Organizmy, Príroda, Rastliny

Pestované rastliny

Hits: 27742

Pes­to­va­né kve­ty majú dlhú his­tó­riu spo­je­nú s ľud­skou kul­tú­rou a sú neod­mys­li­teľ­nou súčas­ťou našich záh­rad, domo­vov. Ich krá­sa, vôňa a sym­bo­lic­ký význam robia z nich viac ako len deko­rá­ciu – sú to sym­bo­ly lás­ky, rados­ti, poko­ja a mno­hých ďal­ších emó­cií. Kve­ty pri­dá­va­jú far­bu, tex­tú­ru a život, ich krá­sa je zdro­jom rados­ti a pote­še­nia, a ich prí­tom­nosť oži­vu­je pries­tor a dodá­va mu cha­rak­ter. Mno­hé dru­hy kve­tov majú sym­bo­lic­ký význam a sú spo­je­né s rôz­ny­mi emó­cia­mi a uda­los­ťa­mi. Ruže sú sym­bo­lom lás­ky a roman­ti­ky, ľalie pred­sta­vu­jú čis­to­tu a nevin­nosť, a slneč­ni­ce sym­bo­li­zu­jú pria­teľ­stvo a radost­né mys­le­nie. Kve­ty sa čas­to pou­ží­va­jú aj na vyjad­re­nie sús­tras­ti, osláv ale­bo poďa­ko­va­nia. Kve­ty majú aj tera­pe­utic­ké účin­ky. Prí­tom­nosť kve­tov v domác­nos­tiach ale­bo pra­cov­ných pries­to­roch môže zlep­šiť nála­du, zní­žiť stres a úzkosť a zvý­šiť kre­a­ti­vi­tu a pro­duk­ti­vi­tu. Prá­ca v záh­ra­de ale­bo sta­rost­li­vosť o kve­ty môže byť aj rela­xač­ná a tera­pe­utic­ká aktivita.

Cul­ti­va­ted flo­wers have a long his­to­ry intert­wi­ned with human cul­tu­re and are an integ­ral part of our gar­dens and homes. The­ir beau­ty, frag­ran­ce, and sym­bo­lic sig­ni­fi­can­ce make them more than just deco­ra­ti­ons – they are sym­bols of love, joy, pea­ce, and many other emo­ti­ons. Flo­wers add color, tex­tu­re, and life; the­ir beau­ty is a sour­ce of joy and ple­a­su­re, and the­ir pre­sen­ce enli­vens the spa­ce and gives it cha­rac­ter. Many types of flo­wers have sym­bo­lic mea­nings and are asso­cia­ted with vari­ous emo­ti­ons and events. Roses are sym­bols of love and roman­ce, lilies repre­sent puri­ty and inno­cen­ce, and sun­flo­wers sym­bo­li­ze friends­hip and joy­ful thoughts. Flo­wers are often used to express con­do­len­ces, celeb­ra­ti­ons, or gra­ti­tu­de. Flo­wers also have the­ra­pe­utic effects. The pre­sen­ce of flo­wers in hou­se­holds or works­pa­ces can impro­ve mood, redu­ce stress and anxie­ty, and enhan­ce cre­a­ti­vi­ty and pro­duc­ti­vi­ty. Gar­de­ning or caring for flo­wers can also be a rela­xing and the­ra­pe­utic activity.

Pes­to­val som pes­tu­jem (539) /​I cul­ti­va­ted I cul­ti­va­te (539)

Agapanthus (5)

  1. Aga­pant­hus africanus
  2. Aga­pant­hus afri­ca­nus Fire­works‘
  3. Aga­pant­hus umbel­la­tum Blue‘
  4. Aga­pant­hus umbel­la­tum Whi­te‘
  5. Aga­pant­hus Black Magic‘

Achillea (3)

  1. Achil­lea fili­pen­du­li­na Cloth of Gold‘
  2. Achil­lea millefolium
  3. Achil­lea mil­le­fo­lium Rose‘

Allium (13)

  1. Allium ampe­lop­ra­sum Ping Pong‘
  2. Allium bul­ga­ri­cum
  3. Allium gigan­te­um
  4. Allium hol­lan­di­cum Purp­le Sensation‘
  5. Allium ore­op­hi­lum
  6. Allium sati­vum Hanác­ky paličák‘
  7. Allium scho­enop­ra­sum
  8. Allium scho­enop­ra­sum Erec­ta
  9. Allium scho­enop­ra­sum Pra­ga
  10. Allium sp. Gla­dia­tor‘
  11. Allium spha­e­ro­cep­ha­lon Drum­stick‘
  12. Allium vine­a­le Hair‘
  13. Allium Gra­ce­ful Beauty‘

Anemone (5)

  1. Ane­mo­ne Anna­be­la Deep Rose‘
  2. Ane­mo­ne blanda
  3. Ane­mo­ne blan­da Char­mer‘
  4. Ane­mo­ne coro­na­ria sin­gle Mr. Fokker‘
  5. Ane­mo­ne coro­na­ria sin­gle Sylp­hi­de‘

Argyranthemum (3)

  1. Argy­rant­he­mum Magen­ta‘
  2. Argy­rant­he­mum Red‘
  3. Argy­rant­he­mum Tof­fee‘

Astilbe (3)

  1. Astil­be Whi­te‘
  2. Astil­be Pumi­la‘
  3. Astil­be x arend­sii Weis­se Gloria‘

A (23)

  1. Achil­lea Pomeg­ra­na­te‘
  2. Ado­nis vernalis
  3. Aet­hi­one­ma grandiflorum
  4. Alo­pe­cu­rus pra­ten­sis aureovariegatus
  5. Als­tro­eme­ria spp.
  6. Amarc­ri­num howardii
  7. Ama­ryl­lis belladonna
  8. Ame­lan­chier Mar­tin‘
  9. Ame­lan­chier alni­fo­lia Hone­y­wo­od‘
  10. Ana­cyc­lus depressus
  11. Andro­sa­ce sevicea
  12. Anet­hum gra­ve­olens Tet­ra‘
  13. Ant­hu­rium andraeanum
  14. Are­na­ria montana
  15. Arme­ria Aman­da White‘
  16. Aro­nia mela­no­car­pa Viking‘
  17. Aro­nia mela­no­car­pa Rubi­na‘
  18. Asp­le­nium Angus­ti­fo­lia‘
  19. Aster amel­lus Rudolf Goethe‘
  20. Aster Weis­se Schöne‘
  21. Astran­tia Star of Treasure‘
  22. Aub­rie­ta hyb­ri­da Leicht­li­nii‘
  23. Aub­rie­ta hyb­ri­da Roy­al Blue‘

B (10)

  1. Belam­can­da chinensis
  2. Bel­lis peren­nis Pink‘
  3. Ber­ge­nia Rotb­lum‘
  4. Bidens 2Teeth Oly Star‘
  5. Bis­tor­ta officinalis
  6. Brac­te­ant­ha helia­na Gold‘
  7. Bra­chys­co­me Sur­dai­sy Blue‘
  8. Bra­chys­co­me Sur­dai­sy White‘
  9. Budd­le­ja Flo­wer Power‘
  10. Bur­ra­ge­a­ra Nel­ly Isler‘

Callistephus (8)

