­rac­ter (des​ti​na​cie​.sk). The name Fran­ce” comes from the Latin Fran­cia,” mea­ning the land of the Franks” (Jean Car­pen­tier et al.). The word Frank” might be deri­ved from the Proto-​Germanic fran­kon,” mea­ning a jave­lin or spe­ar, thro­wn like an axe – Fran­cis­ca (Taras­suk et al.). Anot­her hypot­he­sis sug­gests that in ancient Ger­man, frank” meant free (Wiki­pe­dia ENG). Due to its sha­pe, Fran­ce is some­ti­mes refer­red to as l’He­xa­go­ne.” The oldest signs of human life date back to around 1.8 mil­li­on years ago. One of the many deco­ra­ted caves from around 18,000 years ago is the famous Las­caux cave (Jean Car­pen­tier et al.).

App­ro­xi­ma­te­ly 66 mil­li­on peop­le live in Fran­ce, making it the third-​largest coun­try in Euro­pe (Wiki­pe­dia ENG). It is bor­de­red by the Atlan­tic Oce­an to the west, the North Sea to the north, and the Medi­ter­ra­ne­an Sea to the south. The English Chan­nel lies bet­we­en Fran­ce and Gre­at Bri­tain. The coast­li­ne stret­ches for 5500 km. The nati­onal ant­hem is the Mar­se­il­lai­se” (fran​cuz​sko​.sk), well-​known worl­dwi­de. The prin­ci­pal mot­to of the French Repub­lic is liber­ty, equ­ali­ty, fra­ter­ni­ty (fran​cuz​sko​.sk).

The oldest city in Fran­ce is Mar­se­il­le, with its his­to­ry dating back 600 years BC when it was foun­ded as the Cel­tic colo­ny Mas­sa­lia (Cam­brid­ge ancient his­to­ry). Around 125 BC, the sout­hern Gaul was conqu­e­red by the Romans, cal­ling the regi­on Roman Pro­vin­ce, which later gave rise to the name Pro­ven­ce (Life Maga­zi­ne, 13.07.1953, p. 76, Goog­le Books). The cur­rent bor­ders of Fran­ce rough­ly cor­res­pond to ancient Cel­tic Gaul. Gaul was conqu­e­red by the Romans in the 1st cen­tu­ry BC. In the 4th cen­tu­ry, Ger­ma­nic Franks began to penet­ra­te the regi­on. In 843, the Fran­kish Empi­re split into East Fran­cia (modern Ger­ma­ny), West Fran­cia (modern Fran­ce), and Lot­ha­rin­gia. The French Revo­lu­ti­on in 1789 and the ear­ly 19th-​century era of Napo­le­on Bona­par­te are well-​known his­to­ri­cal events. In 1958, Char­les de Gaul­le took the helm of Fran­ce (Wiki­pe­dia). Some rulers inc­lu­de Mero­vech, the prin­ce of the Salian Franks in the 5th cen­tu­ry, Clo­vis, Dago­bert I in the 7th cen­tu­ry, Pepin the Short in the 8th cen­tu­ry, and Char­le­mag­ne, Char­les the Gre­at, Caro­lin­gian Empi­re­’s king in the 9th cen­tu­ry, and Lou­is XIV, the Sun King (wiki​pe​dia​.sk).

The capi­tal city is Paris. The most recog­ni­zed nati­onal holi­day is Bas­til­le Day, celeb­ra­ted on July 14th. Notab­le French figu­res inc­lu­de Joan of Arc, scien­tist Lou­is Pas­te­ur, wri­ter Emi­le Zola, buil­der Gusta­ve Eif­fel, chan­te­use Edith Piaf, pain­ters Clau­de Monet, Augus­te Reno­ir, actors Alain Delon, Jean Reno. The famous Tour de Fran­ce cyc­ling race takes pla­ce annu­al­ly in July. Fran­ce has sig­ni­fi­cant ports in Le Hav­re, Nan­tes, Bor­de­aux, Cher­bourg, Brest, Calais, La Rochel­le, Tou­lon, Nice, Can­nes, and the lar­gest French port in Mar­se­il­le (netway​.cz). Fran­ce has the fourth-​largest num­ber of UNESCO World Heri­ta­ge cul­tu­ral sites glo­bal­ly, with almost 40. Reno­wned pain­ters inc­lu­de Édou­ard Manet, Edgar Degas, Clau­de Monet, Augus­te Reno­ir, Paul Cézan­ne, Paul Gau­gu­in, Hen­ri Matis­se. Pab­lo Picas­so, Vin­cent van Gogh, Marc Cha­gall, Ame­deo Modig­lia­ni, Was­si­ly Kan­din­sky also spent time in Fran­ce. Fran­ce is a foun­ding mem­ber of the Uni­ted Nati­ons (UN), whe­re it holds one of the five per­ma­nent seats in the Secu­ri­ty Coun­cil (Wiki­pe­dia ENG). The coun­try fea­tu­res moun­tain ran­ges such as the Alps, Pyre­ne­es, Mas­sif Cen­tral, Swiss Jura, Vos­ges, Armo­ri­can Mas­sif, Arden­nes (Wiki­pe­dia).

