2006-2010, 2009, Akvaristika, Časová línia, Teraristické burzy

Akvafit Žilina

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V Žili­ne ZO Akva­fit zača­la v decem­bri 2009 orga­ni­zo­vať vždy kaž­dú prvú nede­ľu v mesia­ci v Dome tech­ni­ky na uli­ci Vyso­koš­ko­lá­kov, akva­ris­tic­kú bur­zu. Akcia sa koná spo­lu s vtáč­kar­skou (exo­tár­skou) bur­zou, kto­rá sa koná už dlhé roky. Prvá akcia sa kona­la 6.12.2009 od 6:30 do 11:30. Exo­tár­ska časť vte­dy skon­či­la 9:30, ako býva zvy­kom. Aj mňa zasko­či­lo, že akcie sa kona­jú v nede­ľu a ešte k tomu tak sko­ro ráno. Čudo­val som sa, aj keď som vedel, že exo­tá­ri to tak majú vo zvy­ku aj v iným mes­tách Slo­ven­ska. My sme sa na prvú bur­zu vybra­li šty­ria z Bra­ti­sla­vy v dvoch autách. Jeden z nás dokon­ca ani neb­ral žiad­ny tovar. Aj my ostat­ní sme šli skôr naľah­ko oťu­kať terén. Okrem nás priš­li aj Ostra­vá­ci, Polia­ci, iní Bra­ti­slav­ča­nia a neja­kí domá­ci. Veľ­mi sa nám páči­li sto­ly, kto­ré boli pev­né a aj pek­né. Páči­lo sa nám aj množ­stvo ľudí, kto­ré priš­lo. Odha­du­jem viac ako 500 ľudí. My sme dora­zi­li asi 5:45 na mies­to a už sa aj trú­si­li pome­dzi nás aj prví zákaz­ní­ci. O sied­mej hodi­ne ráno tam bol nával. Po devia­tej zača­lo ľudí evi­den­tne ubú­dať. Akva­ris­tov priš­lo samoz­rej­me pome­nej, ale to sa dalo oča­ká­vať. Exo­tá­ri však neo­hrd­li a popo­ze­ra­li aj našu ponu­ku a poda­kto­rí utra­ti­li aj dáke euryč­ká. Ja som zase rád popo­ze­ral ich vtá­ky, ale eurá som minul iba na pár­ky a kofo­lu v miest­nom pri­dru­že­nom bufe­te”. Bufet bol zau­jí­ma­vý – prompt­ný, sym­pa­tic­ký per­so­nál, pre­dá­val sa aj PMDD. Snáď sa ho nik nena­pil ;-). Akva­ris­tic­ká časť ponú­ka­la ryby, rast­li­ny, kre­ve­ty, sli­má­ky, krmi­vá suché, živé, mra­ze­né. Naj­mä mra­ze­né krmi­vo bol výbor­ný tovar, plné auto kto­rým ho istý Poliak donie­sol, osta­lo sko­ro prázd­ne. Mra­ze­né ponú­ka­li aj Ostra­vá­ci, okrem toho mali živé patent­ky, koret­ry, niten­ky, daf­nie aj mik­ry. Po akcii sme sa pre­miest­ni­li tuším štyr­mi auta­mi ku Jan­ko­vi Budai­ovi, kde nám uká­zal jeho kle­no­ty. Po odcho­de od Jana sme nabra­li kurz Bratislava.

Medzi­tým sa kona­lo už množ­stvo tých­to búrz. Reak­cie na ne nebo­li vždy len pozi­tív­ne. Pikoš­ky, kto­ré šli v Bra­ti­sla­ve, v Žili­ne nech­cel sko­ro nikto. Dru­há taká­to spo­loč­ná exotársko-​akvaristická akcia bola 3.1.2010, čo je z môj­ho pohľa­du hroz­ný ter­mín. Napriek tomu pre­beh­la ku spo­koj­nos­ti všet­kých :-)). Kaž­do­pád­ne si mys­lím, také­to akcie sa nám páči­li po kaž­dej strán­ke. Vďa­ka tra­dí­cii exo­tá­rov a pra­vi­del­nos­ti budú pre nás prí­no­som. Mys­lím samoz­rej­me aj na pozí­ciu pre­daj­cov aj zákaz­ní­kov. Samoz­rej­mé je aj to, že záuj­my exo­tá­rov a akva­ris­tov sa pre­lí­na­jú aj odli­šu­jú. Ich moti­vá­cia cho­vať aj kupo­vať je podob­ná. Teším sa pre­to na ďal­šie akcie.