  1. Cal­lis­tep­hus chinensis
  2. Cal­lis­tep­hus chi­nen­sis Aniel­ka‘
  3. Cal­lis­tep­hus chi­nen­sis Elect­ric Alba‘
  4. Cal­lis­tep­hus chi­nen­sis Nel‘
  5. Cal­lis­tep­hus chi­nen­sis Prin­cess Alba‘
  6. Cal­lis­tep­hus chi­nen­sis San­dra‘
  7. Cal­lis­tep­hus chi­nen­sis Sil­ve­ry Blue‘
  8. Cal­lis­tep­hus chi­nen­sis Sil­ve­ry Rose‘

Campanula (4)

  1. Cam­pa­nu­la car­pa­ti­ca Pearl White‘
  2. Cam­pa­nu­la coch­le­a­ri­i­fo­lia Baby White‘
  3. Cam­pa­nu­la coch­le­a­ri­i­fo­lia Blue Baby‘
  4. Cam­pa­nu­la portenschlagiana

Capsicum (5)

  1. Cap­si­cum annum Lie­be­sap­fel‘
  2. Cap­si­cum annum Lips­tick‘
  3. Cap­si­cum annum Dumas‘
  4. Cap­si­cum annum Yolo Won­der B‘
  5. Cap­si­cum chi­nen­se Pepe­ron­ci­no Pic­can­te Naga Morich Chocolate‘

Clematis (23)

  1. Cle­ma­tis Andro­me­da‘
  2. Cle­ma­tis Asao‘
  3. Cle­ma­tis Dr. Ruppel‘
  4. Cle­ma­tis Duchess of Edinburgh‘
  5. Cle­ma­tis Ernest Markham‘
  6. Cle­ma­tis Gol­den Dream‘
  7. Cle­ma­tis Ivan Olsson‘
  8. Cle­ma­tis Litt­le Mermaid‘
  9. Cle­ma­tis Mul­ti Blue‘
  10. Cle­ma­tis My Darling‘
  11. Cle­ma­tis Niobe‘
  12. Cle­ma­tis Omos­hi­ro‘
  13. Cle­ma­tis Pat­ri­cia Ann Fretwell‘
  14. Cle­ma­tis Pat­ri­cia Ann Fret­well Pafar“
  15. Cle­ma­tis Prin­cess Kate‘
  16. Cle­ma­tis Gol­den Dream‘
  17. Cle­ma­tis Sarah Elisabeth‘
  18. Cle­ma­tis Rou­ge Cardinal‘
  19. Cle­ma­tis The President‘
  20. Cle­ma­tis Vil­le de Lyon‘
  21. Cle­ma­tis mon­ta­na Fre­da‘
  22. Cle­ma­tis mon­ta­na Rubens‘
  23. Cle­ma­tis Litt­le Mermaid‘

Coreopsis (5)

  1. Core­op­sis ver­ti­ci­lia­ta Moon­be­am‘
  2. Core­op­sis ver­ti­ci­lia­ta Red Ruby‘
  3. Core­op­sis ver­ti­cil­la­ta Li‘l Bang Daybreak‘
  4. Core­op­sis Ben­gal Tiger‘
  5. Core­op­sis Ruby Frost‘

Crinum (3)

  1. Cri­num Cint­ho Alpha‘
  2. Cri­num powellii
  3. Cri­num powel­lii Alba‘

Crocus (11)

  1. Cro­cus fuscotinctus
  2. Cro­cus chry­sant­hus Ard Schenk‘
  3. Cro­cus chry­sant­hus Blue pearl‘
  4. Cro­cus chry­sant­hus Oran­ge Monarch‘
  5. Cro­cus chry­sant­hus Prins Claus‘
  6. Cro­cus chry­sant­hus Roman­ce‘
  7. Cro­cus sie­be­ri Firef­ly‘
  8. Cro­cus spe­ci­osus Oxo­nian‘
  9. Cro­cus ver­nus Jean­ne D‘Arc‘
  10. Cro­cus ver­nus King of Striped‘
  11. Cro­cus sativus

Cucumis (4)

  1. Cucu­mis melo Bana­na‘
  2. Cucu­mis melo Kazakh‘
  3. Cucu­mis melo var. flexuosus‘
  4. Cucu­mis sati­vus Aikon F1

Cucurbita (4)

  1. Cucur­bi­ta pepo Cos­ta­tes Romanesco‘
  2. Cucur­bi­ta pepo Ore­lia‘
  3. Cucur­bi­ta pepo Sun­se­an­ce‘

Cyclamen (4)

  1. Cyc­la­men cilicicum
  2. Cyc­la­men coum
  3. Cyc­la­men hede­ri­fo­lium Album‘
  4. Cyc­la­men hede­ri­fo­lium Rosea‘

C (17)

  1. Calat­hea makoyana
  2. Calen­du­la officinalis
  3. Calib­ra­choa Beau­ti­cal French Vanilla‘
  4. Calib­ra­choa hyb­ri­da Eyeco­nic Cher­ry Blossom‘
  5. Calt­ha palus­tris Alba‘
  6. Calt­ha palus­tris Mul­tip­lex‘
  7. Cam­bria catatante
  8. Can­na indi­ca Luci­fer‘
  9. Carex bucha­na­nii
  10. Carex mor­ro­wii Ice Dance‘
  11. Celo­sia argenta
  12. Cit­rul­lus lanatus‘Early Moonbeam‘
  13. Cory­da­lis Por­ce­lain Blue‘
  14. Cos­mos bipinnatus
  15. Cras­su­la ovata
  16. Cro­cos­mia Emi­ly McKenzie‘
  17. Cyc­lant­he­ra pedata

Dahlia (9)

  1. Dah­lia cac­tus Hap­py Days Bico­lour Yel­low Red‘
  2. Dah­lia cac­tus Holyp­hill Spiderwoman‘
  3. Dah­lia cac­tus Sprark­ler‘
  4. Dah­lia cac­tus Vuur­vo­gel‘
  5. Dah­lia deco­ra­ti­ve Pro­cy­on‘
  6. Dah­lia din­ner­pla­te Lady Darlene‘
  7. Dah­lia sp. Wines­me‘
  8. Dah­lia Cra­zy Love‘
  9. Dah­lia Pea­ches and Cream‘

Delosperma (7)

  1. Delos­per­ma Fire Spinner‘
  2. Delos­per­ma acant­ho­des Beau­fort West‘
  3. Delos­per­ma coope­ri Jewel of Desert Peridott‘
  4. Delos­per­ma dyeri Red Mountain‘
  5. Delos­per­ma nubi­ge­um Gold Nugget‘
  6. Delos­per­ma obtu­sum Safa­ri‘
  7. Delos­per­ma sp. Stron­gred‘

Delphinium (5)

  1. Delp­hi­nium Asto­lat‘
  2. Delp­hi­nium Gala­had‘
  3. Delp­hi­nium Rose‘
  4. Delp­hi­nium Sum­mer Skies‘
  5. Delp­hi­nium Bel­la­don­na Völ­kerf­rie­den‘

Echinacea (13)

  1. Echi­na­cea Big Kahuna‘
  2. Echi­na­cea Gol­den Skipper‘
  3. Echi­na­cea Gre­en Twister
  4. Echi­na­cea Hot Lava‘
  5. Echi­na­cea Inno­cent Mea­dow Mama‘
  6. Echi­na­cea Lemon Drop‘
  7. Echi­na­cea Mar­ma­la­de‘
  8. Echi­na­cea Milks­ha­ke‘
  9. Echi­na­cea Now Cheesier‘
  10. Echi­na­cea Stra­wber­ry and Cream‘
  11. Echi­na­cea Sun­se­e­kers Magenta‘
  12. Echi­na­cea purpurea
  13. Echi­na­cea pur­pu­rea Sout­hern Belle‘