The hig­hest moun­tain, Mont Blanc, in Wes­tern Euro­pe (4810 meters abo­ve sea level), is loca­ted in the French Alps (ljly​sek​.cz). Besi­des the Alps, Fran­ce is home to the Pyre­ne­es, Jura Moun­tains, Arden­nes, Mas­sif Cen­tral, and Vos­ges. Major rivers inc­lu­de the Loire, Garon­ne, Sei­ne, and Rhi­ne. The coun­try hosts up to 136 spe­cies of tre­es (fran​cuz​sko​.sk). Fran­ce is famous for its cuisi­ne and wine, pro­du­cing more than 400 types of che­e­se and a varie­ty of wines, inc­lu­ding Cham­pag­ne, Bor­de­aux, Bour­gog­ne, Beau­jo­lais. Deli­ca­cies like frog legs, snails, mus­sels, and che­e­ses are proud repre­sen­ta­ti­ons of the coun­try. Fran­ce was one of the first coun­tries to estab­lish an envi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­ti­on minis­try. It is a popu­lar tou­rist des­ti­na­ti­on and has a rich cul­tu­ral heri­ta­ge. Famous wri­ters inc­lu­de Denis Dide­rot, Char­les Bau­de­lai­re, Paul Ver­lai­ne, Vic­tor Hugo, Ale­xan­dre Dumas, Jules Ver­ne, Émi­le Zola, Hono­ré de Bal­zac, Guy de Mau­pas­sant, Albert Camus, Jean-​Paul Sar­tre, Anto­ine de Saint Exu­pé­ry, Stend­hal. Reno­wned phi­lo­sop­hers inc­lu­de René Des­car­tes, Jean-​Jacques Rous­se­au, Vol­tai­re, Augus­te Com­te. Notab­le figu­res also inc­lu­de mic­ro­bi­olo­gist Lou­is Pas­te­ur, mat­he­ma­ti­cian and phy­si­cist Hen­ri Poin­ca­ré, phy­si­cists Hen­ri Becqu­e­rel, Pier­re Curie, Marie Curie, Paul Lan­ge­vin, viro­lo­gist Luc Mon­tag­nier. Music com­po­sers inc­lu­de Hec­tor Ber­li­oz, Geor­ges Bizet, Char­les Gou­nod, Jacqu­es Offen­bach, Jules Mas­se­net, Camil­le Saint-​Saëns, Mau­ri­ce Ravel, Clau­de Debus­sy (Wiki­pe­dia EN). Some other well-​known per­so­na­li­ties inc­lu­de Pier­re de Cou­ber­tin, Jacques-​Yves Cous­te­au, Bri­git­te Bar­dot (wiki​pe​dia​.org). Con­tem­po­ra­ry” music repre­sen­ta­ti­ves inc­lu­de Edith Piaf, Char­les Azna­vour, Ser­ge Gains­bourg, Mire­il­le Mat­hieu, Jean-​Michel Jar­re, David Guet­ta. The Lumi­ère Brot­hers, Augus­te, and Lou­is, cre­a­ted cine­ma in 1895. Can­nes hosts the famous annu­al film fes­ti­val. Fran­ce, until recen­tly, was a cul­tu­ral cen­ter of the world (Wiki­pe­dia EN).

Regi­ons and the­ir capi­tals: Alsa­ce – Stras­bourg, Aqu­itai­ne – Bor­de­aux, Auverg­ne – Clermont-​Ferrand, Brit­ta­ny – Ren­nes, Bur­gun­dy – Dijon, Cen­tre – Orlé­ans, Champagne-​Ardenne – Chalon-​en-​Champagne, Cor­si­ca – Ajac­cio, Franche-​Comté – Besa­nçon, Ile-​de-​France – Paris, Languedoc-​Roussillon – Mont­pel­lier, Limou­sin – Limo­ges, Lor­rai­ne – Metz, Lower Nor­man­dy – Caen, Midi-​Pyrénées – Tou­lou­se, Nord-​Pas-​de-​Calais – Lil­le, Pays de la Loire – Nantes

, Picar­dy – Amiens, Poitou-​Charentes – Poitiers, Provence-​Alpes-​Côte d’A­zur – Mar­se­il­le, Rhône-​Alpes – Lyon, Upper Nor­man­dy – Rou­en (Wiki­pe­dia EN). French cuisi­ne is wide­ly kno­wn worl­dwi­de. The­re are more than 400 types of che­e­se and a varie­ty of wines pro­du­ced, inc­lu­ding Cham­pag­ne, Bor­de­aux, Bur­gun­dy, Beau­jo­lais. Famous athle­tes inc­lu­de Michel Pla­ti­ni, Just Fon­tai­ne, Thier­ry Hen­ry (Wiki­pe­dia EN).

