2004, 2006-2010, 2008, Akvaristika, Časová línia, Do roku 2005, Kapríci, Organizmy, Príroda, Ryby, Živočíchy

Svedok akvaristickej minulosti Carassius auratus

Hits: 26607

Slo­ven­ské syno­ny­mum je závoj­nat­ka. Druh pochá­dza­jú­ci z juho­vý­chod­nej Ázie. Exis­tu­je množ­stvo foriem, závoj­na­tých, zla­tých, čer­ve­ných, atď. Roz­mno­žo­va­nie kara­sov je pomer­ne divo­ká zále­ži­tosť. Množ­stvo ikier je veľ­mi veľ­ké, môže dosa­ho­vať aj 5000 kusov. Kara­sy sa šľach­ti­li už v stre­do­ve­kej Čine, mož­no aj v sta­ro­ve­ku. Karas je ryba, kto­rá je väč­šie­ho vzras­tu, závoj­nat­ky sú men­šie for­my, ale i závoj­nat­ku môže­me zara­diť medzi veľ­ké ryby. Závoj­nat­ky znač­ne bag­ru­jú dno, rast­li­ny čas­to vytr­há­va­jú. Pre­to by som odpo­rú­čal cho­vať ich buď v nádr­ži bez rast­lín, ale­bo s pev­ne upev­ne­ný­mi rast­li­na­mi o veľ­ké kame­ne ale­bo inú deko­rá­ciu. Prí­pad­ne by som sa orien­to­val na skôr na pev­nej­šie dru­hy ako napr. Echi­no­do­rus, Anu­bias, Cryp­to­co­ry­ne. Neod­po­rú­čam naj­mä kara­sy cho­vať spo­lu s iný­mi druh­mi rýb. Ich lát­ko­vá pre­me­na pre­bie­ha­jú­ca v trá­via­cej sústa­ve vôbec nie je doko­na­lá a tie­to vyvr­hnu­té pro­duk­ty sú pomer­ne jedo­va­té pre iné dru­hy rýb. To je aj dôvod na to, aby sme počí­ta­li na jed­né­ho jedin­ca viac lit­rov vody, aby sme zabez­pe­či­li dob­rú fil­trá­ciu nádr­že. Pre­šľach­te­né zla­té kara­sy – Caras­sius aura­tus aura­tus. Závoj­nat­ky – Caras­sius aura­tus aura­tus var. bicau­da­tus. Exis­tu­jú for­my, kto­ré majú tele­sko­pic­ké oči, baló­no­vé oči, kedy sú očné vieč­ka ako­by nafúk­nu­té do veľ­kos­ti hla­vy jedin­ca. Šľach­te­nie foriem nepoz­ná hádam hra­ni­ce. Nie som zás­tan­com foriem, kto­ré sú na úkor živo­čí­cha ako také­ho. Regis­tru­jem tie­to for­my: tele, kome­ta, shu­bun­kin, ryukin, čer­ve­ná kar­kul­ka, deme­kin – tele­skop­ka, čóten­gan – nebo­hľad­ka, suiho­gon – bub­li­noč­ka, ran­chu – levia hla­va, oran­da, fan­cy, veil­tail, red­cap oran­da, pearls­ca­le, fan­tail, celes­tial, bub­li­na, black moor, cali­co. čier­na tele­skop­ka, baló­no­vé oko, bub­li­noč­ka, nebo­hľad­ka, teleskopka.

The Slo­vak syno­nym is zavoj­nat­ka”. Spe­cies ori­gi­na­ting from Sout­he­ast Asia. The­re are many forms, veil-​tails, gold­fish, red ones, etc. Bre­e­ding carps is a rela­ti­ve­ly wild affair. The amount of eggs is very lar­ge, rea­ching up to 5000 pie­ces. Carps have been bred in medie­val Chi­na, per­haps even in ancient times. The carp is a lar­ger fish, whi­le the veil-​tails are smal­ler forms, but they can also be clas­si­fied as lar­ge fish. Veil-​tails sig­ni­fi­can­tly stir up the bot­tom, often upro­oting plants. The­re­fo­re, I would recom­mend kee­ping them eit­her in a tank wit­hout plants or with firm­ly ancho­red plants or lar­ge rocks as deco­ra­ti­on. Alter­na­ti­ve­ly, I would focus more on har­dy spe­cies such as Echi­no­do­rus, Anu­bias, Cryp­to­co­ry­ne. I do not recom­mend kee­ping carps espe­cial­ly with other fish spe­cies. The­ir meta­bo­lic pro­cess in the diges­ti­ve sys­tem is not per­fect, and the­se exc­re­ted pro­ducts are quite toxic to other fish spe­cies. That is also the rea­son why we should count on one indi­vi­du­al per more liters of water to ensu­re good tank fil­tra­ti­on. Bred gold­fish – Caras­sius aura­tus aura­tus. Veil-​tails – Caras­sius aura­tus aura­tus var. bicau­da­tus. The­re are forms that have teles­co­pic eyes, bal­lo­on eyes, whe­re the eyelids are infla­ted to the size of the indi­vi­du­al’s head. The bre­e­ding of forms kno­ws no limits. I am not a pro­po­nent of forms that come at the expen­se of the ani­mal itself. I regis­ter the­se forms: tele, comet, shu­bun­kin, ryukin, red cap, deme­kin – teles­co­pe, chou­ten­gan – bubble-​eye, suiho­gon – bubble-​eye, ran­chu – lion’s head, oran­da, fan­cy, veil­tail, red­cap oran­da, pearls­ca­le, fan­tail, celes­tial, bubble-​eye, black moor, cali­co, black teles­co­pe, bubble-​eye, telescope.

Das slo­wa­kis­che Syno­nym ist Zavoj­nat­ka”. Die Art stammt aus Südos­ta­sien. Es gibt vie­le For­men, Sch­le­iersch­wän­ze, Gold­fis­che, rote, usw. Die Zucht von Karp­fen ist eine rela­tiv wil­de Ange­le­gen­he­it. Die Men­ge an Eiern ist sehr groß und kann bis zu 5000 Stück bet­ra­gen. Karp­fen wur­den im mit­te­lal­ter­li­chen Chi­na gezüch­tet, viel­le­icht sogar schon in der Anti­ke. Der Karp­fen ist ein größe­rer Fisch, wäh­rend die Sch­le­iersch­wän­ze kle­i­ne­re For­men sind, aber auch als gro­ße Fis­che ein­ges­tuft wer­den kön­nen. Sch­le­iersch­wän­ze wir­beln den Boden deut­lich auf und rei­ßen oft Pflan­zen heraus. Daher wür­de ich emp­feh­len, sie ent­we­der in einem Tank ohne Pflan­zen oder mit fest veran­ker­ten Pflan­zen oder gro­ßen Ste­i­nen als Deko­ra­ti­on zu hal­ten. Alter­na­tiv wür­de ich mich eher auf robus­te Arten wie Echi­no­do­rus, Anu­bias, Cryp­to­co­ry­ne kon­zen­trie­ren. Ich emp­feh­le nicht, Karp­fen beson­ders mit ande­ren Fis­char­ten zu hal­ten. Ihr Stof­fwech­selp­ro­zess im Ver­dau­ungs­sys­tem ist nicht per­fekt, und die­se aus­ges­chie­de­nen Pro­duk­te sind ziem­lich gif­tig für ande­re Fis­char­ten. Das ist auch der Grund, warum wir mit einer Per­son pro mehr Liter Was­ser rech­nen soll­ten, um eine gute Tank­fil­tra­ti­on zu gewähr­le­is­ten. Gezüch­te­te Gold­fis­che – Caras­sius aura­tus aura­tus. Sch­le­iersch­wän­ze – Caras­sius aura­tus aura­tus var. bicau­da­tus. Es gibt For­men, die tele­sko­pis­che Augen, Bal­lo­nau­gen haben, bei denen die Augen­li­der auf die Größe des Kop­fes des Indi­vi­du­ums auf­geb­la­sen sind. Die Zucht von For­men kennt kei­ne Gren­zen. Ich bin kein Befür­wor­ter von For­men, die auf Kos­ten des Tie­res selbst gehen. Ich mel­de die­se For­men an: Tele, Komet, Shu­bun­kin, Ryukin, Rote Kap­pe, Deme­kin – Tele­skop, Chou­ten­gan – Bubble-​Eye, Suiho­gon – Bubble-​Eye, Ran­chu – Löwen­kopf, Oran­da, Fan­cy, Veil­tail, Red­cap Oran­da, Per­len­ma­ßs­tab, Fächersch­wanz, Himm­lisch, Bubble-​Eye, Sch­war­zer Moor, Cali­co, Sch­war­zes Tele­skop, Bubble-​Eye, Teleskop.



