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Dech­ti­ce ležia na úpä­tí Malých Kar­pát (dech​ti​ce​.sk), v nad­mor­skej výš­ke 186 met­rov nad morom. Na plo­che 19.46 km2 žije 1853 oby­va­te­ľov (Wiki­pe­dia). Prvá písom­ná zmien­ka o obci je z roku 1258. Pat­ri­li pan­stvu Dob­rá voda. Oby­va­te­lia sa veno­va­li roľ­níc­tvu, vinoh­rad­níc­tvu, dre­vo­ru­bač­stvu a hrn­čiar­stvu. Od 16. sto­ro­čia bol v obci habán­sky dvor. Do 1. sve­to­vej voj­ny sa tu vyrá­ba­li džbán­ky (dech​ti​ce​.sk). Úze­mím kata­stra pre­te­ká rie­ka Bla­va. V kata­stri obce sa nachá­dza výlet­né mies­to, zrú­ca­ni­na Kata­rín­ka (dech​ti​ce​.sk). V obci sa nachá­dza Kos­tol Všet­kých svä­tých, román­ska rotun­da z roku 1172 (dech​ti​ce​.sk), rím­sko­ka­to­líc­ky kos­tol svä­tej Kata­rí­ny Ale­xan­drij­skej z roku 1652 a kapl­n­ka z roku 1743 zasvä­te­ná Pan­ne Márii Kar­mel­skej. Kaž­do­roč­ne sa v Dech­ti­ciach kona­jú púte (Wiki­pe­dia).

V Dech­ti­ciach sa nachá­dza kos­tol svä­té­ho Micha­la Archan­je­la a kos­tol svä­té­ho Ladi­sla­va. Neďa­le­ko sa nachá­dza Čer­ve­ný Kameň, mes­to Trna­va, Kata­rín­ka.

Dech­ti­ce is situ­ated at the foot­hills of the Small Car­pat­hians (dech​ti​ce​.sk), at an ele­va­ti­on of 186 meters abo­ve sea level. It covers an area of 19.46 km², and as of the latest avai­lab­le infor­ma­ti­on, it is home to 1,853 inha­bi­tants (Wiki­pe­dia). The first writ­ten men­ti­on of the vil­la­ge dates back to 1258 when it belo­n­ged to the Dob­rá voda esta­te. The resi­dents were enga­ged in agri­cul­tu­re, viti­cul­tu­re, log­ging, and potte­ry. From the 16th cen­tu­ry, the­re was a Hut­te­ri­te colo­ny in the vil­la­ge, which con­ti­nu­ed until World War I. Befo­re the war, Dech­ti­ce was kno­wn for its potte­ry pro­duc­ti­on, par­ti­cu­lar­ly the craf­ting of jugs (dech​ti​ce​.sk). The Bla­va River flo­ws through the vil­la­ge­’s ter­ri­to­ry. Wit­hin the muni­ci­pal cadas­tre, the­re is a popu­lar excur­si­on des­ti­na­ti­on — the ruins of Kata­rín­ka (dech​ti​ce​.sk). The vil­la­ge is home to the Church of All Saints, a Roma­ne­sque rotun­da dating back to 1172 (dech​ti​ce​.sk), a Roman Cat­ho­lic church dedi­ca­ted to St. Cat­he­ri­ne of Ale­xan­dria from 1652, and a cha­pel built in 1743 dedi­ca­ted to Our Lady of Mount Car­mel. Annu­al pilg­ri­ma­ges take pla­ce in Dech­ti­ce (Wiki­pe­dia).

In Dech­ti­ce, you­’ll find the Church of St. Micha­el the Archan­gel and the Church of St. Ladis­laus. Near­by, the­re are Čer­ve­ný Kameň Cast­le, the city of Trna­va, and Katarínka.


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