Some inte­res­ting pla­ces: Paris – Eif­fel Tower, Louv­re, Champs-​Élysées, Cen­tre Pompi­dou, Ver­sail­les; Cham­bord Cast­le, Che­non­ce­au, Vil­lan­dry, Reims, Car­cas­son­ne, Mont St. Michel Bay, Auverg­ne (des​ti​na​cie​.sk), Roman-​founded city Aix-​en-​Provence, Avig­non, Car­nac, Fon­tai­neb­le­au, alpi­ne cen­ter Gre­nob­le, Marian pilg­ri­ma­ge site Lour­des, Mar­se­il­le, Mona­co, Nice, Orle­ans, Reims, Saint Tro­pez. The French are very poli­te, value unin­tru­si­ve, casu­al ele­gan­ce. Typi­cal are spon­ta­ne­ous facial expres­si­ons, ges­tu­res, emo­ti­onal expres­si­ons, and com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ve­ness (cedok​.cz).

La Fran­ce est situ­ée en Euro­pe occi­den­ta­le. Elle est bor­dée par l’o­cé­an Atlan­ti­que à l’ou­est et la mer Médi­ter­ra­née au sud-​est. Les Pyré­né­es la sépa­rent de l’Es­pag­ne. Depu­is 1768, la Cor­se fait par­tie de la Fran­ce. La majo­ri­té du pays a un carac­tère plat (des​ti​na​cie​.sk). Le nom Fran­ce” vient du latin Fran­cia”, sig­ni­fiant le pays des Francs” (Jean Car­pen­tier et al.). Le mot Frank” pour­rait déri­ver du mot proto-​germanique fran­kon”, sig­ni­fiant une jave­li­ne ou une lan­ce, jetée com­me une hache – Fran­cis­ca (Taras­suk et al.). Une aut­re hypot­hèse sug­gère qu’en ancien alle­mand, frank” sig­ni­fiait lib­re (Wiki­pe­dia ENG). En rai­son de sa for­me, la Fran­ce est par­fo­is appe­lée l’He­xa­go­ne”. Les plus anciens sig­nes de vie humai­ne remon­tent à envi­ron 1,8 mil­li­on d’an­né­es. L’u­ne des nom­bre­uses grot­tes déco­ré­es datant d’en­vi­ron 18 000 ans est la célèb­re grot­te de Las­caux (Jean Car­pen­tier et al.).

Envi­ron 66 mil­li­ons de per­son­nes vivent en Fran­ce, ce qui en fait le tro­isi­ème plus grand pays d’E­uro­pe (Wiki­pe­dia ENG). Elle est bor­dée par l’o­cé­an Atlan­ti­que à l’ou­est, la mer du Nord au nord et la mer Médi­ter­ra­née au sud. La Man­che sépa­re la Fran­ce de la Grande-​Bretagne. La lig­ne côti­ère s’é­tend sur 5500 km. L’hym­ne nati­onal est la Mar­se­il­lai­se” (fran​cuz​sko​.sk), mon­dia­le­ment con­nue. La devi­se prin­ci­pa­le de la Répub­li­que fra­nçai­se est liber­té, éga­li­té, fra­ter­ni­té (fran​cuz​sko​.sk).