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Akvaristika, Organizmy, Príroda, Rastliny, Ryby, Vodné rastliny, Živočíchy

Chované ryby a vodné rastliny

Hits: 84764

Akva­ris­ti­ke sa aktív­nej­šie venu­jem asi od roku 1990. Svo­je prvé ryby som mal asi v roku 1982. Cho­val odvte­dy množ­stvo rýb, od gurám, tetier, mečo­viek, gupiek, ska­lá­rov, až po cich­li­dy, dánia, neón­ky, závoj­nat­ky, všet­ko mož­né. Venu­jem sa aj troš­ku akva­ris­tic­ké­mu spo­lo­čen­ské­mu živo­tu. Svoj­ho času som bol čle­nom klu​bu​.akva​.sk. Okrem toho som zvo­lá­val stret­nu­tia v Bra­ti­sla­ve, na kto­rých sa za cca 3 roky pre­s­trie­da­lo viac ako 200 ľudí. Cho­dím na výsta­vy, akva­ris­tic­ké a cho­va­teľ­ské veľ­tr­hy, poznám množ­stvo akva­ris­tov, cho­va­te­ľov. Bol som medzi­ná­rod­ný posu­dzo­va­teľ Poeci­lia reti­cu­la­ta v rám­ci IKGH a posu­dzo­va­teľ živo­ro­dých rýb. Okrem toho pub­li­ku­jem člán­ky, svo­je, ale aj člán­ky a foto­gra­fie iných autorov.

Dru­ho­vé bohat­stvo cho­va­ných rýb, kre­viet, sli­má­kov v súčas­nos­ti a v minu­los­ti – 135 druhov. 

I have been acti­ve­ly enga­ged in aqu­ariums sin­ce around 1990. I had my first fish around 1982. Sin­ce then, I have rai­sed a varie­ty of fish, from gou­ra­mis, tetras, sword­tails, gup­pies, angel­fish, to cich­lids, dani­os, neon tetras, and gold­fish, among others. I also par­ti­ci­pa­te in the aqu­arium com­mu­ni­ty. I was a mem­ber of the club​.akva​.sk at one point. Addi­ti­onal­ly, I orga­ni­zed mee­tings in Bra­ti­sla­va, atten­ded by more than 200 peop­le over app­ro­xi­ma­te­ly three years. I attend exhi­bi­ti­ons, aqu­arium, and bre­e­ding fairs, and I know many aqu­arium hob­by­ists and bre­e­ders. I ser­ved as an inter­na­ti­onal jud­ge for Poeci­lia reti­cu­la­ta wit­hin IKGH and as a jud­ge for live­be­a­ring fish. Besi­des, I pub­lish artic­les, both my own and con­tri­bu­ti­ons from other aut­hors, along with accom­pa­ny­ing photographs.

The spe­cies rich­ness of the kept fish, shrimp, and snails cur­ren­tly and in the past – 135 species.

Ich bes­chäf­ti­ge mich seit unge­fähr 1990 aktiv mit der Aqu­aris­tik. Mei­ne ers­ten Fis­che hat­te ich unge­fähr 1982. Seit­dem habe ich eine Viel­zahl von Fis­chen gezüch­tet, von Gura­mis, Tetras, Sch­wertt­rä­gern, Gup­pys, Ska­la­ren bis hin zu Bunt­bars­chen, Dani­os, Neons, Sch­le­iersch­wän­zen und vie­lem mehr. Ich wid­me mich auch ein wenig dem geme­in­schaft­li­chen Leben in der Aqu­aris­tik. Ich war zeit­we­i­se Mitg­lied des club​.akva​.sk. Darüber hinaus habe ich Tref­fen in Bra­ti­sla­va orga­ni­siert, an denen über etwa drei Jah­re hin­weg mehr als 200 Per­so­nen teil­ge­nom­men haben. Ich besu­che Auss­tel­lun­gen, Aquaristik- und Züch­ter­mes­sen und ken­ne vie­le Aqu­aria­ner und Züch­ter. Ich war inter­na­ti­ona­ler Rich­ter für Poeci­lia reti­cu­la­ta im Rah­men der IKGH und Rich­ter für lebend­ge­bä­ren­de Fis­che. Außer­dem veröf­fen­tli­che ich Arti­kel, sowohl eige­ne als auch Beit­rä­ge von ande­ren Auto­ren, zusam­men mit beg­le­i­ten­den Fotografien.

Die Arten­viel­falt der gehal­te­nen Fis­che, Gar­ne­len und Schnec­ken bet­rägt der­ze­it und in der Ver­gan­gen­he­it 135 Arten.

Momen­tál­ne X druhov:

  1. Poeci­lia reticulata
  2. Iodot­rop­he­us spreneraer
  3. Cyr­to­ca­ra moorii

V minu­los­ti (135):

