1991, Časová línia, Do roku 2005, Francúzsko, Krajina, Zahraničie

Francúzsko – krajina šesťuholníková

Hits: 11608

Fran­cúz­sko leží v západ­nej Euró­pe. Zo zápa­du ho obmý­va Atlan­tic­ký oce­án a z juho­vý­cho­du Stre­do­zem­né more. Od Špa­niel­ska ho delia Pyre­ne­je. Od roku 1768 Kor­zi­ka pat­rí ku Fran­cúz­sku. Väč­ši­na kra­ji­ny má rovi­na­tý ráz (des​ti​na​cie​.sk). Meno Fran­ce pochá­dza z latin­ské­ho Fran­cia, čo zna­me­ná kra­ji­na Fran­kov” (Jean Car­pen­tier et al.). Je mož­né, že slo­vo Frank je odvo­de­né od pro­to­ger­mán­ske­ho slo­va fran­kon”, čo zna­me­ná oštep, kopi­ja, kto­rá sa vrha­la ako seke­ra – Fran­cis­ca (Taras­suk et al.), dru­há hypo­té­za hovo­rí o tom, že v pra­ve­kej nemčí­ne frank” zna­me­ná voľ­ný (Wiki­pe­dia ENG). Vzhľa­dom k svoj­mu tva­ru je občas opi­so­va­ná ako I‘HexagonNaj­star­šie znám­ky ľud­ské­ho živo­ta sú z doby pred 1.8 mili­ón­mi rokov. Z doby spred 18 000 rokov pred n. l. pochá­dza jed­na z mno­hých zdo­be­ných mla­do­pa­le­oli­tic­kých jas­kýň Las­caux (Jean Car­pen­tier et al.).

Vo Fran­cúz­sku žije asi 66 mili­ó­nov oby­va­te­ľov. Je tre­ťou naj­väč­šou kra­ji­nou Euró­py (Wiki­pe­dia ENG). Suse­dí s Atlan­tic­kým oce­ánom na zápa­de, Sever­ným morom na seve­re a so Stre­do­zem­ným morom na juhu. Medzi Fran­cúz­skom a Veľ­kou Bri­tá­ni­ou je zná­my kanál La Man­che. Pobrež­ná línia má 5500 km. Národ­nou hym­nou je Mar­se­il­lai­se (fran​cuz​sko​.sk), kto­rá je zná­ma aj u nás. Hlav­ným mot­tom Fran­cúz­skej repub­li­ky je slo­bo­da, rov­nosť, brat­stvo (fran​cuz​sko​.sk).

Naj­star­ším mes­tom je Mar­se­il­le. Jeho his­tó­ria sa zača­la písať 600 rokov pred naším leto­poč­tom, kedy bola zalo­že­ná kelt­ský­mi Gal­mi koló­nia Mas­sa­lia (Cam­brid­ge ancient his­to­ry). Oko­lo roku 125 pred n.l. bola doby­tá juž­ná Galia Riman­mi, kto­rý nazý­va­li ten­to regi­ón Roman Pro­vin­ce, z čoho vzni­kol názov Pro­ven­ce (Life Maga­zi­ne, 13.07.1953, p. 76, Goog­le Books). Hra­ni­ce súčas­né­ho Fran­cúz­ska zhru­ba zod­po­ve­da­jú sta­ro­ve­kej kelt­skej Galii. Galia bola pod­ro­be­ná Riman­mi1. sto­ro­čí pred n.l. V 4. sto­ro­čí sem zača­li pre­ni­kať ger­mán­ski Fran­ko­via. V roku 843 sa Fran­ská ríša roz­pad­la na Výcho­dof­ran­skú (dneš­né Nemec­ko), Zápa­dof­ran­skú ríšu (dneš­né Fran­cúz­sko) a Lot­rin­sko. Zná­ma je Fran­cúz­ska revo­lú­cia z roku 1789, zo začiat­ku 19. sto­ro­čia pôso­be­nie Napo­le­ona Bona­par­te­ho. V roku 1958 stál na čele Fran­cúz­ska Char­les de Gaul­le (Wiki­pe­dia). Nie­kto­rí panov­ní­ci: knie­ža Salic­kých Fran­kov Mero­vech v 5. sto­ro­čí, Chlo­do­vik, Dago­bert I. v 7. sto­ro­čí, Pipin Krát­ky v 8. sto­ro­čí kráľ Fran­cúz­ska, Karol I. Veľ­ký, Karol­man II. v 9. sto­ro­čí, Ľudo­vít XIV. – Kráľ Sln­ko (wiki​pe​dia​.sk).

Hlav­ným mes­tom je Paríž. Naj­viac uzná­va­ným národ­ným sviat­kom je Doby­tie Bas­ti­ly, kto­ré sa slá­vi 14. júla. Medzi naj­zná­mej­ších Fran­cú­zov pat­rí Johan­ka z Arku, vedec Lou­is Pas­te­ur, spi­so­va­teľ Emi­le Zola, sta­vi­teľ Gusta­ve Eif­fel, šan­so­nier­ka Edit Piaf, malia­ri Clau­de Monet, Augus­te Reno­ir, her­ci Alain Delon, Jean Reno. Kaž­do­roč­ne v júli sa kona­jú naj­sláv­nej­šie cyk­lis­tic­ké pre­te­ky Tour de Fran­ce. Fran­cúz­sko oplý­va význam­ný­mi prí­stav­mi v Le Hav­re, Nan­tes, Bor­de­aux, Cher­bourg, Brest, Calais, La Rochel­le, Tou­lon, Nice, Can­nes a naj­väč­ší fran­cúz­sky prí­stav v Mar­se­il­le (netway​.cz). Veľ­ké fran­cúz­ske auto­mo­bil­ky: Renault, Peuge­ot, Cit­ro­ën (wiki​pe​dia​.sk).

V kra­ji­ne je štvr­tý naj­väč­ší počet kul­túr­nych pamia­tok sve­to­vé­ho dedič­stva UNESCO, takmer 40. Zná­mi sú malia­ri Édou­ard Manet, Edgar Degas, Clau­de Monet, Augus­te Reno­ir, Paul Cézan­ne, Paul Gau­gu­in, Hen­ri Matis­se. Pôso­bi­li tu Pab­lo Picas­so, Vin­cent van Gogh, Marc Cha­gall, Ame­deo Modig­lia­ni, Was­si­ly Kan­din­sky. Fran­cúz­sko je zakla­da­jú­cim čle­nom Orga­ni­zá­cie spo­je­ných náro­dov – OSN, kde je jeden z pia­tich stá­lych čle­nov Bez­peč­nost­nej rady (Wiki­pe­dia ENG). Nachá­dza­jú sa tu tie­to hory: Alpy, Pyre­ne­je, Fran­cúz­ske stre­do­ho­rie, Švaj­čiar­ska Jura, Vogé­zy, Armo­ric­ký masív, Arde­ny (Wiki­pe­dia).

Naj­vyš­šia hora Mont Blanc v západ­nej Euró­pe (4810 m n.m.) je prá­ve vo fran­cúz­skych Alpách (ljly​sek​.cz). Okrem Álp sa do výš­ky čne­jú Pyre­ne­je, poho­ria Jura, Arde­ny, Fran­cúz­ske Stre­do­ho­rie a Vogé­zy. Naj­výz­nam­nej­šie rie­ky sú Loire, Garon­ne, Sei­na a Rýn. Ras­tie tu až 136 dru­hov stro­mov (fran​cuz​sko​.sk). Fran­cúz­sko je zná­me svo­jou kuchy­ňou a vínom. Žabie ste­hien­ka, sli­má­ky, muš­le, syry pat­ria k tej­to hrdej kra­ji­ne. Fran­cúz­sko bolo jed­nou z prvých kra­jín, kto­ré vytvo­ri­li minis­ter­stvo život­né­ho pro­stre­dia (Pro­tec­ti­on of the Envi­ron­ment). Je naj­čas­tej­šou turis­tic­kou des­ti­ná­ci­ou. Zná­mi spi­so­va­te­lia: Denis Dide­rot, Char­les Bau­de­lai­re, Paul Ver­lai­ne, Vic­tor Hugo, Ale­xan­dre Dumas, Jules Ver­ne, Émi­le Zola, Hono­ré de Bal­zac, Guy de Mau­pas­sant, Albert Camus, Jean-​Paul Sar­tre, Anti­one de Saint Exu­pé­ry, Sten­dahl. Filo­zo­fo­via: Rene Des­car­tes, Jean-​Jacques Rous­se­au, Vol­tai­re, Augus­te Com­te. Veľ­mi zná­my je mik­ro­bi­ológ Lou­is Pas­te­ur, mate­ma­tik a fyzik Hen­ri Poin­ca­ré, fyzi­ci Hen­ri Becqu­e­rel, Pier­re Curie, Marie Curie, Paul Lan­ge­vin, viro­lóg Luc Mon­tag­nier. Hudob­ní skla­da­te­lia: Hec­tor Ber­li­oz, Geor­ges Bizet, Char­les Gou­nod, Jacqu­es Offen­bach, Jule­sa Mas­se­ne­ta, Camil­le Saint-​Saëns, Mau­ri­ce Ravel, Clau­de Debus­sy (Wiki­pe­dia EN). Medzi ďal­šie zná­me osob­nos­ti pat­rí bez­bo­chy­by Pier­re de Cou­ber­tin, Jacques-​Yves Cous­te­au, Bri­git­te Bar­dot (wiki​pe​dia​.org). Medzi súčas­nej­ších pred­sta­vi­te­ľov” hud­by pat­rí: Edit Piaf, Char­les Azna­vour, Ser­ge Gains­bourg, Mire­il­le Mat­hieu, Jean-​Michel Jar­re, David Guet­ta. Bra­tia Augus­te a Lou­is Lumi­é­rov­ci vytvo­ri­li kino v roku 1895. Can­nes hos­tí kaž­do­roč­ne zná­my fil­mo­vý fes­ti­val. Fran­cúz­sko ako celok až do nedáv­nej doby bolo kul­túr­nym cen­trom celé­ho sve­ta (Wiki­pe­dia EN).