La plus ancien­ne vil­le de Fran­ce est Mar­se­il­le, dont l’his­to­ire remon­te à 600 ans avant not­re ère, lor­squ­’el­le a été fon­dée com­me colo­nie cel­ti­que de Mas­sa­lia (Cam­brid­ge ancient his­to­ry). Vers 125 av. J.-C., la Gau­le méri­di­ona­le a été conqu­ise par les Romains, qui appe­laient la régi­on Pro­vin­ce romai­ne, d’où le nom de Pro­ven­ce (Life Maga­zi­ne, 13.07.1953, p. 76, Goog­le Books). Les fron­ti­ères actu­el­les de la Fran­ce cor­res­pon­dent app­ro­xi­ma­ti­ve­ment à l’an­cien­ne Gau­le cel­ti­que. La Gau­le a été conqu­ise par les Romains au 1er sièc­le av. J.-C. Au 4e sièc­le, les Francs ger­mains ont com­men­cé à pénét­rer dans la régi­on. En 843, l’Em­pi­re franc s’est divi­sé en Fran­cie orien­ta­le (l’Al­le­mag­ne moder­ne), Fran­cie occi­den­ta­le (la Fran­ce moder­ne) et Lot­ha­rin­gie. La Révo­lu­ti­on fra­nçai­se en 1789 et l’é­po­que du début du 19e sièc­le de Napo­lé­on Bona­par­te sont des évé­ne­ments his­to­ri­qu­es bien con­nus. En 1958, Char­les de Gaul­le prend la tête de la Fran­ce (Wiki­pe­dia). Cer­tains sou­ve­rains inc­lu­ent Méro­vée, le prin­ce des Francs saliens au 5e sièc­le, Clo­vis, Dago­bert Ier au 7e sièc­le, Pépin le Bref au 8e sièc­le, et Char­le­mag­ne, Char­les le Grand, roi de l’Em­pi­re caro­lin­gien au 9e sièc­le, et Lou­is XIV, le Roi Sole­il (wiki​pe​dia​.sk).

La capi­ta­le est Paris. La fête nati­ona­le la plus recon­nue est la pri­se de la Bas­til­le, céléb­rée le 14 juil­let. Des figu­res fra­nçai­ses notab­les inc­lu­ent Jean­ne d’Arc, le scien­ti­fi­que Lou­is Pas­te­ur, l’éc­ri­vain Emi­le Zola, le cons­truc­te­ur Gusta­ve Eif­fel, la chan­te­use Edith Piaf, les pein­tres Clau­de Monet, Augus­te Reno­ir, les acte­urs Alain Delon, Jean Reno. Le célèb­re Tour de Fran­ce a lieu cha­que année en juil­let. La Fran­ce possède des ports impor­tants à Le Hav­re, Nan­tes, Bor­de­aux, Cher­bourg, Brest, Calais, La Rochel­le, Tou­lon, Nice, Can­nes et le plus grand port fra­nçais à Mar­se­il­le (netway​.cz). La Fran­ce comp­te le quat­ri­ème plus grand nom­bre de sites cul­tu­rels du pat­ri­mo­ine mon­dial de l’U­NES­CO, avec près de 40 sites. Des pein­tres renom­més inc­lu­ent Édou­ard Manet, Edgar Degas, Clau­de Monet, Augus­te Reno­ir, Paul Cézan­ne, Paul Gau­gu­in, Hen­ri Matis­se. Pab­lo Picas­so, Vin­cent van Gogh, Marc Cha­gall, Ame­deo Modig­lia­ni, Was­si­ly Kan­din­sky ont éga­le­ment pas­sé du temps en Fran­ce. La Fran­ce est mem­bre fon­da­te­ur des Nati­ons unies (ONU), où elle détient l’un des cinq sièges per­ma­nents au Con­se­il de sécu­ri­té (Wiki­pe­dia ENG). Le pays pré­sen­te des cha­înes de mon­tag­nes tel­les que les Alpes, les Pyré­né­es, le Mas­sif Cen­tral, le Jura suis­se, les Vos­ges, le Mas­sif armo­ri­cain, les Arden­nes (Wiki­pe­dia).

La plus hau­te mon­tag­ne, le mont Blanc, en Euro­pe occi­den­ta­le (4810 mèt­res d’al­ti­tu­de), se trou­ve dans les Alpes fra­nçai­ses (ljly​sek​.cz). Out­re les Alpes, la Fran­ce abri­te les Pyré­né­es, le Jura, les Arden­nes, le Mas­sif Cen­tral et les Vos­ges. Les prin­ci­paux fle­uves com­pren­nent la Loire, la Garon­ne, la Sei­ne et le Rhin. Le pays comp­te jusqu­’à 136 espèces d’arb­res (fran​cuz​sko​.sk). La Fran­ce est célèb­re pour sa cuisi­ne et son vin, pro­du­isant plus de 400 types de fro­ma­ges et une vari­é­té de vins, dont le cham­pag­ne, le bor­de­aux, la bour­gog­ne, le beau­jo­lais. Des mets tels que les cuis­ses de gre­nou­il­le, les escar­gots, les mou­les et les fro­ma­ges sont des repré­sen­ta­ti­ons fières du pays. La Fran­ce a été l’un des pre­miers pays à cré­er un minis­tère de la pro­tec­ti­on de l’en­vi­ron­ne­ment. C’est une des­ti­na­ti­on tou­ris­ti­que popu­lai­re et possède un riche pat­ri­mo­ine cul­tu­rel. Des écri­vains célèb­res inc­lu­ent Denis Dide­rot, Char­les Bau­de­lai­re, Paul Ver­lai­ne, Vic­tor Hugo, Ale­xan­dre Dumas, Jules Ver­ne, Émi­le Zola, Hono­ré de Bal­zac, Guy de Mau­pas­sant, Albert Camus, Jean-​Paul Sar­tre, Anto­ine de Saint Exu­pé­ry, Stend­hal. Des phi­lo­sop­hes renom­més com­pren­nent René Des­car­tes, Jean-​Jacques Rousse