  1. Aequ­idens pulcher
  2. Ama­tit­la­nia nigrofasciata
  3. Ancis­trus cf. cirrhosus
  4. Ancis­trus cf. cirr­ho­sus Albino
  5. Aphy­o­cha­rax anisitsi
  6. Apis­to­gram­ma agas­si­zii Fire Red
  7. Apis­to­gram­ma vie­ji­ta Red
  8. Asta­to­ti­la­pia latifasciata
  9. Aulo­no­ca­ra jacobf­re­i­ber­gi Eureka
  10. Aulo­no­ca­ra maleri
  11. Aulo­no­ca­ra sp. OB
  12. Aulo­no­ca­ra sp. Fire Fish”
  13. Bar­bus conchonius
  14. Bar­bus tetrazona
  15. Bar­bus titteya
  16. Bet­ta splendens
  17. Boehl­kea fredcochui
  18. Bora­ras brigittae
  19. Bora­ras maculatus
  20. Bora­ras urophthalmoides
  21. Cari­no­tet­ra­odon travancoricus
  22. Celes­ticht­hys margaritatus
  23. Cic­hlas­so­ma sajica
  24. Cnes­te­ro­don decemmaculatus
  25. Coli­sa chuna
  26. Coli­sa labiosa
  27. Coli­sa lalia
  28. Coli­sa lalia Blue
  29. Coli­sa lalia Cobalt
  30. Coli­sa lalia Red
  31. Copa­dic­hro­mis azuereus
  32. Copa­dic­hro­mis bor­le­yi kadan­go Red Fin
  33. Copa­dic­hro­mis ivo­ry Undu Reef
  34. Cory­do­ras aeneus
  35. Cory­do­ras elegans
  36. Cory­do­ras habrosus
  37. Cory­do­ras hastatus
  38. Cory­do­ras julli
  39. Cory­do­ras nanus
  40. Cory­do­ras paleatus
  41. Cory­do­ras pale­a­tus Albino
  42. Cory­do­ras panda
  43. Cory­do­ras pygmaeus
  44. Cory­do­ras sp. Black Venezuela
  45. Cory­do­ras sterbai
  46. Cte­noc­hro­mis horei
  47. Cyno­ti­la­pia afra
  48. Cyp­ho­ti­la­pia gibberosa
  49. Cyp­ric­hro­mis lep­to­so­ma Mpulungu
  50. Cyr­to­ca­ra moorii
  51. Danio fran­kei
  52. Danio chop­rae
  53. Dic­ros­sus filamentosus
  54. Girar­di­nus falcatus
  55. Girar­di­nus metallicus
  56. Hemic­hro­mis bimaculatus
  57. Hemic­hro­mis lifalili
  58. Hemi­gram­mus cau­do­vit­ta­tus gold
  59. Hemi­gram­mus rhodostomus
  60. Hemi­gram­mus rodwayi
  61. Hemic­hro­mis bima­cu­la­tus x lifalili
  62. Hete­ran­dria formosa
  63. Hyp­hes­sob­ry­con amandae
  64. Hyp­hes­sob­ry­con bentosi
  65. Hyp­hes­sob­ry­con erythrozonus
  66. Hyp­hes­sob­ry­con flammeus
  67. Hyp­hes­sob­ry­con flam­me­us diamant
  1. Cha­pa­licht­hys pardalis
  2. Ily­o­don whitei
  3. Iodot­rop­he­us spriengerae
  4. Iriat­he­ri­na werneri
  5. Juli­doc­hro­mis marlieri
  6. Labe­ot­rop­he­us tre­wa­va­sae rosa
  7. Labe­ot­rop­he­us tre­wa­wa­sae Thum­bi West Red Top
  8. Labi­doc­hro­mis caeruleus
  9. Labi­doc­hro­mis cae­ru­le­us Chadagha
  10. Labi­doc­hro­mis hon­gi Sweden
  11. Limia mela­no­gas­ter
  12. Limia tri­dens
  13. Mac­ro­po­dus opercularis
  14. May­lan­dia est­he­rae Mar­ma­la­de Cat
  15. May­lan­dia est­he­rae O morph
  16. May­lan­dia lombardoi
  17. Mela­noc­hro­mis auratus
  18. Mela­noc­hro­mis aura­tus Albino
  19. Mela­noc­hro­mis cyaneorhabdos
  20. Mela­noc­hro­mis johannii
  21. Moen­khau­sia columbiana
  22. Mic­ro­po­eci­lia bifurca
  23. Nema­tob­ry­con palmeri
  24. Nan­na­ca­ra ano­ma­la Elect­ric Blue
  25. Nan­nos­to­mus beckfordi
  26. Nan­nos­to­mus marginatus
  27. Neolam­pro­lo­gus brichardi
  28. Neolam­pro­lo­gus buescheri
  29. Neolam­pro­lo­gus leleupi
  30. Nim­boc­hro­mis venustus
  31. Not­hob­ran­chius kilomberoensis
  32. Ory­zias woworae
  33. Oto­cinc­lus affinis
  34. Para­che­i­ro­don axelrodi
  35. Para­che­i­ro­don innesi
  36. Para­che­i­ro­don simulans
  37. Pel­vi­cac­hro­mis tae­nia­tus Lobe”
  38. Phal­licht­hys quadripunctatus
  39. Poeci­lia reti­cu­la­ta wild form
  40. Poeci­lia wingei
  41. Poeci­lia win­gei Black Silverado”
  42. Poeci­lia sphenops
  43. Poeci­lia sphe­nops Gold molly
  44. Pri­stel­la maxillaris
  45. Pse­udot­rop­he­us crabro
  46. Pse­udot­rop­he­us demasoni
  47. Pse­udot­rop­he­us elon­ga­tus mpanga
  48. Pse­udot­rop­he­us sau­lo­si coral
  49. Pse­udot­rop­he­us socolofi
  50. Pse­udot­rop­he­us soco­lo­fi albin
  51. Pse­udot­rop­he­us williamsi
  52. Pse­udot­rop­he­us zeb­ra red blue
  53. Pun­tius conchonius
  54. Ras­bo­ra borapetensis
  55. Ras­bo­ra heteromorpha
  56. Ste­a­toc­ra­nus casuarius
  57. Tanicht­hys albonubes
  58. Tanicht­hys albo­nu­bes long fin
  59. Tanicht­hys micagemmae
  60. Tri­cho­gas­ter leeri
  61. Tri­cho­gas­ter trichopterus
  62. Tri­cho­gas­ter tri­chop­te­rus sumatranus
  63. Trop­he­us duboisi
  64. Xip­hop­ho­rus helleri
  65. Xip­hop­ho­rus maculatus
  66. Xip­hop­ho­rus nezahualcoyotl
  67. Xip­hop­ho­rus variatus
  68. Xip­hop­ho­rus signum

Bez­sta­vov­ce (10): 

  1. Cari­di­na japonica
  2. Fau­nus ater
  3. Mari­sa cornuarietis
  4. Mela­no­ides tuberculata
  5. Neoca­ri­di­na heteropoda
  6. Neri­ti­na parallela
  7. Neri­ti­na turrita
  8. Neri­ti­na zebra
  9. Poma­cea bridgesi
  10. Tylo­me­la­nia sp. Orange

Vod­né rast­li­ny (177)