Regi­ó­ny a ich hlav­né mes­tá: Alsas­ko – Štrass­burg, Akvi­tán­sko – Bor­de­aux, Auverg­ne – Clermont-​Ferrand, Bre­tón­sko – Ren­nes, Bur­gund­sko – Dijon, Cen­tre – Orlé­ans, Champagne-​Ardenne – Chalon-​en-​Champagne, Kor­zi­ka – Ajac­cio, France-​Comté – Besan­con, Ile-​de-​France – Paris, Languedoc-​Roussillon – Mont­pel­lier, Limu­zín­sko – Limo­ges, Lot­rin­sko – Metz, Dol­ná Nor­man­dia – Caen, Midi-​Pyrénées – Tou­lou­se, Nord-​Pas-​de-​Calais – Lil­le, Pays de la Loire – Nan­te­es, Pikar­dia – Amiens, Poitou-​Charentes – Poitiers, Provence-​Aples-​Côte d‘Azur – Mar­se­il­le, Rhône-​Alpes – Lyon, Hor­ná Nor­man­dia – Rou­en (Wiki­pe­dia EN). Fran­cúz­ska kuchy­ňa je širo­ko zná­ma na celom sve­te. Vyrá­ba sa tu viac ako 400 dru­hov syra, množ­stvo vín. Naprí­klad šam­pan­ské, Bor­de­aux, Bour­gog­ne, Beau­jo­lais. Zná­mi špor­tov­ci: Michel Pla­ti­ni, Just Fon­tai­ne, Thier­ry Hen­ry (Wiki­pe­dia EN).

Nie­kto­ré zau­jí­ma­vé mies­ta: Paríž – Eif­fe­lov­ka, Louv­re, Champ-​Elysées, Cen­tre Pompi­dou, Ver­sail­les; zámok Cham­bord, Che­non­ce­aux, Vil­lan­dry, Remeš (Reims), Car­cas­so­ne, záto­ka Mont St. Michel, Auverg­ne (des​ti​na​cie​.sk), mes­to zalo­že­né riman­mi Aix en Pro­ven­ce, Avig­non, Car­nac, Fon­tai­neb­lau, alp­ské cen­trum Gre­nob­le, marián­ske pút­nic­ké mies­to Lour­des, Mar­se­il­le, Mona­co, Nice, Orlé­ans, Reims, Saint Tro­pez. Fran­cú­zi sú veľ­mi zdvo­ri­lí, cenia si nevtie­ra­vú, ned­ba­lú ele­gan­ciu. Typic­ká je spon­tán­na mimi­ka a ges­ti­ku­lá­cia, emo­ci­onál­ne pre­ja­vy a komu­ni­ka­tív­nosť (cedok​.cz).

Fran­ce is loca­ted in Wes­tern Euro­pe. It is bor­de­red by the Atlan­tic Oce­an to the west and the Medi­ter­ra­ne­an Sea to the sout­he­ast. The Pyre­ne­es sepa­ra­te it from Spain. Sin­ce 1768, Cor­si­ca has been part of Fran­ce. The majo­ri­ty of the coun­try has a flat cha­rac­ter (des​ti​na​cie​.sk). The name Fran­ce” comes from the Latin Fran­cia,” mea­ning the land of the Franks” (Jean Car­pen­tier et al.). The word Frank” might be deri­ved from the Proto-​Germanic fran­kon,” mea­ning a jave­lin or spe­ar, thro­wn like an axe – Fran­cis­ca (Taras­suk et al.). Anot­her hypot­he­sis sug­gests that in ancient Ger­man, frank” meant free (Wiki­pe­dia ENG). Due to its sha­pe, Fran­ce is some­ti­mes refer­red to as l’He­xa­go­ne.” The oldest signs of human life date back to around 1.8 mil­li­on years ago. One of the many deco­ra­ted caves from around 18,000 years ago is the famous Las­caux cave (Jean Car­pen­tier et al.).

App­ro­xi­ma­te­ly 66 mil­li­on peop­le live in Fran­ce, making it the third-​largest coun­try in Euro­pe (Wiki­pe­dia ENG). It is bor­de­red by the Atlan­tic Oce­an to the west, the North Sea to the north, and the Medi­ter­ra­ne­an Sea to the south. The English Chan­nel lies bet­we­en Fran­ce and Gre­at Bri­tain. The coast­li­ne stret­ches for 5500 km. The nati­onal ant­hem is the Mar­se­il­lai­se” (fran​cuz​sko​.sk), well-​known worl­dwi­de. The prin­ci­pal mot­to of the French Repub­lic is liber­ty, equ­ali­ty, fra­ter­ni­ty (fran​cuz​sko​.sk).

The oldest city in Fran­ce is Mar­se­il­le, with its his­to­ry dating back 600 years BC when it was foun­ded as the Cel­tic colo­ny Mas­sa­lia (Cam­brid­ge ancient his­to­ry). Around 125 BC, the sout­hern Gaul was conqu­e­red by the Romans, cal­ling the regi­on Roman Pro­vin­ce, which later gave rise to the name Pro­ven­ce (Life Maga­zi­ne, 13.07.1953, p. 76, Goog­le Books). The cur­rent bor­ders of Fran­ce rough­ly cor­res­pond to ancient Cel­tic Gaul. Gaul was conqu­e­red by the Romans in the 1st cen­tu­ry BC. In the 4th cen­tu­ry, Ger­ma­nic Franks began to penet­ra­te the regi­on. In 843, the Fran­kish Empi­re split into East Fran­cia (modern Ger­ma­ny), West Fran­cia (modern Fran­ce), and Lot­ha­rin­gia. The French Revo­lu­ti­on in 1789 and the ear­ly 19th-​century era of Napo­le­on Bona­par­te are well-​known his­to­ri­cal events. In 1958, Char­les de Gaul­le took the helm of Fran­ce (Wiki­pe­dia). Some rulers inc­lu­de Mero­vech, the prin­ce of the Salian Franks in the 5th cen­tu­ry, Clo­vis, Dago­bert I in the 7th cen­tu­ry, Pepin the Short in the 8th cen­tu­ry, and Char­le­mag­ne, Char­les the Gre­at, Caro­lin­gian Empi­re­’s king in the 9th cen­tu­ry, and Lou­is XIV, the Sun King (wiki​pe​dia​.sk).