Erigeron (3)

  1. Eri­ge­ron flelltii
  2. Eri­ge­ron linearis
  3. Eri­ge­ron scopulinus

E (3)

  1. Echi­nops ritro
  2. Ere­mu­rus x isa­bel­li­nus Cle­opat­ra‘
  3. Ero­dium Bishop‘s Form‘

Fritillaria (8)

  1. Fri­til­la­ria persica
  2. Fri­til­la­ria per­si­ca Adi­y­aman‘
  3. Fri­til­la­ria imperialis
  4. Fri­til­la­ria impe­ria­lis Auro­ra‘
  5. Fri­til­la­ria impe­ria­lis Lutea‘
  6. Fri­til­la­ria impe­ria­lis Rub­ra‘
  7. Fri­til­la­ria meleagris
  8. Fri­til­la­ria uva-vulpis

F (7)

  1. Fer­ra­ria crispa
  2. Fes­tu­ca glau­ca Ins­ten­se Blue‘
  3. Ficus cari­ca Fran­cu­es­co‘
  4. Fit­to­nia verschaffeltii
  5. Fra­ga­ria ves­ca Yel­low Wonder‘
  6. Fuch­sia Sha­dow Dan­cer Helena‘

G (7)

  1. Gail­lar­dia Red Sun‘
  2. Gen­tia­na acualis
  3. Gen­tia­na angustifolia
  4. Glo­bu­la­ria cordifolia
  5. Glo­ri­osa rothschildiana
  6. Guz­ma­nia lingulata
  7. Gyp­sop­hi­la cerastoides

Helianthemum (3)

  1. Heliant­he­mum Apri­cot Queen‘
  2. Heliant­he­mum Fire Dragon‘
  3. Heliant­he­mum nummularium

Helleborus (5)

  1. Hel­le­bo­rus Doub­le Gre­en Spotted‘
  2. Hel­le­bo­rus Whi­te Spotted‘
  3. Hel­le­bo­rus Win­ter Sunshine‘
  4. Hel­le­bo­rus niger Chris­tmas Carol‘
  5. Hel­le­bo­rus orien­ta­lis Bal­lard Hybrids‘

Hemerocallis (5)

  1. Heme­ro­cal­lis sp. Stel­la de Oro‘
  2. Heme­ro­cal­lis sp. Arc­tic Snow‘
  3. Heme­ro­cal­lis Bonan­za‘
  4. Heme­ro­cal­lis Crim­son Pirate‘
  5. Heme­ro­cal­lis Frans Hals‘

Heuchera (15)

  1. Heuche­ra Amber Waves‘
  2. Heuche­ra Black Pearl‘
  3. Heuche­ra Blon­die‘
  4. Heuche­ra Fore­ver Purple‘
  5. Heuche­ra Cham­pag­ne‘
  6. Heuche­ra Cher­ry Truffles‘
  7. Heuche­ra Lime Marmelade‘
  8. Heuche­ra Not­hern Expo­su­re Amber‘
  9. Heuche­ra Not­hern Expo­su­re Red‘
  10. Heuche­ra Peach Flambe‘
  11. Heuche­ra Rex Purple‘
  12. Heuche­ra Sil­ver Scrolls‘
  13. Heuche­ra Peach Flambe‘
  14. Heuche­ra Mas­ter Pain­ter Picasso‘
  15. Heuche­ra Sugar Plum‘

Heucherella (3)

  1. Heuche­rel­la Cit­rus Shock‘
  2. Heuche­rel­la Red Rover‘
  3. Heuche­rel­la Swe­et Tea‘

Hibiscus (3)

  1. Hibis­cus mos­che­utos XXL
  2. Hibis­cus rosa sinensis
  3. Hibis­cus syria­cus Duc de Brabant‘

Hippophae (3)

  1. Hip­pop­hae rhamnoides
  2. Hip­pop­hae rham­no­ides Aro­mat‘
  3. Hip­pop­hae rham­no­ides Slnieč­ko‘

Hyacinthus (4)

  1. Hyacint­hus orien­ta­lis Blue Jacket‘
  2. Hyacint­hus orien­ta­lis Car­ne­gie‘
  3. Hyacint­hus orien­ta­lis Gip­sy Queen‘
  4. Hyacint­hus orien­ta­lis Jan Bos‘

Hydrangea (3)

  1. Hyd­ran­gea mac­rop­hyl­la Pep­per­mint‘
  2. Hyd­ran­gea ser­ra­ta Blu­e­bird‘
  3. Hyd­ran­gea petiolaris

H (10)

  1. Hab­rant­hus robustus
  2. Hawort­hia kraussiana
  3. Heliant­hus annu­us – slneč­ni­ca ročná
  4. Heliant­hus tuberosus
  5. Helich­ry­sum bracteatum
  6. Heli­op­sis helianthoides
  7. Hepa­ti­ca nobilis
  8. Heuche­rel­la Swe­et Tea‘
  9. Hip­pe­as­trum Flo­ra Magica‘
  10. Hyme­no­cal­lis Sulp­hur Queen‘

Iberis (3)

  1. Ibe­ris sem­per­vi­rens Pink Ice‘
  2. Ibe­ris umbellata
  3. Ibe­ris umbel­la­ta amara

Iris (11)

  1. Iris ensa­ta
  2. Iris pse­uda­co­rus
  3. Iris pumi­la
  4. Iris pumi­la Peti­te Polka‘
  5. Iris sibi­ri­ca Blue King‘
  6. Iris sibi­ri­ca Snow Queen‘
  7. Iris sibi­ri­ca Spark­ling Rose‘
  8. Iris sibi­ri­ca Tif­fed in Blue‘
  9. Iris ver­si­co­lor
  10. Iris ver­si­co­lor Ker­me­si­na‘
  11. Iris But­ter and Sugar‘

I (1)

  1. Ixia spp.

J (1)

  1. Jasi­one Blue Light‘

Lactuca (5)

  1. Lac­tu­ca sati­va Kame­lot‘
  2. Lac­tu­ca sati­va crispa
  3. Lac­tu­ca sati­va var. capitata
  4. Lac­tu­ca sati­va var. capi­ta­ta Cit­rin‘
  5. Lac­tu­ca sati­va var. capi­ta­ta Mars‘

Lilium (12)

  1. Lilium Fore­ver Susan‘
  2. Lilium Lan­di­ni‘
  3. Lilium Lotus Elegance‘
  4. Lilium Magic Star‘
  5. Lilium Mount Aspiring‘
  6. Lilium asia­tic Mapi­ra‘
  7. Lilium asia­tic Must See‘
  8. Lilium lancifolium‘Flore Pleno‘
  9. Lilium mar­ta­gon
  10. Lilium orien­tal
  11. Lilium orien­tal Star­ga­zer‘
  12. Lilium par­da­li­num x lon­gif­lo­rum fusion

Liatris (4)

  1. Liat­ris spi­ca­ta Alba‘
  2. Liat­ris spi­ca­ta Flo­ris­tan White‘
  3. Liat­ris spi­ca­ta Kobold‘
  4. Liat­ris spi­ca­ta Pur­pur‘