  1. Alter­nant­he­ra bett­zic­kia­na aurea
  2. Alter­nant­he­ra bett­zic­kia­na red
  3. Alter­nant­he­ra colo­ra­ta thin
  4. Alter­nant­he­ra liliacina
  5. Alter­nant­he­ra reineckii
  6. Alter­nant­he­ra rei­nec­kii Bron­zed”
  7. Alter­nant­he­ra rei­nec­kii Rosa­ner­vig”
  8. Alter­nant­he­ra rei­nec­kii Pink Roseafolia‘
  9. Alter­nant­he­ra rei­nec­kii Purp­le‘
  10. Alter­nant­he­ra rubra
  11. Alter­nant­he­ra splendens
  12. Amma­nia gracilis
  13. Amma­nia senegalensis
  14. Amma­nia sp. Bonsai
  15. Anu­bias angustifolia
  16. Anu­bias barteri
  17. Anu­bias bar­te­ri Cof­fe­i­fo­lia”
  18. Anu­bias bar­te­ri var. glabra
  19. Anu­bias congensis
  20. Anu­bias gigantea
  21. Anu­bias hastifolia
  22. Anu­bias heterophylla
  23. Anu­bias lanceolata
  24. Apo­no­ge­ton boivinianus
  25. Apo­no­ge­ton gottlebei
  26. Apo­no­ge­ton henkelianus
  27. Apo­no­ge­ton madagascarensis
  28. Apo­no­ge­ton ulvaceus
  29. Apo­no­ge­ton undulatus
  30. Apo­no­ge­ton longiplumosus
  31. Baco­pa amplexicaulis
  32. Baco­pa caroliniana
  33. Bly­xa japonica
  34. Bol­bi­tis heudelotii
  35. Bucep­ha­lan­dra sp. achilles
  36. Bucep­ha­lan­dra sp. bro­wnie blue
  37. Bucep­ha­lan­dra sp. centipede
  38. Bucep­ha­lan­dra sp. godzilla
  39. Bucep­ha­lan­dra sp. laman­dau green
  40. Bucep­ha­lan­dra sp. red biblis
  41. Bucep­ha­lan­dra sp. sang­gau mini
  42. Bucep­ha­lan­dra sp. turquoise
  43. Cabom­ba aquatica
  44. Cabom­ba caroliniana
  45. Cabom­ba piauhyensis
  46. Cera­top­hyl­lum demersum
  47. Cera­top­te­ris thalictroides
  48. Cla­dop­ho­ra aegagropila
  49. Cras­su­la helmsii
  50. Cri­num calamistratum
  51. Cri­num natans
  52. Cryp­to­co­ry­ne affinis
  53. Cryp­to­co­ry­ne aponogetifolia
  54. Cryp­to­co­ry­ne beckettii
  55. Cryp­to­co­ry­ne eva
  56. Cryp­to­co­ry­ne hudoroi
  57. Cryp­to­co­ry­ne parva
  58. Cryp­to­co­ry­ne petchii
  59. Cryp­to­co­ry­ne pontederiifolia
  60. Cryp­to­co­ry­ne spiralis
  61. Cryp­to­co­ry­ne tropica
  62. Cryp­to­co­ry­ne walkeri
  63. Cryp­to­co­ry­ne wend­tii Gre­en”
  64. Cryp­to­co­ry­ne wend­tii Rub­ra”
  65. Cryp­to­co­ry­ne wend­tii Tro­pi­ca”
  66. Didip­lis diandra
  67. Ege­ria densa
  68. Echi­no­do­rus Beau­ty Red”
  69. Echi­no­do­rus Har­bich rot”
  70. Echi­no­do­rus Indian Red”
  71. Echi­no­do­rus Krap­čat­nyj”
  72. Echi­no­do­rus Mer­ce­des”
  73. Echi­no­do­rus Red Flame”
  74. Echi­no­do­rus Rubin nar­row leaf”
  75. Echi­no­do­rus Kle­i­ner Bär‘
  76. Echi­no­do­rus Oze­lot Green‘
  77. Echi­no­do­rus Oze­lot‘
  78. Echi­no­do­rus Red Diamond‘
  79. Echi­no­do­rus Rose‘
  80. Echi­no­do­rus Rubin‘
  81. Echi­no­do­rus ×bart­hii
  82. Echi­no­do­rus argentinensis
  83. Echi­no­do­rus cordifolius
  84. Echi­no­do­rus gri­se­ba­chii (ble­he­rae)
  85. Echi­no­do­rus gri­se­ba­chii Tro­pi­ca‘
  86. Echi­no­do­rus horizontalis
  87. Echi­no­do­rus hybr.
  88. Echi­no­do­rus latifolius
  89. Echi­no­do­rus maculatus
  1. Echi­no­do­rus quadricostatus
  2. Echi­no­do­rus uruguayensis
  3. Ele­ocha­ris acicularis
  4. Ele­ocha­ris parvulus
  5. Ele­ocha­ris viviparus
  6. Eus­te­ra­lis stellata
  7. Fis­si­dens fontanus
  8. Glos­sos­tig­ma elatinoides
  9. Helant­hium tenellum
  10. Hemiant­hus callitrichoides
  11. Hemiant­hus cal­lit­ri­cho­ides sp.“Cuba”
  12. Hemiant­hus micranthemoides
  13. Hete­rant­he­ra zosterifolia
  14. Hot­to­nia inflata
  15. Hot­to­nia palustris
  16. Hyd­ro­co­ty­le sp. Japan
  17. Hyd­ro­co­ty­le sp. Thailand
  18. Hyd­ro­co­ty­le verticillata
  19. Hyd­ro­t­ri­che hottoniflora
  20. Hyg­rop­hi­la angustifolia
  21. Hyg­rop­hi­la corym­bo­sa minima
  22. Hyg­rop­hi­la difformis
  23. Hyg­rop­hi­la guyanensis
  24. Hyg­rop­hi­la pinnatifida
  25. Hyg­rop­hi­la polysperma
  26. Hyg­rop­hi­la polys­per­ma Rosa­ner­vig”
  27. Hyg­rop­hi­la polys­per­ma Sun­set”
  28. Hyg­rop­hi­la rubella
  29. Hyg­rop­hi­la sp. Araguaia
  30. Lem­na minor
  31. Lila­e­op­sis brasiliensis
  32. Lila­e­op­sis carolinensis
  33. Lila­e­op­sis novae-zelandiae
  34. Lim­nop­hi­la aquatica
  35. Lim­nop­hi­la aromatica
  36. Lim­nop­hi­la hip­pu­ro­ides Red
  37. Lim­nop­hi­la sessiliflora
  38. Lin­der­nia rotundifolia
  39. Lito­rel­la uniflora
  40. Lobe­lia cardinalis
  41. Lobe­lia car­di­na­lis nana
  42. Ludwi­gia arcu­ata × repens
  43. Ludwi­gia glandulosa
  44. Ludwi­gia inc­li­na­ta Crys­tal
  45. Ludwi­gia inc­li­na­ta Cur­ly
  46. Ludwi­gia inc­li­na­ta sp. Cuba
  47. Ludwi­gia perennis 
  48. Ludwi­gia quadricostata
  49. Ludwi­gia repens
  50. Lysi­ma­chia nummularia
  51. Mar­si­lea crenata
  52. Mar­si­lea quadrifolia
  53. May­aca fluviatilis
  54. Mic­rant­he­mum umbro­sum Mon­te Carlo‘
  55. Mic­ro­so­rium pteropus
  56. Mic­ro­so­rium pte­ro­pus Win­de­lov‘
  57. Mono­se­le­nium tenerum
  58. Myri­op­hyl­lum aquaticum
  59. Myri­op­hyl­lum tuber­cu­la­tum Red‘
  60. Myri­op­hyl­lum ussuriense
  61. Nesa­ea crassicaulis
  62. Nesa­ea pedicellata
  63. Nymp­ha­ea lotus Gre­en”
  64. Nymp­ha­ea lotus Red”
  65. Nymp­ha­ea lotus Rosa”
  66. Nymp­ho­ides sp. Taiwan
  67. Pis­tia stratioides
  68. Pla­gi­om­nium affine
  69. Pogos­te­mom erectus
  70. Pogos­te­mom helferi
  71. Pogos­te­mom stellata
  72. Pro­ser­pi­na­ca palus­tris Cuba”
  73. Ranun­cu­lus papulentus
  74. Ric­cia fluitans
  75. Rota­la macrandra
  76. Rota­la najean
  77. Rota­la rotundifolia
  78. Rota­la russila
  79. Rota­la wallichii
  80. Sagit­ta­ria subulata
  81. Sal­vi­nia auriculata
  82. Shin­ner­sia rivularis
  83. Stau­ro­gy­ne repens
  84. Utri­cu­la­ria graminifolia
  85. Val­lis­ne­ria americana
  86. Val­lis­ne­ria nana
  87. Val­lis­ne­ria tortissima
  88. Vesi­cu­la­ria dubayana

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Akvaristická literatúra

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Slo­ven­ská literatúra

  • Čer­ný J., Toper­cer E., 1991: Cho­vá­me akvá­ri­ové ryby, Prí­ro­da, 3. vyd., 170 pp.
  • Dokou­pil Nor­bert, 1999: Moder­né mečú­ne, SAP, ISBN 8088908256, 67 pp.
  • Dokou­pil Nor­bert, 1980: Prvé akvá­ri­um, 53 pp.
  • James Bar­ry, 2003: Akvá­ri­ové rast­li­ny, 120 pp.
  • Pay­san Klaus, 1995: Akva­rij­ní ryby, Granit
  • Van­ko Kamil, 1998: Cho­vá­me závoj­nat­ky, Kon­tak Plus, ISBN 8088855225, 55 pp.
  • May­land Hen­ry J., 1999: Slad­ko­vod­né akvá­ri­um, Art Area, 145 pp.

Čes­ká literatúra

  • Čítek J., Svo­bo­do­vá Z., Tesa­řík J., 1998: Nemo­ci slad­ko­vod­ních a akva­rij­ních ryb, Střed­ní rybá­řs­ká ško­la Vod­ňa­ny, Praha
  • Dařbu­ján Hynek, 1998: Mor­ská akva­ris­ti­ka, Stu­dio Pre­ss, s.r.o., Čáslav, 122 pp.
  • Dokou­pil Nor­bert, 1981: Živo­rod­ky. Tech­ni­ka cho­vu, bio­lo­gie dru­hů, stan­dar­dy, SZN, Praha.
  • Dra­ho­tuš­ský Zde­něk, Novák Jin­dřich, 2000, Jota, s.r.o., Brno, ISBN 8072171240, 304 pp.
  • Frank Sta­ni­slav, Rataj Karel, Zukal Rudolf, 1982: 333 x jak a proč, Své­po­moc, Praha.
  • Frank Sta­ni­slav, 1984: Akva­ris­ti­ka, Prá­ce, Edí­cia Del­fín, Pra­ha, 364 pp.
  • Frank Sta­ni­slav, 1977: Jak žijí ryby, Artia, Praha.
  • Frank Sta­ni­slav, 2000: Slad­ko­vod­ná akva­ris­ti­ka, Ces­ty, Pra­ha, ISBN 8071812188, 247 pp.
  • Frank Sta­ni­slav, 1989: Veľ­ký oba­zo­vý atlas rýb, Mla­dé letá, Bra­ti­sla­va, 2. vyd..
  • Hej­ný Sla­vo­mil a kol., 2000: Rost­li­ny vod a pobře­ží, East West Pub­lis­hing Com­pa­ny & East West Pub­lis­hing, Pra­ha, ISBN 8072190008, 118 pp.
  • Hie­ro­ni­mus Har­ro, 1999: Živo­rod­ky, Pra­ha, Vašut, ISBN 8072360892, 72 pp.
  • Hof­mann Jaro­slav, Novák Jin­dřich, 1996: Akva­ris­ti­ka. Jak cho­vat tro­pic­ké ryby jinak a lépe, X‑Egem, Praha
  • Hof­mann Jaro­slav, Novák Jin­dřich, 2000: Tet­ry, Vašut, 64 pp.
  • Kahl Wal­ly, Kahl Bur­kard, Vogt Die­ter, 1999: Akva­rij­ní ryby, Svojt­ka & Co., ISBN 8072370987, 288 pp.
  • Krček Karel, 1984: Akva­ris­tic­ká elek­tro­tech­ni­ka, Poly­tech­nic­ká kniž­ni­ce, 297 pp.
  • Krček Karel, 1986: Akva­ris­tic­ký tech­ni­ka, Poly­tech­nic­ká kniž­ni­ce, 295 pp.
  • Krček Karel, 1995: 333 zají­ma­vos­tí pro akva­ris­ty, VIK Vimperk.
  • Luc­ký Zde­něk, Zed­ka Vilém, 1964: Akva­ris­ti­ka v kout­ku živé pří­ro­dy, SPN, Praha
  • Rataj Karel, 1980: Akva­ris­ti­ka začí­na u rost­lin, Svépomoc.
  • Rataj Karel, otec & syn, 1998: Akvá­ri­um a rost­li­ny, 150 pp.
  • Sche­ur­man­no­vá Ines, 1999: Akva­rij­ní rost­li­ny, Vašut, ISBN 807236085X, 96 pp.
  • Sch­midt Jür­gen, 2002: BeDe Atlas. Slad­ko­vod­ní akva­rij­ní ryby, BeDe Ver­lag GmbH, Ruhmannsfelden.
  • Vítek Jiří, Kad­lec Jaro­slav, 1988: Halan­čí­ci. Bio­lo­gie, chov, přeh­led dru­hů, KCCH, Praha.
  • Zukal Rudolf, 1984: Akva­rij­ní ryby, Své­po­moc, 2. vyd., 229 pp.
  • Zukal Rudolf, Frank Stan­slav, 1982: Jak se stát akva­ris­tou, Své­po­moc, Praha.
  • Zukal Rudolf, 1975: Zaklá­da­ní a údrž­ba akvá­ria, Své­po­moc, 87 pp.