au, Vol­tai­re, Augus­te Com­te. Des scien­ti­fi­qu­es notab­les inc­lu­ent le mic­ro­bi­olo­gis­te Lou­is Pas­te­ur, le mat­hé­ma­ti­cien et phy­si­cien Hen­ri Poin­ca­ré, les phy­si­ciens Hen­ri Becqu­e­rel, Pier­re Curie, Marie Curie, Paul Lan­ge­vin, le viro­lo­gue Luc Mon­tag­nier. Des com­po­si­te­urs tels que Hec­tor Ber­li­oz, Geor­ges Bizet, Char­les Gou­nod, Jacqu­es Offen­bach, Jules Mas­se­net, Camil­le Saint-​Saëns, Mau­ri­ce Ravel, Clau­de Debus­sy (Wiki­pe­dia EN). Par­mi les per­son­na­li­tés con­tem­po­rai­nes figu­rent Pier­re de Cou­ber­tin, Jacques-​Yves Cous­te­au, Bri­git­te Bar­dot (wiki​pe​dia​.org). Par­mi les repré­sen­tants plus récents de la musi­que figu­rent Edith Piaf, Char­les Azna­vour, Ser­ge Gains­bourg, Mire­il­le Mat­hieu, Jean-​Michel Jar­re, David Guet­ta. Les frères Augus­te et Lou­is Lumi­ère ont créé le ciné­ma en 1895. Can­nes accu­e­il­le cha­que année le célèb­re fes­ti­val du film. La Fran­ce dans son ensem­ble a long­temps été le cen­tre cul­tu­rel du mon­de (Wiki­pe­dia EN).

Les régi­ons et leurs capi­ta­les : Alsa­ce – Stras­bourg, Aqu­itai­ne – Bor­de­aux, Auverg­ne – Clermont-​Ferrand, Brit­ta­ny – Ren­nes, Bur­gun­dy – Dijon, Cen­tre – Orlé­ans, Champagne-​Ardenne – Châlons-​en-​Champagne, Cor­si­ca – Ajac­cio, Franche-​Comté – Besa­nçon, Île-​de-​France – Paris, Languedoc-​Roussillon – Mont­pel­lier, Limou­sin – Limo­ges, Lor­rai­ne – Metz, Lower Nor­man­dy – Caen, Midi-​Pyrénées – Tou­lou­se, Nord-​Pas-​de-​Calais – Lil­le, Pays de la Loire – Nan­tes, Picar­dy – Amiens, Poitou-​Charentes – Poitiers, Provence-​Alpes-​Côte d’A­zur – Mar­se­il­le, Rhône-​Alpes – Lyon, Upper Nor­man­dy – Rou­en (Wiki­pe­dia EN). La cuisi­ne fra­nçai­se est mon­dia­le­ment con­nue. Plus de 400 types de fro­ma­ges et une vari­é­té de vins, dont le Cham­pag­ne, le Bor­de­aux, la Bour­gog­ne, le Beau­jo­lais, sont pro­du­its. Par­mi les spor­tifs célèb­res figu­rent Michel Pla­ti­ni, Just Fon­tai­ne, Thier­ry Hen­ry (Wiki­pe­dia EN).

Que­lqu­es endro­its inté­res­sants : Paris – Tour Eif­fel, Louv­re, Champs-​Élysées, Cen­tre Pompi­dou, Ver­sail­les ; châte­au de Cham­bord, châte­au de Che­non­ce­au, châte­au de Vil­lan­dry, Reims, Car­cas­son­ne, baie du Mont Saint-​Michel, Auverg­ne (des​ti​na​cie​.sk), vil­le fon­dée par les Romains Aix-​en-​Provence, Avig­non, Car­nac, Fon­tai­neb­le­au, cen­tre alpin de Gre­nob­le, lieu de pèle­ri­na­ge marial de Lour­des, Mar­se­il­le, Mona­co, Nice, Orlé­ans, Reims, Saint-​Tropez. Les Fra­nçais sont très polis, ils app­ré­cient l’é­lé­gan­ce disc­rète et décon­trac­tée. La mimi­que spon­ta­née, les ges­tes, les expres­si­ons émo­ti­on­nel­les et la com­mu­ni­ca­ti­vi­té sont typi­qu­es (cedok​.cz).