The capi­tal city is Paris. The most recog­ni­zed nati­onal holi­day is Bas­til­le Day, celeb­ra­ted on July 14th. Notab­le French figu­res inc­lu­de Joan of Arc, scien­tist Lou­is Pas­te­ur, wri­ter Emi­le Zola, buil­der Gusta­ve Eif­fel, chan­te­use Edith Piaf, pain­ters Clau­de Monet, Augus­te Reno­ir, actors Alain Delon, Jean Reno. The famous Tour de Fran­ce cyc­ling race takes pla­ce annu­al­ly in July. Fran­ce has sig­ni­fi­cant ports in Le Hav­re, Nan­tes, Bor­de­aux, Cher­bourg, Brest, Calais, La Rochel­le, Tou­lon, Nice, Can­nes, and the lar­gest French port in Mar­se­il­le (netway​.cz). Fran­ce has the fourth-​largest num­ber of UNESCO World Heri­ta­ge cul­tu­ral sites glo­bal­ly, with almost 40. Reno­wned pain­ters inc­lu­de Édou­ard Manet, Edgar Degas, Clau­de Monet, Augus­te Reno­ir, Paul Cézan­ne, Paul Gau­gu­in, Hen­ri Matis­se. Pab­lo Picas­so, Vin­cent van Gogh, Marc Cha­gall, Ame­deo Modig­lia­ni, Was­si­ly Kan­din­sky also spent time in Fran­ce. Fran­ce is a foun­ding mem­ber of the Uni­ted Nati­ons (UN), whe­re it holds one of the five per­ma­nent seats in the Secu­ri­ty Coun­cil (Wiki­pe­dia ENG). The coun­try fea­tu­res moun­tain ran­ges such as the Alps, Pyre­ne­es, Mas­sif Cen­tral, Swiss Jura, Vos­ges, Armo­ri­can Mas­sif, Arden­nes (Wiki­pe­dia).

The hig­hest moun­tain, Mont Blanc, in Wes­tern Euro­pe (4810 meters abo­ve sea level), is loca­ted in the French Alps (ljly​sek​.cz). Besi­des the Alps, Fran­ce is home to the Pyre­ne­es, Jura Moun­tains, Arden­nes, Mas­sif Cen­tral, and Vos­ges. Major rivers inc­lu­de the Loire, Garon­ne, Sei­ne, and Rhi­ne. The coun­try hosts up to 136 spe­cies of tre­es (fran​cuz​sko​.sk). Fran­ce is famous for its cuisi­ne and wine, pro­du­cing more than 400 types of che­e­se and a varie­ty of wines, inc­lu­ding Cham­pag­ne, Bor­de­aux, Bour­gog­ne, Beau­jo­lais. Deli­ca­cies like frog legs, snails, mus­sels, and che­e­ses are proud repre­sen­ta­ti­ons of the coun­try. Fran­ce was one of the first coun­tries to estab­lish an envi­ron­men­tal pro­tec­ti­on minis­try. It is a popu­lar tou­rist des­ti­na­ti­on and has a rich cul­tu­ral heri­ta­ge. Famous wri­ters inc­lu­de Denis Dide­rot, Char­les Bau­de­lai­re, Paul Ver­lai­ne, Vic­tor Hugo, Ale­xan­dre Dumas, Jules Ver­ne, Émi­le Zola, Hono­ré de Bal­zac, Guy de Mau­pas­sant, Albert Camus, Jean-​Paul Sar­tre, Anto­ine de Saint Exu­pé­ry, Stend­hal. Reno­wned phi­lo­sop­hers inc­lu­de René Des­car­tes, Jean-​Jacques Rous­se­au, Vol­tai­re, Augus­te Com­te. Notab­le figu­res also inc­lu­de mic­ro­bi­olo­gist Lou­is Pas­te­ur, mat­he­ma­ti­cian and phy­si­cist Hen­ri Poin­ca­ré, phy­si­cists Hen­ri Becqu­e­rel, Pier­re Curie, Marie Curie, Paul Lan­ge­vin, viro­lo­gist Luc Mon­tag­nier. Music com­po­sers inc­lu­de Hec­tor Ber­li­oz, Geor­ges Bizet, Char­les Gou­nod, Jacqu­es Offen­bach, Jules Mas­se­net, Camil­le Saint-​Saëns, Mau­ri­ce Ravel, Clau­de Debus­sy (Wiki­pe­dia EN). Some other well-​known per­so­na­li­ties inc­lu­de Pier­re de Cou­ber­tin, Jacques-​Yves Cous­te­au, Bri­git­te Bar­dot (wiki​pe​dia​.org). Con­tem­po­ra­ry” music repre­sen­ta­ti­ves inc­lu­de Edith Piaf, Char­les Azna­vour, Ser­ge Gains­bourg, Mire­il­le Mat­hieu, Jean-​Michel Jar­re, David Guet­ta. The Lumi­ère Brot­hers, Augus­te, and Lou­is, cre­a­ted cine­ma in 1895. Can­nes hosts the famous annu­al film fes­ti­val. Fran­ce, until recen­tly, was a cul­tu­ral cen­ter of the world (Wiki­pe­dia EN).

Regi­ons and the­ir capi­tals: Alsa­ce – Stras­bourg, Aqu­itai­ne – Bor­de­aux, Auverg­ne – Clermont-​Ferrand, Brit­ta­ny – Ren­nes, Bur­gun­dy – Dijon, Cen­tre – Orlé­ans, Champagne-​Ardenne – Chalon-​en-​Champagne, Cor­si­ca – Ajac­cio, Franche-​Comté – Besa­nçon, Ile-​de-​France – Paris, Languedoc-​Roussillon – Mont­pel­lier, Limou­sin – Limo­ges, Lor­rai­ne – Metz, Lower Nor­man­dy – Caen, Midi-​Pyrénées – Tou­lou­se, Nord-​Pas-​de-​Calais – Lil­le, Pays de la Loire – Nantes

, Picar­dy – Amiens, Poitou-​Charentes – Poitiers, Provence-​Alpes-​Côte d’A­zur – Mar­se­il­le, Rhône-​Alpes – Lyon, Upper Nor­man­dy – Rou­en (Wiki­pe­dia EN). French cuisi­ne is wide­ly kno­wn worl­dwi­de. The­re are more than 400 types of che­e­se and a varie­ty of wines pro­du­ced, inc­lu­ding Cham­pag­ne, Bor­de­aux, Bur­gun­dy, Beau­jo­lais. Famous athle­tes inc­lu­de Michel Pla­ti­ni, Just Fon­tai­ne, Thier­ry Hen­ry (Wiki­pe­dia EN).

Some inte­res­ting pla­ces: Paris – Eif­fel Tower, Louv­re, Champs-​Élysées, Cen­tre Pompi­dou, Ver­sail­les; Cham­bord Cast­le, Che­non­ce­au, Vil­lan­dry, Reims, Car­cas­son­ne, Mont St. Michel Bay, Auverg­ne (des​ti​na​cie​.sk), Roman-​founded city Aix-​en-​Provence, Avig­non, Car­nac, Fon­tai­neb­le­au, alpi­ne cen­ter Gre­nob­le, Marian pilg­ri­ma­ge site Lour­des, Mar­se­il­le, Mona­co, Nice, Orle­ans, Reims, Saint Tro­pez. The French are very poli­te, value unin­tru­si­ve, casu­al ele­gan­ce. Typi­cal are spon­ta­ne­ous facial expres­si­ons, ges­tu­res, emo­ti­onal expres­si­ons, and com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ve­ness (cedok​.cz).

La Fran­ce est situ­ée en Euro­pe occi­den­ta­le. Elle est bor­dée par l’o­cé­an Atlan­ti­que à l’ou­est et la mer Médi­ter­ra­née au sud-​est. Les Pyré­né­es la sépa­rent de l’Es­pag­ne. Depu­is 1768, la Cor­se fait par­tie de la Fran­ce. La majo­ri­té du pays a un carac­tère plat (des​ti​na​cie​.sk). Le nom Fran­ce” vient du latin Fran­cia”, sig­ni­fiant le pays des Francs” (Jean Car­pen­tier et al.). Le mot Frank” pour­rait déri­ver du mot proto-​germanique fran­kon”, sig­ni­fiant une jave­li­ne ou une lan­ce, jetée com­me une hache – Fran­cis­ca (Taras­suk et al.). Une aut­re hypot­hèse sug­gère qu’en ancien alle­mand, frank” sig­ni­fiait lib­re (Wiki­pe­dia ENG). En rai­son de sa for­me, la Fran­ce est par­fo­is appe­lée l’He­xa­go­ne”. Les plus anciens sig­nes de vie humai­ne remon­tent à envi­ron 1,8 mil­li­on d’an­né­es. L’u­ne des nom­bre­uses grot­tes déco­ré­es datant d’en­vi­ron 18 000 ans est la célèb­re grot­te de Las­caux (Jean Car­pen­tier et al.).

Envi­ron 66 mil­li­ons de per­son­nes vivent en Fran­ce, ce qui en fait le tro­isi­ème plus grand pays d’E­uro­pe (Wiki­pe­dia ENG). Elle est bor­dée par l’o­cé­an Atlan­ti­que à l’ou­est, la mer du Nord au nord et la mer Médi­ter­ra­née au sud. La Man­che sépa­re la Fran­ce de la Grande-​Bretagne. La lig­ne côti­ère s’é­tend sur 5500 km. L’hym­ne nati­onal est la Mar­se­il­lai­se” (fran​cuz​sko​.sk), mon­dia­le­ment con­nue. La devi­se prin­ci­pa­le de la Répub­li­que fra­nçai­se est liber­té, éga­li­té, fra­ter­ni­té (fran​cuz​sko​.sk).