Lobelia (4)

  1. Lobe­lia cardinalis
  2. Lobe­lia hyb­rid Hot Waterblue‘
  3. Lobe­lia hyb­rid Fri­co Shine‘
  4. Lobe­lia speciosa

Lycopersicon (75)

  1. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Altai Whiteg‘
  2. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Ama­nia Orange‘
  3. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Baba Sura‘
  4. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Ber­ke­ley Tie Dye‘
  5. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Big Rainbow‘
  6. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Big Yel­low Zebra‘
  7. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Black from Tula‘
  8. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Black Giant‘
  9. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Black Iccicle‘
  10. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Black Strawberry‘
  11. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Blue Smoke‘
  12. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Bodr­jat­sok‘
  13. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Bro­wn Berry‘
  14. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Crus­hed Heart‘
  15. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Cur­ran­to F1
  16. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Čoko­lá­do­vý zajac‘
  17. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Čudo Altaja‘
  18. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Dark Galaxy‘
  19. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Dwarf Freds Tie Dye‘
  20. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Eag­le Beak‘
  21. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Egyp­tian‘
  22. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Eme­rald Apple‘
  23. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Gol­den Queen‘
  24. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Gre­en Zebra‘
  25. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Har­vard Square‘
  26. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Hill­bil­ly‘
  27. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Him­ber Alt‘
  28. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Hip­pie Zebra‘
  29. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Hviez­da Taškentu‘
  30. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Che­ro­kee Purple‘
  31. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Cho­co­la­te Miracle‘
  32. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Cho­co­la­te Stripes‘
  33. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Indi­go Apple‘
  34. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Ispo­lin‘
  35. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Koso­vo‘
  36. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Kozu­la 186
  37. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Le Sirop Derable‘
  38. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Líš­kin nos‘
  39. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Long Tal Sally‘
  40. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Love­ly Lush‘
  41. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Luc­ky Tiger‘
  42. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Med­ve­dia labka‘
  43. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Mint Julep‘
  44. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Mil­le Forries‘
  45. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Mone­y­ma­ker‘
  46. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Oran­ge Banana‘
  47. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Pin­ne­ap­le Heart‘
  48. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Ping Fig‘
  49. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Ping Tiger‘
  50. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Pink Bull‘
  51. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Pink Helmet‘
  52. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Purp­le Calabash‘
  53. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Puza­la Khata‘
  54. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Que­en of the Night‘
  55. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Rebel Star­figh­ter VT 16
  56. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Red Dra­gon Heart‘
  57. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Roma Striee‘
  58. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Rosa‘
  59. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Rose Honei‘
  60. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Rosij­skij Koralowy‘
  61. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Rus­sian Purple‘
  62. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Rus­sian Rose‘
  63. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Snow Whi­te Cherry‘
  64. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Sibe­rian Shangy‘
  65. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Sibír­ska Olečka‘
  66. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Sumo‘
  67. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Taj­ga‘
  68. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Tla­co­lu­la‘
  69. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Ussu­ri Tigger‘
  70. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Valen­cia‘
  71. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Vaj­ce vtá­ka Ohniváka‘
  72. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Vaň­ka‘
  73. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Vese­lý sused‘
  74. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Yel­low Grape‘
  75. Lyco­per­si­con lyco­per­si­cum Zapo­tec Bro­wn Flesh‘

L (12)

  1. Lavan­du­la angustifolia
  2. Lavan­du­la angus­ti­fo­lia Hid­co­te Blue‘
  3. Leucant­he­mum Real Galaxy‘
  4. Leuco­jum aestivum
  5. Lewi­sia coty­le­don Eli­se‘
  6. Linum peren­ne
  7. Linum peren­ne Sap­hir‘
  8. Loni­ce­ra japo­ni­ca Red World‘
  9. Ludi­sia discolor
  10. Lupi­nus polyp­hyl­lus Gal­le­ry Blue‘
  11. Lupi­nus polyp­hyl­lus Kron­le­uch­ter‘
  12. Lych­nis coronaria

Muscari (4)

  1. Mus­ca­ri arme­nia­cum Touch of Snow‘
  2. Mus­ca­ri auche­ri Whi­te Magic‘
  3. Mus­ca­ri botryoides
  4. Mus­ca­ri bot­ry­o­ides Pink Sunrise

Mentha (5)

  1. Ment­ha spi­ca­ta Marok­ko‘
  2. Ment­ha suaveolens
  3. Ment­ha suave­olens ´Varie­ga­ta´
  4. Ment­ha x pipe­ri­ta Gla­cia­le‘
  5. Ment­ha x pipe­ri­ta var. citrata

Monarda (3)

  1. Monar­da Bee Bright‘
  2. Monar­da Bee-​Merry Imp.‘
  3. Monar­da Cam­brid­ge Scarlet‘

Morus (3)

  1. Morus alba pendula
  2. Morus nig­ra Mila­nó­wek‘
  3. Morus rotun­di­lo­ba Mojo Berry‘

M (4)

  1. Mal­va mauritiana
  2. Malus domes­ti­ca
  3. Malus domes­ti­ca Pidi Merlin‘
  4. Myo­so­tis alpestris

N (3)

  1. Nar­cis­sus acropolis
  2. Nar­cis­sus hybrid
  3. Nymp­ha­ea Rot‘

Ocimum (4)

  1. Oci­mum basil­li­cum Cin­na­mo­net­te‘
  2. Oci­mum basil­li­cum Dark Green‘
  3. Oci­mum basil­li­cum Limo­ne‘
  4. Oci­mum basil­li­cum Purp­le Opaal‘

O (3)

  1. Oenot­he­ra Sis­ky­ou Pink‘
  2. Ori­ga­num majorana
  3. Oste­os­per­mum spp.

Phlox (19)

  1. Phlox Dai­sy Hill‘
  2. Phlox Dorot­ka‘
  3. Phlox Joawis Bloom‘
  4. Phlox doug­la­sii Ochsenb­lut‘
  5. Phlox doug­las­si Crac­ker­jack‘
  6. Phlox drum­mon­dii stellaris
  7. Phlox pani­cu­la­ta
  8. Phlox pani­cu­la­ta Blue Moon‘
  9. Phlox pani­cu­la­ta Ear­ly Laven­der Pop‘
  10. Phlox pani­cu­la­ta Ear­ly Pink‘
  11. Phlox pani­cu­la­ta Ear­ly Red‘
  12. Phlox pani­cu­la­ta Laris­sa‘
  13. Phlox pani­cu­la­ta Oaking­to­wn Blue Eyes‘
  14. Phlox pani­cu­la­ta Oran­ge Perfection‘
  15. Phlox pani­cu­la­ta Red Wings‘
  16. Phlox pani­cu­la­ta Scar­let Flame‘
  17. Phlox subu­la­ta Can­dy Stripes‘
  18. Phlox subu­la­ta McDaniel‘s Cushion‘
  19. Phlox subu­la­ta Net­t­le­ton Variation‘

Primula (10)

