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Kaž­dý rok sa mes­to Bra­ti­sla­va pri­pra­vu­je na posled­ný deň v roku – Sil­ves­ter. V posled­nom obdo­bí je vyvr­cho­le­ním osláv ohňos­troj nad Duna­jom. Ulič­ky v cen­tre sú večer na Sil­ves­tra plné ľudí. Oby­va­te­lia zvyk­nú variť kapustnicu.

Each year, the city of Bra­ti­sla­va pre­pa­res for the last day of the year – New Yea­r’s Eve, also kno­wn as Sil­ves­ter. In recent times, the cul­mi­na­ti­on of the celeb­ra­ti­ons is the fire­works disp­lay over the Danu­be. The stre­ets in the city cen­ter are fil­led with peop­le on New Yea­r’s Eve. It is a tra­di­ti­on for resi­dents to cook sau­erk­raut soup for the occasion.

Sil­ves­ter v Lama­či 2012

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