La plus ancien­ne vil­le de Fran­ce est Mar­se­il­le, dont l’his­to­ire remon­te à 600 ans avant not­re ère, lor­squ­’el­le a été fon­dée com­me colo­nie cel­ti­que de Mas­sa­lia (Cam­brid­ge ancient his­to­ry). Vers 125 av. J.-C., la Gau­le méri­di­ona­le a été conqu­ise par les Romains, qui appe­laient la régi­on Pro­vin­ce romai­ne, d’où le nom de Pro­ven­ce (Life Maga­zi­ne, 13.07.1953, p. 76, Goog­le Books). Les fron­ti­ères actu­el­les de la Fran­ce cor­res­pon­dent app­ro­xi­ma­ti­ve­ment à l’an­cien­ne Gau­le cel­ti­que. La Gau­le a été conqu­ise par les Romains au 1er sièc­le av. J.-C. Au 4e sièc­le, les Francs ger­mains ont com­men­cé à pénét­rer dans la régi­on. En 843, l’Em­pi­re franc s’est divi­sé en Fran­cie orien­ta­le (l’Al­le­mag­ne moder­ne), Fran­cie occi­den­ta­le (la Fran­ce moder­ne) et Lot­ha­rin­gie. La Révo­lu­ti­on fra­nçai­se en 1789 et l’é­po­que du début du 19e sièc­le de Napo­lé­on Bona­par­te sont des évé­ne­ments his­to­ri­qu­es bien con­nus. En 1958, Char­les de Gaul­le prend la tête de la Fran­ce (Wiki­pe­dia). Cer­tains sou­ve­rains inc­lu­ent Méro­vée, le prin­ce des Francs saliens au 5e sièc­le, Clo­vis, Dago­bert Ier au 7e sièc­le, Pépin le Bref au 8e sièc­le, et Char­le­mag­ne, Char­les le Grand, roi de l’Em­pi­re caro­lin­gien au 9e sièc­le, et Lou­is XIV, le Roi Sole­il (wiki​pe​dia​.sk).

La capi­ta­le est Paris. La fête nati­ona­le la plus recon­nue est la pri­se de la Bas­til­le, céléb­rée le 14 juil­let. Des figu­res fra­nçai­ses notab­les inc­lu­ent Jean­ne d’Arc, le scien­ti­fi­que Lou­is Pas­te­ur, l’éc­ri­vain Emi­le Zola, le cons­truc­te­ur Gusta­ve Eif­fel, la chan­te­use Edith Piaf, les pein­tres Clau­de Monet, Augus­te Reno­ir, les acte­urs Alain Delon, Jean Reno. Le célèb­re Tour de Fran­ce a lieu cha­que année en juil­let. La Fran­ce possède des ports impor­tants à Le Hav­re, Nan­tes, Bor­de­aux, Cher­bourg, Brest, Calais, La Rochel­le, Tou­lon, Nice, Can­nes et le plus grand port fra­nçais à Mar­se­il­le (netway​.cz). La Fran­ce comp­te le quat­ri­ème plus grand nom­bre de sites cul­tu­rels du pat­ri­mo­ine mon­dial de l’U­NES­CO, avec près de 40 sites. Des pein­tres renom­més inc­lu­ent Édou­ard Manet, Edgar Degas, Clau­de Monet, Augus­te Reno­ir, Paul Cézan­ne, Paul Gau­gu­in, Hen­ri Matis­se. Pab­lo Picas­so, Vin­cent van Gogh, Marc Cha­gall, Ame­deo Modig­lia­ni, Was­si­ly Kan­din­sky ont éga­le­ment pas­sé du temps en Fran­ce. La Fran­ce est mem­bre fon­da­te­ur des Nati­ons unies (ONU), où elle détient l’un des cinq sièges per­ma­nents au Con­se­il de sécu­ri­té (Wiki­pe­dia ENG). Le pays pré­sen­te des cha­înes de mon­tag­nes tel­les que les Alpes, les Pyré­né­es, le Mas­sif Cen­tral, le Jura suis­se, les Vos­ges, le Mas­sif armo­ri­cain, les Arden­nes (Wiki­pe­dia).

La plus hau­te mon­tag­ne, le mont Blanc, en Euro­pe occi­den­ta­le (4810 mèt­res d’al­ti­tu­de), se trou­ve dans les Alpes fra­nçai­ses (ljly​sek​.cz). Out­re les Alpes, la Fran­ce abri­te les Pyré­né­es, le Jura, les Arden­nes, le Mas­sif Cen­tral et les Vos­ges. Les prin­ci­paux fle­uves com­pren­nent la Loire, la Garon­ne, la Sei­ne et le Rhin. Le pays comp­te jusqu­’à 136 espèces d’arb­res (fran​cuz​sko​.sk). La Fran­ce est célèb­re pour sa cuisi­ne et son vin, pro­du­isant plus de 400 types de fro­ma­ges et une vari­é­té de vins, dont le cham­pag­ne, le bor­de­aux, la bour­gog­ne, le beau­jo­lais. Des mets tels que les cuis­ses de gre­nou­il­le, les escar­gots, les mou­les et les fro­ma­ges sont des repré­sen­ta­ti­ons fières du pays. La Fran­ce a été l’un des pre­miers pays à cré­er un minis­tère de la pro­tec­ti­on de l’en­vi­ron­ne­ment. C’est une des­ti­na­ti­on tou­ris­ti­que popu­lai­re et possède un riche pat­ri­mo­ine cul­tu­rel. Des écri­vains célèb­res inc­lu­ent Denis Dide­rot, Char­les Bau­de­lai­re, Paul Ver­lai­ne, Vic­tor Hugo, Ale­xan­dre Dumas, Jules Ver­ne, Émi­le Zola, Hono­ré de Bal­zac, Guy de Mau­pas­sant, Albert Camus, Jean-​Paul Sar­tre, Anto­ine de Saint Exu­pé­ry, Stend­hal. Des phi­lo­sop­hes renom­més com­pren­nent René Des­car­tes, Jean-​Jacques Rousse

au, Vol­tai­re, Augus­te Com­te. Des scien­ti­fi­qu­es notab­les inc­lu­ent le mic­ro­bi­olo­gis­te Lou­is Pas­te­ur, le mat­hé­ma­ti­cien et phy­si­cien Hen­ri Poin­ca­ré, les phy­si­ciens Hen­ri Becqu­e­rel, Pier­re Curie, Marie Curie, Paul Lan­ge­vin, le viro­lo­gue Luc Mon­tag­nier. Des com­po­si­te­urs tels que Hec­tor Ber­li­oz, Geor­ges Bizet, Char­les Gou­nod, Jacqu­es Offen­bach, Jules Mas­se­net, Camil­le Saint-​Saëns, Mau­ri­ce Ravel, Clau­de Debus­sy (Wiki­pe­dia EN). Par­mi les per­son­na­li­tés con­tem­po­rai­nes figu­rent Pier­re de Cou­ber­tin, Jacques-​Yves Cous­te­au, Bri­git­te Bar­dot (wiki​pe​dia​.org). Par­mi les repré­sen­tants plus récents de la musi­que figu­rent Edith Piaf, Char­les Azna­vour, Ser­ge Gains­bourg, Mire­il­le Mat­hieu, Jean-​Michel Jar­re, David Guet­ta. Les frères Augus­te et Lou­is Lumi­ère ont créé le ciné­ma en 1895. Can­nes accu­e­il­le cha­que année le célèb­re fes­ti­val du film. La Fran­ce dans son ensem­ble a long­temps été le cen­tre cul­tu­rel du mon­de (Wiki­pe­dia EN).

Les régi­ons et leurs capi­ta­les : Alsa­ce – Stras­bourg, Aqu­itai­ne – Bor­de­aux, Auverg­ne – Clermont-​Ferrand, Brit­ta­ny – Ren­nes, Bur­gun­dy – Dijon, Cen­tre – Orlé­ans, Champagne-​Ardenne – Châlons-​en-​Champagne, Cor­si­ca – Ajac­cio, Franche-​Comté – Besa­nçon, Île-​de-​France – Paris, Languedoc-​Roussillon – Mont­pel­lier, Limou­sin – Limo­ges, Lor­rai­ne – Metz, Lower Nor­man­dy – Caen, Midi-​Pyrénées – Tou­lou­se, Nord-​Pas-​de-​Calais – Lil­le, Pays de la Loire – Nan­tes, Picar­dy – Amiens, Poitou-​Charentes – Poitiers, Provence-​Alpes-​Côte d’A­zur – Mar­se­il­le, Rhône-​Alpes – Lyon, Upper Nor­man­dy – Rou­en (Wiki­pe­dia EN). La cuisi­ne fra­nçai­se est mon­dia­le­ment con­nue. Plus de 400 types de fro­ma­ges et une vari­é­té de vins, dont le Cham­pag­ne, le Bor­de­aux, la Bour­gog­ne, le Beau­jo­lais, sont pro­du­its. Par­mi les spor­tifs célèb­res figu­rent Michel Pla­ti­ni, Just Fon­tai­ne, Thier­ry Hen­ry (Wiki­pe­dia EN).