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Los Angeles – druhé najväčšie mesto v USA

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Mes­to v Kali­for­nii, dru­hé naj­väč­šie mes­to v USA po New Yor­ku. Žije v ňom 3.8 mili­ó­na ľudí na plo­che 1290.6 km2. Zalo­že­né bolo 4.9.1781 špa­niel­skym guver­né­rom Feli­pom de Neve. Od roku 1848 nie je súčas­ťou Mexi­ka, ale Kali­for­nie. Je sve­to­vým cen­trom biz­ni­su, medzi­ná­rod­né­ho obcho­du, zába­vy, kul­tú­ry, médií, môdy, vedy, tech­no­ló­gií a vzde­lá­va­nia. Hol­ly­wo­od ako súčasť mes­ta je ozna­čo­va­ný ako Hlav­né mes­to zába­vy na sve­te. V rokoch 19321984 bolo mes­to dejis­kom let­nej olym­piá­dy. Vlád­ne tu stre­do­mor­ská klí­ma. Nie­kto­ré ses­ter­ské mes­ta: Nago­ja (Japon­sko), Bor­de­aux, Ber­lín, Mexi­co City, Auck­land City, Tehe­rán, Até­ny, Pet­roh­ra­dy, Jakar­ta, Split, Bej­rút, Jere­van (Wiki­pe­dia). Skla­dá sa s tých­to štvr­tí: Down­to­wn – cen­trum biz­nis­tu, Har­bor Area – domov naj­väč­šie­ho prí­sta­vu v USA, Hol­ly­wo­od – cen­trum fil­mu, San Fer­nan­do Val­ley - sever­ná časť, South Cen­tral – mok­rá štvrť”, West­si­de – bohat­šia časť ležia­ca blíz­ko oce­ánu, Wils­hi­re – domov his­to­ric­kej archi­tek­tú­ry, obcho­du (wikit­ra­vel). V mes­te žije množ­stvo národ­nos­tí. Pre­va­žu­jú imig­ran­ti z Mexi­ka, Sal­vá­do­ra, Guate­ma­ly, Irá­nu, Armén­ska, Thaj­ska, Činy, Fili­pín, Japon­ska, Pakis­ta­nu, Indie, Juž­nej Kórey, Kam­bo­dže, Viet­na­mu, Izra­e­la, Samoi. Viac ako polo­vi­ca popu­lá­cie žijú­cej v mes­te sa naro­di­la mimo USA. O tom sved­čia etnic­ké enk­lá­vy ako: His­to­ric Fili­pi­no­to­wn, Chi­na­to­wn, Litt­le Tokyo, Litt­le Arme­nia, Litt­le Per­zia, Litt­le Gaza, Thai Town, Kore­a­to­wn, Litt­le Ethi­pia, Litt­le India (Arte­sia), West Hol­ly­wo­od (rus­ká), East Los Ange­les a Boy­le Heights (mexic­ká), Fair­fax Dis­trict (výcho­do­európ­ski židia), Rese­da (viet­nam­ská), Westlake/​MaxArthur Park a Pico-​Union (sal­va­dor­ská, hon­du­ras­ká a guate­mal­ská), Sawtel­le (japon­ská), Glen­da­le (armén­ska), Pano­ra­ma City (fili­pín­ska), North Hol­ly­wo­od (thaj­ská) (wikit­ra­vel). Los Ange­les je pre­zý­va­né aj ako mes­to anje­lov. Aglo­me­rá­cie zabe­ra­jú 4 319 km2. Na nich žije cca tak­mer 18 mili­ó­nov ľudí. Pobre­žie oko­lo Los Ange­les bolo v dáv­nej minu­los­ti osíd­le­né kmeň­mi Los Ton­gva (Gab­rie­le­ňos), Chu­mashAme­rin­di­os. Mes­to leží v blíz­kos­ti tek­to­nic­ké­ho zlo­mu San Andre­as, pre­to je ovplyv­ne­né mno­hý­mi zeme­tra­se­nia­mi. Zlom sa nachá­dza 65 km sever­ne od mes­ta. Roč­ne je zazna­me­na­ných 10 000 zeme­tra­se­ní, drvi­vá väč­ši­na z nich nie je ľuď­mi postre­hnu­teľ­ná. Mes­to je domo­vom bejz­ba­lo­vé­ho klu­bu Los Ange­les Dodgers, hoke­jo­vé­ho Kings, bas­ket­ba­lo­vých Lakers, Clip­pers a Spark, fut­ba­lo­vé­ho Gala­xy a Club Depor­ti­vo Chi­vas. Neďa­le­ko pôso­bí hoke­jo­vá klub Ana­he­im Ducks (Wiki­pe­dia).

