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Hra­cho­viš­te je obec na Myja­ve. Prvá písom­ná zmien­ka o obci je z roku 1392 pod náz­vom Hra­cho­wich (hra​cho​vis​te​.sk). Význam­ný je baro­ko­vý rímsko-​katolícky kos­tol Nav­ští­ve­nia Pan­ny Márie18. sto­ro­čia (Zdroj: Infor­mač­ná tabu­ľa). Nad obcou je hora Ple­ši­vec. Pre­kvi­ta­lo tu v minu­los­ti koši­kár­stvo (hra​cho​vis​te​.sk). Obec leží na juho­vý­cho­de Myjav­skej pahor­ka­ti­ny a v Čach­tic­kých vrchoch pri úpä­tí Malých Kar­pát v doli­ne Jab­lon­ky. V roku 1715 tu bolo 51 domov. V súčas­nos­ti má obec 738 oby­va­te­ľov (hra​cho​vis​te​.sk). Kvô­li zápla­vám bolo Hra­cho­viš­te nie­ke­dy nazý­va­né kato­líc­ky­mi Benát­ka­mi. V 20. sto­ro­čí žil v obci Pavol Stra­ka, kto­rý sa dožil 116 rokov a bol nie­len naj­star­ším obča­nom Rakúsko-​Uhorska, ale prav­de­po­dob­ne aj Euró­py. K nie­kto­rým zau­jí­ma­vým zvy­kom pat­rí, že chlap­ci na Luciu cho­dil pooblie­ka­ní za diev­ča­tá, oby­čaj­ne v bie­lom, po domoch s husí­mi kríd­la­mi a opra­šo­va­li a ome­ta­li všet­ko, čo im priš­lo pod ruku (hra​cho​vis​te​.sk).

Hra­cho­viš­te is a vil­la­ge near Myja­va. The first writ­ten men­ti­on of the vil­la­ge dates back to 1392 under the name Hra­cho­wich (hra​cho​vis​te​.sk). The notab­le struc­tu­re is the Baro­que Roman Cat­ho­lic Church of the Visi­ta­ti­on of the Vir­gin Mary, dating from the 18th cen­tu­ry (Sour­ce: Infor­ma­ti­on Board). Abo­ve the vil­la­ge is the Ple­ši­vec moun­tain. Bas­ket wea­ving thri­ved in the past (hra​cho​vis​te​.sk). The vil­la­ge is loca­ted in the sout­he­ast of the Myja­va Hills and in the Čach­ti­ce Moun­tains at the foot of the Small Car­pat­hians in the Jab­lon­ka Val­ley. In 1715, the­re were 51 hou­ses in the vil­la­ge. Cur­ren­tly, the vil­la­ge has 738 inha­bi­tants (hra​cho​vis​te​.sk). Due to flo­ods, Hra­cho­viš­te was some­ti­mes cal­led the Cat­ho­lic Veni­ce. In the 20th cen­tu­ry, Pavol Stra­ka, who lived to be 116 years old, resi­ded in the vil­la­ge. He was not only the oldest citi­zen of Austria-​Hungary but like­ly also of Euro­pe. As for inte­res­ting tra­di­ti­ons, on St. Lucia­’s Day, boys used to dress up as girls, usu­al­ly in whi­te, with goose wings, and went from hou­se to hou­se dus­ting and swe­e­ping eve­ryt­hing in sight (hra​cho​vis​te​.sk).


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