Cudzo­ja­zyč­ná literatúra

  • Krau­se Hanns‑J., Hand­buch Aqu­arien­was­ser, BeDe Ver­lag, 3 – 927 997005, 128 pp.


  • San­der Mar­tin, Aqu­arien­tech­nik im Süßund See­was­ser, Ulmer, 3800173417, 256 pp.

Prí­rod­né akvária

  • Fohr­man Kjel, 2001: Back to Natu­re Aqu­arium guide. Back to Natu­re. 196 pp.


  • Esch­me­y­er W.N., 1990: Cata­log of the gene­ra of Recent fis­hes. Cali­for­nia Aca­de­my of Scien­ces, San Fran­cis­co, vi + 697 pp.


  • Cook C.D.K., 1990: Aqu­atic Plant Book. SPB Aca­de­mic Pub­lis­hing. The Hagu­em 228 pp.
  • James Bar­ry, 2003: Akvá­ri­ové rast­li­ny, 120 pp.
  • Kas­sel­mann Chris­tel, 1999: Aqu­arien pflan­zen, Eugen Ulmer, 504 pp.
  • Kas­sel­mann Chris­tel, 2001: Echi­no­do­rus, Däh­ne Verlag.
  • Rataj Karel, 1980: Akva­ris­ti­ka začí­na u rost­lin, Svépomoc.
  • Rataj Karel, otec & syn, 1998: Akvá­ri­um a rost­li­ny, 150 pp.
  • Sche­ur­man­no­vá Ines, 1999: Akva­rij­ní rost­li­ny, Vašut, ISBN 807236085X, 96 pp.


  • Fry­er G., 1996: Ende­mism, spe­cia­ti­on and adap­ti­ve radia­ti­on in gre­at lakes. Envi­ron­men­tal Bio­lo­gy of Fis­hes 45: 109 – 131.


  • Dokou­pil Nor­bert, 1999: Moder­né mečú­ne, SAP, ISBN 8088908256, 67 pp.
  • Dokou­pil Nor­bert, 1981: Živo­rod­ky. Tech­ni­ka cho­vu, bio­lo­gie dru­hů, stan­dar­dy, SZN, Praha.
  • End­ler J.A., Hou­de A.E., 1995: Geog­rap­hi­cal varia­ti­on in fema­le pre­fe­ren­ces for male traits in Poeci­lia reti­cu­la­ta. Evo­lu­ti­on 49: 456 – 468
  • Hie­ro­ni­mus Har­ro, 1999: Živo­rod­ky, Pra­ha, Vašut, ISBN 8072360892, 72 pp.


  • Van­ko Kamil, 1998: Cho­vá­me závoj­nat­ky, Kon­tak Plus, ISBN 8088855225, 55 pp.


  • Vítek Jiří, Kad­lec Jaro­slav, 1988: Halan­čí­ci. Bio­lo­gie, chov, přeh­led dru­hů, KCCH, Praha.


  • Bar­low Geor­ge W., 2002: The Cich­lid Fis­hes: Natu­re­’s Grand Expe­ri­ment in Evo­lu­ti­on, Per­se­us Pub­lis­hing, ISBN 0738205281.
  • Erlands­son A., Rib­bink A.J., 1997: Pat­terns of sexu­al size dimorp­hism in Afri­can cich­lid fis­hes. South Afri­can Jour­nal of Scien­ce 93: 498 – 508.
  • Farias I. P., Ortí G., Sam­paio I., Schne­i­der H., Mey­er A., 1999: Mito­chon­drial DNA phy­lo­ge­ny of the fami­ly Cich­li­dae: Monop­hy­ly and fast mole­cu­lar evo­lu­ti­on of the Neot­ro­pi­cal assem­bla­ge. Jour­nal of Mole­cu­lar Evo­lu­ti­on 48: 703 – 711. Link
  • Farias I.P., Ortí G., Mey­er A, 2000: Total evi­den­ce: Mole­cu­les, morp­ho­lo­gy, and the phy­lo­ge­ne­tics of cich­lid fis­hes. Jour­nal of Expe­ri­men­tal Zoolo­gy 288 (1): 76 – 92. Link
  • Fry­er G. 1977: Evo­lu­ti­on of spe­cies flocks of cich­lid fis­hes in Afri­can lakes. Zeitsch­rift für zoolo­gis­che Sys­te­ma­tik und Evo­lu­ti­ons­fors­chung 15: 141 – 165.
  • Keen­le­y­si­de M.H.A. (ed.), 1991: Cich­lid fis­hes. Beha­vi­our, eco­lo­gy and evo­lu­ti­on. (Fish & Fis­he­ries Series Volu­me 2.) Chap­man & Hall, Lon­don; xxii + 378 pages. ISBN 0412322005.
  • Kocher T.D., Con­roy J.A., McKa­ye K.R., Stauf­fer J.R., 1993. Simi­lar morp­ho­lo­gies of cich­lid fis­hes in Lakes Tan­ga­ny­i­ka and Mala­wi are due to con­ver­gen­ce. Mole­cu­lar Phy­lo­ge­ne­tics and Evo­lu­ti­on 2 (2): 158 – 165. Link
  • Konings Ad ed., con­tr., 1991: The Cich­lids Year­bo­ok, Vol. 1., Cich­lid Pre­ss. 96 pp.
  • Konings Ad ed., con­tr., 1992: The Cich­lids Year­bo­ok, Vol. 2., Cich­lid Pre­ss. 96 pp.
  • Konings Ad ed., con­tr., 1993: Enjo­y­ing Cich­lids. Cich­lid Pre­ss. 240 pp.
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  • Konings Ad ed., con­tr., 1994: The Cich­lids Year­bo­ok, Vol. 4., Cich­lid Pre­ss. 96 pp.
  • Konings Ad ed., con­tr., 1995: The Cich­lids Year­bo­ok, Vol. 5., Cich­lid Pre­ss. 96 pp.
  • Konings Ad ed., con­tr., 1996: The Cich­lids Year­bo­ok, Vol. 6., Cich­lid Pre­ss. 96 pp.
  • Konings Ad, 2002: Enjo­y­ing Cich­lids. Second edition.
  • Liem K.F., 1973: Evo­lu­ti­ona­ry stra­te­gies and morp­ho­lo­gi­cal inno­va­ti­ons: Cich­lid pha­ryn­ge­al jaws. Syst. Zool. 22: 425 – 441
  • Loisel­le Paul, 1994: :The Cich­lid Aqu­arium, Tet­ra Pre­ss, ISBN 1564651460, 447 pp
  • Loisel­le Paul, 1993: Fish­ke­e­pers Guide to Afri­can Cich­lid, Tet­ra, ISBN 1564651444
  • Mey­er A., 1993: Phy­lo­ge­ne­tic rela­ti­ons­hips and evo­lu­ti­ona­ry pro­ces­ses in East Afri­can cich­lid fis­hes. Trends in Eco­lo­gy and Evo­lu­ti­on 8: 279 – 284.
  • Rib­bink A.J., 1991: Dis­tri­bu­ti­on and eco­lo­gy of the cich­lids of the Afri­can Gre­at Lakes. Pp. 36 – 59 in Keen­le­y­si­de, M.H.A. (ed.), Cich­lid fis­hes. Beha­vi­our, eco­lo­gy and evo­lu­ti­on. Chap­man & Hall, London.
  • See­hau­sen O., May­hew P.J., van Alp­hen J.J.M., 1999: Evo­lu­ti­on of colour pat­terns in East Afri­can cich­lid fish. Jour­nal of Evo­lu­ti­ona­ry Bio­lo­gy 12 (3): 514 – 534.
  • Stiass­ny M.L.J., 1981: The phy­le­tic sta­tus of the fami­ly Cich­li­dae (Pis­ces, Per­ci­for­mes): A com­pa­ra­ti­ve ana­to­mi­cal inves­ti­ga­ti­on. Nether­lands Jour­nal of Zoolo­gy 31 (2): 275 – 314.
  • Stiass­ny M.L.J., 1991: Phy­lo­ge­ne­tic intra­re­la­ti­ons­hips of the fami­ly Cich­li­dae: An over­view. Pp. 1 – 35 in Keen­le­y­si­de, M.H.A. (ed.), Cich­lid fis­hes. Beha­vi­our, eco­lo­gy and evo­lu­ti­on. Chap­man & Hall, London.
  • Sturm­bau­er C., Mey­er A., 1992: Gene­tic diver­gen­ce, spe­cia­ti­on and morp­ho­lo­gi­cal sta­sis in a line­a­ge of Afri­can cich­lid fis­hes. Natu­re 358 (6387): 578 – 581.
  • Sült­mann H., May­er W.E., 1997: Recons­truc­ti­on of cich­lid phy­lo­ge­ny using nuc­le­ar DNA mar­kers. Pp. 39 – 51 in: Mole­cu­lar Sys­te­ma­tics of Fis­hes. T. Kocher and C. Ste­pien (ed.). Aca­de­mic Pre­ss, San Diego.
  • Tre­wa­vas E. 1949: The ori­gin and evo­lu­ti­on of the cich­lid fis­ches of the Gre­at Afri­can lakes, with spe­cial refe­ren­ce to Lake Nyasa. Comp­tes Ren­dus 13th Con­grès Inter­na­ti­onal de Zoolo­gie 1948: 365 – 368.