A city in Cali­for­nia, the second-​largest city in the USA after New York. It has a popu­la­ti­on of 3.8 mil­li­on peop­le on an area of 1290.6 km². Foun­ded on Sep­tem­ber 4, 1781, by the Spa­nish gover­nor Feli­pe de Neve. Sin­ce 1848, it has been part of Cali­for­nia, no lon­ger part of Mexi­co. It ser­ves as a glo­bal cen­ter for busi­ness, inter­na­ti­onal tra­de, enter­tain­ment, cul­tu­re, media, fas­hi­on, scien­ce, tech­no­lo­gy, and edu­ca­ti­on. Hol­ly­wo­od, as part of the city, is kno­wn as the Enter­tain­ment Capi­tal of the World. The city hos­ted the Sum­mer Olym­pics in 1932 and 1984. It has a Medi­ter­ra­ne­an cli­ma­te. Some sis­ter cities inc­lu­de Nago­ya (Japan), Bor­de­aux, Ber­lin, Mexi­co City, Auck­land City, Tehran, Athens, St. Peters­burg, Jakar­ta, Split, Bei­rut, Yere­van (Wiki­pe­dia). The city is com­po­sed of the fol­lo­wing dis­tricts: Down­to­wn – the busi­ness cen­ter, Har­bor Area – home to the lar­gest port in the USA, Hol­ly­wo­od – the cen­ter of the film indus­try, San Fer­nan­do Val­ley – the nort­hern part, South Cen­tral – the wet dis­trict,” West­si­de – the aff­lu­ent part near the oce­an, Wils­hi­re – home to his­to­ric archi­tec­tu­re and com­mer­ce (wikit­ra­vel). The city is home to a diver­se popu­la­ti­on, with immig­rants from Mexi­co, El Sal­va­dor, Guate­ma­la, Iran, Arme­nia, Thai­land, Chi­na, the Phi­lip­pi­nes, Japan, Pakis­tan, India, South Korea, Cam­bo­dia, Viet­nam, Isra­el, Samoa. More than half of the city­’s popu­la­ti­on was born out­si­de the USA, evi­dent in eth­nic enc­la­ves such as His­to­ric Fili­pi­no­to­wn, Chi­na­to­wn, Litt­le Tokyo, Litt­le Arme­nia, Litt­le Per­sia, Litt­le Gaza, Thai Town, Kore­a­to­wn, Litt­le Ethi­opia, Litt­le India (Arte­sia), West Hol­ly­wo­od (Rus­sian), East Los Ange­les, and Boy­le Heights (Mexi­can), Fair­fax Dis­trict (Eas­tern Euro­pe­an Jews), Rese­da (Viet­na­me­se), Westlake/​MaxArthur Park and Pico-​Union (Sal­va­do­ran, Hon­du­ran, and Guate­ma­lan), Sawtel­le (Japa­ne­se), Glen­da­le (Arme­nian), Pano­ra­ma City (Fili­pi­no), North Hol­ly­wo­od (Thai) (wikit­ra­vel). Los Ange­les is also kno­wn as the City of Angels. The met­ro­po­li­tan area covers 4,319 km², with near­ly 18 mil­li­on peop­le. The coast­li­ne around Los Ange­les was inha­bi­ted in ancient times by the Los Ton­gva (Gab­rie­le­no), Chu­mash, and Ame­rin­di­os tri­bes. The city is loca­ted near the San Andre­as Fault, making it sus­cep­tib­le to nume­rous eart­hqu­akes. The fault is 65 km north of the city. App­ro­xi­ma­te­ly 10,000 eart­hqu­akes are recor­ded annu­al­ly, with the majo­ri­ty being imper­cep­tib­le to humans. The city is home to sports teams like the Los Ange­les Dodgers (base­ball), Kings (hoc­key), Lakers, Clip­pers, and Sparks (bas­ket­ball), Gala­xy and Club Depor­ti­vo Chi­vas (soc­cer). The Ana­he­im Ducks (hoc­key) also ope­ra­te near­by (Wiki­pe­dia).