Que­lqu­es endro­its inté­res­sants : Paris – Tour Eif­fel, Louv­re, Champs-​Élysées, Cen­tre Pompi­dou, Ver­sail­les ; châte­au de Cham­bord, châte­au de Che­non­ce­au, châte­au de Vil­lan­dry, Reims, Car­cas­son­ne, baie du Mont Saint-​Michel, Auverg­ne (des​ti​na​cie​.sk), vil­le fon­dée par les Romains Aix-​en-​Provence, Avig­non, Car­nac, Fon­tai­neb­le­au, cen­tre alpin de Gre­nob­le, lieu de pèle­ri­na­ge marial de Lour­des, Mar­se­il­le, Mona­co, Nice, Orlé­ans, Reims, Saint-​Tropez. Les Fra­nçais sont très polis, ils app­ré­cient l’é­lé­gan­ce disc­rète et décon­trac­tée. La mimi­que spon­ta­née, les ges­tes, les expres­si­ons émo­ti­on­nel­les et la com­mu­ni­ca­ti­vi­té sont typi­qu­es (cedok​.cz).


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Hud­ba je ume­lec­ký pre­jav vytvo­re­ný kom­bi­ná­ci­ou zvu­kov, meló­dií a ryt­mov. Môže byť vyko­ná­va­ná pomo­cou rôz­nych hudob­ných nástro­jov ale­bo vokál­nych tech­ník. Hud­ba má schop­nosť vyvo­lá­vať emó­cie, pre­ná­šať prí­be­hy a pôso­biť na poslu­chá­čov. Exis­tu­je mno­ho hudob­ných žán­rov a štý­lov, kto­ré sa líšia pod­ľa kul­túr­nych, his­to­ric­kých a regi­onál­nych vply­vov. Hudob­ný pre­jav zahŕňa ovlá­da­nie hudob­ných nástro­jov, inter­pre­tá­ciu skla­dieb a schop­nosť komu­ni­ko­vať cez hud­bu. Pro­fe­si­onál­ni muzi­kan­ti sa čas­to špe­cia­li­zu­jú na urči­tý nástroj ale­bo hudob­ný žáner a môžu pôso­biť v rôz­nych kon­tex­toch, vrá­ta­ne sólo­vých vystú­pe­ní, sku­pi­no­vých zosku­pe­ní. Hud­ba a muzi­kant­ský pre­jav majú v kul­tú­re a spo­loč­nos­ti význam­né mies­to, posky­tu­júc for­mu seba­vy­jad­re­nia a spô­sob, ako ľudia komu­ni­ku­jú umenie.

Music is an artis­tic expres­si­on cre­a­ted through the com­bi­na­ti­on of sounds, melo­dies, and rhythms. It can be per­for­med using vari­ous musi­cal ins­tru­ments or vocal tech­ni­qu­es. Music has the abi­li­ty to evo­ke emo­ti­ons, con­vey sto­ries, and impact lis­te­ners. The­re are many musi­cal gen­res and sty­les that vary based on cul­tu­ral, his­to­ri­cal, and regi­onal influ­en­ces. Musi­cal expres­si­on invol­ves mas­te­ring musi­cal ins­tru­ments, inter­pre­ting com­po­si­ti­ons, and the abi­li­ty to com­mu­ni­ca­te through music. Pro­fes­si­onal musi­cians often spe­cia­li­ze in a par­ti­cu­lar ins­tru­ment or musi­cal gen­re and can per­form in vari­ous con­texts, inc­lu­ding solo per­for­man­ces and group ensem­bles. Music and musi­cal expres­si­on hold a sig­ni­fi­cant pla­ce in cul­tu­re and socie­ty, pro­vi­ding a form of self-​expression and a way for peop­le to com­mu­ni­ca­te through art.

His­tó­ria hudby

Vznik hud­by môže­me dato­vať na dobu, kedy sa člo­vek sna­žil napo­dob­ňo­vať hla­sy živo­čí­chov. Išlo tak zrej­me tro­chu o pod­ve­do­mý efekt, kedy člo­vek pri­šiel na meló­diu. Neve­ri­li by ste, koľ­ko rôz­nych tónov je v krát­kej – tre­bárs 0.5 sekun­do­vej sek­ven­cii spe­vu neja­ké­ho vtá­ka. Zmys­ly člo­ve­ka to nedo­ká­žu vní­mať uve­do­mo­va­ne – je to ako pri sle­do­va­ní fil­mu, kedy si tiež neuve­do­mu­je­me, že film, kto­rý sle­du­je­me je pos­kla­da­ný zo sta­tic­kých obráz­kov, kto­ré idú rých­los­ťou 25 obráz­kov za sekun­du. Avšak mozog zrej­me evi­do­val tie­to meló­die a naučil postup­ne člo­ve­ka spievať.

His­to­ry of Music

The ori­gin of music can be tra­ced back to a time when humans attemp­ted to mimic the sounds of ani­mals. It was like­ly a some­what sub­con­sci­ous effect, whe­re humans dis­co­ve­red melo­dy. You would­n’t belie­ve how many dif­fe­rent tones are pre­sent in a short sequ­en­ce, such as a 0.5‑second sin­ging of a bird. Human sen­ses can­not con­sci­ous­ly per­ce­i­ve the­se tones, simi­lar to wat­ching a movie whe­re we don’t rea­li­ze that the film, which we are wat­ching, is com­po­sed of sta­tic ima­ges moving at a spe­ed of 25 fra­mes per second. Howe­ver, the brain like­ly regis­te­red the­se melo­dies and gra­du­al­ly taught humans to sing.

Ľudo­vá hudba

Ide zrej­me o naj­frek­ven­to­va­nej­šiu for­mu hud­by, aspoň pokiaľ ide o his­tó­riu. Bola to hud­ba oby­čaj­ne jed­no­du­chých ľudí, kto­rí si medzi sebou jed­not­li­vé diel­ka odo­vzdá­va­li počas mno­ho gene­rá­cii. Ľudo­vá hud­ba v dneš­nej podo­be je už znač­ne vyumel­ko­va­ná ume­lec­ký­mi nástroj­mi. K ľudo­vej hud­be bez­po­chy­by pat­rí aj špe­ci­fic­ký odev – kroj a zvy­ky jed­not­li­vých oblas­tí. Na Slo­ven­sku vznik­lo mno­ho dife­ren­co­va­ných folk­lór­nych oblas­tí, v kto­rých je bohat­stvo náro­da.

Folk Music

It is argu­ab­ly the most pre­va­lent form of music, at least in terms of his­to­ry. Folk music was the music of ordi­na­ry peop­le, who pas­sed indi­vi­du­al pie­ces among them­sel­ves through many gene­ra­ti­ons. Con­tem­po­ra­ry folk music has beco­me quite sop­his­ti­ca­ted with artis­tic ins­tru­ments. Folk music undoub­ted­ly inc­lu­des spe­ci­fic atti­re – folk cos­tu­mes and cus­toms of vari­ous regi­ons. In Slo­va­kia, nume­rous diver­si­fied folk­lo­re regi­ons have emer­ged, ref­lec­ting the rich­ness of the nation.

Jed­ným zo zvlášť ume­lec­ky hod­not­ných poči­nov je pou­ži­tie hudob­ných motí­vov v muzi­kál­nej – inštru­men­tál­ne for­me. Spo­me­niem napr. na celom sve­te zná­mu sku­pi­nu Ber­ky­ho Mre­ni­cu. Dia­bol­ské hus­le hovo­ria za všet­ko. Ten­to súbor sa skve­le popa­so­val aj z die­la­mi maj­strov kla­sic­kej hud­by, ako boli Johann Sebas­tian Bach, Edvard Hage­rup Grieg, Johan­nes Brahms atď. Inou sku­pi­nou je zná­my maďar­ský orches­ter Buda­pešť, kto­rý má úcty­hod­né para­met­re. Ďal­šou sku­pi­nou je v pod­sta­te hard­roc­ko­vá seve­ro­mo­rav­ská sku­pi­na Fle­ret, kto­rá čias­toč­ne využí­va motí­vy ľudo­vej hud­by. Ďal­šou sku­pi­nou je Toč­ko­lo­toč, viac­me­nej zosku­pe­nie bra­tov Peš­tov­cov, kto­rí hra­jú veľ­mi muzikálne.