  1. Pri­mu­la Bal­tic Blue‘
  2. Pri­mu­la acau­lis Zeb­ra‘
  3. Pri­mu­la bela­ri­na Delft Blue‘
  4. Pri­mu­la bulleyana
  5. Pri­mu­la den­ti­cu­la­ta Alba‘
  6. Pri­mu­la den­ti­cu­la­ta Blue‘
  7. Pri­mu­la den­ti­cu­la­ta Rosa‘
  8. Pri­mu­la ela­ti­or Gold Lace‘
  9. Pri­mu­la japo­ni­ca Alba‘
  10. Pri­mu­la rosea

Prunus (10)

  1. Pru­nus arme­nia­cus Gar­den Aprigold‘
  2. Pru­nus avium Kasan­dra‘
  3. Pru­nus avium Sum­mit‘
  4. Pru­nus avium Syl­via‘
  5. Pru­nus cera­sus Car­mi­ne Jewel‘
  6. Pru­nus domestica
  7. Pru­nus domes­ti­ca Gol­dust‘
  8. Pru­nus per­si­ca ´Crest­ha­ven´
  9. Pru­nus per­si­ca Stark Red Gold‘
  10. Pru­nus per­si­ca Venus‘

Pulsatilla (8)

  1. Pul­sa­til­la albana
  2. Pul­sa­til­la slavica
  3. Pul­sa­til­la vulgaris
  4. Pul­sa­til­la vul­ga­ris Blaue Glocke‘
  5. Pul­sa­til­la vul­ga­ris Blue Violet‘
  6. Pul­sa­til­la vul­ga­ris Dark Red‘
  7. Pul­sa­ti­la vul­ga­ris Röde Klökke‘
  8. Pul­sa­til­la vul­ga­ris alba

P (16)

  1. Pap­hi­ope­di­lum philippinense
  2. Pas­sif­lo­ra edulis
  3. Pelar­go­nium pel­ta­tum Lila‘
  4. Pelar­go­nium pel­ta­tum Red‘
  5. Pelar­go­nium zona­le Fire­works Pink˙‘
  6. Pen­ni­se­tum alopecuroides
  7. Peri­cal­lis x hyb­ri­da Oran­ge Field‘
  8. Per­si­ca­ria affinis 
  9. Per­si­ca­ria ampexicaulis ‘
  10. Pet­ro­ca­lis pyrenaica
  11. Petu­nia Cra­zy­tu­nia Pink Flamingo‘
  12. Pha­la­e­nop­sis lueddemanniana
  13. Pha­la­e­nop­sis spp.
  14. Phy­te­uma scheuchzeri
  15. Pisum sati­vum Nor­li‘
  16. Ple­i­one bulbocodium

Rhododendron (5)

  1. Rho­do­den­dron Dun­kel­vi­olett‘
  2. Rho­do­den­dron Impe­di­tum Select‘
  3. Rho­do­den­dron Saint Merryn‘
  4. Rho­do­den­dron Impe­di­tum Azu­ri­ka‘
  5. Rho­do­den­dron obtu­sum azalea

Rubus (4)

  1. Rubus fru­ti­co­sus Tay­ber­ry Buckingham‘
  2. Rubus ida­e­us Fall­gold‘
  3. Rubus ida­e­us Tula­me­en‘
  4. Rubus ille­ceb­ro­sus

R (10)

  1. Rap­ha­nus sati­vus Yel­low Radish‘
  2. Rho­do­xis Fai­ry Kisses‘
  3. Rhud­bec­kia Sun­bec­kia Olivia‘
  4. Rhud­bec­kia Sun­bec­kia Ophelia‘
  5. Ribes rub­rum Wit­te Hollander‘
  6. Ribes Whi­te Hollander‘
  7. Rosa Augus­ta Luise‘
  8. Rosa Nos­tal­gie‘
  9. Rud­bec­kia fulgida
  10. Rud­bec­kia hirta

Saxifraga (18)

  1. Saxif­ra­ga Allen­da­le Ina‘
  2. Saxif­ra­ga Beroun­ka‘
  3. Saxif­ra­ga Brno‘
  4. Saxif­ra­ga Cleo‘
  5. Saxif­ra­ga Dej­vi­ce‘
  6. Saxif­ra­ga Giu­sep­pe Verdi‘
  7. Saxif­ra­ga Gott­hen­burg‘
  8. Saxif­ra­ga L. G. Godseff‘
  9. Saxif­ra­ga Lis­mo­re Carmine‘
  10. Saxif­ra­ga Miluj­ma‘
  11. Saxif­ra­ga Pech Melba‘
  12. Saxif­ra­ga arend­sii Pur­pur­tep­pich‘
  13. Saxif­ra­ga ferdinandi-​coburgii Wech­ten‘
  14. Saxif­ra­ga kole­na­tia­na rosea
  15. Saxif­ra­ga oppositifolia
  16. Saxif­ra­ga sancta
  17. Saxif­ra­ga x arend­sii Rosen­zwerg‘
  18. Saxif­ra­ga x arend­sii Tou­ran Deep Red‘

Solanum (3)

  1. Sola­num melon­ge­na Cas­per‘
  2. Sola­num melon­ge­na Fal­con F1
  3. Sola­num melon­ge­na Lau­ra‘

S (18)

  1. Saint­pau­lia ionant­ha – afric­ká fial­ka – paulínka
  2. Sal­via greg­gii Roy­al Bumble‘
  3. Sal­via officinalis
  4. Sal­via offi­ci­na­lis Tri­co­lor‘
  5. Sapo­na­ria ocymoides
  6. Sapo­na­ria ocy­mo­ides Jabo­ra‘
  7. Scir­pus cernuus
  8. Sem­per­vi­vum Crim­son Velvet‘
  9. Sem­per­vi­vum Red Papaver‘
  10. Sile­nia trifoliata
  11. Sile­ne acaulis
  12. Sisy­rin­chium sp. Devon Skies‘
  13. Sole­nos­te­mon scu­tal­la­ri­oides Rain­bow‘
  14. Spa­ra­xis spp.
  15. Spi­rea japo­ni­ca Litt­le Princess’
  16. Spi­ra­ea arguta
  17. Sto­ma­tium mustellinum
  18. Szi­zos­ty­lis coc­ci­nea Major‘

Tagetes (3)

  1. Tage­tes erec­ta Kili­man­ja­ro White‘
  2. Tage­tes patula
  3. Tage­tes patu­la Mr. Majestic‘

Thymus (3)

  1. Thy­mus serpyllum
  2. Thy­mus serpyllum‘Magic Carpet‘
  3. Thy­mus vulgaris

Tulipa (17)

  1. Tuli­pa bake­ri Lilac Wonder‘
  2. Tuli­pa clu­sia­na Cynt­hia‘
  3. Tuli­pa clu­sia­na Cynt­hia‘
  4. Tuli­pa clu­sia­na Eas­tern Star‘
  5. Tuli­pa clu­sia­na chrysantha
  6. Tuli­pa hage­ri Litt­le Beauty‘
  7. Tuli­pa humi­lis Alba Cae­ru­lea Oculata‘
  8. Tuli­pa humi­lis Alba Cae­ru­lea Oculata‘
  9. Tuli­pa humi­lis Lil­li­put‘
  10. Tuli­pa humi­lis Viola­cea Yel­low Base‘
  11. Tuli­pa humi­lis Viola­cea Yel­low Base‘
  12. Tuli­pa linifolia
  13. Tuli­pa polychroma
  14. Tuli­pa schrenkii
  15. Tuli­pa tarda
  16. Tuli­pa Mas­cot­te‘
  17. Tuli­pa Paul Scherer‘

