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Po absol­vo­va­ní Akva­fi­tuŽili­ne v decem­bri 2009 nás pozval Jan­ko Budai do svoj­ho akva­ris­tic­ké­ho krá­ľov­stva. Boli nás 3 – 4 autá a bolo sa načo poze­rať, aj o čom sa pozho­vá­rať. Mne bolo jas­né, že Jano moly musí, a že sa plný úsi­lia pus­til do cho­vu kre­ve­tiek.

After atten­ding Akva­fit in Žili­na in Decem­ber 2009, Jan­ko Budai invi­ted us to his aqu­arium king­dom. The­re were 3 – 4 cars of us, and the­re was plen­ty to see and talk about. It was cle­ar to me that Jan­ko was pas­si­ona­te about his hob­by and had ent­hu­sias­ti­cal­ly ven­tu­red into bre­e­ding shrimp.

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