Una ciu­dad en Cali­for­nia, la segun­da ciu­dad más gran­de de los Esta­dos Uni­dos des­pu­és de Nue­va York. Tie­ne una pobla­ci­ón de 3.8 mil­lo­nes de per­so­nas en un área de 1290.6 km². Fue fun­da­da el 4 de sep­tiem­bre de 1781 por el gober­na­dor espa­ñol Feli­pe de Neve. Des­de 1848, for­ma par­te de Cali­for­nia, ya no es par­te de Méxi­co. Sir­ve como cen­tro glo­bal de nego­ci­os, comer­cio inter­na­ci­onal, entre­te­ni­mien­to, cul­tu­ra, medi­os de comu­ni­ca­ci­ón, moda, cien­cia, tec­no­lo­gía y edu­ca­ci­ón. Hol­ly­wo­od, como par­te de la ciu­dad, es cono­ci­do como la Capi­tal del Entre­te­ni­mien­to del Mun­do. La ciu­dad fue sede de los Jue­gos Olím­pi­cos de Vera­no en 19321984. Tie­ne un cli­ma medi­ter­rá­neo. Algu­nas ciu­da­des her­ma­nas inc­lu­y­en Nago­ya (Japón), Bur­de­os, Ber­lín, Ciu­dad de Méxi­co, Auck­land, Tehe­rán, Ate­nas, San Peters­bur­go, Yakar­ta, Split, Bei­rut, Ere­ván (Wiki­pe­dia). La ciu­dad está com­pu­es­ta por los sigu­ien­tes dis­tri­tos: Down­to­wn, el cen­tro de nego­ci­os; Har­bor Area, hogar del puer­to más gran­de de los Esta­dos Uni­dos; Hol­ly­wo­od, el cen­tro de la indus­tria cine­ma­tog­rá­fi­ca; San Fer­nan­do Val­ley, la par­te nor­te; South Cen­tral, el dis­tri­to moja­do”; West­si­de, la par­te adi­ne­ra­da cer­ca del océ­a­no; Wils­hi­re, hogar de arqu­itec­tu­ra his­tó­ri­ca y comer­cio (wikit­ra­vel). La ciu­dad alber­ga a una pobla­ci­ón diver­sa, con inmig­ran­tes de Méxi­co, El Sal­va­dor, Guate­ma­la, Irán, Arme­nia, Tai­lan­dia, Chi­na, Fili­pi­nas, Japón, Pakis­tán, India, Corea del Sur, Cam­bo­ya, Viet­nam, Isra­el, Samoa. Más de la mitad de la pobla­ci­ón de la ciu­dad nació fue­ra de los Esta­dos Uni­dos, evi­den­cia­do en enc­la­ves étni­cos como His­to­ric Fili­pi­no­to­wn, Chi­na­to­wn, Litt­le Tokyo, Litt­le Arme­nia, Litt­le Per­sia, Litt­le Gaza, Thai Town, Kore­a­to­wn, Litt­le Ethi­opia, Litt­le India (Arte­sia), West Hol­ly­wo­od (ruso), East Los Ange­les y Boy­le Heights (mexi­ca­no), Fair­fax Dis­trict (judí­os de Euro­pa del Este), Rese­da (viet­na­mi­ta), Westlake/​MaxArthur Park y Pico-​Union (sal­va­do­re­ño, hon­du­re­ño y guate­mal­te­co), Sawtel­le (japo­nés), Glen­da­le (arme­nio), Pano­ra­ma City (fili­pi­no), North Hol­ly­wo­od (tai­lan­dés) (wikit­ra­vel). Los Ánge­les tam­bi­én se cono­ce como la Ciu­dad de los Ánge­les. El área met­ro­po­li­ta­na cub­re 4,319 km², con casi 18 mil­lo­nes de per­so­nas. La línea cos­te­ra alre­de­dor de Los Ánge­les fue habi­ta­da en la anti­güe­dad por las tri­bus Los Ton­gva (Gab­rie­le­no), Chu­mash y Ame­rin­di­os. La ciu­dad está ubi­ca­da cer­ca de la Fal­la de San Andrés, lo que la hace sus­cep­tib­le a nume­ro­sos ter­re­mo­tos. La fal­la está a 65 km al nor­te de la ciu­dad. Se regi­stran apro­xi­ma­da­men­te 10,000 ter­re­mo­tos anu­al­men­te, sien­do la may­o­ría imper­cep­tib­les para los huma­nos. La ciu­dad es el hogar de equ­ipos depor­ti­vos como los Dodgers de Los Ánge­les (béis­bol), Kings (hoc­key), Lakers, Clip­pers y Sparks (balon­ces­to), Gala­xy y Club Depor­ti­vo Chi­vas (fút­bol). Los Ana­he­im Ducks (hoc­key) tam­bi­én ope­ran cer­ca (Wiki­pe­dia).


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