T (7)

  1. Tha­lict­rum kuisianum
  2. Thun­ber­gia ala­ta ‘ Afri­can Sunset‘
  3. Tig­ri­dia pavonia
  4. Tri­cyr­tis Blue Wonder‘
  5. Tri­cyr­tis hirta
  6. Tro­lius pumilus
  7. Tro­pa­e­olum majus

V (2)

  1. Vero­ni­ca Tis­sing­ton White‘
  2. Vita­lia­na primuliflora

W (1)

  1. Wis­te­ria flo­ri­bun­da Mul­ti­ju­ga‘

Z (4)

  1. Zin­nia elegans
  2. Zin­nia marylandica
  3. Zin­nia mary­lan­di­ca Star­light Rose‘
  4. Zin­nia mary­lan­di­ca Sun­burst‘

Plá­nu­jem pes­to­vať: Arme­ria juni­pe­ri­fo­lia Lele­ko­vi­ce, Dry­as octo­pe­ta­la var. minor, Saxif­ra­ga Yel­low Rock‘, Lilium michi­ga­nen­se, Tuli­pa Tiny Timo‘


Orchi­de­je a bromélie









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Organizmy, Príroda, Rastliny

Okrasná zeleň

Hits: 6778

Okras­ná zeleň je pek­ným prí­kla­dom spo­je­nia prí­ro­dy a ume­nia, kto­rý dotvá­ra kra­jin­ný dizajn a pri­dá­va este­tic­ký roz­mer našim mest­ským a vidiec­kym oblas­tiam. Táto for­ma zele­ne sa vysky­tu­je v rôz­nych podo­bách, od ele­gant­ných kve­ti­no­vých záho­nov po impo­zant­né stro­my a kul­ti­vo­va­né krí­ky. Vytvá­ra har­mo­nic­ký kon­trast s iný­mi prv­ka­mi kra­ji­ny a pris­pie­va k cel­ko­vej atmo­sfé­re pro­stre­dia. Okras­ná zeleň nie je len ozdo­bou kra­ji­ny, ale aj dôle­ži­tým prv­kom, kto­rý pri­dá­va hod­no­tu náš­mu prostrediu.

Ku základ­ným prv­kom okras­nej zele­ne pat­ria kve­ty. Kve­ti­no­vé záho­ny s rôz­no­ro­dý­mi fareb­ný­mi kom­bi­ná­cia­mi nám ponú­ka­jú vizu­ál­nu poho­du a pre­bú­dza­jú naše zmys­ly. Rôz­ne dru­hy kve­tov, od tra­dič­ných ruží po exo­tic­ké orchi­dey, vytvá­ra­jú pes­trú pale­tu farieb a tva­rov. List­na­té stro­my a krí­ky majú svoj neza­me­ni­teľ­ný podiel na kra­jin­nom dizaj­ne. Okras­né tráv­na­té plo­chy, kober­ce roz­ma­ni­tých dru­hov tráv, sú ďal­ším prv­kov okras­nej zele­ne. Zele­né tráv­na­té plo­chy nie­len­že vytvá­ra­jú vizu­ál­nu har­mó­niu, ale aj posky­tu­jú pries­tor pre rôz­ne von­kaj­šie akti­vi­ty. Pre pes­trosť kra­ji­ny môže­me pri­dať aj okras­né kame­ne, fon­tá­ny a sochy. Tie­to prí­rod­né a ume­lé prv­ky spo­lu s rast­li­na­mi vytvá­ra­jú sklad­bu, kto­rá oži­vu­je oko­lie. Vzá­jom­né kom­bi­ná­cie rôz­nych dru­hov okras­nej zele­ne sú neob­me­dze­né, a kaž­dá kra­ji­na môže mať svo­ju vlast­nú jedi­neč­nú podo­bu. Odbor­ní­ci na kra­jin­ný dizajn a záh­rad­nú archi­tek­tú­ru majú dôle­ži­tú úlo­hu v tvor­be plá­nov a návrhov, kto­ré zohľad­ňu­jú nie­len este­ti­ku, ale aj eko­lo­gic­ké a kli­ma­tic­ké faktory.

Orna­men­tal Gre­e­ne­ry: A Fusi­on of Natu­re and Art in Lands­ca­pe Design

Orna­men­tal gre­e­ne­ry stands as a beau­ti­ful exam­ple of the uni­on bet­we­en natu­re and art, con­tri­bu­ting to lands­ca­pe design and adding an aest­he­tic dimen­si­on to both urban and rural are­as. This form of gre­e­ne­ry mani­fests in vari­ous forms, ran­ging from ele­gant flo­wer beds to impo­sing tre­es and cul­ti­va­ted shrubs. It cre­a­tes a har­mo­ni­ous con­trast with other ele­ments of the lands­ca­pe and con­tri­bu­tes to the ove­rall atmo­sp­he­re of the envi­ron­ment. Orna­men­tal gre­e­ne­ry is not mere­ly a deco­ra­ti­on for the lands­ca­pe; it is a cru­cial ele­ment that adds value to our surroundings.

One of the fun­da­men­tal com­po­nents of orna­men­tal gre­e­ne­ry is flo­wers. Flo­wer beds with diver­se color com­bi­na­ti­ons offer visu­al com­fort and awa­ken our sen­ses. Vari­ous types of flo­wers, from tra­di­ti­onal roses to exo­tic orchids, cre­a­te a vib­rant palet­te of colors and sha­pes. Deci­du­ous tre­es and shrubs have the­ir dis­tinc­ti­ve sha­re in lands­ca­pe design. Orna­men­tal gras­sy are­as, car­pets of vari­ous grass spe­cies, cons­ti­tu­te anot­her ele­ment of orna­men­tal gre­e­ne­ry. Gre­en gras­sy are­as not only cre­a­te visu­al har­mo­ny but also pro­vi­de spa­ce for vari­ous out­do­or acti­vi­ties. To enhan­ce the diver­si­ty of the lands­ca­pe, orna­men­tal sto­nes, foun­tains, and sculp­tu­res can be incor­po­ra­ted. The­se natu­ral and arti­fi­cial ele­ments, com­bi­ned with plants, cre­a­te a com­po­si­ti­on that revi­ta­li­zes the sur­roun­dings. The poten­tial com­bi­na­ti­ons of dif­fe­rent types of orna­men­tal gre­e­ne­ry are limit­less, and each coun­try can have its uni­que appe­a­ran­ce. Experts in lands­ca­pe design and gar­den archi­tec­tu­re play a vital role in cre­a­ting plans and designs that con­si­der not only aest­he­tics but also eco­lo­gi­cal and cli­ma­tic factors.

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Jazerá, Krajina, Mestá, Mestá, Podunajsko, Slovenská krajina, Slovenské, Typ krajiny


Hits: 6637

Stu­pa­va – men­šie mes­to pri Bra­ti­sla­ve. Zho­dou osu­du som Stu­pa­vu naj­mä v minu­los­ti čas­to nav­šte­vo­val pri prá­ci na svo­jej dip­lo­mov­ke. Počas troch rokov som do Stu­pa­vy a jej oko­lia cho­dil veľ­mi čas­to. Po 14 rokoch som sem zaví­tal s foto­apa­rá­tom a veľ­mi som sa čudo­val ako sa zme­ni­lo cen­trum pri kaštieli.

