2011-2015, 2012, Bratislavské, Časová línia, Reportáže, Slovenské, Technické, Zábavné

Silvester v Bratislave

Hits: 1624

Kaž­dý rok sa mes­to Bra­ti­sla­va pri­pra­vu­je na posled­ný deň v roku – Sil­ves­ter. V posled­nom obdo­bí je vyvr­cho­le­ním osláv ohňos­troj nad Duna­jom. Ulič­ky v cen­tre sú večer na Sil­ves­tra plné ľudí. Oby­va­te­lia zvyk­nú variť kapustnicu.

Each year, the city of Bra­ti­sla­va pre­pa­res for the last day of the year – New Yea­r’s Eve, also kno­wn as Sil­ves­ter. In recent times, the cul­mi­na­ti­on of the celeb­ra­ti­ons is the fire­works disp­lay over the Danu­be. The stre­ets in the city cen­ter are fil­led with peop­le on New Yea­r’s Eve. It is a tra­di­ti­on for resi­dents to cook sau­erk­raut soup for the occasion.

Sil­ves­ter v Lama­či 2012

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2011, 2011-2015, Časová línia, Neživé, Piešťanské reportáže, Reportáže, Slovenské, Technické, Technika

Silvester v Piešťanoch

Hits: 2701

Sil­ves­ter sa v Pieš­ťa­noch, čo si ja pamä­tám zvy­čaj­ne osla­vo­val aj ofi­ciál­nym – veľ­kým” ohňos­tro­jom. Naj­mä v minu­los­ti sa odpa­ľo­val naj­mä z bre­hov Váhu, zhru­ba v úrov­ni kúpa­lis­ka EVA. Pre­to väč­ši­na divá­kov sa naň poze­ra­la z Kolo­nád­ne­ho mos­tu. Malo to svo­je čaro, aj ohni­vé efek­ty nad vodou boli v takom­to pro­stre­dí kraj­šie. V roku 2010 sa ohňos­troj odpa­ľo­val zo stre­chy Aupar­ku, v uzav­re­tej zástav­be. Čo bolo dosť nešťast­né roz­hod­nu­tie. Výhľad naň bol naozaj obme­dze­ný a jeho poten­ciál sa razom zní­žil. Men­šie ohňos­tro­je pre­bie­ha­li aj v roku 2010 a aj v minu­los­ti na rôz­nych mies­tach po celom meste.

In Pieš­ťa­ny, as far as I remem­ber, New Yea­r’s Eve was usu­al­ly celeb­ra­ted with an offi­cial – grand” fire­works disp­lay. Espe­cial­ly in the past, it was laun­ched main­ly from the banks of the Váh River, rough­ly at the level of the EVA Spa. The­re­fo­re, most spec­ta­tors wat­ched it from the Colon­na­de Brid­ge. It had its charm, and the fie­ry effects over the water were more beau­ti­ful in such an envi­ron­ment. In 2010, the fire­works were laun­ched from the roof of Aupark, in a clo­sed urban area. It was a rat­her unfor­tu­na­te deci­si­on. The view was sig­ni­fi­can­tly limi­ted, and its poten­tial was sud­den­ly redu­ced. Smal­ler fire­works disp­la­ys also took pla­ce in 2010 and in the past at vari­ous loca­ti­ons throug­hout the city.

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