One of the par­ti­cu­lar­ly artis­ti­cal­ly valu­ab­le ende­a­vors is the use of musi­cal motifs in the musi­cal – ins­tru­men­tal form. For exam­ple, I will men­ti­on the glo­bal­ly reno­wned group Ber­ky­ho Mre­ni­ca. The devi­lish violins spe­ak for them­sel­ves. This ensem­ble has hand­led mas­ter­pie­ces of clas­si­cal music mas­ters such as Johann Sebas­tian Bach, Edvard Hage­rup Grieg, Johan­nes Brahms, and others excel­len­tly. Anot­her group is the famous Hun­ga­rian orches­tra Buda­pest, which boasts impres­si­ve para­me­ters. Yet anot­her group is the essen­tial­ly hard rock North Mora­vian band Fle­ret, which par­tial­ly incor­po­ra­tes motifs from folk music. Anot­her group is Toč­ko­lo­toč, more or less an assem­bly of the Peš­to brot­hers, who play very musically.

Kla­sic­ká hudba

Počiat­ky kla­sic­kej hud­by sia­ha­jú snáď do 15. sto­ro­čia. Mys­lím, že dru­há ope­ra v his­tó­rii bola Daph­ne. Naj­pom­péz­nej­šou for­mou kla­sic­kej – váž­nej hud­by je prá­ve ope­ra. Je to vlast­ne spe­voh­ra. V minu­los­ti hudob­ní skla­da­te­lia skla­da­li množ­stvo opier, ako sto­ro­čia ubie­ha­li, ich počet kle­sal. Dnes sa kom­po­nu­jú aj hyb­ri­dy ako roc­ko­vá ope­ra apod. Hudob­né die­la sa skla­da­li väč­ši­nou pre duchov­né úče­ly, postup­ne chrá­mo­vú hud­bu nahrá­dza svet­ská. Veli­kán­mi sve­to­vej hud­by boli napr. – Johann Sebas­tian Bach, Wolf­gang Ama­de­us Mozart, Ludwig van Beet­ho­ven, Peter Iljič Čaj­kov­skij, Hec­tor Ber­li­oz, Franz Schu­bert, Fre­de­ryk Cho­pin, Robert Schum­mann, Edvard Hage­rup Grieg, Anto­nio Vival­di, Gius­se­pe Ver­di, Gioaci­no Puc­ci­ni. Medzi naj­sláv­nej­šie die­la pat­rí Ver­di­ho Nabuc­co, Rigo­let­to, Tra­viat­ta, Mozar­to­va Figa­ro­va svad­ba, Don Giovan­ni, Requ­iem, Puc­ci­ni­ho Bar­bier zo Sevil­ly, Tos­ca, Vival­di­ho Šty­ri roč­né obdo­bia, Grie­gov Peer Gynt, Ber­li­ozo­va Fan­tas­tic­ká sym­fó­nia, Beet­ho­ve­no­va 9. sym­fó­nia Óda na radosť, Bacho­va Fúga A moll, Čaj­kov­ské­ho Labu­tie jaze­ro, Lus­ká­čik, Schu­ber­to­ve piesne …

Clas­si­cal Music

The begin­nings of clas­si­cal music date back to per­haps the 15th cen­tu­ry. I belie­ve the second ope­ra in his­to­ry was Daph­ne. The most pompous form of clas­si­cal – seri­ous music is, in fact, ope­ra. It is essen­tial­ly a musi­cal dra­ma. In the past, com­po­sers com­po­sed nume­rous ope­ras, but as cen­tu­ries pas­sed, the­ir num­ber dec­li­ned. Today, hyb­rids like rock ope­ras are also com­po­sed, and so on. Musi­cal works were most­ly com­po­sed for spi­ri­tu­al pur­po­ses, gra­du­al­ly repla­ced by secu­lar music. Giants of world music inc­lu­de, for exam­ple, Johann Sebas­tian Bach, Wolf­gang Ama­de­us Mozart, Ludwig van Beet­ho­ven, Peter Iljič Čaj­kov­skij, Hec­tor Ber­li­oz, Franz Schu­bert, Fre­de­ryk Cho­pin, Robert Schum­mann, Edvard Hage­rup Grieg, Anto­nio Vival­di, Gius­se­pe Ver­di, Gioaci­no Puc­ci­ni. Among the most famous works are Ver­di­’s Nabuc­co, Rigo­let­to, Tra­viat­ta, Mozar­t’s The Mar­ria­ge of Figa­ro, Don Giovan­ni, Requ­iem, Puc­ci­ni­’s The Bar­ber of Sevil­le, Tos­ca, Vival­di­’s The Four Sea­sons, Grie­g’s Peer Gynt, Ber­li­oz’s Symp­ho­nie fan­tas­ti­que, Beet­ho­ve­n’s 9th Symp­ho­ny Ode to Joy, Bach’s Fugue in A Minor, Tchai­kov­sky­’s Swan Lake, The Nutc­rac­ker, Schu­ber­t’s songs, and more.

Okrem ope­ry exis­tu­jú aj iné kla­sic­ké for­my hudob­ných diel, sym­fó­nie, ope­re­ty, suity, menu­e­ty, kon­cer­ty, pol­ky, mazur­ky, fúgy, balet, pies­ne, fil­har­mo­nic­ké die­la, die­la pre slá­či­ko­vé kvar­te­tá atď. Aj z kla­sic­kej hud­by čer­pa­li nie­kto­rí umel­ci z iných oblas­tí, resp. opač­ne. Napr. vyš­šie spo­mí­na­ný Ber­ky Mre­ni­ca, ďalej Vanes­sa Mae – kto­rá hrá Johan­na Sebas­tia­na Bacha – váž­ne aj v pop‑e. Ďal­šie prí­kla­dy: Apo­ca­lyp­ti­ca – fín­ske zosku­pe­nie hra­jú­ce reper­to­ár meta­lo­vej for­má­cie Metal­li­ca. Marián Var­ga, kto­rý naj­mä v zosku­pe­ní Col­le­gium Musi­cum na klá­ve­soch doslo­va čaru­je. Jeho Hom­ma­ge alla Bach, ale­bo napr. sklad­ba na motí­vy Kor­sa­ko­vo­vej Šehe­re­zá­dy, sú gran­di­óz­ne. Lon­dýn­sky sym­fo­nic­ký orches­ter zvyk­ne z času na čas vypro­du­ko­vať v pod­sta­te kla­sic­ké die­lo na motí­vy popu­lár­nej hud­by. Mys­lím, že je to sluš­né oce­ne­nie pre hudob­né tele­sá. Napr. z pro­duk­cie sku­pín ABBA, Jeth­ro Tull, Poli­ce. Málo­kto­rý ume­lec – skla­da­teľ doká­že kom­po­no­vať v rôz­nych žán­roch, tobôž nie v cel­kom odliš­ných sme­roch. Pau­lo­vi McCar­tne­y­mu sa to poda­ri­lo – ide o uni­kát­ny prí­pad, kedy skla­da­teľ sláv­nej roc­ko­vej sku­pi­ny Beat­les zlo­žil cel­kom úspeš­ne kla­sic­ké die­lo – mys­lím, že šlo dokon­ca o chrá­mo­vé sym­fo­nic­ké die­lo. Podob­né motí­vy ako v kla­sic­kej hud­be mož­no nájsť naj­mä v jaz­ze.

In addi­ti­on to ope­ra, the­re are also other clas­si­cal forms of musi­cal com­po­si­ti­ons, such as symp­ho­nies, ope­ret­tas, suites, minu­ets, con­cer­tos, pol­kas, mazur­kas, fugu­es, bal­lets, songs, phil­har­mo­nic works, com­po­si­ti­ons for string quar­tets, and so on. Some artists from other gen­res drew ins­pi­ra­ti­on from clas­si­cal music, and vice ver­sa. For exam­ple, the afo­re­men­ti­oned Ber­ky Mre­ni­ca, Vanes­sa Mae – who pla­ys Johann Sebas­tian Bach, both in clas­si­cal and pop music. Other exam­ples inc­lu­de Apo­ca­lyp­ti­ca, a Fin­nish group pla­y­ing the reper­to­ire of the metal band Metal­li­ca. Marian Var­ga, espe­cial­ly in the group Col­le­gium Musi­cum, cap­ti­va­tes with his key­bo­ard skills. His Hom­ma­ge alla Bach or com­po­si­ti­ons ins­pi­red by Rimsky-​Korsakov’s Sche­he­ra­za­de are mag­ni­fi­cent. The Lon­don Symp­ho­ny Orches­tra occa­si­onal­ly pro­du­ces essen­tial­ly clas­si­cal works based on popu­lar music the­mes. I think it’s a decent recog­ni­ti­on for musi­cal ensem­bles. For ins­tan­ce, pro­duc­ti­ons from groups like ABBA, Jeth­ro Tull, and The Poli­ce. Not many artists or com­po­sers can com­po­se in vari­ous gen­res, let alo­ne enti­re­ly dif­fe­rent direc­ti­ons. Paul McCar­tney achie­ved this – a uni­que case whe­re the com­po­ser of the famous rock group The Beat­les suc­cess­ful­ly com­po­sed a clas­si­cal work, even a symp­ho­nic work for the church. Simi­lar motifs to clas­si­cal music can be found, espe­cial­ly in jazz.

