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V roku 2011 sa ČSOB Marat­hon konal 25.- 27.3.2011Bra­ti­sla­ve. Súčas­ťou sprie­vod­né­ho prog­ra­mu bola aj Tor­to­vá voj­na. Mode­rá­tor, aj oko­lo­sto­ja­ci divá­ci mali tro­chu prob­lé­my, aby neschy­ta­li aj oni. Dec­ká si navliek­li pršip­láš­te a rôz­ne ochra­ny tela a pomer­ne živel­ne sa zača­li oha­dzo­vať ešte pred pove­lom mode­rá­to­ra. Ako to dopad­lo, môže­te vidieť na foto­gra­fiách. Tor­ti­čiek na ten­to účel bolo vyčle­ne­ných dosť.

In 2011, the ČSOB Marat­hon took pla­ce from the 25th to the 27th of March in Bra­ti­sla­va. As part of the accom­pa­ny­ing prog­ram, the­re was also a Cake War. The host and near­by spec­ta­tors had a bit of troub­le avo­iding get­ting hit. Chil­dren put on rain­co­ats and vari­ous body pro­tec­ti­ons, and they ener­ge­ti­cal­ly star­ted thro­wing cakes even befo­re the mode­ra­to­r’s com­mand. You can see the out­co­me in the pho­tog­raphs. The­re were quite a few cakes allo­ca­ted for this purpose.

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