Mes­to Stu­pa­va sa leží medzi západ­ný­mi svah­mi Malých Kar­pát a juž­nou čas­ťou Záhor­skej níži­ny vo výš­ke 174 met­rov nad morom (stu​pa​va​.sk). Na roz­lo­he 6718 hek­tá­rov, v nad­mor­skej výš­ke 182 met­rov nad morom žilo začiat­kom roku 201610597 oby­va­te­ľov. Nemec­ký názov pre mes­to je Stamp­fen, maďar­ský Stom­fa (Maj­tán, 1998). V kata­stri obce sa nachá­dza časť prí­rod­nej rezer­vá­cie Pod Pajš­tú­nom. Prvá písom­ná zmien­ka o obci je z roku 1269. Juž­nú časť Stu­pa­vy tvo­rí Mást, kto­rá je súčas­ťou od roku 1953. Nie­kto­ré čas­ti Más­tu: Dzí­leč­ky, Kre­me­ni­ce, Kop­ce, Novi­ny, Malé grun­ty, Sed­lič­ky, Záh­rad­ky, Záhu­me­ni­ce, Pís­ky, Hajp­ród, Nová hora, Dol­ná hora, Gref­ty, Tren­ky, Lin­grá­by, Lin­tá­vy. Čas­ti mes­ta: Mást, Dúb­ra­vy, Kre­me­ni­ca, Koló­nia, Vinoh­ra­dy (Wiki­pe­dia). 

Stu­pav­ské jaze­ro sa nachá­dza v cen­tre mes­ta, pri kaš­tie­li. Za ním nasle­du­je park. Ten­to park pri­po­mí­na skôr Arbo­ré­tum ako mest­ský park. Baro­ko­vý kaš­tieľ leží na okra­ji v par­ku v his­to­ric­kom cen­tre Stu­pa­vy. Na jeho mies­te stál pôvod­ne vod­ný hrad, kto­rý bol v roku 1280 stre­dis­kom pajš­tún­ske­ho pan­stva. V polo­vi­ci 17. sto­ro­čia ho Pál­fy­ov­ci pre­sta­va­li na ran­no­ba­ro­ko­vý opev­ne­ný kaš­tieľ. Prí­rod­ný park bol zalo­že­ný v roku 1867 Káro­ly­i­ov­ca­mi. V are­áli par­ku bol v minu­los­ti grófs­ky pivo­var, mlyn a nie­koľ­ko ryb­ní­kov (Pro­keš, Pro­ke­šo­vá). V súčas­nos­ti kaš­tieľ slú­ži ako domov seni­orov (stu​pa​va​.sk). V par­ku sa nachá­dza napr. jed­ľa Nord­ma­no­vá, cyp­ruš­tek Lawso­nov, gin­ko dvoj­la­loč­né, boriev­ka čín­ska, ľali­ov­ník tuli­pá­no­kve­tý, sofo­ra japon­ská. Súčas­ťou par­ku je pagaš­ta­no­vá alej (stu​pa​va​.sk). Rímsko-​katolícky kos­tol svä­té­ho Šte­fa­na bol posta­ve­ný v polo­vi­ci 14. sto­ro­čia ako kos­tol­ný hrad. Čas­to menil svo­ju podo­bu prí­stav­ba­mi (stu​pa​va​.sk). 

Kon­com 18. sto­ro­čia sa v Stu­pa­ve usa­dil džbán­kar­sky maj­ster Šte­fan Putz so zna­los­ťa­mi výro­by habán­skej kera­mi­ky, kto­rá bola polie­va­ná olovnato-​cínovou majo­li­kou (fajan­sou). Jeho nasle­dov­ník­mi sa sta­li Ján a Fer­di­nand Kos­tkov­ci, neskôr Fer­diš Kos­t­ka, kto­rý sa okrem tra­dič­nej tvor­by veno­val aj figu­rál­nej tvor­be, kto­rá ho pre­slá­vi­la. Stal sa prvým národ­ným umel­com his­tó­rii Čes­ko­slo­ven­skej repub­li­ky. Jeho pec je jedi­nou zacho­va­nou habán­skou pecou v stred­nej Euró­pe (stu​pa​va​.sk). V Stu­pa­ve pôso­bil Ján Nálep­ka, spi­so­va­teľ Rudo Moric. V Stu­pa­ve pôso­bí sku­pi­na his­to­ric­ké­ho šer­mu Ursus. V mes­te sa kona­jú via­ce­ré tra­dič­né podu­ja­tia. V mar­ci sa koná Veľ­ko­noč­ná výsta­va kras­líc a výši­viek, v júli Svä­to­ja­kub­ský jar­mok, v augus­te Stu­pav­ské hody, fes­ti­val coun­try hud­by Stu­pav­ský širák a Sláv­nos­ti kapus­ty – Deň zelá. V októb­ri Svä­to­mar­tin­ský jar­mok. V novem­bri Miku­láš­sky jar­mok (Wiki­pe­dia).

Úze­mie Stu­pa­vy bolo osíd­le­né už v dobe bron­zo­vej. Prvý­mi etnic­ky zná­my­mi oby­va­teľ­mi boli Kel­ti (stu​pa​va​.sk). Rima­nia tu zrej­me v obdo­bí mar­ko­man­ských vojen (160180) posta­vi­li men­šiu sta­ni­cu na nevy­so­kej vyvý­še­ni­ne, na kto­rej už pred­tým stá­la ger­mán­ska osa­da. Vzni­kol tu roz­siah­ly dvo­rec, chrá­ne­ný obvo­do­vým múrom 7070 met­rov. Pobyt doka­zu­jú nále­zy zbra­ní, zbyt­ky krúž­ko­vé­ho pan­cie­ra, kera­mi­ka, šper­ky, min­ce, frag­men­ty skle­ných nádob a hos­po­dár­ske nára­die. O Slo­van­skom osíd­le­ní sved­čia nále­zy poh­re­bis­ka s kera­mic­ký­mi pred­met­mi zo 6 . – 9. sto­ro­čia v miest­nej čas­ti Mást. Uhor­ský kráľ Belo IV. v daro­va­cej lis­ti­ne po prvý­krát spo­mí­na Stu­pa­vu v roku 1269 pod náz­vom Ztum­pa. V dru­hej polo­vi­ci 13. sto­ro­čia bol na úze­mí Stu­pa­vy vybu­do­va­ný Stu­pav­ský kamen­ný hrad, neskôr zná­my pod menom Pajš­tún ako síd­lo pajš­tún­ske­ho a stu­pav­ské­ho pan­stva. Posled­ní maji­te­lia Káro­ly­i­ov­ci ho opus­ti­li v roku 1945. Miest­ne trho­vis­ko a sláv­ne trhy boli zná­me v celom oko­lí a prá­ve pre túto sku­toč­nosť v mes­teč­ku vznik­la trid­siat­ko­vá sta­ni­ca, kde sa vybe­ral popla­tok za pre­vá­ža­ný tovar v sume troch per­cent z ceny tova­ru. Naj­dô­le­ži­tej­ší­mi plo­di­na­mi boli ľankono­pe, z nich sa liso­va­ním zís­ka­val olej. Mly­ny na liso­va­nie tzv. stu­py boli posta­ve­né na Stu­pav­skom poto­ku (stu​pa​va​.sk). Maďa­ri pre­vza­li toto pome­no­va­nie a ešte za čias Veľ­kej Mora­vy vyslo­vo­va­li názov Stom­fa (čitaj Štom­fa) s nosov­kou, ston­pa. Neskôr vo vývo­ji reči doš­lo k záni­ku nosov­ky a ustá­li­la sa stu­pa. Pri­da­ním kon­cov­ky ava vznik­lo pome­no­va­nie Stu­pa­va (Wiki­pe­dia).