Nie­kto­ré kla­sic­ké die­la vyža­du­jú vyso­kú inštru­men­tál­nu zruč­nosť pri hra­ní na hudob­né nástro­je. Je cel­kom pocho­pi­teľ­né, že sami skla­da­te­lia ňou čas­to oplý­va­li. Za naj­väč­šie­ho kla­vír­ne­ho vir­tu­ó­za sa pokla­dá zrej­me Artur Rubins­te­in, za hus­ľo­vých vir­tu­ó­zov zase Sebas­tia­no Cor­rel­li, Anto­nio Vival­di, Nico­lo Paga­ni­ni. Ich veľ­kým obdi­vo­va­te­ľom a rov­na­ko skve­lým vir­tu­ó­zov bol aj rela­tív­ne nedáv­no zosnu­lý Yehu­di Menuhin.

V posled­nej dobe sa roz­trh­lo vre­ce s muzi­kál­mi. Ide o kom­bi­ná­ciu hud­bydivad­la. Vo sve­te sú naj­zná­mej­šie My Fair Lady, Hel­lo Dol­ly, Cho­rus Line, v našich kon­či­nách sú to Jesus Christ Supers­tar, Johan­ka z Arku, Dra­cu­la, Rusal­ka, Pomáda.

Some clas­si­cal works requ­ire high ins­tru­men­tal skill when pla­y­ed on musi­cal ins­tru­ments. It is quite unders­tan­dab­le that com­po­sers them­sel­ves often excel­led in this skill. Artur Rubins­te­in is con­si­de­red one of the gre­a­test pia­no vir­tu­osos, whi­le Sebas­tia­no Cor­rel­li, Anto­nio Vival­di, and Nico­lo Paga­ni­ni are regar­ded as vir­tu­osos on the violin. The late Yehu­di Menu­hin was not only a gre­at admi­rer but also an equ­al­ly excel­lent vir­tu­oso in his own right.

Už dlh­ší čas je popu­lár­na hud­ba najp­re­fe­ro­va­nej­šiu for­mu hud­by súčas­nos­ti. Exis­tu­je mno­ho štý­lov, od muzi­kál­nych až po gýčo­vi­té elek­tro­nic­ké výplo­dy. Ja spo­me­niem hlav­ne tie (aj kla­sic­ké štý­ly), kto­ré hod­no­tím ako pozi­tív­ne. Pro­sím o zho­vie­va­vosť s kate­gó­ria­mi hud­by, nedá sa všet­ko jed­no­du­cho zaradiť.

For quite some time, popu­lar music has been the most pre­fer­red form of con­tem­po­ra­ry music. The­re are many sty­les, ran­ging from musi­cal to kits­chy elect­ro­nic cre­a­ti­ons. I will men­ti­on main­ly tho­se (inc­lu­ding clas­si­cal sty­les) that I con­si­der posi­ti­ve. Ple­a­se be unders­tan­ding about the cate­go­ri­za­ti­on of music; it’s not alwa­ys straightforward.


Počiat­ky jaz­zu sia­ha­jú do kon­ca 19. st. a začiat­ku 20. sto­ro­čia. Ide o hud­bu afro­ame­ri­ča­nov, za kolís­ku sa pova­žu­je New Orle­ans. Pod­ľa mňa ide o naj­mu­zi­kál­nej­šiu for­mu. Za skve­lých muzi­kan­tov pova­žu­jem tých­to (za pomlč­kou nasle­du­je umel­cov hlav­ný umel­cov nástroj): Her­bie Hanc­kock – pia­no, fun­ky jazz, fun­ky, fusi­on, Chick Corea – pia­no, Al Di Meola – gita­ra, Bob­by McFer­rin – vokál, Char­lie Par­ker, Dex­ter Gor­don – saxo­fón, Step­han­ne Grap­pe­li – hus­le, Michel Pet­ruc­cia­ni – kla­vír, Miles Davis – Be bop, John Sco­field – gita­ra, Joe Hen­der­son – saxo­fón, Ben­ny Good­man – kla­ri­net, Lou­is Arm­s­trong – trúb­ka, Diz­zy Giles­pie – trúb­ka, Sarah Vaug­han, Joni Mit­chell – vokál, folk jazz, Bix Bei­der­bec­ke – trúb­ka, Duke Elling­ton, Pat Met­he­ny – gita­ra, Micha­el Brec­ker, Ella Fitz­ge­rald, Jack DeJoh­net­te, Joe Zavi­nul, Jaco Pas­to­rius – gita­ra, John Col­tra­ne, Keith Jar­rett, Ray Char­les – old jazz, Mar­vin Gaye, John McLaugh­lin. Z našich napr. Peter Lipa – spev, Peter Bar­toš – trub­kár­sky virtuóz.


The ori­gins of jazz date back to the late 19th and ear­ly 20th cen­tu­ries. It is a music form of Afri­can Ame­ri­cans, with New Orle­ans being con­si­de­red its birthp­la­ce. Accor­ding to me, it is the most musi­cal form. I con­si­der the fol­lo­wing musi­cians outs­tan­ding (ins­tru­ment pla­y­ed is men­ti­oned after the dash):

Her­bie Hanc­kock – pia­no, fun­ky jazz, fun­ky, fusi­on, Chick Corea – pia­no, Al Di Meola – guitar, Bob­by McFer­rin – vocals, Char­lie Par­ker, Dex­ter Gor­don – saxop­ho­ne, Step­han­ne Grap­pe­li – violin, Michel Pet­ruc­cia­ni – pia­no, Miles Davis – Be bop, John Sco­field – guitar, Joe Hen­der­son – saxop­ho­ne, Ben­ny Good­man – cla­ri­net, Lou­is Arm­s­trong – trum­pet, Diz­zy Giles­pie – trum­pet, Sarah Vaug­han, Joni Mit­chell – vocals, folk jazz, Bix Bei­der­bec­ke – trum­pet, Duke Elling­ton, Pat Met­he­ny – guitar, Micha­el Brec­ker, Ella Fitz­ge­rald, Jack DeJoh­net­te, Joe Zavi­nul, Jaco Pas­to­rius – guitar, John Col­tra­ne, Keith Jar­rett Ray Char­les – old jazz, Mar­vin Gaye, John McLaugh­lin. From our regi­on, for exam­ple, Peter Lipa – vocals, Peter Bar­toš – trum­pet virtuoso.

Jazz­funk: Her­bie Han­cock – pia­no, Jami­ro­qu­ai, Jazz­rock: Andrej Šeban – gita­ra, Car­los San­ta­na – gita­ra, Erich Boboš Pro­cház­ka & The Fro­zen Dozen, Jack Bru­ce – gita­ra, Orches­tral Rock: Col­le­gium Musi­cum, Blu­es: Eric Clap­ton, Gar­ry Moore, B.B. King, Hans The­es­sink – gita­ra (no keď spus­tí, znie to ako orches­ter), Jack Bru­ce – gita­ra, Blu­es Rock: Joe Cocker

Jazz­funk: Her­bie Han­cock – pia­no, Jami­ro­qu­ai, Jazz­rock: Andrej Šeban – guitar, Car­los San­ta­na – guitar, Erich Boboš Pro­cház­ka & The Fro­zen Dozen, Jack Bru­ce – guitar, Orches­tral Rock: Col­le­gium Musi­cum, Blu­es: Eric Clap­ton, Gar­ry Moore, B.B. King, Hans The­es­sink – guitar (when he starts pla­y­ing, it sounds like an orches­tra), Jack Bru­ce – guitar, Blu­es Rock: Joe Cocker


Ťaž­ko pre mňa defi­no­va­teľ­ný štýl, kto­rý pre mňa nemá v sebe jas­ný komerč­ný vplyv: Sting – svo­jou hud­bou oslo­vil aj jaz­zo­vých umel­cov, Bru­ce Spring­ste­en, Red Hot Chil­li Pep­pers, Joe Coc­ker, Que­en na začiat­ku kari­é­ry. Extre­me, Dire Straits, Bon Jovi, Cre­e­den­ce Cle­ar­wa­ter Revi­val, Naza­reth, Pink Flo­yd, R.E.M., Red Hot Chil­li Pep­pers, Rol­ling Sto­nes, She­ryl Crow, Super­tramp, U2, Deep Purp­le, Fred­die Mer­cu­ry, Jack Bru­ce, Len­ny Kra­vitz, Andrej Šeban – gita­ra, Oskar Róz­sa – bas­gi­ta­ra, Fer­má­ta, Vlas­ta Redl, Wanas­to­vi Vje­cy, Fero Grig­lák – gita­ra, Juraj Grig­lák – bas­gi­ta­ra, Fedor Fre­šo, Le Pay­aco, Lucie, Olympic.