In Žili­na, the Zoolo­gi­cal Orga­ni­za­ti­on Akva­fit star­ted orga­ni­zing an aqu­arium mar­ket eve­ry first Sun­day of the month at the Hou­se of Tech­no­lo­gy on Vyso­koš­ko­lá­kov Stre­et in Decem­ber 2009. The event is held toget­her with an exo­tic bird mar­ket, which has been taking pla­ce for many years. The first event took pla­ce on Decem­ber 6, 2009, from 6:30 to 11:30. The exo­tic part ended at 9:30, as is cus­to­ma­ry. I was sur­pri­sed that the events take pla­ce on Sun­da­ys and so ear­ly in the mor­ning, alt­hough I knew that exo­tic ent­hu­siasts have this habit in other cities in Slovakia.

Four of us from Bra­ti­sla­va atten­ded the first mar­ket in two cars. One of us did­n’t even bring any goods; we were the­re to explo­re the ter­rain light­ly. Besi­des us, par­ti­ci­pants came from Ostra­va, Poland, other Bra­ti­sla­vans, and some locals. We liked the stur­dy and nice-​looking tab­les and were impres­sed by the num­ber of peop­le atten­ding. I esti­ma­te more than 500 peop­le were pre­sent. We arri­ved around 5:45 am, and the first cus­to­mers were alre­a­dy min­gling among us. By 7 am, the­re was a rush, and after 9 am, the num­ber of peop­le star­ted to dec­re­a­se. Natu­ral­ly, fewer aqu­arium ent­hu­siasts atten­ded, but that was expec­ted. Exo­tic bird ent­hu­siasts also explo­red our offe­rings, and some spent a few euros. I enjo­y­ed looking at the­ir birds, but I only spent money on hot dogs and cola at the local buf­fet,” which was inte­res­ting – prompt ser­vi­ce, friend­ly staff, and they even sold PMDD. Hope­ful­ly, no one drank it ;-). The aqu­arium sec­ti­on offe­red fish, plants, shrimp, snails, and vari­ous types of dry, live, and fro­zen feeds. Espe­cial­ly the fro­zen feed was excel­lent; a full car brought by a cer­tain Pole was almost emp­ty by the end. The Ostra­va par­ti­ci­pants also offe­red fro­zen goods, along with live kil­li­fish, cat­fish, loaches, daph­nia, and baby bri­ne shrimp.

After the event, we moved with about four cars to Jan­ko Budai­o’s pla­ce, whe­re he sho­wed us his tre­a­su­res. After lea­ving Jan­ko­’s, we set cour­se for Bra­ti­sla­va. Mean­whi­le, seve­ral such mar­kets have taken pla­ce. Reac­ti­ons to them were not alwa­ys posi­ti­ve. Trin­kets that sold well in Bra­ti­sla­va were not desi­red in Žili­na. The second joint exotic-​aquarium event was on Janu­ary 3, 2010, which, from my per­spec­ti­ve, was a ter­rib­le date. Nevert­he­less, it went well to eve­ry­o­ne­’s satis­fac­ti­on. In any case, we liked such events from eve­ry aspect. Thanks to the tra­di­ti­on of exo­tic ent­hu­siasts and the regu­la­ri­ty, they will be bene­fi­cial for us. I also think about the posi­ti­on of both sel­lers and cus­to­mers. It’s evi­dent that the inte­rests of exo­tic ent­hu­siasts and aqu­arium ent­hu­siasts over­lap and dif­fer. The­ir moti­va­ti­on to bre­ed and buy is simi­lar. I look for­ward to futu­re events.


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