Stu­pa­va – a smal­ler town near Bra­ti­sla­va. Fun­ni­ly enough, I used to visit Stu­pa­va quite often, espe­cial­ly in the past, whi­le wor­king on my the­sis. Over three years, I fre­qu­en­ted Stu­pa­va and its sur­roun­dings. After 14 years, I retur­ned with a came­ra and was ama­zed at how the cen­ter around the cast­le has changed.

The town of Stu­pa­va is situ­ated bet­we­en the wes­tern slo­pes of the Small Car­pat­hians and the sout­hern part of the Záhor­ská Lowland at an ele­va­ti­on of 174 meters abo­ve sea level (stu​pa​va​.sk). Cove­ring an area of 6,718 hec­ta­res, with an alti­tu­de of 182 meters abo­ve sea level, it had a popu­la­ti­on of 10,597 at the begin­ning of 2016. The Ger­man name for the town is Stamp­fen, and in Hun­ga­rian, it’s Stom­fa (Maj­tán, 1998). The vil­la­ge­’s cadas­tral ter­ri­to­ry inc­lu­des a part of the natu­ral reser­ve Pod Pajš­tú­nom. The first writ­ten men­ti­on of the vil­la­ge dates back to 1269. The sout­hern part of Stu­pa­va inc­lu­des Mást, which beca­me part of the town in 1953. Some parts of Mást are: Dzí­leč­ky, Kre­me­ni­ce, Kop­ce, Novi­ny, Malé grun­ty, Sed­lič­ky, Záh­rad­ky, Záhu­me­ni­ce, Pís­ky, Hajp­ród, Nová hora, Dol­ná hora, Gref­ty, Tren­ky, Lin­grá­by, Lin­tá­vy. Parts of the town: Mást, Dúb­ra­vy, Kre­me­ni­ca, Koló­nia, Vinoh­ra­dy (Wiki­pe­dia).

Stu­pa­va Lake is loca­ted in the town cen­ter, near the cast­le. Fol­lo­wing it is a park that resem­bles more of an arbo­re­tum than an urban park. The Baro­que cast­le lies on the edge of the park in the his­to­ri­cal cen­ter of Stu­pa­va. Ori­gi­nal­ly, the­re was a water cast­le on its site, which beca­me the cen­ter of the Pajš­tún esta­te in 1280. In the mid-​17th cen­tu­ry, the Pál­fys rebu­ilt it into an ear­ly Baro­que for­ti­fied cast­le. The natu­ral park was estab­lis­hed in 1867 by the Káro­ly­is. The park area used to hou­se a Coun­t’s bre­we­ry, mill, and seve­ral ponds (Pro­keš, Pro­ke­šo­vá). Cur­ren­tly, the cast­le ser­ves as a seni­or home (stu​pa​va​.sk). In the park, you can find, for exam­ple, Nord­mann fir, Lawso­n’s cyp­ress, gink­go bilo­ba, Chi­ne­se juni­per, tulip tree, Japa­ne­se pago­da tree. The park also fea­tu­res a chest­nut alley (stu​pa​va​.sk). The Roman Cat­ho­lic Church of St. Step­hen was built in the mid-​14th cen­tu­ry as a church cast­le. It often chan­ged its appe­a­ran­ce due to exten­si­ons (stu​pa​va​.sk).

In the late 18th cen­tu­ry, the mas­ter potter Šte­fan Putz sett­led in Stu­pa­va, brin­ging with him the kno­wled­ge of making Haban cera­mics cast with lead-​tin gla­ze (faien­ce). His suc­ces­sors were Ján and Fer­di­nand Kos­tkov­ci, later Fer­diš Kos­t­ka, who, in addi­ti­on to tra­di­ti­onal potte­ry, also enga­ged in figu­ra­ti­ve art that made him famous. He beca­me the first nati­onal artist in the his­to­ry of Cze­cho­slo­va­kia. His kiln is the only pre­ser­ved Haban kiln in Cen­tral Euro­pe (stu​pa​va​.sk). Stu­pa­va was also home to Ján Nálep­ka, wri­ter Rudo Moric. The his­to­ri­cal fen­cing group Ursus ope­ra­tes in Stu­pa­va. Seve­ral tra­di­ti­onal events take pla­ce in the town. In March, the­re is an Eas­ter exhi­bi­ti­on of eggs and embro­ide­ries, in July St. James’ Fair, in August Stu­pa­va fes­ti­vi­ties, the Stu­pa­va Coun­try Music Fes­ti­val, and Cab­ba­ge Fes­ti­vi­ties – Cab­ba­ge Day. In Octo­ber, the­re is St. Mar­ti­n’s Fair in Novem­ber, St. Nicho­las’ Fair (Wiki­pe­dia).

The ter­ri­to­ry of Stu­pa­va was sett­led in the Bron­ze Age. The first eth­ni­cal­ly kno­wn inha­bi­tants were Celts (stu​pa​va​.sk). The Romans like­ly built a smal­ler sta­ti­on on a low ele­va­ti­on here during the Mar­co­man­nic Wars (160180), whe­re a Ger­ma­nic sett­le­ment alre­a­dy sto­od. An exten­si­ve cour­ty­ard, pro­tec­ted by a 7070 meter wall, was estab­lis­hed. Arti­facts found inc­lu­de wea­pons, remains of ring armor, cera­mics, jewel­ry, coins, frag­ments of glass ves­sels, and agri­cul­tu­ral tools. Sla­vic sett­le­ment evi­den­ce inc­lu­des a burial ground with cera­mic items from the 6th9th cen­tu­ries in the local Mást dis­trict. Hun­ga­rian King Belo IV men­ti­oned Stu­pa­va for the first time in 1269 in a dona­ti­on deed, cal­ling it Ztum­pa. In the second half of the 13th cen­tu­ry, the Stu­pa­va Sto­ne Cast­le was built, later kno­wn as Pajš­tún, the seat of the Pajš­tún and Stu­pa­va esta­tes. The last owners, the Káro­ly­is, aban­do­ned it in 1945. The local mar­ket and famous fairs were kno­wn throug­hout the regi­on, lea­ding to the estab­lish­ment of a cus­toms sta­ti­on in the town whe­re a three per­cent fee was col­lec­ted for tran­s­por­ted goods. The most impor­tant crops were flax and hemp, from which oil was extrac­ted by pre­ssing. Mills for pre­ssing, cal­led stu­py,” were built on the Stu­pa­va Stre­am (stu​pa​va​.sk). Hun­ga­rians adop­ted this name and even during the times of Gre­at Mora­via pro­noun­ced the name Stom­fa (pro­noun­ced Štom­fa) with a nasal sound, ston­pa. Later, in the evo­lu­ti­on of lan­gu­age, the nasal sound disap­pe­a­red, and stu­pa” sta­bi­li­zed. Adding the suf­fix ava” resul­ted in the name Stu­pa­va (Wiki­pe­dia).




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