A sty­le that is hard for me to defi­ne, and for me, it lacks a cle­ar com­mer­cial influ­en­ce: Sting – through his music, he has appe­a­led to jazz artists as well, Bru­ce Spring­ste­en, Red Hot Chi­li Pep­pers, Joe Coc­ker, Que­en in the ear­ly days. Extre­me, Dire Straits, Bon Jovi, Cre­e­den­ce Cle­ar­wa­ter Revi­val, Naza­reth, Pink Flo­yd, R.E.M., Red Hot Chi­li Pep­pers, Rol­ling Sto­nes, She­ryl Crow, Super­tramp, U2, Deep Purp­le, Fred­die Mer­cu­ry, Jack Bru­ce, Len­ny Kra­vitz, Andrej Šeban – guitar, Oskar Róz­sa – bass guitar, Fer­má­ta, Vlas­ta Redl, Wanas­to­vi Vje­cy, Fero Grig­lák – guitar, Juraj Grig­lák – bass guitar, Fedor Fre­šo, Le Pay­aco, Lucie, Olympic.

  • Slo­wrock: Elton John – pia­no, Chris Rea
  • Hard­rock: Joe Sat­ria­ni – gita­ra, Deff Lep­pard, Nir­va­na, Extre­me, Strom­bo­li, Aeros­mith, Apocalyptica
  • Rene­sain­ce Rock: Jeth­ro Tull, Ian Ander­son, Blackmore‘s Night
  • Symp­ho­nic Rock: Col­le­gium Musicum
  • Old Rock: Roling Sto­nes, John Lennon
  • Soft­rock: Smo­kie, Bee Gees, Elán

Slo­wrock: Elton John – pia­no, Chris Rea Hard­rock: Joe Sat­ria­ni – guitar, Def Lep­pard, Nir­va­na, Extre­me, Strom­bo­li, Aeros­mith, Apo­ca­lyp­ti­ca Renais­san­ce Rock: Jeth­ro Tull, Ian Ander­son, Black­mo­re­’s Night Symp­ho­nic Rock: Col­le­gium Musi­cum Old Rock: Rol­ling Sto­nes, John Len­non Soft­rock: Smo­kie, Bee Gees, Elán

Iné žán­re

  • Soul: Lisa Stans­field, Sade
  • Soul­pop: Richard Müller
  • Punk: Sex Pistols
  • A capel­la – čis­to vokál­ny štýl: Clo­se Har­mo­ny Friends – sku­pi­na oko­lo Mária Fan­čo­vi­ča vznik­nu­tá v Nit­re, Fragile
  • Avan­tgar­de: Jabl­koň – veľ­mi čudes­ná muzika
  • Big Beat: Dežo Ursi­ny – gita­ra, Jiří Sche­lin­ger – gitara
  • Reggae: Bob Marley
  • Chan­son: Tom Jones, Hana Hege­ro­vá, Gil­bert Becaud
  • Folk: Paul Simon – gita­ra, Art Gar­fun­kel – gita­ra, AG Flek, Bron­to­sau­ři, Jan Ned­věd – gita­ra, Fran­ti­šek Ned­věd – gita­ra, Karel Kryl – gita­ra, Vlas­ta Redl – gita­ra, Lenk, Janoušek
  • Folk­pop: Len­ka Fili­po­vá – gitara
  • Folk­rock: Bob Dylan – spev, gita­ra, Jana Kir­schner – gita­ra, Len­ka Fili­po­vá – gita­ra, Vlas­ta Redl – gitara
  • Folk­lor Folk: Vlas­ta Redl – gita­ra, AG Flek, Hradišťan
  • Folk­lor Rock: Vlas­ta Redl – gita­ra, Fleret
  • Fun­ky: Kool and The Gang
  • Hip Hop: N‘Sync
  • Hip­pies: John Len­non, Beat­les, Paul McCar­tney, Inde­pen­den­te, U2, Radi­ohe­ad, The Cure, Buty
  • Lati­no Pop: Nata­lia Ore­i­ro, Sha­ki­ra, Glo­ria Este­fan, Fla­men­co, Paco de Lucia, Mar­tin Bies
  • Metal: Black Sab­bath, Metallica
  • Oldies: Frank Sinat­ra, Herman‘s Her­mits, Temp­ta­ti­ons, Per­cy Sled­ge, Mar­ma­la­de, K.C. & The Suns­hi­ne Band, Jan & Dean
  • Orches­tral: Mike Old­field, Enya, Mezzoforte
  • Pop: ABBA, Madon­na, No Name, Tatu, Elán, Lucie Bílá
  • Pop Folk: Miro­slav Žbir­ka – gitara
  • Club: Sade – vokál
  • Vocal: Bára Basi­ko­vá, Lucie Bílá
  • Modern Clas­sic: Zbig­niew Preisner
  • Muzi­kal: Galt Mac­Der­mot, Lucie Bílá
  • Psy­che­de­lic: Lore­e­na McKen­nit, Micha­el Kocáb, Natá­lie Kocá­bo­vá, Praž­ský výběr
  • Soundt­rack: Zbig­niew Pre­is­ner, Ennio Morricone

Soul: Lisa Stans­field, Sade Soul­pop: Richard Mül­ler Punk: Sex Pis­tols A capel­la – pure­ly vocal sty­le: Clo­se Har­mo­ny Friends – a group around Mário Fan­čo­vič for­med in Nit­ra, Fra­gi­le Avan­tgar­de: Jabl­koň – very pecu­liar music Big Beat: Dežo Ursi­ny – guitar, Jiří Sche­lin­ger – guitar Reggae: Bob Mar­ley Chan­son: Tom Jones, Hana Hege­ro­vá, Gil­bert Becaud Folk: Paul Simon – guitar, Art Gar­fun­kel – guitar, AG Flek, Bron­to­sau­ři, Jan Ned­věd – guitar, Fran­ti­šek Ned­věd – guitar, Karel Kryl – guitar, Vlas­ta Redl – guitar, Lenk, Janou­šek Folk­pop: Len­ka Fili­po­vá – guitar Folk­rock: Bob Dylan – vocals, guitar, Jana Kir­schner – guitar, Len­ka Fili­po­vá – guitar, Vlas­ta Redl – guitar Folk­lo­re Folk: Vlas­ta Redl – guitar, AG Flek, Hra­diš­ťan Folk­lo­re Rock: Vlas­ta Redl – guitar, Fle­ret Fun­ky: Kool and The Gang Hip Hop: N‘Sync Hip­pies: John Len­non, Beat­les, Paul McCar­tney, Inde­pen­den­te, U2, Radi­ohe­ad, The Cure, Buty Lati­no Pop: Nata­lia Ore­i­ro, Sha­ki­ra, Glo­ria Este­fan, Fla­men­co, Paco de Lucia, Mar­tin Bies Metal: Black Sab­bath, Metal­li­ca Oldies: Frank Sinat­ra, Her­ma­n’s Her­mits, Temp­ta­ti­ons, Per­cy Sled­ge, Mar­ma­la­de, K.C. & The Suns­hi­ne Band, Jan & Dean Orches­tral: Mike Old­field, Enya, Mez­zo­for­te Pop: ABBA, Madon­na, No Name, Tatu, Elán, Lucie Bílá Pop Folk: Miro­slav Žbir­ka – guitar Club: Sade – vocals Vocal: Bára Basi­ko­vá, Lucie Bílá Modern Clas­sic: Zbig­niew Pre­is­ner Musi­cal: Galt Mac­Der­mot, Lucie Bílá Psy­che­de­lic: Lore­e­na McKen­nit, Micha­el Kocáb, Natá­lie Kocá­bo­vá, Praž­ský výběr Soundt­rack: Zbig­niew Pre­is­ner, Ennio Morricone

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