  • Au Dick, 1998: Back to Natu­re guide Dis­cus. Back to Natu­re. 128 pp.


  • Boru­cho­vitz David, 2000: Afri­can Cich­lids of Lake Tan­ga­ny­i­ka, TFH Pub­li­ca­ti­ons, ISBN 0793830265.
  • Konings Ad, 1988: Tan­ga­ny­i­ka Cich­lids, Ver­du­ijn Cich­lids. 272 pp.
  • Konings Ad, 1992: Tan­ga­ny­i­ka Sec­rets, Cich­lid Pre­ss. 208 pp.
  • Konings Ad, 1996: Back to Natu­re guide Tan­ga­ny­i­ka Cich­lids. Back to Natu­re. 128 pp.
  • Konings Ad, 1998: Tan­ga­ny­i­ka Cich­lids in the­ir natu­ral habi­tat. Cich­lid Pre­ss, 272 pp.
  • Regan, C.T., 1920: The clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on of the fis­hes of the fami­ly Cich­li­dae. The Tan­ga­ny­i­ka gene­ra. Annals and Maga­zi­ne of Natu­ral His­to­ry (9) 5: 33 – 53.
  • Smith Mark, 1998: Lake Tan­ga­ny­i­kan Cich­lids: Eve­ryt­hing About Pur­cha­sing, Care, Nut­ri­ti­on, Beha­vi­our, & Aqu­arium Main­te­nan­ce, Bar­rons Edu­ca­ti­onal Series, ISBN 0764106155
  • Sturm­bau­er C., Ver­he­y­en E., Ruber L., Mey­er A., 1997. Phy­lo­ge­ne­tic pat­terns in popu­la­ti­ons of cich­lid fis­hes from roc­ky habi­tats in Lake Tan­ga­ny­i­ka. Pp. 97 – 111 in: Mole­cu­lar Sys­te­ma­tics of Fis­hes. T. Kocher and C. Ste­pien (ed.). Aca­de­mic Pre­ss, San Diego.
  • Zur­lo Georg, Brand­stet­ter, 2000: The Tan­ga­ny­i­ka Cich­lid Aqu­arium, Bar­rons Edu­ca­ti­onal Series, ISBN 0764116436


  • Bor­ne­mann Rai­ner, Hämel Wolf­gang, Ahrens Rena­te E., Rei­se Know How: Sim­bab­we, Bot­swa­na, Mala­wi, Mosam­bik & Sam­bia, Rei­se Know How Ver­lag, ISBN 3896620266, 531 pp.
  • Boru­cho­witz David E., 1997: The guide to ownong mala­wi cich­lids, TFH Pub­li­ca­ti­ons, ISBN 0793803594.
  • Boru­cho­witz David E., 2003: Mala­wi Cich­lids Kee­ping & Bre­e­ding Them in Cap­ti­vi­ty, TFH Pub­li­ca­ti­ons, ISBN 0793803594
  • Deutsch J. C., 1997: Colour diver­si­fi­ca­ti­on in Mala­wi cich­lids: evi­den­ce for adap­ta­ti­on, rein­for­ce­ment, or sexu­al selec­ti­on? Bio­lo­gi­cal Jour­nal of the Lin­ne­an Socie­ty 62: 1 – 14.
  • Ecc­les D.H., Tre­wa­vas E., 1989: Mala­wian cich­lid fis­hes. The clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on of some Hap­loc­hro­mi­ne gene­ra. Lake Fish Movies, Her­ten, Ger­ma­ny, 335 pp.
  • Fry­er G., 1959: Some aspects of evo­lu­ti­on in Lake Nyasa. Evo­lu­ti­on 13 (4): 440 – 451.
  • Fry­er G., 1959: The trop­hic inter­re­la­ti­ons­hips and eco­lo­gy of some lit­to­ral com­mu­ni­ties of Lake Nyasa with espe­cial refe­ren­ce to the fis­hes, and a dis­cus­si­on of the evo­lu­ti­on of a group of rock-​frequenting Cich­li­dae. Pro­ce­e­dings of the Zoolo­gi­cal Socie­ty of Lon­don 132: 153 – 281.
  • Hupe Ilo­na, Rei­sen in Sam­bia und Mala­wi, Ilo­na Hupe Ver­lag, ISBN 3932084217, 368 pp.
  • Iles T.D., 1960: A group of zoop­lank­ton fee­ders of the genus Hap­loc­hro­mis (Cich­li­dae) in Lake Nyasa. Annals and Maga­zi­ne of Natu­ral His­to­ry (13) 2, 1959: 257 – 280. [This paper was pub­lis­hed in the May 1959 issue, but sepa­ra­tes of it inc­lu­de the prin­ted nota­ti­on Pub­lis­hed 15/​3/​1960.”]
  • Jubb R.A, 1967: Fres­hwa­ter fis­hes of sout­hern Afri­ca. A.A. Bal­ke­ma, Cape Town; viii + 248 pp.
  • Konings Ad, 1989: Mala­wi Cich­lids in the­ir natu­ral habi­tat. Ver­du­ijn Cich­lids. ISBN 3928457292, 304 pp. Link
  • Konings Ad, 1990: Ad Konings’ book of Cich­lids and all the other fis­hes of Lake Mala­wi. Tro­pi­cal Fish Hob­by­ist. 496 pp. 0866225277.
  • Konings Ad, 1990: Desc­rip­ti­on of six new Mala­wi cich­lids. TFH maga­zi­ne, vol. 38 (11), pp 110 – 129. (Copa­dic­hro­mis azu­re­us, C. mben­jii, C. ver­du­ij­ni, Otop­ha­rynx wal­te­ri, Iodot­rop­he­us stu­artg­ran­ti, and Pse­udot­rop­he­us saulosi).
  • Konings Ad, 1993: A revi­si­on of the genus Scia­e­noc­hro­mis Ecc­les & Tre­wa­vas, 1989 (Pis­ces, Cich­li­dae). The Cich­lids Year­bo­ok, vol. 3, pp 28 – 36. (Scia­e­noc­hro­mis fry­eri, S. psam­mop­hi­lus, S. benthicola).
  • Konings Ad, 1994: Pse­udot­rop­he­us dema­so­ni sp. nov.: a sexu­al­ly mono­morp­hic cich­lid from the Tan­za­nian coast of Lake Mala­wi. The Cich­lids Year­bo­ok, vol. 4, pp 24 – 27. (Pse­udot­rop­he­us demasoni).
  • Konings Ad, 1995. A review of the sand-​dwelling spe­cies of the genus Aulo­no­ca­ra, with the desc­rip­ti­on of three new spe­cies. The Cich­lids Year­bo­ok, vol. 5, pp 26 – 36. (Aulo­no­ca­ra ger­tru­dae, A. bre­vi­ni­dus, and A. aquilonium).
  • Konings Ad, 1995: Mala­wi Cich­lids in the­ir natu­ral habi­tat, 2nd Edi­ti­on. Cich­lid Pre­ss. 352 pp.
  • Konings Ad, 1996: Atlas der Malawisee-​Cichliden. Vol. 1 and Vol 2., BeDe Ver­lag. 304 and 288 pp.
  • Konings Ad, 1997: Back to Natu­re guide Mala­wi Cich­lids. Back to Natu­re. 128 pp.
  • Konings Ad, 2000. Desc­rip­ti­on of Three New Copa­dic­hro­mis Spe­cies (Lab­ro­idei; Cich­li­dae) from Lake Mala­wi, Afri­ca. TFH maga­zi­ne, vol. 47 (9) May: pp 62 – 85 (Copa­dic­hro­mis ile­si, C. geert­si, and C. trewavasae).
  • Konings Ad, 2001: Mala­wi Cich­lid in the­ir natu­ral habi­tat. 3rd Edi­ti­on. 352 pp. Cich­lid Press
  • Konings Ad, 2002: The Cich­lids of Lake Mala­wi. Prog­ram for sear­ching fish names and loca­li­ty names; >5000 photos.
  • Konings Ad, ed. 1989: Mala­wian Cich­lid Fis­hes. The clas­si­fi­ca­ti­on of some hap­loc­hro­mi­ne gene­ra by David H. Ecc­les and Ethe­lwynn Tre­wa­vas. Lake Fish Movies.
  • Korn­field I., Smith P.F., 2000: Afri­can cich­lid fis­hes: Model sys­tems for evo­lu­ti­ona­ry bio­lo­gy. Annu­al Review of Eco­lo­gy and Sys­te­ma­tics 31: 163 – 196.
  • Korn­field I.L., 1974: Evo­lu­ti­ona­ry gene­tics of ende­mic cich­lid fis­hes (Pis­ces: Cich­li­dae) in Lake Mala­wi, Afri­ca. Unpub­lis­hed Ph.D. dis­ser­ta­ti­on, Sta­te Uni­ver­si­ty of New York, Sto­ny Bro­ok, xv+139 pp.
  • McEl­roy D.M., Korn­field I., 1990: Sexu­al selec­ti­on, repro­duc­ti­ve beha­vi­or, and spe­cia­ti­on in the mbu­na spe­cies flock of Lake Mala­wi (Pis­ces: Cich­li­dae). Envi­ron­men­tal Bio­lo­gy of Fis­hes 28: 273 – 284.
  • McEl­roy D.M., Korn­field I., Eve­rett J., 1991: Colo­ra­ti­on in Afri­can cich­lids: Diver­si­ty and cons­traints in Lake Mala­wi ende­mics. Nether­lands Jour­nal of Zoolo­gy 41 (4): 250 – 268.
  • McKa­ye K.R., 1991: Sexu­al selec­ti­on and the evo­lu­ti­on of the cich­lid fis­hes of Lake Mala­wi, Afri­ca. Pp. 241 – 257 in Keen­le­y­si­de, M.H.A. (ed.), Cich­lid fis­hes. Beha­vi­our, eco­lo­gy and evo­lu­ti­on. Chap­man & Hall, London.
  • McKa­ye K.R., Kocher T., Reint­hal P., Har­ri­son R., Korn­field I., 1984: Gene­tic evi­den­ce for allo­pat­ric and sym­pat­ric dif­fe­ren­tia­ti­on among morphs of a Lake Mala­wi cich­lid fish. Evo­lu­ti­on 38: 215 – 219.
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  • Smith Mark Phil­lip, 2000: Lake Mala­wi cich­lids. Eve­ryt­hing About His­to­ry, Set­ting Up an Aqu­arium, Health Con­cerns, Spa­wning, Bar­rons Edu­ca­ti­onal Series, ISBN 0764115251
  • Sno­eks Jos ed. in pre­ss: The cich­lid diver­si­ty of Lake Malawi/​Nyasa/​Niassa:
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  • Stiass­ny M.L.J., 1981. Phy­lo­ge­ne­tic ver­sus con­ver­gent rela­ti­ons­hip bet­we­en pis­ci­vo­rous cich­lid fis­hes from Lakes Mala­wi and Tan­ga­ny­i­ka. Bul­le­tin of the Bri­tish Muse­um (Natu­ral His­to­ry), Zoolo­gy 40 (3): 67 – 101.
  • Swe­e­ney Mary E., 1997: Mala­wi cich­lids: Mbu­na, T.F.H. Pub­li­ca­ti­ons, ISBN 079380115X, 64 pp-
  • Tepo­ot Pabol. Tepo­ot Ian, 1995: The pic­to­rial guide, New Life Pub­li­ca­ti­ons, ISBN 0964505800.
  • Thom­pson A.B., Alli­son E.H., Nga­tun­ga B.P., 1996: Dis­tri­bu­ti­on and bre­e­ding bio­lo­gy of offs­ho­re cich­lids in Lake Malawi/​Niassa. Envi­ron­men­tal Bio­lo­gy of Fis­hes 47 (3): 235-?.
  • Tur­ner G., 1996: Offs­ho­re cich­lids of Lake Mala­wi. Cich­lid Pre­ss, Lau­e­nau, Ger­ma­ny; 240 pp. ISBN 3928457330.
  • Tur­ner G.F. 1994. Spe­cia­ti­on mecha­nisms in Lake Mala­wi cich­lids. A cri­ti­cal review. Archiv für Hyd­ro­bi­olo­gie Bei­heft Ergeb­nis­se der Lim­no­lo­gie 44: 139 – 160.


  • Kauf­man L.S., Chap­man L.J., Chap­man, C.A., 1997: Evo­lu­ti­on in fast for­ward: hap­loc­hro­mi­ne fis­hes of the Lake Vic­to­ria regi­on. Ende­a­vour 21: 23 – 30
  • Gre­en­wo­od P.H., 1974: The cich­lid fis­hes of Lake Vic­to­ria, east Afri­ca: The bio­lo­gy and evo­lu­ti­on of a spe­cies flock. Bul­le­tin of the Bri­tish Muse­um (Natu­ral His­to­ry), Zoolo­gy, Supp­le­ment 6, 134 pp.
  • See­hau­sen Ole, 1996: Lake Vic­to­ria Rock Cich­lids by Ole See­hau­sen. Ver­du­ijn Cich­lids, Zeven­hu­izen, 304 pp.
  • Tijs Goldsch­midt, 1998: Dar­wi­n’s Dre­am­pond: Dra­ma on Lake Vic­to­ria, MIT Pre­ss, ISBN 0262571218


  • Bou­len­ger G.A., 1911: Cata­lo­gue of the fresh-​water fis­hes of Afri­ca in the Bri­tish Muse­um (Natu­ral His­to­ry). Lon­don. Volu­me 2: xii + 529 pp.
  • Fry­er G., Iles T. D., 1972: The cich­lid fis­hes of the Gre­at Lakes of Afri­ca. Oli­ver & Boyd, Edin­burgh; TFH Pub­li­ca­ti­ons, Neptu­ne City, New Jer­sey; 641 pp.
  • Gre­en­wo­od P.H., 1966: The Fis­hes of Ugan­da. 2nd edi­ti­on. The Ugan­da Socie­ty, Kam­pa­la; [viii] + 131 pages.
  • Skel­ton P.H., 1993: A com­ple­te guide to the fres­hwa­ter fis­hes of sout­hern Afri­ca. Sout­hern Book Pub­lis­hers, Hal­fway Hou­se, South Africa.
  • Sta­eck Wolf­gang, Lin­ke Horst, 1994: Afri­can Cich­lids II: Cich­lids from Eas­tern Afri­ca : A Hand­bo­ok for The­ir Iden­ti­fi­ca­ti­on, Care and Bre­e­ding, Tet­ra Pre­ss, ISBN 1564651673
  • Sturm­bau­er C., Baric S., Salz­bur­ger W., Ruber L., Ver­he­y­en E.. 2001: Lake level fluc­tu­ati­ons synch­ro­ni­ze gene­tic diver­gen­ces of cich­lid fis­hes in Afri­can lakes. Mole­cu­lar Bio­lo­gy and Evo­lu­ti­on 18 (2): 144 – 154 Link
  • Tal­ling J.F., Tal­ling I.B., 1965: The che­mi­cal com­po­si­ti­on of Afri­can lake waters. Inter­na­ti­ona­le Revue ges. Hyd­ro­bi­olo­gie 50 (3): 421 – 463.

Juž­ná Amerika

  • Sands David, 1997: Back to Natu­re guide Cat­fis­hes, Back to Natu­re. 128 pp.
  • Stauf­fer Jay, McKa­ye Ken at all, 2002: Cuader­nos de inves­ti­ga­ci­on de la UCA: The midas cich­lid spe­cies com­plex in two Nica­ra­gu­an lakes. Desc­rip­ti­on of three new spe­cies by and others. Cich­lid Pre­ss. 47pp.
  • Weid­ner Tho­mas con­tr., Konings Ad ed., 2000: South Ame­ri­can Eart­he­a­ters, Cich­lid Pre­ss. 336 pp.

Stred­ná Amerika

  • Konings Ad, 1989: Cich­lids from Cen­tral Ame­ri­ca. Tro­pi­cal Fish Hob­by­ist. 224 pp.

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Akvaristika, Klubová činnosť

História akvaristiky

Hits: 5229

Je otáz­ne kedy mož­no dato­vať vznik akva­ris­ti­ky. Kaž­do­pád­ne deji­ny hovo­ria o cho­va­ní malých pek­ných rýb už zo sta­ro­ve­ké­ho Egyp­ta. Mini­mál­ne tisíc­roč­nú minu­losť má chov na ázij­skom kon­ti­nen­te v Číne, kde chov kara­sov má veľ­mi boha­tú tra­dí­ciu. Pred­me­ty, v kto­rých sa cho­va­li ryby a pes­to­va­li rast­li­ny boli úpl­ne iné ako ich pozná­me dnes. Aj u nás si nie­kto­rí pamä­ta­jú gup­ky v päť lit­ro­vých fľa­šiach od uho­riek. V 19. sto­ro­čí akvá­ri­um bolo vlast­ne atrak­ci­ou, zaria­di­li si ich bio­ló­go­via, leká­ri, vzde­la­ní ľudia na uni­ver­zi­tách, vo verej­ných záh­ra­dách. Medzi jed­ny z naj­star­ších klu­bov pat­ria tu v našom regi­ó­ne napr. Cype­rus, 1899. U nás je naj­star­ší prav­de­po­dob­ne klub v Ban­skej Bys­tri­ci. Dá sa pove­dať, že Euró­pa sa sta­la kolís­kou akva­ris­ti­ky a trú­fam si pove­dať, že je ňou dodnes. Už od spo­mí­na­né­ho 19. sto­ro­čia sa v nej zača­la akva­ris­ti­ka vzmá­hať. Je zau­jí­ma­vé, že aj naša kra­ji­na pat­rí medzi vyspe­lé štá­ty, kto­ré posky­tu­jú akva­ris­tov, kto­rí pat­ria medzi špič­ku. Nemec­ko, Poľ­sko, Čes­koSlo­ven­sko sú aj his­to­ric­ky aj v súčas­nos­ti špič­kou na poli cho­vu rýb a pes­to­va­nie rast­lín.

The ori­gin of aqu­arium kee­ping is a ques­ti­on open to deba­te. Nevert­he­less, his­to­ry tells us about the kee­ping of small, beau­ti­ful fish dating back to ancient Egypt. The prac­ti­ce has at least a millennium-​old his­to­ry on the Asian con­ti­nent in Chi­na, whe­re the cul­ti­va­ti­on of carp has a rich tra­di­ti­on. The con­tai­ners used for kee­ping fish and cul­ti­va­ting plants were com­ple­te­ly dif­fe­rent from what we know today. Some peop­le may recall gup­pies kept in five-​liter bott­les from pic­kles here. In the 19th cen­tu­ry, aqu­ariums were essen­tial­ly att­rac­ti­ons, set up by bio­lo­gists, doc­tors, and edu­ca­ted indi­vi­du­als at uni­ver­si­ties and pub­lic gar­dens. Among the oldest clubs in our regi­on is, for exam­ple, Cype­rus, estab­lis­hed in 1899. The oldest club in Slo­va­kia is pro­bab­ly in Ban­ská Bys­tri­ca. It can be said that Euro­pe beca­me the crad­le of aqu­arium kee­ping and, I dare say, still holds that posi­ti­on today. Sin­ce the men­ti­oned 19th cen­tu­ry, aqu­arium kee­ping began to flou­rish in Euro­pe. It is inte­res­ting to note that our coun­try is among the deve­lo­ped sta­tes that pro­vi­de aqu­arium ent­hu­siasts who are at the foref­ront. Ger­ma­ny, Poland, Cze­chia, and Slo­va­kia have his­to­ri­cal­ly and con­ti­nue to be at the foref­ront in the field of fish kee­ping and plant cultivation.

Es ist frag­lich, wann der Urs­prung der Aqu­aris­tik datiert wer­den kann. Den­noch berich­ten die Ges­chichts­bücher von der Hal­tung kle­i­ner, schöner Fis­che bere­its im alten Ägyp­ten. Die Pra­xis hat auf dem asia­tis­chen Kon­ti­nent in Chi­na, wo die Zucht von Karp­fen eine lan­ge Tra­di­ti­on hat, min­des­tens ein Jahr­tau­send alte Wur­zeln. Die Behält­nis­se, in denen Fis­che gehal­ten und Pflan­zen gezüch­tet wur­den, waren völ­lig anders als das, was wir heute ken­nen. Hier­zu­lan­de erin­nern sich eini­ge viel­le­icht an Gup­pys, die in Fünf-​Liter-​Flaschen von ein­ge­leg­ten Gur­ken gehal­ten wur­den. Im 19. Jahr­hun­dert waren Aqu­arien im Grun­de genom­men Att­rak­ti­onen, die von Bio­lo­gen, Ärz­ten und gebil­de­ten Per­so­nen an Uni­ver­si­tä­ten und in öffen­tli­chen Gär­ten ein­ge­rich­tet wur­den. Zu den ältes­ten Vere­i­nen in unse­rer Regi­on gehört zum Beis­piel Cype­rus, geg­rün­det 1899. Der ältes­te Vere­in in der Slo­wa­kei befin­det sich wahrs­che­in­lich in Ban­ská Bys­tri­ca. Man kann sagen, dass Euro­pa zur Wie­ge der Aqu­aris­tik wur­de und ich traue mich zu sagen, dass es dies bis heute ist. Seit dem genann­ten 19. Jahr­hun­dert begann die Aqu­aris­tik in Euro­pa auf­zub­lühen. Inte­res­sant ist, dass unser Land zu den ent­wic­kel­ten Sta­a­ten gehört, die Aqu­aria­ner an der Spit­ze haben. Deutsch­land, Polen, Tsche­chien und die Slo­wa­kei sind his­to­risch und gegen­wär­tig füh­rend auf dem Gebiet der Fisch­hal­tung und Pflanzenzucht.

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